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Pls help me I am in brink of committing suicide.....

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My DOB 18.4.82, DELHI,02.55 P.M.

My husband DOB 24.11.81, DELHI 08.45 P.M.


it is second marriage for both of us........as my husband and his elder brother died in a road accident in jan 2008.

We get married on 2.10.08.......he is very abusive & violent towards me.......he married me with his own will......but now everyday.....he threaten to leave me......after every 15-20 days.....he start behaving like this........and in the midnight he told me to leave the house other wise he will just throw me out of the house.....I am working in a good company and earning good....but What ever I earn i give it to my father in law.......my husband is not doing anything....he use to sit on the shop......but when my mither in law expires in aug 2008. we have sell our house & our shop.....now we are facing financial crisis.....but he is least bother abt that.....whole responsibility of house lies on my father in law and me........He seems to be involved with other girls also......but this emotinal trauma is just beyond my control.......he threaten to divorce me.....and he told me that i am barren.....it's better that u die otherwise i will kill you......

I am very depressed....and for me there is no option left .....


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Hello...... Hellooooo.............

Okay, you are in a terrible mess, domestically.

BUT you have a job and are earning your living.

You do not seem to have a child to look after, and at this stage, that could be a blessing in disguise.


Second marriage or not... it is nobody's business, don't be afraid, don't take abuse!


Your first priority should be to stay safe, physically.

Your next priority should be to stay emotionally under control.


Get it?


Can you keep safe physically? Is there any place you could go to, for a few days?

Perhaps your father-in-law would give you permission, he seems to be all right, from your post.


If you stay in Delhi, you could go to a Women's Support Group in your area.

They have devoted Counsellors who counsel both partners in a marriage.


I can see you are desperately trying to save your marriage, but your emotional status betrays your hopes..... you need to save yourself first, then anyone can think of saving your marriage.


Remedies to correct planetary imbalances often work, but they take time to do that.

And your emotional state says you don't have time, you need quick action to save yourself from desperation.


Please go to a Support Group in your area.... mahila mandals have them.

Don't waste time on an online Support Group.

You need real help, and they'll give it.


We can work with your horoscope and that of your husband's, later. Surely.


There are many herbal remedies which will give you immediately control over yourself. If you need to, go to my website listed in my profile page, and call me up.

I live very far away from you, but I'll do my best to help.


Come on, get a grip on yourself!

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Go to the police station , make an FIR first. Bribe the policeman & get your husband beaten up. This is how things work. Purchase an audio recorder & record whatever he abuses & threatens you...put it before your senior colony members...policemen & the state courts & mahila mandals.

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Dear Manju,


The first thing to do is not panic. I am not an astrologer, but I have been in an mentally abusive marriage too not so long ago. So, I understand exactly where you are. CALM DOWN. Take 5 minutes and pray to God to give you strength.


I agree with Medical Astrology. You need to think of your physical and mental safety FIRST. If you have a friend, relative or parents place that you can go to for a few days, please do so after informing your father-in-law.


When you are in the midst of being mentally abused in marriage, all you can think of is (a) you are being made to beleive by your husband that you are weak. YOU ARE NOT. That is why you need to go to safe place right now. In a stable place, you will recover your mental strength. You seem financially independent already, which is great (b) you feel you need to save the marriage at any cost. Dont put that pressure on yourself now. It will happen if God thinks it is the right thing for you. Also, once you are calmer, I am sure the esteemed astrologers in this forum will guide you.


Again, I appeal that you calm down and get to a safe place at the earliest. My prayers that God be with you.

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thanx to all of you for guiding me......it really gives me strength.....i have informed my father in law....and for 6-7 days i am going to my friend's place.........as few minutes bck....he threaten cut my hands, my legs .........this is really getting out of control........I really don't understand why God brings so much sufferings in my life.......Till date I am not able to cope with the loss of Mukesh......and now all this........I KNOW IF GOD BRINGS ME TO IT....HE WILL SURELY BRINGS ME THRU IT......

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Manju, remember that you are not alone in your time of suffering.

We are all with you, to help and offer support.


Please see if you can get a place in a Working Women's hostel within a short time, with someone's help. Move into it as soon as you can.

If there's no vacany there, try and get place as a PG (paying guest) at someone's place. I know they don't like to have married women as PGs, but you could approach an NGO for this... they might be able to help you.


The best weapon is financial independence and you have that.

Stay separate from your husband for the present and continue to go to work.

He might come to your place of work, so try and take prohibitive action (legal or otherwise) as is possible for you.

Do not come to or leave your place of work alone..... for some weeks.


It is better not too provoke him, a woman is unable to defend herself physically against an enraged man.


Take the help of your colleagues, if they'll help, to escort you some distance from your workplace.

Again, a lot depends upon your place of work and nature of work.


If you can manage, get a transfer......

These are the things you need to focus on, right now.


Leave everything else for later.

As Janaki has said, May God be with you!

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I am glad that you are moving to a friend's place for a few days. Remember, God never gives you a problem that you and He cannot solve by working together. So, you will overcome this too with His help and emerge a stronger person.

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Dear Manju,


Sometimes we are more concern about the society and can't make certain decisions. I am sure you're a very special person and nobody has the right to mis treat you. I am sure you will in future find a man who truly loves and respects you with all his heart and that day nothing will matter whether you were married once or twice.

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Respected Manju ji,


In these tough times, you are not alone, we all are with you. We all are praying for your wellbeing. this 6-7 days break will help you calm your mind also will give your husband some time to develop some insight.


Try to keep your mind calm in this tough time. Take any decision with care.

Keep faith in God, he will surely show you the way.


God Bless you


Warm Regards


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Thanx all of you for ur support & guidance.........as my husband threaten me not to come back......I am oot of the house from 8.5.09.......Living at my friend's place......and nobody bothered to even find out where I am???


Today I decided to move to PG Accomodation.......as my husband is already sending me SMS threatening me not to come back......


I don't know what future holds for me.....but today my present is very uncertain........

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Don't worry,


You are earning and self dependent. It it their bad luck that they will not have you with them. You keep walking, God is always with you. Keep faith in Him and he will never let you down.


Also keep those messages and calls recorded with you. You wil need them in case some problem arises.


God Bless you


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