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Benefits of Meditation

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Last night I had a very nice experience with simple meditation.

Of course, chanting Hare Krishna is a most powerful spiritual sadhana, but last night I tried some simple meditation and was quite amazed at the results.


I was having trouble sleeping last night. I was very wired from having worked out in the heat most of the day rebuilding the roof on my porch.

I was just very uptight from the stress of working most of the day in extreme heat and humidity.


So, finally, I tried to go to bed about midnight.

I could not sleep. I lay there till about 1:30 A.M and still could not sleep.


So, I sat up, did some pranayama and simple mediation.

I did some other stretching techniques that I sometimes do to relieve the lower back pain that I am prone to get.


Finally, after some nice pranayama, meditation and yoga stretching, I tried to get some sleep.


I just felt so much better, less stressed and able to rest.


After dosing off I had some very wonderful dreams where I got to meet my deceased father and my two older brothers (still living).


In my dreams I seemed to have much more control than normal.

I could summon my father and my brothers at will and have nice meetings with them.


It was such a nice experience that I have never experienced before.

I think it was due to the breathing exercises and the yoga stretching along with some simple meditation to still my mind.


I am going to have to do this more often.


Doing some pranayana, stretching and meditation for stilling the mind seemed to have very significant effects for me last night.


In the Bhagavad-gita, Lord Krishna explains that pranayama is in fact one of the processes of spiritual cultivation.


I highly recommed pranayama and meditation for people that might not be so inclined towards exlusive bhakti sadhana.


It is a very substantial process.

Try it for yourself and let me know how it works for you.

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I highly recommed pranayama and meditation for people that might not be so inclined towards exlusive bhakti sadhana.


you might not be aware but pranayama also falls within the scope of spiritual bhkati disciplines . it directly helps in one spiritual path . however most modern yogis utilise pranayama as a mere breath control excersise which has resulted in lot of misconceptions .


when you concentrate on something deeply your breathing movements automatically slows down . this is easily noticable while meditating . this slowing down of external brathing movement is actually the result of internal calming down of prana or life force . this slow-down goes on increasing with increased levels of concentration untill it finally stops at samadhi . pranayama also attempts to calm down the restless prana and make it conducive to higher concentration by regulation of that breath.


yoga sutras specifically mention self realization as the culimination point of yoga . yoga itself means unifying with the supreme or self .


pranayama is extremely helpfull at the onset of japa . it quickly clams the mind and helps one to better concentrate on the mantrartha . even i felt it .

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Dear Sonic Yogi,


I`m not here to lecture you. I know what we`ve been through. All is past now. let by gones be by gones. I`m sorry if I reacted that way to your views about Jesus. I was once like that like you in my views about Jesus. But this was another story.


I`m concerned of you being able not to sleep right away. So, you do what you have to do to make yourself go to bed and sleep. What I do when I can`t go to sleep is I don`t sleep at all. Maybe I`d read a book, or open the PC, and perhaps take a sleeping pill. There are sleeping pills available that are over the counter. No prescription is needed.


But I don`t do sleeping pills. If I cant sleep then I stay awake even if I have to report for work in the morning without sleep. The reason why there are moments we can`t sleep is because God is trying to tell us something. Or maybe He wants to strike a conversation with you within yourself in His PARAMATMA form.


Thus, If your boss finds you sleeping on your desk during office hours, In your shoes I`d tell this to him, " Sorry sir, I slept. You see, I wasn`t able to sleep the whole night. I don`t why. I thought of calling you up earlier to tell you I`m sick and can`t report for work. But my conscience bothered me that`s why I reported for work even if sleepiness have set in. So, you must have noticed I came in late. It`s because I took a nap after I ate breakfast but it wasn`t enough sleep I wanted. So, you caught me sleeping on the job as well as noticed I came in late. I should have not reported for work. But I`m here because I heard these words within myself whispered to me, " Better be late than never."


God bless, my friend.




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It will be very helpful to know if there are any weblinks to learn about different methods of pranayama and meditation. There is a lot of such info available on the web. Perhaps the experienced members here can suggest some for the beginners.



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Sonic Yogi ... Why didn't you take a shower to cool your body down before going to bed? It's more relaxing?


I always take cold showers.

Hot showers are not good at all.

Some people think hot showers are important to open pores for washing, but I don't accept that idea.


I take two cold showers a day.

One in morning and one in evening.


But, the water that comes out of the ground here is not real cold.

I get my water from a well on my property.

So, it is cool but not really cold.


It is just right for me. People who take hot showers don't know how bad it is to heat up the blood like that.


I love cold showers.

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I have been practicing Pranayama and Meditation for a pretty long time as a part of my Spirtual Sadhana. Mantra with Pranayama and Mantra/Form meditation.


I think The Hare Krishna mantra can also be done with Pranayama. And you can meditate on the form of Lord Krishna with the Mantra.


Of course Yoga classes may not teach this. But has anyone tried?


May be some Yoga teacher could help.

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But I don`t do sleeping pills. If I cant sleep then I stay awake even if I have to report for work in the morning without sleep. The reason why there are moments we can`t sleep is because God is trying to tell us something. Or maybe He wants to strike a conversation with you within yourself in His PARAMATMA form.



I agree. He wants to say something or wants us to figure it out, or just spend time with us.


Today , i would not regret staying up with Krshna. (How absurd that sounds - 'regret' ??? 'staying up with Krshna' ???)


However, a few times in the past i have requested , begged Krshna to put me to sleep. "Please , Krshna, i will not be able to function tomorrow - and do my duties right." After a few minutes i found myself camling down and drifting off to sleep (as He gently (reluctantly ?) put me to sleep).


Later on i regreted doing that, instead of staying awake with Him, unless of course one is over-exhausted and needs the sleep.

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Krishna can talk to you when your body is asleep. We are not these bodies remember.


For gently inducing sleep take a sublinqual tablet of melatonin 3 mg. 1/2 hour before you need to be asleep.


That's supposed to be better than sonic yogi's experience?


I don't even know what melatonin is but I'll die very happy if i never take that rubbish in my life. Same goes for the rest of the expensive 'cures' they feed people for the myriad of 'afflictions' that have magically been discovered in the last twenty years.

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Hello everyone,


sort of new here... From India.


When I won't get sleep I just read a book until the boredom of the book puts me to sleep. But that is not a good idea, I should do something what Sonic Yogi has done. Meditation is a good idea.






Oh who could this be? I can't think.

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