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Human body is built to eat animals also - explained by a Muslim

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Why oh why do you want Hindus to eat meat? when would you understand in that thick skull or that hardened heart of yours, the meaning of peace.



I think it is because PrinceofPeace is a Muslim.


In Muslim forum which I have been active in, it is common trait for Muslims to use words like "Submission" (to God) and "Peace" when they are promoting their own twisted ways.


Right now, there is no room in Islam for Vegetarian Dietery. Matter a fact, if you come to Malaysia and view the many Muslim restaurants here, you will know that 99% of all dishes served has meat in them. It is almost as if Muslims cannot live without meat in their diet.


Therefore, the Muslim wants to "holify" meat eating diet even so we have been telling him that Hindusm promote non-meat dietery.

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dats bit ryt we Muslims follow the guidelines of almighty god. dats the reason we have non-veg.though your scriptures permits you to have non-veg.still u point out unnecessary reasons. illogical too....follow the commandments of lord to achieve succes in both the lives.

if i had hurt anyone sentiments. am extremely sorry from the bottom of my hurt.i dont mean to hurt anyone.i just wanna post the reality...

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dats bit ryt we Muslims follow the guidelines of almighty god. dats the reason we have non-veg.though your scriptures permits you to have non-veg.still u point out unnecessary reasons. illogical too....follow the commandments of lord to achieve succes in both the lives.

if i had hurt anyone sentiments. am extremely sorry from the bottom of my hurt.i dont mean to hurt anyone.i just wanna post the reality...


No, you follow Muhammad (a man) NOT GOD.


Everything Muslims do is by following example of Muhammad and how he lived his life. That is an alien concept in Hindusm, Buddhism AND Judaism. No where in this beliefs have they been told to follow example of a man and call it as a way of God. This is why Jews have rejected Muhammad 1,400 years ago.


Your apology means NOTHING. The reality which you tried to post IS FALSE and TWISTED. It is a Lie and you wanted us to believe in the Lie you are following.

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dats bit ryt we Muslims follow the guidelines of almighty god. dats the reason we have non-veg.though your scriptures permits you to have non-veg.still u point out unnecessary reasons. illogical too....follow the commandments of lord to achieve succes in both the lives.

if i had hurt anyone sentiments. am extremely sorry from the bottom of my hurt.i dont mean to hurt anyone.i just wanna post the reality...

Where do you scriptures promote non veg?

Not taunting but asking.

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dats bit ryt we Muslims follow the guidelines of almighty god. dats the reason we have non-veg.though your scriptures permits you to have non-veg.still u point out unnecessary reasons. illogical too....follow the commandments of lord to achieve succes in both the lives.

if i had hurt anyone sentiments. am extremely sorry from the bottom of my hurt.i dont mean to hurt anyone.i just wanna post the reality...



Hello Sir,


The provision for animal sacrifice or meat does not justify the horrendous

act of the mass slaughterhouse industry of today. Factory farming of animals for our luxury and palate is cruelty - a far cry from the occasional procedures of the past ages which are not applicable in Kali Yuga.


I request you to please watch this video - it has been posted on Krishna.com,

it is the 2nd part of a series , and quotes the Holy Quran.


Courtesy - Krishna.com




It talks about cows too - 'take the milk from their bellies if you want , but don't kill them'.


If possible i urge you to watch PART I as well.


Here is a website that will tell you why vegetarianism is the way to go.

My Lord's Garden


It is an amateur site. You will find better, authentic info on other sites made by those devoted to the Lord.


Thank you

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dats bit ryt we Muslims follow the guidelines of almighty god. dats the reason we have non-veg.though your scriptures permits you to have non-veg.still u point out unnecessary reasons. illogical too....follow the commandments of lord to achieve succes in both the lives.

if i had hurt anyone sentiments. am extremely sorry from the bottom of my hurt.i dont mean to hurt anyone.i just wanna post the reality...




I dont know much about your religion but one thing i know that people of your religion are expert in the wrong explanations of the preaches of the great sages and even of Holy Kuran. I never understand your purpose , why you are spreading haterate in place of love in the world by misexplaining the words like 'Kafir' ,'Jihad' etc. every time muslim youths are misleaded in the name of Jihad. They have been told that their religion is in danger so kill the people of other religion . can you please tell me who is danger for the the mankind we or you. on one side we are promoting vegetarian culture so that animals life can be saved on the other hand you are promoting non vegetarian culture , in fact you are the biggest danger for the mankind, nature and earth. we even dont want to kill animals and you never hesitate in killing even human being. think on it and you will get all the answers on your own

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Read the Vasudev Mahtmyam in Vishnu Khand of Skand Puran. Clearly states that meat eating started after the curse of Durvasa to Indra. But no scripture reccomends it and also it is asuri.Its for the asurs. Meat eating is not for those who want to advance spiritually.

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Read the Vasudev Mahtmyam in Vishnu Khand of Skand Puran. Clearly states that meat eating started after the curse of Durvasa to Indra. But no scripture reccomends it and also it is asuri.Its for the asurs. Meat eating is not for those who want to advance spiritually.


Yup, that fits Muslims very well. They do not want to advance Spiritually because they are told to follow Muhammad's (way of life) throughout their own life.

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‘Non Violence Is the Supreme Virtue' Says Hinduism.

Seeing God in every living being, Hinduism inculcates a veneration for every

thing - Cows, ants etc. Even rivers are considered to be living beings, hence

venerated as also trees as vouched in the Sastras and expounded scientifically

by the great Indian Scientist J.C.BOSE.


This reverence is expressed in forms of 'Ahimsa' or nonviolence to animals as

well as humans and as a result, most pious Hindus are vegetarian. The word

'Ahimsa' is derived from the root "Han" to kill or 'To damage'. By adding the

negative prefix it means 'not to kill.

There are 4 aspects of this negative connotation.

1. Vegetarianism

2. Harmlessnes

3. Pacifism and

4. Passive resistance

On the positive aspect, it means compassion (i.e.) Actual assistance to all

living creatures who are in need.

1. Karuna (Intelligent charity)

2. Maitri (Active good deed) and

3. Daya (Tender sympathy)

are its other positive manifestations.


A doubt can arise whether the principle of 'Ahimsa' so loudly proclaimed is

not inconsistent with the sacrifice of goats, horses(in Aswamedha) etc.

referred to in the Vedas. No doubt, the Vedas did prescribe some animal

sacrifices; it even spoke of 'Purushamedha' a human sacrifice.


But, the concept should be viewed in the context in which they were so

prescribed. The Upanishads which came subsequently to analyze and explain the

Vedic texts lost no time in clarifying that these sacrifices were more

symbolic and allegorical than referring to the actual sacrifice of the animals

or human and that the effects of these sacrifices could be secured by

substitute materials like Gritha (Ghee), Masha (Black gram) and certain other

leafy vegetables. Even today, it may be observed that in the shradda

ceremonies, Ghee, Rice, Black gram and Thila (sesame seeds) are used, may be

as substitutes for the sacrifice of living beings. This view has been upheld

in subsequent recensions and sacrifice of living beings is prohibited by

Dharma as also by law.

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A further question can be asked whether ' Vegetarinism' is not also "himsa" in

the sense that it has been proved that plants have life?


But, it has further been proved that in the case of plants, lifeline runs in

the trunks in some cases, roots in others and seeds in others and that is why

Sastras have prohibited cutting the plants at their respective lifelines - and

this has been confirmed by modern science. Modern Science concurs with Sastras

in the view that those parts where the lifelines do not run, no harm is caused

when those parts are cut. These parts correspond to say hairs on our head or

the nails on our fingers or toes which when cut or clipped do not entail any


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A doubt can arise whether the principle of 'Ahimsa' so loudly proclaimed is

not inconsistent with the sacrifice of goats, horses(in Aswamedha) etc.

referred to in the Vedas. No doubt, the Vedas did prescribe some animal

sacrifices; it even spoke of 'Purushamedha' a human sacrifice.


But, the concept should be viewed in the context in which they were so

prescribed. The Upanishads which came subsequently to analyze and explain the

Vedic texts lost no time in clarifying that these sacrifices were more

symbolic and allegorical than referring to the actual sacrifice of the animals

or human and that the effects of these sacrifices could be secured by

substitute materials like Gritha (Ghee), Masha (Black gram) and certain other

leafy vegetables. Even today, it may be observed that in the shradda

ceremonies, Ghee, Rice, Black gram and Thila (sesame seeds) are used, may be

as substitutes for the sacrifice of living beings. This view has been upheld

in subsequent recensions and sacrifice of living beings is prohibited by

Dharma as also by law.

Interesting explanation but that doesn't help the millions of innocent animals and man-animals that had their throats cut by this barbaric practice.


Animal sacrifice is simply gruesome and in the mode of ignorance. It is beyond disgusting. No real way to pretty-up this chapter in human history.

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I think it is because PrinceofPeace is a Muslim.


In Muslim forum which I have been active in, it is common trait for Muslims to use words like "Submission" (to God) and "Peace" when they are promoting their own twisted ways.


Right now, there is no room in Islam for Vegetarian Dietery. Matter a fact, if you come to Malaysia and view the many Muslim restaurants here, you will know that 99% of all dishes served has meat in them. It is almost as if Muslims cannot live without meat in their diet.


Therefore, the Muslim wants to "holify" meat eating diet even so we have been telling him that Hindusm promote non-meat dietery.




yeah u r ryt islam means it submit your wills to almighty god by acquiring peace. its ur misconception that there is no room for veg in islam. infact all the muslims hve the veg combinely with non veg too..

we dont say anything of our own. there is not compulsion in the religion its prohibited in islam as the holy qur'an says in 2:256

we say wat our and ur holy scriptures does says the same.

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respected all this explanation is made by a muslim. as we all know that they are expert in wrong explanation of the things for their own benefit. for example they are spreading terrorism in the name of 'Jihad'. so why to pay attention on such explanations.



MISCONCEPTION: First u need to understand wat the islam is.

Islam comes frm the arabic root word silm which means to submit ur wills to almighty god.and another word salam which means.on the whole islam means to submit ur wills to almighty god by acquiring peace.islam=peace.terrorism is the antonym to islam.islam prohibits the terrorism. do u know wat the holy qur'an says if anyone kills an innocent as if the kills the whole mankind (the holy qur'an 5:32) and also in (5:64 it says that allah hates those who spread terror) islam is pure.my request u to all is dont judge the religion on the basis of wat the followers do. the roots of islam is the holy qur'an and tradition of prophet muhammad(pbuh). coming to very big misconception abt the international topic "jihad" jihad comes frm the root word jahad which means to strive jihad means to strive to struggle jihad doesnt means to kill the people jihad means to fight with ur own will. i know the media blames muslims i dont understand y dont they read and understand the holy qur'an to judge the islam..


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Why oh why do you want Hindus to eat meat? when would you understand in that thick skull or that hardened heart of yours, the meaning of peace.


You would kill innocent beings for the promise of paradise and I would not kill an ant willingly, even for the promise of liberation. A Hindu is par dukhe dukhi.


Do you understand Sanskrit or the real import of those offerings?


All those verse has no meaning if I cant understand this simple instruction that Lord Krishna gives.


And that action performed in ignorance and delusion without consideration of future bondage or consequences, which inflicts injury and is impractical, is said to be action in the mode of ignorance. 18.25BG


So ask you what mode are you in, we all know eating meat is impractical, even science is coming round to this thinking, do you not feel the pain and anguish you are subjecting to those innocent creatures.?


Jai Shree Krishna



i dont want u to eat meat . i cant compel u its prohibited in islam. its totally ur wish. i was saying wat ur holy scriptures says. vedas are of the top prioriites. vedas does permits. almighty god in his infinite wisdom permits us its we who find hurdles in it....

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No, you follow Muhammad (a man) NOT GOD.


Everything Muslims do is by following example of Muhammad and how he lived his life. That is an alien concept in Hindusm, Buddhism AND Judaism. No where in this beliefs have they been told to follow example of a man and call it as a way of God. This is why Jews have rejected Muhammad 1,400 years ago.


Your apology means NOTHING. The reality which you tried to post IS FALSE and TWISTED. It is a Lie and you wanted us to believe in the Lie you are following.


misconception: we muslim follow the commands of almighty god which are said int the holy qur'an and preachings and tradition of prophet muhammad(pbuh)

y we follow tradition of muhammad(pbuh) qur'an says in several places including 3:31 and 33:21 it says follow allah and follow the prophet

33:21 says indeed in the messenger of allah u hve best example for those who blv in allah and the day of judgement. i dont wanna compel its prohibited in islam my duty is to tell the truth..

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MISCONCEPTION: First u need to understand wat the islam is.

Islam comes frm the arabic root word silm which means to submit ur wills to almighty god.and another word salam which means.on the whole islam means to submit ur wills to almighty god by acquiring peace.islam=peace.terrorism is the antonym to islam.islam prohibits the terrorism. do u know wat the holy qur'an says if anyone kills an innocent as if the kills the whole mankind (the holy qur'an 5:32) and also in (5:64 it says that allah hates those who spread terror) islam is pure.my request u to all is dont judge the religion on the basis of wat the followers do. the roots of islam is the holy qur'an and tradition of prophet muhammad(pbuh). coming to very big misconception abt the international topic "jihad" jihad comes frm the root word jahad which means to strive jihad means to strive to struggle jihad doesnt means to kill the people jihad means to fight with ur own will. i know the media blames muslims i dont understand y dont they read and understand the holy qur'an to judge the islam..





here the matter is not of reading islam or knowing about Holy kuran. I respect both from my heart. but what has been taught to the youth in ur religion Kaafir=Hindu, christian, sikh etc everyone except muslim . Jihad =terrosim.

Everybody knows the meaning of these two words but along with this every body also know that how these words have been explained by some people of your religion.

i just want to ask why dont u oppose those people who are contaminating Islam. why dont u oppose those people who r making muslim youths terrorist. your silence is giving promotion to the terrorism.

and second thing is that who has given us the right to kill innocent animals just to satisfy our hunger.

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i dont want u to eat meat . i cant compel u its prohibited in islam. its totally ur wish.


Useless statement, there is not an ounce of sincerity in it, why do you come preach to us violence when we have given you enough evidence and reason for our vegetarians diet.



i was saying wat ur holy scriptures says. vedas are of the top prioriites. vedas does permits. almighty god in his infinite wisdom permits us its we who find hurdles in it....


You have got no clue as to what Vedas are saying or what is the purpose behind the human life is. Do you have faith in Vedas? If not there really is no point in us discussing it, cause, any rational discussion on it will fly over your head.


You are right when you say ‘almighty god in his infinite wisdom permits us its we who find hurdles in it.... ‘

Because our Shastra says in no uncertain terms that jivo jivasya jivanam meaning one living entity is food for another but that all mighty God has given us power to discriminate and I don’t even for a moment think about eating another human, so do you call this a matter of finding hurdle? Do you?


Bhagvat Gita is no less authority for us hindus and I pointed to you this verse which I quote again


And that action performed in ignorance and delusion without consideration of future bondage or consequences, which inflicts injury and is impractical, is said to be action in the mode of ignorance. 18.25BG


I ask you again what mode are you in?


I know this will have no effect on you but this is for the benefit for us Hindus, Vedas does not advocate meat eating, fire sacrifice is grossly misunderstood, here I quote some verse from the Vedas:


May I be dear to all animals (Atharva 16.71.4)


May you eat rice (Vrihi); may you eat barley (Yava), also black

beans (Mdsa) and Sesamum (Tila). This is the share aloted to both

of you for happy results, 0 you two teeth (dantau), may you not

injure the father and mother. (Atharva - 6-140-2)


Do not kill any of the Creatures. (Yaju. L 1)


Do not kill the horse. (Yaju. 13.42)


Do not kill quadrupeds. (Yak. 13.44)


Do not kill wool-giving animals. (Yak. 13.47)



May you be illumined by the mighty rags of knowledge and may

you not kill the cow, the aditi (Yaju.13.43)


Do not kill a cow but treat her as Mother. (Yaju.12.32)


Protect both our species, two-legged and four-legged. Both food and water for their needs supply. May they with us increase in stature and strength. Save us from hurt all our days, O Powers!

Rig Veda Samhita 10.37.11. VE, 319


One who partakes of human flesh, the flesh of a horse or of another animal, and deprives others of milk by slaughtering cows, O King, if such a fiend does not desist by other means, then you should not hesitate to punish such a person.

Rig Veda Samhita, 10.87.16, FS 90


Peaceful be the earth, peaceful the ether, peaceful heaven, peaceful the waters, peaceful the herbs, peaceful the trees. May all Gods bring me peace. May there be peace through these invocations of peace. With these invocations of peace which appease everything, I render peaceful whatever here is terrible, whatever here is cruel, whatever here is sinful. Let it become auspicious, let everything be beneficial to us.

Atharva Veda Samhita 10. 191. 4


Those noble souls who practice meditation and other yogic ways, who are ever careful about all beings, who protect all animals, are the ones who are actually serious about spiritual practices.

Atharva Veda Samhita 19.48.5. FS, 90


Jai Shree Krishna

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here the matter is not of reading islam or knowing about Holy kuran. I respect both from my heart. but what has been taught to the youth in ur religion Kaafir=Hindu, christian, sikh etc everyone except muslim . Jihad =terrosim.

Everybody knows the meaning of these two words but along with this every body also know that how these words have been explained by some people of your religion.

i just want to ask why dont u oppose those people who are contaminating Islam. why dont u oppose those people who r making muslim youths terrorist. your silence is giving promotion to the terrorism.

and second thing is that who has given us the right to kill innocent animals just to satisfy our hunger.


i think we must follow the holy scriptures at least the common things in our scriptures so that we can understand one another much better.i do respect all the religions. but one thing i must tell u when our creator is one then certainly our religion and way of life must be one in the light of our holy scriptures i had explained briefly about the jihad and terrorism. islam never allows the terrorism in the least bit. its a hateful act and its a grave sin. a person who follows the islam (muslim) cant even use the tongue to harm others such a pure religion cannot motivate to terror. coming to other misconception KAFIR. KAFIR comes frm the root word kufr which means to deny. this is a misconception that kafir means to hate or to abuse. this kafir is used many a times indicating to muslims too who dont practise the islam. for example there is a saying of prophet muhammad that there is no diffrence betwee kafir and muslim if a muslim doesnt pray intentionally. today u know that many wear the title of muslim but they dont practise the islam.the last ut not least islam is against the terrorism. islam is pure.islam is a complete way of life which leads to eternal salvation. god bless us all..and guide us all..

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islam never allows the terrorism in the least bit. its a hateful act and its a grave sin. a person who follows the islam (muslim) cant even use the tongue to harm others such a pure religion cannot motivate to terror. the last ut not least islam is against the terrorism. islam is pure.islam is a complete way of life which leads to eternal salvation. god bless us all..and guide us all..


Are you saying that Islam doesnt give a way to terror acts? If so, then I would get hold of some school of history books and see if there was ever any "terror" in the name of religion. Oh and you just mentioned Islam is against terrorism, do you mean that its supporting peace?And what is the view on animals? Does it have concept of soul in animals? or Does it allow you to brutally murder animals as long as the taste buds are satisfied and, then you can very well justify this killing as being permitted in your texts.


What do you feel about it ? What about factory farming of animals or any way the blood is shed for your food? How can you justify this ? What makes you so sure about what you hear from your peers about your religion, is a way to peace?


How did Islam give example in terms of peace? What about woman? Why men go around in jeans, with heads open whereas woman cannot? If you support this religion then you support many crimes that come along with it, inluding supression of women.


I am sorry to say but you are supporting something which you have no idea of and instead you could have used your time in doing something really compassionate and prevent all this brutalities, but unfortunately you are spending your time worthlessly in attempts of spreading only more hate and less compassion. You have got human intelligence at least to deal and face with real world and come out your illusions and excuses of promoting something which you know is not right.


Yes, wouldnt this world be a better place if all muslims in the world go VEGETARIAN as Muslims can be vegetarians

Edited by OmHari
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Does it have concept of soul in animals? or Does it allow you to brutally murder animals as long as the taste buds are satisfied and, then you can very well justify this killing as being permitted in your texts.


What do you feel about it ? What about factory farming of animals or any way the blood is shed for your food? How can you justify this ? What makes you so sure about what you hear from your peers about your religion, is a way to peace?


How did Islam give example in terms of peace? What about woman? Why men go around in jeans, with heads open and woman cant? If you support this religion then you support many crimes that come along with it, inluding supression of women.


Yes, if all muslims in the world go VEGETARIANs, I am sure half world would be a better place to live in.





Very nice posting Hari ji.

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MISCONCEPTION: First u need to understand wat the islam is.

Islam comes frm the arabic root word silm which means to submit ur wills to almighty god.and another word salam which means.on the whole islam means to submit ur wills to almighty god by acquiring peace.islam=peace.terrorism is the antonym to islam.islam prohibits the terrorism. do u know wat the holy qur'an says if anyone kills an innocent as if the kills the whole mankind (the holy qur'an 5:32) and also in (5:64 it says that allah hates those who spread terror) islam is pure.my request u to all is dont judge the religion on the basis of wat the followers do. the roots of islam is the holy qur'an and tradition of prophet muhammad(pbuh). coming to very big misconception abt the international topic "jihad" jihad comes frm the root word jahad which means to strive jihad means to strive to struggle jihad doesnt means to kill the people jihad means to fight with ur own will. i know the media blames muslims i dont understand y dont they read and understand the holy qur'an to judge the islam..


The problem is that history has shown that islam as a whole doesn't fit with your version of it. I appreciate how you read into the teachings of islam, it would be nice if it would be shared on a greater scale.

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I am lucky to have met some great muslim friends.


No religion is that perfect even the Vedas.


Perfection comes only when one realises one is imperfect and sees others path as once encountered and pays respect to them.

And foremostly, hankers to see himself fit to meet that Universal Spirit face to face.

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