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How accurate can the prediction be !!

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So an astrologer recently read my chart and even though I didnt ask specifically, told me about when my father may (i cant even type the word, but its the opposite of birth). :(


Now, i cant digest any of it since i heard it, especially since i never asked for it in the first place!!!! My father is very cllose to me, and recently was very ill and with divine grace has just recovered and very healthy, praise the lord...


I would like to know, how accurate are these predicitions? especially when they are based on the daughters chart. I dont even understand why she had to tell me, because I am finding it extremely difficult to deal with, especially since he isnt even that old.

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dear soul300,


Vedic Astrology is more indicative than predictive. it shows the probability and not the exactness(atleast in current yuga). a seer with a third eye vision can only exactly foretell such a event.

there are people who could point at a possible time of such an event but they have to specifically look at the horoscope of the individual concerned.

looking at children's chart is an alternative but not very reliable.


although dasas and antardasas of certain planets indicate certain events of blood relations but you should not worry about such things..

also the person who told you about it, u should consider her credibility...


thats what i feel.. do not worry much without any reasonable grounds

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Dear Soul300,


Any sincere and responsible Astrologer would never make the mistake of analyzing and predicting loss of loved ones. This predictions incurs bad karma for the astrologer. Moreover I am disappointed (even Mad) that the astrologer did that when you did not request it - nor was there any reason for it - Your father is perfectly fine.


For a true and sincere Astrologer, if you really were looking for such a prediction (due to prevailing conditions), you would have to hard press him into this. Based on serious sadhana and ardous analysis spanning days - At the most he would be prescribe Mrityunjaya mantra Japa to ward off any evils around this - and not take the liberty of speaking of dates.


This astrologer is probably looking for some short term fame based on such predictions.


There are a lot of computations and systems thru which "Loss" ( I'll refrain from using the word) can be closely approximated - but very few (single digits) astrologers are capable of this - This comes from serious Sadhana and research and above all total Vairagya of the astrologer.


Now that you are all confused and in turmoil - I would recommend that YOU seek some personal solace and peace - This period is more negative for you - than to your father. Meditate and seek some good knowledge from the wise and elders. I would recommend that you shield yourself.


As for your father if there is any serious life threatening event - reciting Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra is always recommended, Aditya Hridayam can be recited for improving physical strength and vitality.


With Best Wishes and Sincere Prayers


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Dear Soul300,

If predictions are 100% accurate, people need not do any work,need not pray.....everything comes to them. Astrology only guides you what is likely to happen in your future life and to some extent about those related to you. Predicting death is the last purpose of Astrology. Bad events that may happen are to be told without using harsh language and suggest remedies to reduce the malefic effects.

It all depends on the etiquette on the part of the astrologer (true/false).

Because of one bad experiance with one astrologer(male/female) the only guiding tool can't be set aside.

with best wishes,


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Dear Soul300,

If predictions are 100% accurate, people need not do any work,need not pray.....everything comes to them. Astrology only guides you what is likely to happen in your future life and to some extent about those related to you. Predicting death is the last purpose of Astrology. Bad events that may happen are to be told without using harsh language and suggest remedies to reduce the malefic effects.

It all depends on the etiquette on the part of the astrologer (true/false).

Because of one bad experiance with one astrologer(male/female) the only guiding tool can't be set aside.

with best wishes,



Very well said.

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I honestly would like to thank all of you for your replies. It brings me a lot more strength and courage hearing from people who are familiar with astrology.


I havent been able to share this with anyone with my immediate family (i dont really feel its necessary to bring negativity and additional stress into their lives!!) and therefore its been a little extra tricky and difficult to handle emotionally for me. Ive always had a lot of interest/belief in astrology, now its almost the last thing I want to think about..


Its nice you advise this classic72, I did start meditating (since the solar eclipse also considering that I'm a pushya nakshatra myself) and praying for peace of mind, and also reciting mryitunjaya for my father's healthy long life. I believe it will do a lot of good for me.


Once again, thanks so much for the replies, I felt incredibly comforted reading your opinions on this.

God bless..

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Dear Soul 300,

First ley me assure you that stars only indicate and not dictate.Next astrologers have been forbidden to startle anyone with death predictions.Even if it is indicated,the astrologer can only subtly hint that the times may be difficult.Also as I mentioned in one of the threads,the science is now mostly handled as a profitable profession by charlatans who would invariable fail.So do not worry.Our best wishes and prayers are with you

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Soul 300


do you believe in past and present karma and there are certain upachaya house which is directly in control of some superpower. So never be dishearten and keep remembering and surrendering to god . This is Mrityu loka . Mantra and worship always help .


May god bless you



Rishi vatsyayan

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Dear Friend,


Actualy, by listening to such astrologers, the person will die with tension only, no need the prediction to come true.

Yaar think practicaly, if that astro was so accurate, would he be sitting there haan?

Please dont think something which never gonna happen.


Lets use the brain by thinking or talking about ideas, future plans, how to make money, which act will make our family happy.

there are so many things to do, lets spend our time on these good things..


Take care


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