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Mystery of disease in Venus dasha

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Respected gurus,

I had very good health all my life till end of 2007. I have been having some health problem or other since then.

My Venus dasha started at that time.


My birth details - 04 Sept 1974, 2:00 am Bangalore, India.


Venus is my 5th & 12th lord placed in the 3rd house(Leo) with the 3rd Lord Sun. It is receiving aspects from 8th & 9th lord Saturn from Ascendent and

from 7th & 10th lord Jupiter from the 9th house.


There is no connection to the 6th house.


In Navamsa, Venus is in 2nd house(Aries) with debilated Saturn whose debilation has been cancelled.


Can any of the learned members please help me with my query?



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Respected gurus,

I had very good health all my life till end of 2007. I have been having some health problem or other since then.

My Venus dasha started at that time.


My birth details - 04 Sept 1974, 2:00 am Bangalore, India.


Venus is my 5th & 12th lord placed in the 3rd house(Leo) with the 3rd Lord Sun. It is receiving aspects from 8th & 9th lord Saturn from Ascendent and

from 7th & 10th lord Jupiter from the 9th house.


There is no connection to the 6th house.


In Navamsa, Venus is in 2nd house(Aries) with debilated Saturn whose debilation has been cancelled.


Can any of the learned members please help me with my query?






It does not have to be a connection with 6th house to get disease. The 8th house is also very powerful to cause problems, it is hidden house too (unexpected gains and loss and death-----).


Venus has started about Nov 2007 and it is for 20 yrs. It is lord of 12 th too and aspected by Saturn lord of 8th. Venus is aspected by Jupiter too from 9th house.


Do the following:


Worshiping Laxmi Mata (without flowers).

Be vegetarian if you are already not so.

Donation on Saturdays and Tuesdays to needy people (clothes, umbrella, shoes that are not of leather…).

Hope it helps.


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aum gurubhyo namah




dear sow.rajitha,


can you please precisely recollect as to when did the health start

going bad ? can it be around oct 2006 ?


if you anchor on the venus dasa for the start of health problem, then

venus has the potency to bring down your health as it is not comfortably

placed in rasi, navamsa , dasamsa , shastamsa and shastiamsa.


for health problems, pl look at lagna lord, venus and moon.

lagna lord , though can be consided as in own house of exaltation, mars

association is one of the primary factor. mars is his enemy and also the

sixth lord in the chart. more over the proximity to mars is of concern.


venus in navamsa is with saturn and aspected by mars. the nodes are

in kendra to it.


sage parasara says " dasamse mahatbalam ". such a nice point in a

simplistic style !. venus in dasamsa is influenced by nodes and aspected

by mars once again.


venus in shasthamsa is aspected by mars.


venus in shastiamsa is neecha and aspected by rahu and saturn. What

more you want for the venus to be under stress ? venus is in raakshasa



may mother bless all



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Thanks Webyogiji. I will certainly do the remedies specified by you. I was reading the BPHS and it mentioned Chandi path as a remedy too.

What do you suggest?




I am a male though my screen name says rajitha.

Thanks for the pointers. I never thought dasamsa would play a role in health. I thought it was mainly for job.


What do you think is the remedy for this? Do you believe in behavioural remedies?

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Namaskar Rajithaji,


In your chart, Saturn is afflicting Venus and the moon by its 3rd and 10th aspect respectively..Along with, Venus is in Enemy's house that is sun along with Sun...I dont feel Jupiter's aspect on venus would count much as jupiter is retrograde and its mood isnt good as it is heading towards its debilitation sign.. Mars the sixth house lord is ill placed with mercury in a malefic sign..this makes the sixth house weak and placement of rahu in the 6th house adds to it.. Venus in the navamsa chart receives the aspect of mars and is conjuct with saturn. So Venus becomes weak overall..


Do remedies for venus...keep fast on fridays.. Keep your wife happy always...And u must never insult any woman..

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Webyogiji, thanks for your suggestions.


Sasiji, thanks for letting me know how to look at the strength of a planet. Usually, I look at the shadbala, SAV & BAV points in Jagannath Hora software. But this information certainly helps.



Thanks for the information. On question I have is whether the entire Venus dasha would be bad (which would be bad since it lasts for 20 full years)?

I think your point of Jupiter not being in a good mood though posited in the 9th house may also explain why I have to work hard and don't have intrinsic luck. This may also explain why my business pursuits are not successful(7th lordship) and why I don't get recognition at my workplace based on my potential(10th lordship).

I guess wearing a stone may not help since Venus also has 12th lordship. What do you say?


Thank you very much for suggesting the remedies. I will surely follow them.


Another general question please. Wherever I have given my horoscope, people have told me that a woman may cause my downfall.

Also, if I have an affair, that will ruin me.


Does anyone what indicates this in my chart?


Thanks for all your help.

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I started off with a Salmonella infection when my Venus dasha began (late 2007). I also had prostate infection at that time.

For sometime I was fine after that.


My back problem started around August 2008.


My intestinal and prostate problem has recurred now in the beginning of November 2008.



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Some observations:

Late July 2007 TSaturn crossed Nvenus

Mid dec 2007 TSaturn retrograded stopped just shy of contacting NSun

Late august 2007 TSaturn dir contacts NSun

Mid-May 2009 TSaturnR approaches Sun but stops short of contacting

Then moves direct

Between May to September of 2009 if your health condition gets resolved or improves considerably, we can look at it again from a study perspective...


Thanks for sharing. Good luck with your recovery.


Also give Ashtottari a try, given that your birth is KP-daytime






Respected gurus,

I had very good health all my life till end of 2007. I have been having some health problem or other since then.

My Venus dasha started at that time.


My birth details - 04 Sept 1974, 2:00 am Bangalore, India.


Venus is my 5th & 12th lord placed in the 3rd house(Leo) with the 3rd Lord Sun. It is receiving aspects from 8th & 9th lord Saturn from Ascendent and

from 7th & 10th lord Jupiter from the 9th house.


There is no connection to the 6th house.


In Navamsa, Venus is in 2nd house(Aries) with debilated Saturn whose debilation has been cancelled.


Can any of the learned members please help me with my query?



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Dear Rajitha


Its all about saturn in transit atop your natal sun. In my opinion, his isnt about Venus mahadasha at all. I am not saying that transits over-rule dashas. But I have seen many cases where saturn traversing natal sun gives huge problems. In your case, the planetary configuration is ironical. 3rd lord sun in 3rd isnt a good idea. While 8th lord in marana karaka sthana is a good yoga in itself. sun does not look good. Its at degree conjunction with lagna


Best Wishes


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Thanks Deepaji.


Why did you say that the combination was ironical?

I have heard many times that 3rd lord in 3rd is not good but I heard that it is not good for the sibling.


Also, could you please let me know what is the significance of the 8th lord Saturn posited in Marana karaka stana (1st house in this case)?


Also, what does the Sun's position at the same degree as Lagna mean?


Sorry for all these questions but as a student of astrology, I like to get all the knowledge I can get ;)

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Rajitha ji,


3rd house is not just for siblings. That is only one aspect governed by the 3rd.


I said things were ironical in your case because, I believe sun is an akaraka for your chart whereas saturn - a technical malefic has lost much of is maleficience by occupying the lagna.


The natural traits that saturn would give you are diseases and problems to or from brethren. But it also confers long journeys, fortune from strangers and assures accumulation of wealth.


Your chart shows aplenty of time to indulge and be interested in occult.


Best Wishes


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Thanks Deepaji.


I am very interested in occult. My interest started in Ketu dasha. Ketu is in the 12th house in my chart.


I don't know if you consider retrograde aspects but if you do so, retro Jupiter aspects Ketu from 12th.


Also, since Saturn in my Atmakaraka, Saturn makes me spiritual.


So, are you saying that Sun will behave as a malefic in my chart?

Also, could you please elaborate on how 3rd lord in 3rd house is not good?


Thanks for your patience in answering my questions.

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Rajitha ji,


You are right about Ketu exaggerating your interest in occult. Given that Sun and Mercury are degrees away, Jupiter does not aspect Chandra, Mars occupies the 4th, Saturn aspects Chandra, Ketu had to be solely responsible for the same. I am supremely confident that Venus MD is not responsible for health issues. :)


Best Wishes


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Thanks for your thoughts.


Could you please answer this other question from my previous post?


So, are you saying that Sun will behave as a malefic in my chart?

Also, could you please elaborate on how 3rd lord in 3rd house is not good?


I promise this will be my last question.

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  • 1 year later...


Respected gurus,

I had very good health all my life till end of 2007. I have been having some health problem or other since then.

My Venus dasha started at that time.


My birth details - 04 Sept 1974, 2:00 am Bangalore, India.


Venus is my 5th & 12th lord placed in the 3rd house(Leo) with the 3rd Lord Sun. It is receiving aspects from 8th & 9th lord Saturn from Ascendent and

from 7th & 10th lord Jupiter from the 9th house.


There is no connection to the 6th house.


In Navamsa, Venus is in 2nd house(Aries) with debilated Saturn whose debilation has been cancelled.


Can any of the learned members please help me with my query?




Venus is lord of 22nd drekkana (a key point for health considerations). Since Venus is weak in the gandantha cusp, the health issues have surfaced in venus dasha. Venus is also in pakshi drekkana.

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