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yakshas or yakshini or something more evil?

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Hanumate Namah

Listen lady, I am not a dream reader or any special person or whatsoever but by reading your post, I felt somewhat tempted to post a reply and let you know my thoughts.

You said you only did chandi paath during navaratri right?

That could well mean that Kaali maa wants your devotion i.e she wants you to do pooja of her. And you are not doing.

The way you wrote tells me that the lady you saw was Maa Kaali and the other guy could well be Lord Shiva (Just a guess though)

Lord Shiva has always been known for a great yogi and he is definitely a different lord. He has always been infused with Shakti i.e. Maa Gauri. So, he having physical act with you is not astonishing.

As someone already wrote earlier, you need to do bhakti for Devi. But Chandi is not for you, it is a tantrik sadhana. You just read Kavach and Sapta-Sati. I hope it does good for you.

And if nothing acts good for you then seek help of Lord Hanuman. Read Hanuman chalisa, Bajarang Baan and etc. Lord Hanuman is infact an avatar of Lord shiva but his nature is diffenrent. He is extremely kind and Devotee of Ram. So seek his cover and no one will ever harm you.

Do share you exp with me.!

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When Maa kali or a yakhsini did started wearing salavar. These all dreams are coming from you imagination. May be subconscious mind which you are not aware. Normally when we have such problems we use to connect it with spiritual thing and some times one can get relief by doing poojas.

If you want to go in that way I mean spiritual path you can find a guru or a reliable tantrik/Jyotshi who can help you.

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When Maa kali or a yakhsini did started wearing salavar. These all dreams are coming from you imagination. May be subconscious mind which you are not aware. Normally when we have such problems we use to connect it with spiritual thing and some times one can get relief by doing poojas.

If you want to go in that way I mean spiritual path you can find a guru or a reliable tantrik/Jyotshi who can help you.


I agree with most of the points of sreeram


I have seen similar claims.Most of such things are the results of restless mind running riot.


There is a general theory that applies here.Stop bothering about unknown forces and they stop bothering you.


Please remeber sakhthi Sadhana is not for week minds.It is a dangerous territory.Stop all sadhanas with immediate effect.Go to the temple and pray.Dont ask anything just pray.

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<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: #666666 1px solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 3ex; BORDER-TOP: #666666 1px solid; PADDING-LEFT: 3ex; BORDER-LEFT: #666666 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: #666666 1px solid" bgColor=#e0e0e0>Originally Posted by sreeram

When Maa kali or a yakhsini did started wearing salavar. These all dreams are coming from you imagination. May be subconscious mind which you are not aware. Normally when we have such problems we use to connect it with spiritual thing and some times one can get relief by doing poojas.

If you want to go in that way I mean spiritual path you can find a guru or a reliable tantrik/Jyotshi who can help you.




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actually its not my mind since i think abt these stuff and sleep...also at times i get some dreams that turn true...this used to happen when i did devi puja regularly....however due to weakness i just remmember the divine mother and father in my heart and mind and talk to them in my mind....probably u'll think its mad ....but isnt god everywhere so i can speak to the god in my mind ,scream at them, cry before them , love them ask qustions to them....and i think they answer in their way.


as for black magic yes i too feel infact 200% confident its been done on me....i guess i need to find a way to stop its effect totally.

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You can also read the story of dhruv's sister who has the same problem as you have.




Our family also worships Bhairo Baba every sunday. He is our kuldevta. We offer prayers & give food to dogs. If we do not do it on even 1 sunday problems start arising from nowhere. several time we have found worms in the house which come out of nowhere. I was checking it out last night with my father if someone up in our family tree has offered any sacrifices for fullfilment of any wish. But my father does not know about it. I know some people with whom i will try to find it out this month. I will let you know the best solution. Right now best for you will be to keep worshipping Durga. But take care & do not overide any other possibilities. In case its black magic the effects will intensify on full moon nights & moonless nights. You can contact Dhruvbura ji to find right way of worshipping Durga. You can contact me here - artcorner at gmail dot com .

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Do you have any enemy in your life who can do back magic to you?.

If yes you can take help from some baba who can remove the effect.

Another thing why you are doing tantrik sdhanas. Tantric sadhanas are not for common man. So stop doing these. And you can not fulfill these without a guru.

Come out from your dreams. Don’t try to connect the coincidences

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Another thing why you are doing tantrik sdhanas. Tantric sadhanas are not for common man. So stop doing these. And you can not fulfill these without a guru.




Then isn't the tantric also a common man when he enters into practice.

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Do you have any enemy in your life who can do back magic to you?.

If yes you can take help from some baba who can remove the effect.

Another thing why you are doing tantrik sdhanas. Tantric sadhanas are not for common man. So stop doing these. And you can not fulfill these without a guru.

Come out from your dreams. Don’t try to connect the coincidences


yes many, practically all our relatives are jealous of my mom n dad as they rose in life , and note it that both are very clean of heart , help one and all ...still people are jealous of them. my mom too is keeping continuously ill, her illness increases on amavasya days so i m dead sure its black magic on her. dad was rising in career a lot , suddenly things changed and became very very difficult for him so much so he resigned. his health too has become bad.

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Then isn't the tantric also a common man when he enters into practice.

I agree. But if you are choosing that path and ready to take the Consequences then it is ok. And remember By doing sadhanas every one can not reach that state. Specially the week minds

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There are two things coming to my mind.

1. You strongly believe that it is the effect of black magic. If so you can take help of a reliable Jythshi or pandit or baba to get relief of this. I mean it reliable because there are some babas/Jyotshis who will only relieve money from your pocket. If you can tell the place which you belongs to (or near plance if you don’t want to disclose ) some one can help to find out a reliable Jyothshi or baba.

2. chanting powerful mantras may cause problems if you are not doing it properly. The pronunciation of words are very important. If you are doing a wrong pronunciation it may cause wrong effect.

From the above two points you need to identify what is the cause of your problem.

We all are here to help you.

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ok when i fell ill seriously a baba cured me . however , he mentioned that if i came before the lady who cast the spell on me within 3 months , the whole thing will get reversed back and he wont be able to do anything...the lady in question is my bua/chachi ...well so i avoided going before them for 2 months , my bua wud enquire abt me, turn up suddenly i mean she tried everything to see me. one day , she came and rushed to my room, i ddint get time to close the door of my room and she saw me and her face turned pale more like as if she will cry any moment. within 10-15 days again the previous symptoms started and the whole thing came back and i fell so ill i had to be hospitaziled. somehow my friend knew of a person and took me there and then i became normal....during the time i was hospitalized i smelt blood from food and i cudnt eat.


though my life got saved, it changed totally, i m living since i m alive.

my health is just not recovering,


before i fell ill, i was a very good looking girl , now i look straight from graveyard. before there was a marriage proposal, at that time my chachi practically seemd as if she wud have a breakdown. the groom , had gone crazy and insisted on marrying only me, seeing this both bua n chachi were very upset. but the proposal fell thru , i m not upset abt it since i wasnt keen on it, i was praying that it falls thru. but from then on any marriage proposal that comes doesnt go thru ...they plan to come and then it falls thru....i was working i gave my job due to illness and mental harrasment by my boss, it seemed as if everyone was finding faults and suddenly started targeting me only. during the 2 months the scenario had changed to my favour everyhting went gud, but again it back like before. i started doing trading i was making huge money made abt 10 lakhs in 1 year . during this period both cua and chachi didnt know anything abt me doing this, bua wud insist dad marry me off to some peon kind of person . i m a enggineer , they wud pressureize my dad abt things related to me, infact she told my dad tht my mom did some black magic on him leading to his downfall. and i m suffering due to her being bad person. this is crap . my mother is such a pure person that saints tell her she is a very pure soul so pure that she doesnt even need to pray god. when any relatives ahve an function they tell my mother to step into their house first and do the rituals first so they get luck. seeing this my chachi wud be jealous. for her too, things changed , all the people who knew how she was harrassed by bua after marriage suddenly started speaking in bua's favour would taunt my mom and praise chachi, so much so they actually speak ill abt her character . as for my trading from the time they got to know things changed, so much so i lost all my earnings, i went for interviews for job tht didnt work. now the only person left is my sis and now my bua keeps asking abt her the same things she asks abt me . i dont want her to face the same hell i faced


as for durga puja thing, a person i know's mother gets possessed by the devi. he asked her abt this and she told him someone close to my family has done black magic on me to prevent me from gettin married and settling down in life. so much so that either i will die of illness or life will become hell and i will suicide. if i got married the effect will destroy my marriage too. the only thing thats keeping me alive is the puja tht i had done at the time to durga devi.



i m disgusted with life, no matter how much i pray , it seems god is not showing me a path to cure my problem. i m losing hope its been 6 years of this struggle and i dont have any strength left to fight it.


people may say its just luck but i know it not. sometimes i feel probably i should either kill them or kill myself.


if anyone can help me find a proper geniune solution to my problems plz help me out.


p.s- another thing we left tht city and shifted , and now the condition is better than before, however my bua visited out place and from then on problems seem to start again. she makes it apoint to come to our place atleast once a year during ganesh chaturthi for past 3 years and calls daily atleast twice to speak to dad,...and dad becomes like a fish taken out of water if he doesnt speak to her...watever she says is right for him now... be it marrying me off to some khalasi, he gets upset at tht point and then he's like she's worried so she gets matches....i fail to undertsand how can he not see wat she's trying to do. we have forgotten wat happeniness is thanx to god knows who.


if anyone can provide me with geniune help and guidance , i will be highly greatful to that person.

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look here , god never ever harms her children . so if any unwanted things are happening to you its because of some other problems and not because of her wrath . now this chandi paath has lots of rules . its to be done by a pious brahmin with proper initiation who has an unstained character and is a man of virtues with correct intonation and pronunciations etc etc . and chandi as you know is extremely powerfull text . i think the first point of mistake was in reading the chandi all by yourself .


in todays era of inforamation technology everything seems to be going very public . the strictly confidential gayatri is sung aloud over microphones and internet sites advising every man to personally worship salagrams ........... such advises are not only dangerous but also killing !!!


secondly mantra jap without having recieved the grace of guru is mostly ineffective and can produce adverse results . exccessive meditation for long hours and unsupervised attempts in raising the kundalini also creates serious mental imbalances-- so much so that one might go even crazy . so refrain form overpressuring you capacities if thats what you were doing .


do a normal puja to devi with flowers incense and nice bhoga offerings . think of her beautiful face and peacefull pastimes . and recite the four stavas of chandi only - with correct pronunciation . dont attempt to read all of it . pray for her mercy always .......... and lastly try to develope complete surrender at her lotus feet . think of her as your benevolent mother -- nothing else ... not kali ......not durga .......not chandi --- only mother who takes you up in lap and kisses your forehead . visualize her compassionate hand over your forehead . hug on to her neck tightly .............never let her go and cry out your heart to her ........ she is your own and she must help you out of this distress ..........................................................


things would be fine !!!:)

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Power of darkness is such that even if the solution lies ahead of you, you can not identify it. It obstructs you from doing right things. It obstructs right people to come into your life. I have also suffered six years. Each time i decided to go to any holy person, i changed up my mind thinking i could change my life through my deeds & actions. I could not finish any pooja rituals for six years. Dark force dragged me away from religion. My family faced worst of times. There were quarrels in the family. expenses were more than incomes. Often someone fell ill. My mother suffered a knee fracture. I struggled for what is called hand to mouth existence. The only thing i'm greatful about is that noone died in the family. It was very painful to see how world was strolling past me & i was standing right there for 6 years without any progress. But there is one thing stronger than power of mind & that is courage of heart. I had a belief that time would change for good. I use to be someone who only believed in Karma yoga, but there comes a time in life when you have to believe in all the things that exist.



The only mantra in all eras has been " struggle ". Each soul who was born on this earth has struggled. Gautam buddha had to be born as siddhartha because he missed his enlightenment by just 1 day in his previous birth.

So i invested each minute of my past 6 years in my work, because i believed that the only aim of mankind is to progress. And man can only progress if he stays alive. Suicide cannot provide a solution. If you commit suicide than it is your defeat & your enemy's success. There is no place for people who run away from their obligations. If you commit suicide, how will you repay the debt of your parents who have given you birth.


The time is changing for you now. The power of dark is loosing strength. Good forces have twisted your mindset towards sprituality & brought you to this forum.

The end of your miseries depends upon your power of differentiation. when you'll learn to be highly greatful, you'll be cured.

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I agree to your point sambya but angelic_devil thinks all these are because of black magic. ........ type=text/javascript> vbmenu_register("postmenu_1140206", true); .........>


yes !! if she can strictly turn spiritual and surrender to god accompanied by creating a spiritual atmosphere in the home , no harm can be done to her . god always protects his son . thats why things like black magic are mostly ineffective on strong spiritual persons.............. !!

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sriram you should understand. And sambya it is not easy to turn spiritual and everything will be fine.

Specially when you are being attacked and your condition is deteriorating day by day.Iff she'd got fever then would you tell her to go to the mandir? certainly god will help but youre going to give a crocin.IT is easy to give advises on on othe peoples lives but when you yourself suffer and go through problems you realise that not everything is under your control.Or you are too weak too know that things are under your control.




I hope you did what i told you.angellic devil.

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