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Exchange of Planets

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Exchange of Planets


<CENTER>by Meghamala V Natu</CENTER>


We know that when the lord of a quadrant combines with the lord of a trine a Rajayoga results. Or a mutual exchange between quadrant and a trine lords results in a Rajayoga. A Rajayoga is a very auspicious combination and its placement in a Kendra or a trine increases the value of a horoscope.

But after studying quite a good number of horoscopes it has been noticed that mutual exchange between the seventh and fifth lords is quite damaging considering married life and progeny. I will illustrate a few examples to trace my point.

Birth Chart No.1. Aries: Lagna; Cancer: the Moon; Leo: Venus, Mars and Ketu; Virgo: Saturn; Libra: the Sun and Mercury; Aquarius: Rahu; and Pisces: Jupiter.

This is the chart of a female native born on 22-10-51. She got married in May, 72 to an Engineer who was class I officer in Railways. Within a month after marriage, the native discovered that the husband was having extra-marital relations with two other ladies. On questioning the husband she got his severe beating and seeing the other ladies coming to her husband on and often made her life miserable. At last after two months she left the husband and went to her parents' place. After two years of separation, she got divorce from the court. Now in her horoscope, we see that the seventh lord Venus is in the fifth and fifth lord the Sun is in the seventh debilitated.

In addition to this, Venus the Karaka for marriage is spoiled by Mars and Ketu. These damaging factors shattered her married life.

Chart No.2. Gemini: Lagna, Rahu; Cancer: Saturn and Mars; Libra: Jupiter; Sagit: the Sun, Venus, Ketu and Mercury; Capricorn: the Moon.

This is the chart of a lady who suffered from abortions, miscarriages etc. for seven to eight times after the birth of first born daughter who is luring. Here also we see that there is a mutual exchange between the seventh and fifth lords, i.e. Jupiter and Venus.

Chart No.3. Cancer: Lagna; Scorpio: Saturn; Sagit: Ketu; Capricorn: Jupiter and Mars; Aquarius: Venus; Pisces: the Moon and Mercury; Aries: the Sun; Gemini: Rahu.

This is the chart of a lady who gave birth to two children, but both died within one week or so after their birth. The native suffered from menstrual trouble and had many abortions also. Here also there is a mutual exchange between the fifth and seventh lords, i.e. Mars and Saturn.

Chart No.4. Libra: Lagna, Rahu; Scorpio: the Sun, Venus and Mercury; Capricorn: the Moon; Aquarius: Mars; Pisces: Jupiter; Aries: Saturn and Ketu.

This is the chart of a native who is unmarried even at the age of forty years. Here we see that there is a mutual exchange between the fifth and seventh lords, i.e. Saturn and Mars. In addition, Rahu-Ketu axis is in seventh houses.

Chart No.5. Virgo: Lagna, the Moon; Scorpio: Rahu, Mars; Capricorn: Jupiter; Pisces: Saturn; Taurus: Venus and Ketu; Gemini: the Sun and Mercury.

This female native got married at a very late stage, i.e. at the age of thirty years. But it has been reported that domestic happiness is totally lacking due to some unknown reasons. Here also there is a mutual exchange between seventh and fifth lords, i.e. Jupiter and Saturn. Also Venus is spoiled by Mars and Ketu.

Therefore we see that even though mutual exchange between seventh and fifth lords results in a Rajayoga according to Astro-Science, its effects are damaging considering married life and progeny.


(Condensed from Planets & Forecast, April, 1985)

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Respected Sandhu Ji... I just went through this thread. In my kundali I've got Jupiter and Venus which are inter-changing their rashis. Jupiter (Libra) is in the 5th house owned by Venus, and Venus (Pisces) is in the 10th house owned by Jupiter. I'm born under gemini ascendant. Would this parivartana cause problems in my marital life? Please check and shed some light on it.


Here are my birth details:


Date of Birth: 12th May 1982

Time of Birth: 08:12 AM (IST)

Place of Birth: Hyderabad, India

Gender: Male

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  • 2 months later...

Natu ji & Sandhu ji,


It was intersting to note your observations regarding exchange of lords of trine & quadrant - that there has been no good effects.


"Laghu Prashari" - an autoritative treatise on functional effects of planets clears all such doubts.


For examining effects of exchange of such lords one should also examine rulership of other signs by the planets, association, functional nature of the planets under consideration for the specific Lagna etc etc.


For example : exchange or comination of Mars & Venus (lords of 9th & 10th houses) in any house, even in 9th or 10th; shall not constitute benefic results of Rajyoga for Leo Lagna nativities.


... V K Shridhar

Edited by V K Shridhar
wrong pressing of key board
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Respected Sandhuji,


Thank you very much for a very informative thread. But let us reaffirm that the exchange alone is not responsible for the adverse results. This is in order that all the innocent visitors to the forum do not get scared if they do have such an exchange in their horoscope:)


I myself am scorpio ascendant and has mars and venus(7th lord) in 5th house and jupiter(5th lord) in 7th house. While my married life is definately more peaceful than most but perhaps because of the presence of 6L in 5H, my son underwent very severe health conditions immediately after birth.


Kind regards

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Respected Sandhu Ji... I just went through this thread. In my kundali I've got Jupiter and Venus which are inter-changing their rashis. Jupiter (Libra) is in the 5th house owned by Venus, and Venus (Pisces) is in the 10th house owned by Jupiter. I'm born under gemini ascendant. Would this parivartana cause problems in my marital life? Please check and shed some light on it.


Here are my birth details:


Date of Birth: 12th May 1982

Time of Birth: 08:12 AM (IST)

Place of Birth: Hyderabad, India

Gender: Male



hi, my name is abbhiramy and having almost same kundali as mr suryavakkantham. Jupiter (Libra) is in the 5th house owned by Venus, and Venus (Pisces) is in the 10th house owned by Jupiter. I'm born under gemini ascendant.


Date of Birth: 21st May 1982

Time of Birth: 09:14 AM (IST)

Place of Birth: Petaling Jaya, Malaysia

Gender: Female

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