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, " sastrawan " <sastrawan@h...> wrote:

> me from this group




Now is that any way to welcome Andy to the group!? *lol*


But seriously, unsubscribing isn't so tricky. There is no moderator here so

you must do it for yourself. At the bottom of every message you get or every

digest or however you get messages here, there are instructions

or a link to click to take you to the place to get removed. It might take a day

for it to go into effect, but it works. Here ya go. No need to thank me, but I


chocolates. ;-)


Un: -


~ P_T ~

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Send an email here and do it yourself.







" If, at first, you do succeed, try to hide your astonishment. "






> " sastrawan " <sastrawan



>Re: Introduction

>Fri, 25 Oct 2002 11:14:38 +0700


> me from this group


> " andyle40ql " <andrew.smith7


>Thursday, October 24, 2002 2:33 PM

> Introduction



> > Hi, my name's Andy and I have just joined. Haven't had time to look

> > round the site yet but will be looking for recipes that serve one.

> > All the magazines I have seem to think the smallest number people

> > cook for is 4. Looking forward to getting to know folks and sharing

> > Andy

> >

> >

> >

> > contact owner: -owner

> > Mail list:

> > Delivered-mailing list

> > List-Un: -

> >

> > no flaming arguing or denigration of others allowed

> > contact owner with complaints regarding posting/list

> > or anything else. Thank you.

> > please share/comment/inform and mostly enjoy this list

> >

> >

> >

> >

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  • 3 months later...

Welcome, Susie. I am glad you joined us. I would love to work in a


store. That must have been a lot of fun. Likely not as much fun as

being a

SAHM of a three year old though. ;)


~ f ~


The great rulers - the people do not notice their existence. The

lesser ones

they attach to and praise them. The still lesser ones - they fear

them. The

still lesser ones - they despise them. For where faith is lacking it

cannot be

met by faith.

-Tao Te Ching


, " artichoke72x " <

artichoke72x> wrote:

> hi everyone!

> i'm new to the list.

> my name is susie. ..... am lucky to be able to stay home with our

> 3 year old son (whom i'm raising as a vegetarian).

> i love to cook and am especially obsessed with asian

> food (esp. indian, thai, and vietna lote). i cook

> alot of tex-mex too.

> i'm looking forward to being on this list.

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  • 4 weeks later...
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Hi everyone! Good to join this list.


I just finished a whole foods cooking school that emphasized local,

fresh, organic produce and was primarily vegetarian. I cook only

vegetarian and look forward to reading and sharing recipes!

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  • 2 months later...
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hi Shannon


welcome, I am glad the the military is willing to accomodate for

vegetarians cause a friend of mine was thinking of going in the navy

but afraid they wouldn't have vegetarian food for her. well enjoy

yourself here stay cool Dave

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Welcome Shannon!


Thanks for being in the Army! I'm interested in finding out how you

got through BT... My roomie and I had a debate one day that " being a

vegetarian, you couldn't get enough calories in the mess hall to get

through Boot Camp. " Obviously, I disagreed, but not having any data

to back me up....


Welcome to the group!




, " Shannon Turner "

<stpeta17> wrote:

> Hello everyone! Thanx for the invite. My name is Shannon, I am 17

> years old, I have been a lacto-ovo vegetarian for almost 3 years

> now. I am a big part of the animal rights group PETA. After

> watching a few of there videos I vowed to never eat meat again. I

> feel a lot healthier and am more energetic. I am in the U.S.


> I am mechanic or a wheeled vehicle repairer if ya wanna get

> specific. My hometown is in Virginia Beach, but I'm leaving for


> Jackson in 2 weeks. Thats in Columbia, South Carolina. I


> high school when I was 16, and then joined the ARMY as soon as I

> turned 17. (For those that don't know: you can join the military


> 17, but with parental consent) This looks like a real nice


> I'm eager to listen to everyones stories in the wonderful world of

> vegetarianism.

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Warm welcome Camilla. I hope you will enjoy your

stay here and I look forward to reading your posts. :)


~ PT ~


Truth has no special time of its own.

Its hour is now -- always.

~ Albert Schweitzer (1875-1965)


, " rosapolaris " <

rosapolaris> wrote:

> Hi,

> Just wanted to say hello and introduce myself briefly. I'm a vegan,

> since about 6-7 years. I'm a student (humanities and languages) and

> writer (not published yet, but working on it). My family includes my

> mom, my sister and several dogs and cats. We live in Sweden. My

> favorite type of food is pasta in various forms.

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  • 2 months later...
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Hi, My name is Debra. I am married with 3 grown daughters, and a

17yo son still at home. My guys are committed carnivores. I'm hoping

to get ideas from you on meals my meat-eaters will eat along with

me. I am totally new to vegetarianism. I've never enjoyed meat and

have always eaten very little of it. Nutritionally I felt it was a

necessary evil. I am very interested in learning to prepare a

nutritionally sound vegetarian diet. I am an animal lover

extrordiaire! I have 5 cats, 2 dogs, 3 horses, and a bird. Ironicly,

the decision to feed my caniverous creatures a raw meat diet, which

is best for them, helped me decide to take the plunge into

vegetarianism for myself. I'm not familiar with the different kinds

of vegetarians, but I'm sure I can count on you guys to help me out

there. Are there any books or websites you recommend? I'll probably

stay in lurk mode most of the time while I learn enough to

participate intelligently. Thanks in advance for your



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  • 2 months later...

My pediatrician is a vegetarian, so that makes it easy! However, I didn't know

that to begin with. I just got lucky!


I did a lot of research on vegetarian pregnancies and I think a pregnant woman

can get all she needs from a veg diet. There are lots of articles online.

HOWEVER, I didn't research the VEGAN diet during pregnancy since I still eat

dairy and eggs. I'm sure you can find something if you type in " vegan " and

" pregnancy " on .


Jan :)


> Barbara Cosart <bcosart

> 2003/10/30 Thu PM 04:38:29 EST


> Introduction






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I took Solgar's prenatal vitamin. I know it is vegetarian friendly, not sure

if vegan. Check their website.


Barbara Cosart [bcosart]

Thursday, October 30, 2003 4:38 PM




Hello all,


I'd like to introduce myself as a new list member

(though I had lurked for a while before before signing

off to handle a big move). I know this list is going

to be an extremely helpful resource.


My husband (vegetarian for three years) and I

(vegetarian for 10 years, vegan for three) are now

trying to conceive. I have some anxiety about dealing

with family and physicians, but for the moment I just

have one question--Can anyone recommend a good vegan

prenatal vitamin? Also, we are in Austin, Texas, and I

wouldn't mind hearing from my neighbors!


Thanks, and I'm looking forward to hearing from you.






Exclusive Video Premiere - Britney Spears




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An excellent resource for those trying to conceive is the book

Taking Charge of Your Fertility. I also recommend that when you do

conceive choose a midwife as a birth attendant. Not only do midwives

prvide the gold standard of prenatal care (best outcome for mother

and baby) most are well versed in vegetarianism/veganism during

pregnancy. If they themselves are not veg savvy they can recommend

a midwife who is.

Good luck.




, " Karyn " <karyn@3...> wrote:

> I took Solgar's prenatal vitamin. I know it is vegetarian

friendly, not sure

> if vegan. Check their website.

> Karyn


> Barbara Cosart [bcosart]

> Thursday, October 30, 2003 4:38 PM


> Introduction



> Hello all,


> I'd like to introduce myself as a new list member

> (though I had lurked for a while before before signing

> off to handle a big move). I know this list is going

> to be an extremely helpful resource.


> My husband (vegetarian for three years) and I

> (vegetarian for 10 years, vegan for three) are now

> trying to conceive. I have some anxiety about dealing

> with family and physicians, but for the moment I just

> have one question--Can anyone recommend a good vegan

> prenatal vitamin? Also, we are in Austin, Texas, and I

> wouldn't mind hearing from my neighbors!


> Thanks, and I'm looking forward to hearing from you.


> Barbara






> Exclusive Video Premiere - Britney Spears

> http://launch./promos/britneyspears/




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  • 2 months later...

Welcome, Lisa! Hopefully, you can get back to your vegetarian diet now (why

did you go off it, BTW?--just nosy! :)). It is so much easier to make healthy

veggie meals than to have to worry about meats as well, I think. Check out the

archives here--there are TONS of great recipes there! This group isn't an

overly active one, unfortunately (sorry I didn't welcome the recent newbies,

BTW!). But the archives are well worth the time to check out. And generally all

posts do get answered by SOMEONE (although maybe not during the recent holiday

season). You are really smart to want to make such good use of your crockpot! I

started using one when I had my first baby too--and I need it much more now!!!



Mom of eight VERY interesting kids, and proud grandma-to-be of TWINS!




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Marilyn wrote


>Welcome, Lisa! Hopefully, you can get back to your vegetarian diet now (why

>did you go off it, BTW?--just nosy! :)).


oh I know you can be a healthy vegetarian and pregnant, but I'm pretty lazy

and although I started off trying to ensure I got enough protein etc, I

found it allot easier to get a big dose by eating chicken and fish. I

haven't bought my Crockpot yet as I have visitors over and therefore any

routine has disappeared once they disappear I can start getting organized

and hopefully thing can get back to normal - as much as they can be with a 6

week old baby.




>Mom of eight VERY interesting kids, and proud grandma-to-be of TWINS!


8 children wow!!!i'm still coming to terms with just one



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Lisa--One baby IS overwhelming. The eight didn't arrive all at once, after

all! LOL! And just for future reference--I don't recall ever hearing of a case

of protein deficiency in ANY vegetarian or vegan in this country who ate a

variety of nutritious foods. Just for the record, the American amount of protein

is really WAY over the needed limits. You could have very easily just skipped

the meat and not worried one little bit. One well known study of pregnant

women, breastfeeding women, and young children as related to the vegan diet was

done on the members of The Farm community in Tennessee. They are strict vegans

and have been for over a generation. They were found to have LESS problems in

pregnancy than meat eaters, especially less (almost no) preeclampsia (a very

serious condition of pregnancy). NO nutritional difficulties could be found. For

anyone else who is pregnant, or is feeding a young child, there are several

really good books out there that will guide you to healthy, meat free eating.

Sharon Yntema (yes, that's spelled right) and Dr. Michael Klaper's books come to

mind immediately, but there are others.



Mom of eight VERY interesting kids, and proud grandma-to-be of TWINS!




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  • 2 weeks later...

Your Moderators would be *thrilled* ;=) Please do!



Pat ;=)


> I've had lots of fun experimenting with making different kinds of salads

> and will, if it's all right with our moderator, post a few of my efforts and

> results on to the list...






HOMEPAGE: http://www.angelfire.com/art/pendragon/


* " There are too many idiots in this world. And having said it, I have

the burden of proving it. " (Franz Fanon)

* " Until he extends the circle of compassion to all living things, man

will not himself find peace. " (Albert Schweitzer)

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  • 2 months later...
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Warm welcome Stacey. Good for you being

such a supportive mom of your daughter's

choice to go vegetarian. I think you will find

it easier making this transition with her ;

you can encourage eachother...

and then there is also this group full of helpful

people. We have a files section full of tried and

true recipes that have been shared by the members,

and between the 800+ of us, we can manage to find

any recipe you have a craving for.


Here is a link to the files:



Feel free to ask any questions that you might

have as they come up. I hope you will enjoy your

stay and your new lifestyle as a vegetarian. :)


~ PT ~


He who attains to sincerity is he who

chooses what is good, and firmly holds it fast.

~ Confucius (551-479 BC)


, " moon_shadow_03 " <

moon_shadow_03> wrote:

> Merry Meet


> I'm Stacey. I'm the single mother of a 9 yr old girl. I've been

> mainly Vegetarian for several years. My daughter has now informed


> that she wants to go completely Veggie! :) I have a few good

> vegetarian cook books but look forward to feeling part of a


> of sorts, as we do not know many ppl who are Vegetarian.


> Peace

> Stacey

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Wow, that's so wonderful. I'm glad you decided

to join us. Do share some of your wisdom and

recipes when you can. :)


~ PT ~

[lacto-ovo veg in oregon]


Coming or going, always at home.

~ Zen saying


, " jdsears669 "



> Hello everyone:

> My name is Jim and live in El Cajon, California. I am two score and

> thirteen. I have been animal flesh-free for the last thirty of

> those 53 years.


> I am thankful for the invitaion to join your group.


> Peace and love,

> Jim

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  • 2 months later...
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Hi Natasha


I've come to the conclusion that people comment on things they haven't

read-up on - like the professor saying we need to eat eggs and milk. It is

good to do your own research and ignore these people - maybe enlighten them

when you have found out enough.


As you say, there are many reasons for becoming vegan, and I think whichever

way you start you always end up realising that it is just not good to eat

other beings.









Saturday, July 17, 2004 6:54 PM




> Hello everyone! I joined this group about a month ago but I've been

> really busy and I've just had time to post. I am a first year

> medical student (going into my second year in September) in Toronto,

> Canada who happens to be vegetarian. I'm trying to make the

> transition to veganism and I've been met with much disapproval from

> my fellow students.


> Back in March when I mentioned to my professor that I was vegetarian

> he said I was making a good choice just as long as I ate milk and

> eggs. I have one primary reason for not eating animals and it is

> highly spirtual; I believe in Karma and I also believe that when you

> eat animals, you consume all the emotions they endured before they

> were slaughtered. You take their sadness, their anger, their pain

> and make it a part of you. The animal rights, environmental, etc,.

> reasons are good too, however. I think there are all kinds of good

> reasons to become vegan.


> Nevertheless, I found this group and it looks highly supportive of

> each other, which is exactly what I need so that I can make the

> transition to veganism as smooth as possible.


> I hope to post more in the near future. In the meantime, thanks for

> reading this and I hope to have many fruitful conversations with you

> all.


> Natasha






> To send an email to -


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hi natasha,


welcome to the group. your choice to be come a vegan, like all some of ours,

will sometimes be met with anger, derision or disbelief, based usually on

others fear of difference, shame of their being reminded that they eat dead

and murdered animals.


take it all in your stride, you are not alone, develope a thick skin about

it, if you can.


For instance, I have developed a different approach according to who is

deriding my choice as a vegan. some one who is very young, at work found

great humour in it last week. i waited for his humour to subside a bit,

before using the " wouldnt the world be a boring place if we were all the

same, etc etc " ....it hit the spot.


good luck with your colleagues and your professor. opinion that great should

be based on evidence, on research, do your own research, and you will find

there are many actual health reasons for being vegan, for instance the

cholesteral angle .....



good luck








> Introduction

>Sat, 17 Jul 2004 17:54:35 -0000


>Hello everyone! I joined this group about a month ago but I've been

>really busy and I've just had time to post. I am a first year

>medical student (going into my second year in September) in Toronto,

>Canada who happens to be vegetarian. I'm trying to make the

>transition to veganism and I've been met with much disapproval from

>my fellow students.


>Back in March when I mentioned to my professor that I was vegetarian

>he said I was making a good choice just as long as I ate milk and

>eggs. I have one primary reason for not eating animals and it is

>highly spirtual; I believe in Karma and I also believe that when you

>eat animals, you consume all the emotions they endured before they

>were slaughtered. You take their sadness, their anger, their pain

>and make it a part of you. The animal rights, environmental, etc,.

>reasons are good too, however. I think there are all kinds of good

>reasons to become vegan.


>Nevertheless, I found this group and it looks highly supportive of

>each other, which is exactly what I need so that I can make the

>transition to veganism as smooth as possible.


>I hope to post more in the near future. In the meantime, thanks for

>reading this and I hope to have many fruitful conversations with you






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I was surfing the net the other day, and found this interesting site dealing

with ethics and

medicine (maybe you've heard of it) www.pcrm.org








natasha1981_2003@h... wrote:

> Hello everyone! I joined this group about a month ago but I've been

> really busy and I've just had time to post. I am a first year

> medical student (going into my second year in September) in Toronto,

> Canada who happens to be vegetarian. I'm trying to make the

> transition to veganism and I've been met with much disapproval from

> my fellow students.


> Back in March when I mentioned to my professor that I was vegetarian

> he said I was making a good choice just as long as I ate milk and

> eggs. I have one primary reason for not eating animals and it is

> highly spirtual; I believe in Karma and I also believe that when you

> eat animals, you consume all the emotions they endured before they

> were slaughtered. You take their sadness, their anger, their pain

> and make it a part of you. The animal rights, environmental, etc,.

> reasons are good too, however. I think there are all kinds of good

> reasons to become vegan.


> Nevertheless, I found this group and it looks highly supportive of

> each other, which is exactly what I need so that I can make the

> transition to veganism as smooth as possible.


> I hope to post more in the near future. In the meantime, thanks for

> reading this and I hope to have many fruitful conversations with you

> all.


> Natasha

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Welcome to the group! You would think doctors and med students would

be more knowledgable about the health benefits of the vegan diet than

they are. Hope you find the support you need here.


, natasha1981_2003@h... wrote:

> Hello everyone! I joined this group about a month ago but I've been

> really busy and I've just had time to post. I am a first year

> medical student (going into my second year in September) in


> Canada who happens to be vegetarian. I'm trying to make the

> transition to veganism and I've been met with much disapproval from

> my fellow students.


> Back in March when I mentioned to my professor that I was


> he said I was making a good choice just as long as I ate milk and

> eggs. I have one primary reason for not eating animals and it is

> highly spirtual; I believe in Karma and I also believe that when


> eat animals, you consume all the emotions they endured before they

> were slaughtered. You take their sadness, their anger, their pain

> and make it a part of you. The animal rights, environmental, etc,.

> reasons are good too, however. I think there are all kinds of good

> reasons to become vegan.


> Nevertheless, I found this group and it looks highly supportive of

> each other, which is exactly what I need so that I can make the

> transition to veganism as smooth as possible.


> I hope to post more in the near future. In the meantime, thanks for

> reading this and I hope to have many fruitful conversations with


> all.


> Natasha

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Sara wrote:


> Welcome to the group! You would think doctors and med students would

> be more knowledgable about the health benefits of the vegan diet than

> they are. Hope you find the support you need here.

> sara


I wouldn't. They're generalists, and aren't particularly well-informed

about diet, particularly about niche diets such as veganism. The guy who

wrote the book on vegan nutrition is a scientist, not a medic - which

makes sense, as it's scientists who learn to crunch data.


On the other point, since their whole profession is based around health

problems, I'd expect them to know more about the potential deficiencies

(Fe, I, Ca, B12) than the potential upside (no cholesteral! low fat!

fresh fruits and veggies!). (To Natasha - the potential deficiencies are

only potentials - you just need to know about them and where you're

getting your nutrients from. Dead easy when you know how. Lots of info

sheets at www.vegansociety.com. I just don't want you to not know, get

deficient, and then give up on a healthy vegan diet.)


One of the London Vegans regulars is a vegan GP, and when a retired

vegan GP gave a talk there, they agreed the medical community was

getting more tolerant - apparently, when the older GP was vegetarian in

the 1960s, his colleagues reacted as if he was mad. So it's improving.

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In a message dated 7/19/2004 5:23:10 PM Pacific Daylight Time, cgadarian writes:


Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.


I just came from my endocrinologist who has treated me for a thyroid disorder. I see her every year. I told her that, and I quote, "For the first time in my life, since I was 6 years old, I am losing weight, not hungry, satisfied, and happy with a Vegan diet/lifestyle. She said, and I quote, "What about protein!?? You can't just eat rice and potatoes and starch!! Where do you get your protein??"


For the life of me, I could not remember where I get my protein from. I think it is soy products, but what do I know? However, I think I resented being made to feel like I had to defend myself. So I did not answer her. Nyah Nyah Nyah.


Where do we get protein from? Am I supposed to worry about this??? I think I need to go lay down or something. At any rate, it WAS reassuring to know that these doctors is crazyyyy.



you get protein from everywhere. fake meat has a TON of protien. tofu, peanuts (peanut butter has a ton of protein), soymilk, etc. most vegans (who lead a healthy lifestyle- not rely on pasta all day long) get sufficient amounts of protein. and if people want to worry about vitamins you get calcium from lots of places. orange juice and soy milk are now almost always fortified with calcium. but it is a good idea to take a multi vitamin (make sure it doesnt have geletin in it- trader joes makes a vegan one) and since your a female taking a calcium supplement wouldnt be a bad idea becuase of osteroperosis.



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Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.


I just came from my endocrinologist who has treated me for a thyroid disorder. I see her every year. I told her that, and I quote, "For the first time in my life, since I was 6 years old, I am losing weight, not hungry, satisfied, and happy with a Vegan diet/lifestyle. She said, and I quote, "What about protein!?? You can't just eat rice and potatoes and starch!! Where do you get your protein??"


For the life of me, I could not remember where I get my protein from. I think it is soy products, but what do I know? However, I think I resented being made to feel like I had to defend myself. So I did not answer her. Nyah Nyah Nyah.


Where do we get protein from? Am I supposed to worry about this??? I think I need to go lay down or something. At any rate, it WAS reassuring to know that these doctors is crazyyyy.





Ian McDonald

Monday, July 19, 2004 3:46 PM

Re: Re: Introduction

Sara wrote:> > Welcome to the group! You would think doctors and med students would> be more knowledgable about the health benefits of the vegan diet than> they are. Hope you find the support you need here.> saraI wouldn't. They're generalists, and aren't particularly well-informedabout diet, particularly about niche diets such as veganism. The guy whowrote the book on vegan nutrition is a scientist, not a medic - whichmakes sense, as it's scientists who learn to crunch data.On the other point, since their whole profession is based around healthproblems, I'd expect them to know more about the potential deficiencies(Fe, I, Ca, B12) than the potential upside (no cholesteral! low fat!fresh fruits and veggies!). (To Natasha - the potential deficiencies areonly potentials - you just need to know about them and where you'regetting your nutrients from. Dead easy when you know how. Lots of infosheets at www.vegansociety.com. I just don't want you to not know, getdeficient, and then give up on a healthy vegan diet.)One of the London Vegans regulars is a vegan GP, and when a retiredvegan GP gave a talk there, they agreed the medical community wasgetting more tolerant - apparently, when the older GP was vegetarian inthe 1960s, his colleagues reacted as if he was mad. So it's improving.To send an email to -

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