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don't count on it

we are gleefully heading over the cliff, singing and waving flags


the luverly nation i reside in has decided on its on recourse to toss most

international treaties, because, well, we're americans, and we can...

and, if you don't agree with that, obviously you are a terrorist, and be

prepared to be bombed, or given $$$, depending on our mood and fickleness

don't expect americans to wake up anytime soon, according to polls(which i

don't really follow, since, i've never been polled, and i've known a big fat

zero folks who have been), bush is runnin high in public confidence, and can

basically do anything he wants...


luckily, americans are fickle, and we might change our minds in 6 minutes


(up fer a migration..costa rica anyone?)




In a message dated 1/24/02 11:08:23 AM Pacific Standard Time,

Heartwork writes:


<< Fraggle


It seems like America is refusing to abide by, or refusing to join, or

renaging (sp?) on all of the pacts that do any good. I hope the mass of

American people soon come to realise what their Government is like. I hope

ours do to. >>

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kier martin

Saturday, February 16, 2002 2:02 AM






Kier Martin


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South Bay Vegetarian Community

Susan Swarts <sswarts wrote: Hello all, We really need to figure out a name for ourselves, don't you think? We have attached a document for you to fill out and return. Simply mark off what your favorite choice is, or type in one of your own, and send it back. Voila! Once we receive all the choices, we'll have a final vote at our next meeting. Remember, our meeting is this weekend so please send these back ASAP! Thanks again! - Communications Group-- _____________Sign-up for your own FREE Personalized E-mail at Mail.comhttp://www.mail.com/?sr=signupWin the Ultimate Hawaiian Experience from Travelocity.http://ad.doubleclick.net/clk;4018363;6991039;n?http://svc.travelocity.com/promos/winhawaii/

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Here is my suggestion.





--- Susan Swarts <sswarts wrote:

> Hello all,


> We really need to figure out a name for

> ourselves, don't you think? We have attached a

> document for you to fill out and return. Simply mark

> off what your favorite choice is, or type in one of

> your own, and send it back. Voila! Once we receive

> all the choices, we'll have a final vote at our next

> meeting. Remember, our meeting is this weekend so

> please send these back ASAP! Thanks again!


> -

> Communications Group

> --


> _____________

> Sign-up for your own FREE Personalized E-mail at

> Mail.com

> http://www.mail.com/?sr=signup


> Win the Ultimate Hawaiian Experience from

> Travelocity.







> ATTACHMENT part 2 application/msexcel name=Name that

Veggie Group.xls











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Oooh - I like "Community."


Bay Area Vegetarian Community. That's my vote!

:D Juli



Dave Pearl

Wednesday, March 20, 2002 4:32 PM

Re: (unknown)


South Bay Vegetarian Community

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..yes, hell is a christian creation. If you dont believe then why does it piss you off somuch...If you didnt believe in God then why do you give himpresence by saying that you will go to hell...surelyhell cannot exist without God?Everything you'll ever need on one web pagefrom News and Sport to Email and Music Chartshttp://uk.my.~~ info ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Please remember that the above is only the opinion of the author, there may be another side to the story you have not heard.---------------------------Was this message Off Topic? Did you know? Was it snipped?~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Guidelines: visit <site temporarily offline>Un: send a blank message to -

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Why do you call yourself "ned " I thought you were female ??? Angie




Tuesday, March 26, 2002 8:54 PM


If you dont believe then why does it piss you off somuch...~~ info ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Please remember that the above is only the opinion of the author, there may be another side to the story you have not heard.---------------------------Was this message Off Topic? Did you know? Was it snipped?~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Guidelines: visit <site temporarily offline>Un: send a blank message to -

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Unusual name At least I've never heard it in UK Angie




Wednesday, March 27, 2002 9:46 AM

Re: (unknown)

I am female! Nedina.......Ned for short...Everything you'll ever need on one web pagefrom News and Sport to Email and Music Chartshttp://uk.my.~~ info ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Please remember that the above is only the opinion of the author, there may be another side to the story you have not heard.---------------------------Was this message Off Topic? Did you know? Was it snipped?~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Guidelines: visit <site temporarily offline>Un: send a blank message to -

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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

Vegan Outreach did an article (after a lot of

investigation) about a year ago on B12. Their

conclusion was vegans need a B12 supplement (one that

dissolves under your tongue) especially when pregnant

or nursing. I'm sure you can contact them and get the

studies they sited, etc. I'm not big on supplement

and I don't take one every day, but I do take one and

give ds one about once a week. I wouldn't worry too

much about it, but I like to be safe than sorry on

this one.






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On Wed, 22 May 2002, Linda Evans wrote:


> Vegan Outreach did an article (after a lot of

> investigation) about a year ago on B12. Their

> conclusion was vegans need a B12 supplement (one that

> dissolves under your tongue) especially when pregnant

> or nursing.


I currently get B-12 supplements from my prenatal vitamins, which are not

sub-lingual. (I also get B-12 from Silk and other fortified foods, but I

don't rely on them.) Do you know why they recommended sub-lingual

supplements rather than other kinds of supplement pills? Is there some

sort of problem with the B-12 in traditional pills?




Patricia Bullington-McGuire <patricia


The brilliant Cerebron, attacking the problem analytically, discovered

three distinct kinds of dragon: the mythical, the chimerical, and the

purely hypothetical. They were all, one might say, nonexistent, but each

nonexisted in an entirely different way ...

-- Stanislaw Lem, " Cyberiad "

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When I first got into AR I met quite a lot of omnivorous AR activists. I was veggie and working towards vegan, and I was shocked and appalled that so many of these people still ate animals in the early 80's.

It really bugged me. They used to get very defensive when challenged, probably because they felt guilty about being hypocrites.





compugraphd [compugraphd]27 June 2002 19:46 Subject: (unknown)B"HHonestly, if you could ask your average cow, I'm sure they'd say they'll take 10 vegans who became vegan for health reasons over 100 omnivorous animal-rights activists....(assuming that hasn't yet become an oxymoron ;-)I became first ovo-lacto vegetarian (25 years ago) for animal rights reasons and then vegan (13 years ago) partly for animal rights reasons but more compellingly (for me) for ecology reasons. I discovered that whichever reason one originally becomes veg*n, the others begin to matter after a time anyway ;-)DebbieThanks, sweetie. I had already been flamed once by a newsletter editor about this very thing, and as a result, I was afraid to raise my little head and say "hi". Thanks for making me feel more at home.Cynthia, EBbrewpunx@c... wrote:> > doesn't matter why you went vegan, its that you are doingn it, and thats that!@!!> good luck!> fraggleTo send an email to -

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Hi Debbie


> LOL!! I could write VOLUMES on that!!!


Whaddayamean " could " ? :-)


> About 2000 years ago (in the year 70 of the common era) the Holy

> Temple in Jerusalem was destroyed by the Romans. Besides the Temple,

> they burned the entire city. It was a horribly devestating war -- I

> forget the figures of dead, but it was in the 100 thousands (or

> more).


Ah yes - I read Josephus a few years ago, which goes into quite some detail!


> As a matter of fact, I belong to a list where Torah subjects are

> discussed and one woman from the list contacted me off list and told

> me what a horrible sinner I was and how I was not only a sinner but

> even worse -- someone who made others sin -- because I was a

> vegatarian. Nothing I said could get her off my back until I finally

> said to her, " yes, yes! you've convinced me! I'm going out to eat

> some seared flesh to show G-d how much I love him!!! "


It just goes to show that fundamentalists of any religion are nutty!


Anyway, thanks for the thorough answer - very interesting stuff. :-)







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Mickey, and all

you might try this one, although it seems a bit much bother...


I boiled them, then ran it through my good juicer, and it worked like a champ. I

got a sick stomach when I drank it, though, dont know why, I usually tolerate


If you find a better idea, enlighten me...



" lipsmackinvegan " <mickeydwalker


Sun Aug 04 12:00:22 PDT 2002

[sFBAVeg] (unknown)


>Hi all!

>Ok, so little did I know that in posting about a yummy chocolate

>almond milk, that it would snowball into a scientific investigation

>involving animal experimentation! Yikes. Although, I must say, I did

>not know of any harmful effects of carageenan. It's an extract of

>seaweed, personally I'd think if anything, it would be beneficial,

>with some kind of minerals to it. Guess that's wrong...I've done a

>little homework as a result of all these postings this morn. You can

>check out this site if you're curious about it. This is one viewpoint

>of it, I wonder if there is any other studies done on it.


>I'm disturbed, as my sister and I go through about 3 cartons of silk

>every week! Between the two of us, we use it for coffee, lattes,

>granola, smoothies, pancakes, it's indespensible around here!! So to

>find out it has this deadly cancer causing additive, how gross!

>Normally i'd say, well.. everything in moderation, but soy milk is

>something I really don't have in moderation. I'm trying to use it

>less, and use nut milks more (carageenan free!) My god, I'm crushed.

>It just sucks that our country is so backwards and out to get us!

>Whatever can be done for a buck? Is that all that's left? Ok, now I'm

>in a mood. Hope this isn't off topic, but I thought i'd add what I

>found. maybe that could be a new poll, how much soymilk and what

>kinds do we drink? I'd love to make my own, that would be ideal. I

>know westsoy makes a great soymilk- just soybeans and water. Which is

>all you need? I guess SILK made it a pretty refridgerated package to

>appeal to the masses, so more people would drink soy versus cow? It

>sucks to think that that's the masses options, hormone stricken milk

>wreaking hell and havoc on billions of cows, or soymilk containing

>additives that will give you gut cancer in the long run? i think we

>all need to get back to our roots, I feel so removed from it all

>right now. Why the hell can't I just cook some beans and blend it

>with water and voila-have soymilk! L-A-Z-Y I guess. Does anyone make

>their own out there, I'd be interested to know the process. I make

>almond milk, and it's so good, i bet homemade soy would be great too.

>Ok, I better end this, I'm getting carried away...

>have a good day all




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Life is too short for me to waste my time talking to people who I would not get along with.

There are plenty of vegans I can talk to so why would I clutter up my mall with animal eaters

People who are changing over are OK but the rest ... as I said Life's too short ....(especially mine )



ladymorphia [ladymorphia] 04 September 2002 22:34 Subject: (unknown)

Well I've never seen such a boring lot of profiles! -----


----- and I love the way Angie boldly states that she only wishes to talk to veggies!Pandora~~ info ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Please remember that the above is only the opinion of the author, there may be another side to the story you have not heard.---------------------------Was this message Off Topic? Did you know? Was it snipped?~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Guidelines: visit <site temporarily offline>Un: send a blank message to -

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Sounds like you're doing what I'm trying to do and what a friend advised: follow your affinities :-)

Angie Wright wrote:


Life is too short for me to waste my time talking to people who I would not get along with.

There are plenty of vegans I can talk to so why would I clutter up my mall with animal eaters

People who are changing over are OK but the rest ... as I said Life's too short ....(especially mine )



ladymorphia [ladymorphia] 04 September 2002 22:34 Subject: (unknown)

Well I've never seen such a boring lot of profiles! -----


----- and I love the way Angie boldly states that she only wishes to talk to veggies!Pandora~~ info ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Please remember that the above is only the opinion of the author, there may be another side to the story you have not heard.---------------------------Was this message Off Topic? Did you know? Was it snipped?~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Guidelines: visit <site temporarily offline>Un: send a blank message to -

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  • 3 months later...

Welcome to the group.

You should probably try to get to Cambridge itself, if you can, apparently there is a lot happening there for vegans.





heidi dungate [hideoushatesnazis]13 December 2002 11:56 Subject: (unknown)

1. Heidi (nickname 'hideous')2. 183. I'm the only one i know4. Vegan for 4 months. Vegetarian for about 2 years5. I stopped eating certain meats for religious reasons, then stopped eating the rest!

6. Cambridgeshire, UK

7. Terrible. No vegan restaurants, vegan shops, no fellow vegans, nothing!

8. I don't know!!

9. Have never been abroad. would like to visit the usa.

10. Comedys

11. Mild curry flavoured noodles with vegetables12. A morning person13. Search engine




With Mail you can get a bigger mailbox -- choose a size that fits your needs~~ info ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Please remember that the above is only the opinion of the author, there may be another side to the story you have not heard.---------------------------Was this message Off Topic? Did you know? Was it snipped?~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Guidelines: visit <site temporarily offline>Un: send a blank message to -

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Make sure you visit cambridge city centre when there is an HLS demo. You' ll meet 100's of vegans . We were there last Sunday




1. Heidi (nickname 'hideous')3. I'm the only one i know4. Vegan for 4 months. Vegetarian for about 2 years6. Cambridgeshire, UK

7. Terrible. No vegan restaurants, vegan shops, no fellow vegans, nothing!









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ANGIE!!!! You were on demo Sunday? I didn't see you! Do you know how

many people got nicked? Did you make it round to some of the scumbags'

abodes? I wish that i'd seen you. :(


Too busy running from the coppers...



On Friday, December 13, 2002, at 12:05 PM, Angie Wright wrote:


> Make sure you visit cambridge city centre when there is an HLS demo. 

> You' ll meet 100's of vegans . We were there last Sunday


> Angie






> 1. Heidi (nickname 'hideous')



> 3. I'm the only one i know


> 4. Vegan for 4 months. Vegetarian for about 2 years


> 6. Cambridgeshire, UK


> 7. Terrible. No vegan restaurants, vegan shops, no fellow vegans,

> nothing!













> ~~ info ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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> there may be another side to the story you have not heard.

> ---------------------------

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> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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> Un: send a blank message to

> -



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We were outside Boots at the start ,but fell behind walking out towards Girton. We saw people getting trapped in a side road ,but we stayed on the opposite side We heard later that 20 or so were arrested but later released . Something to do with section 14

We went to HLS as we did not have clear info on alternatives . We had an escort for a while but managed to lose it ! We did not stop at HLS because they were being awkward and making people walk down (Road blocked at both ends). It was getting late anyway

Glad you can run K@ !!!



ANGIE!!!! You were on demo Sunday? ...Too busy running from the coppers...





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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Sam


Welcome to the list - I hope you had a good Yule/Christmas/whatever.





Sam Sharp

Thursday, December 26, 2002 3:36 PM



hey y'all. I'm new and just wanted to say hi. Hi


SamThanksSam Sharp





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Hi Laura, I'm Allison...I'm a member of the feral

veggie group but have been quite the past week b/c

I've been out of town for the holidaze.

I'm 28, the wife of a historian/teacher and mother of

two beauties...Patrick (4) and Caroline (9 mo). I'm a

student midwife and a huge supporter of homebirth,

homeschooling, etc. I've been a vegetarian for 9

months (since my daughter's birth) and love it.

Haven't missed the carnage at all...Even through the

holidays. I'm on another group that is fatfree vegan

although no one ever posts anything. There are many

like that for vegan foods. Anyway, thanks for the





--- " Laura <child_of_the_80s "

<child_of_the_80s wrote:

> Welcome to Pat, Susan, and Allyanne,

> thank you for joining the group.


> I guess i should tell you a bit about myself.

> Some of you (like Pat) might know me already from

> other groups.

> My name is Laura, i'm 21 and i live in Wales in the

> UK.

> I live with my boyfriend and work as an Occupational

> Therapist.

> I've been a veggie for about 5 months now and have

> been enjoying

> exchanging recipes in various groups to try and eat

> less convenience

> foods and make sure i'm getting all my vitamins and

> minerals! ;)

> Plus i absolutely love cooking!

> I've been wanting to lose weight for some time but

> have found lots

> of veggie recipes contain alot of cheese or are

> heavily based on

> carbs (which can then turn to sugar if not used as

> energy). So i

> tried to find a group swapping low fat or diet

> veggie recipes and

> couldn't find one. Thats why i started this group.

> Aside from cooking, i like reading, creative

> writing, watching

> movies, and creating things (sewing, painting, etc).

> I am

> interested in yoga, which i really should do more

> often, and i am

> learning reflexology.


> So thats me, i'll be starting to post recipes later,

> as i have a few

> i have already found in magazines. Please write

> back and tell us a

> bit about yourselves,


> take care,


> Laura x







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  • 4 weeks later...

In a message dated 2/3/2003 6:14:26 AM Pacific Standard Time,

zaijah2 writes:



> Vegan - for 5 years


> Pregnant - 12 weeks


> I have no energy at all. Can't do simple things without getting dizzy and

> tired. Simple things like climbing the stairs. i think it is too early for

> me to be feeling so lazy. does anyone know what i might be missing from my

> diet? i really need to get back on track. i have a 6 year old daughter and

> my son is eight months old. They need an energetic mommy.HELP ASAP!!






Yes, eat high fat, high energy foods. Avocados, all kinds of nuts, bananas,

etc.. will do you alot of good. When I was pregnant, I ate an avocado

sandwich every day, sometimes twice a day. It was the only thing I could

really eat and not get sick, thinking about it. Hope this helps, and best of

luck to you, Tracy Ewing




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If you are low on iron, it could make you very tired. You could start by

eating extra foods that are high in iron, or you might ask your dr. to do a

blood test and rule out anemia. They may also be able to determine from the

test any other nutrients that seem low. Your body is very busy doubling

your blood supply for the baby and you have a busy family, so you are bound

to be tired :o) Once you rule out nutritional factors, make the effort to

take a nap every day (I know, it's easier said than done, but very







> Vegan - for 5 years

> Pregnant - 12 weeks

> I have no energy at all. Can't do simple things without getting dizzy and

tired. Simple things like climbing the stairs. i think it is too early for

me to be feeling so lazy. does anyone know what i might be missing from my

diet? i really need to get back on track. i have a 6 year old daughter and

my son is eight months old. They need an energetic mommy.HELP ASAP!!




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