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Help required to Convert to Hinduism

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My name is Harikrishnan, i have married to a Muslim girl and now she is ready to convert to Hinduism. I would request all the good souls over her to help me in know how to go forward in this regard and what are the procedures to do this, this would be of greater hel pto my future.


Please reply your ideas to my personal id hariikrishnang@gmail.com.


thanking you all in advance



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My name is Harikrishnan, i have married to a Muslim girl and now she is ready to convert to Hinduism. I would request all the good souls over her to help me in know how to go forward in this regard and what are the procedures to do this, this would be of greater hel pto my future.


Please reply your ideas to my personal id hariikrishnang@gmail.com.


thanking you all in advance




Do you want to do it legally then change your name and the things requirde by law.

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My name is Harikrishnan, i have married to a Muslim girl and now she is ready to convert to Hinduism. I would request all the good souls over her to help me in know how to go forward in this regard and what are the procedures to do this, this would be of greater hel pto my future.


Please reply your ideas to my personal id hariikrishnang@gmail.com.


thanking you all in advance




Dear Harikrishnan Ji,


This is rather sensitive issue. It need to be dealt in utmost care and tact. As Sant Ji has said, please do anything you wish according to the law. Seek lawyers and go by proper channels. This is to avoid legal disputes. Please solve the matter without haste, if it doesn't create problem now, it will create a problem or two soon, we would never know.


May god bless you and your family. Namaste.

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Contact the nearest branch of the Arya Samaj. They will do the needful.


I agree with this. In India only the Arya samaj is recognized by the government to officially convert people to Hinduism for legal reasons (marriage, etc.). So I would suggest you get a certificate from Arya Samaj. They perform a simple homa, give a new name, and some other things. The cost is very minimal.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Can I ask why you need to do a legal procedure in India? To a westerner that seems not just strange and divisive, but actually scary that the government is keeping tabs on peoples religion like this. Why is this done?


In most countries people don't register their religion, apart from if they live in Saudi Arabia or somewhere.

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It is not necessary in India also. You can register your marriage. A Civil marriage. This procedure is only for those who want to be known as Hindus. The choice is yours.


Arya Samaj has nothing to do with the Government of India. Their certificate of conversion is accepted by some of the temples in India who do not allow non-Hindus.


We do have a non-Hindu as our Prime Minister. We had six Christian Chief ministers. I do not know the present count. It will take centuries before a non-Christian can become the President of the U.S.

Edited by Kali_Upasaka
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In India some laws are there that are to be applied to Muslims,christians and people of other religion differently.Laws relating to marriage ,adoption,minority etc. are not necessarily the same for parcis,muslims,christians or any other religion.For example a hindu cannot practice practise polygamy but a musalaman can marry more than one wife.

So for such legal purposes registration specially when converting ,if you want to be known as a person from for examlpe hindu religion legally, is required.

jai ram

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NOt abortion
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In India some laws are there that are to be applied to Muslims,christians and people of other religion differently.Laws relating to marriage ,abortion ,minority etc. are not necessarily the same for parcis,muslims,christians or any other religion.For example a hindu cannot practice practise polygamy but a musalaman can marry more than one wife.

So for such legal purposes registration specially when converting ,if you want to be known as a person from for examlpe hindu religion legally, is required.

jai ram


To me, that seems ridiculous. Shouldn't there be one set of laws for everyone?


Religion is a matter of the heart, not a piece of paper or a basis for the state to decide what laws to uphold. With all respect, I can't appreciate the idea of different laws for different people.

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To me, that seems ridiculous. Shouldn't there be one set of laws for everyone?


Religion is a matter of the heart, not a piece of paper or a basis for the state to decide what laws to uphold. With all respect, I can't appreciate the idea of different laws for different people.

I was thinking that you would think like taht.Please dont create more enmity in your heart.

The laws were set for the rights and in the interest of all the citizens while repecting religuos interests.

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I was thinking that you would think like that.Please don't create more enmity in your heart.

The laws were set for the rights and in the interest of all the citizens while respecting religious interests.


But in the partition of India there was a separate country for Muslims, which are now two countries.


Surely that is sufficient? What rights would be violated by having one system of law for everyone like every other country on earth? The right to be denied a divorce until you officially 'convert'?


This is divisive. Name another country on earth that has separate laws like this. You can't wonder why there are so many riots against Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs in India when the government actually separates them officially like this. It can't be the way forward, I'm sorry.

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But in the partition of India there was a separate country for Muslims, which are now two countries.



Dont talk like that.This country is for muslims also.

There are more muslims in india than in pakistan.

Anyway i asked my law teacher about this.

HE explained that this is because our country respects the ethics of religions.

LAws are same to everybody except for some social laws.

Such as marriage, which are social in nature.

To protect the rights of religions these laws are different because each scripture of each religon might have different views on marriage,children etc.

So in order to respect their sentiments such measure are taken.

Remember these are just some laws and not all.

Also to promote the interests of some minoritie communities such as backward classes and for their upliftment such things are done.

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Dont talk like that.This country is for muslims also.

There are more muslims in india than in pakistan.

Anyway i asked my lawyer teacher about this.

HE explained that this is because our country respects the ethics of religions.

LAws are same to everybody except for some social laws.

Such as marriage, which are social in nature.

To protect the rights of religions these laws are different because each scripture of each religon might have different views on marriage,children etc.

So in order to respect their sentiments such measure are taken.

Remember these are just some laws and not all.

Also to promote the interests of some minorities and for their upliftment such things are done.


Well the intention is noble, but I think it would be better to give everyone the same rights, if there is some special marriage ceremony for muslims, allow everyone to have it, etc. Do you understand what I mean?


I don't think the religion thing is that bad, it's just the principle of it.

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JAI SHRI RAMAWell Muslims are a minority in India and they dont have want to have polygamy among hindus who are a majority maybe thats why.

Remeber sati,child amrriage all these social evils.Polygamy was one of them.

Anyway these were decided in the interests of all and there might have been was discussion hindus and muslims before decidng the laws.

Also some rights are given to backward classes such as scheduled tribes for example reservation in government jobs through quotas etc.

It should be that these classses should not be left out and should be uplifted.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Are you just going to defend any law in India simply because it is already in place? India also pays Haj subsidy to help Muslims do pilgrimage but there is no equivalent for poor Hindus who want to do Yatra. Also, although Islam is a minority religion in India - it is the second largest and fastest growing in the world. Therefore they do not need special rights. Also I was not aware of any prohibition of polygamy in Hindu scriptures. Sri Krishna gave special mention to King Janaka as a perfected being although he had hundreds of wives. There are also other examples of polygamy in Hindu scriptures.



JAI SHRI RAMAWell Muslims are a minority in India and they dont have want to have polygamy among hindus who are a majority maybe thats why.

Remeber sati,child amrriage all these social evils.Polygamy was one of them.

Anyway these were decided in the interests of all and there might have been was discussion hindus and muslims before decidng the laws.

Also some rights are given to backward classes such as scheduled tribes for example reservation in government jobs through quotas etc.

It should be that these classses should not be left out and should be uplifted.


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yes thanks for telling me about haji.

I have no idea why government is supporting haji but i read it is opposed by muslim groups also.

If you talk about polygamy you should know it was a social evil which was abolished.

If muslims do it it wont affect india much as they are a minority but if hindus are allowed to polygamy i dont know waht hungama will come..men in india can use it to promote their extramaritial affairs giving examples of people with 2 wives.Women wont be allowed as they will be surpressed by social pressure and then the women right activists can come into action.They will ask for women also to have polygamy.

As it is many people ,many hindus can do anything without thinking much.Why today people were burying their children in the ground alive saying it will cure deseases.

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Polygamy was the norm till it was abolished by law. It is only due to the efforts of social reformers. We have also abolished Sati and Child marriages which were part of the Hindu practices. In fact even today there are many Hindus who do believe in Child marriages. Child marriages also take place.


Scriptures also talk about slavery, human sacrifices and many other practices which were socially acceptable norms when the scriptures were written. Polyandry was permitted as per the scriptures.


Have you heard of the Deva Dasi system which has been abolished? Scriptures are quoted for that also.


Yagnavalkya talks in detail about conduct of Gambling houses.

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Load of rubbish



Polygamy was the norm till it was abolished by law.


Polygamy was the Norm?.Who told you?.

The fighting class(kshatriya) have more wives to account for loss of lives in wars.It was not a norm for the general public.



. We have also abolished Sati and Child marriages which were part of the Hindu practices.


Sati was not a prescription to be followed.No where in hindu scriptures Sati was recommended.Early marriage for girls was recommended for different reasons altogether.


There are explicit statements in Veda for a widowed women to Get out of grief and get on with her life.




Scriptures also talk about slavery, human sacrifices and many other practices which were socially acceptable norms when the scriptures were written.


Which scriptures? The Abrahamic scriptures?.


No where in Hindu scriptures Slavery is supported.



Polyandry was permitted as per the scriptures.


Polyandry was explicitly prohibited by scriptures.

There are exceptions like Draupadi.



Have you heard of the Deva Dasi system which has been abolished? Scriptures are quoted for that also.


There is no scriptural support for devadasi system to begin with.


Devadasi is a woman dedicated to a diety in a temple and remains Brahmacharini all her life.The system degraded in to exploitation.The much revered Carnatic music singer M.S Subbalakshmi hails from a family of devadasis.





Yagnavalkya talks in detail about conduct of Gambling houses.



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Dear HariKrishnang,


First I want to warn you about the Muslim position on converting to other religions. The Qur'an states:


"And whoever seeks a religion other than Islam, it will never be accepted of him, and in the Hereafter he will be one of the losers ." (3.85)


So the Qur'an makes it pretty clear that no other religions are acceptable to "Allah". The Hadith (sayings of the Prophet Muhammad) state that anyone who leaves Islam is to be killed. In a Muslim country like Saudi Arabia or Pakistan, anyone who leaves Islam is imprisoned, given three days to return to Islam, and if, at the end of the three days they have not re-accepted Islam, they are beheaded. This is in accordance with the Hadith and is taught by all four schools of Sunni Islamic jurisprudence.


While this does not apply in India, I would still be wary of stating that your fiancee is a Muslim. I'm sure there are militant Muslim groups in India who may very well kidnap and murder an "apostate from Islam", even though this is against Indian law. So just be careful.


Moving on, Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami explains the conversion process in his book "How to Become a Hindu". The process involves a ritual called a namakarana samskara or name-giving ceremony, the same ritual performed to newly born children. The prospective convert must first enact formal severance from their former religion (although I don't think that this would be necessary for Islam, given the dangers) and choose a new name. Subramuniyaswami recommends that the name change must be legal and that the convert must use their new name in all walks of life, obtaining new passports, drivers' licences etc. Then a fire sacrifice is performed by a pujari (Hindu priest) and the devotee writes his new name in a tray of uncooked rice.

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Dear HariKrishnang,


First I want to warn you about the Muslim position on converting to other religions. The Qur'an states:


"And whoever seeks a religion other than Islam, it will never be accepted of him, and in the Hereafter he will be one of the losers ." (3.85)


So the Qur'an makes it pretty clear that no other religions are acceptable to "Allah". The Hadith (sayings of the Prophet Muhammad) state that anyone who leaves Islam is to be killed. In a Muslim country like Saudi Arabia or Pakistan, anyone who leaves Islam is imprisoned, given three days to return to Islam, and if, at the end of the three days they have not re-accepted Islam, they are beheaded. This is in accordance with the Hadith and is taught by all four schools of Sunni Islamic jurisprudence.


While this does not apply in India, I would still be wary of stating that your fiancee is a Muslim. I'm sure there are militant Muslim groups in India who may very well kidnap and murder an "apostate from Islam", even though this is against Indian law. So just be careful.


Moving on, Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami explains the conversion process in his book "How to Become a Hindu". The process involves a ritual called a namakarana samskara or name-giving ceremony, the same ritual performed to newly born children. The prospective convert must first enact formal severance from their former religion (although I don't think that this would be necessary for Islam, given the dangers) and choose a new name. Subramuniyaswami recommends that the name change must be legal and that the convert must use their new name in all walks of life, obtaining new passports, drivers' licences etc. Then a fire sacrifice is performed by a pujari (Hindu priest) and the devotee writes his new name in a tray of uncooked rice.


This person has to be careful in declaring in public about the erstwhile religion of his wife.


The following Islamic site also confirms that Any person leaving islam shall be killed.

Source of the Punishment for Apostasy - IslamonLine.net - Ask The Scholar


The site lists the hadiths.

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Why do you insist on formal conversion?


Anybody can take shelter of Harinam and such a person becomes a vaishnav.

Don't care so much about the external designation or religion. Follow the principles of bhakti and you will find happiness automatically.


Yes, in India anybody can convert to Islam, but conversion to Hinduism is very strictly monitored! This is the irony!

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