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Obama to Lift Ban on Overseas Abortion Funding

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Sarva gattah

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Obama to Lift Ban on Overseas Abortion Funding


President Obama is expected to sign the executive order one day after the 36th anniversary of the landmark Roe v. Wade Supreme Court ruling that legalized abortion in all 50 states.


President Obama on Friday is expected to lift a ban on federal funding for international groups that promote or perform abortions, reversing a policy of his predecessor, George W. Bush.



Obama will sign the executive order one day after the 36th anniversary of the landmark Roe v. Wade Supreme Court ruling that legalized abortion in all 50 states.



The move, long expected in the Democratic president's first week in office, will be welcomed by liberals and criticized by abortion rights foes.



The so-called Mexico City policy requires any non-governmental organization to agree before receiving U.S. funds that they will "neither perform nor actively promote abortion as a method of family planning in other nations."



It is also known as the "global gag rule," because it prohibits taxpayer funding for groups that even talk about abortion if there is an unplanned pregnancy.



The policy was first instituted by President Ronald Reagan in 1984 and continued by President George H.W. Bush. The policy was reversed by President Bill Clinton in 1993, and re-instated by President George W. Bush in 2001.



Both Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who will oversee foreign aid, had promised to do away with the gag rule during the presidential campaign. Clinton is to visit the U.S. Agency for International Development, through which much U.S. foreign aid is disbursed, later on Friday.



Organizations that had pressed Obama to make the abortion-ban change were jubilant.



"Women's health has been severely impacted by the cutoff of assistance. "President Obama's actions will help reduce the number of unintended pregnancies, abortions and women dying from high-risk pregnancies because they don't have access to family planning," said Tod Preston, a spokesman for Population Action International, an advocacy group.



Obama has spent his first days in office systematically signing executive orders reversing Bush administration policies on issues ranging from foreign policy to government operations. On Thursday, he signed three executive orders to rein in secretive U.S. counterterror policies and end harsh interrogations



Just another ignorant fool in the White House???

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Just another ignorant fool in the White House???



Yep. Wet stool, dry stool. I wish him well on his green ideas and other things but when it comes down to it he is a baby killer. The Pro-Life folks already made note that he himself would have been a perfect candidate to be aborted having a father that abandoned him as a baby.

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Although by rejecting Srila Prabhupada's varnasram project present Vaishnava institutions became big supporters of abortion (it is almost untolerable for a Vaishnava mother to raise a child in a materialistic society), the Vatican does the right thing and to publically reject abortion. As usual iskconnews and GM keep silent.


Vatican criticizes Obama on abortion issue


VATICAN CITY (AP) — Vatican officials said Saturday they were disappointed by President Barack Obama’s decision to end a ban on federal funding for international groups that perform abortions or provide information on them.


Monsignor Rino Fisichella, who heads the Vatican’s Pontifical Academy for Life, urged Obama to listen to all voices in America without "the arrogance of those who, being in power, believe they can decide of life and death."


Fisichella said in an interview published Saturday in Corriere della Sera that "if this is one of President Obama’s first acts, I have to say, in all due respect, that we’re heading quickly toward disappointment."


Obama signed an executive order that ended the ban on Friday, reversing the policy of the Bush administration.


"This deals a harsh blow not only to us Catholics but to all the people across the world who fight against the slaughter of innocents that is carried out with the abortion," another top official with the Academy for Life, Monsignor Elio Sgreccia, told the ANSA news agency.


"Among the many good things that he could have done, Barack Obama instead chose the worst," he was quoted as saying Saturday.


Officials at the academy could not be reached Saturday.

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He has not made secret his position. The previous administrations upheld reagans ban, and were praised for this non-solution. Yet, when it came to rejecting the pharmaceuticals and the corporate health funds for those supplying abortion on demand, where was the republican castigation? Nothing! Because these mega corporations control even the anti abortion crowd, and abort many more than those who may see a need to protect privacy laws and rape and incest victims.


Abortion is not the problem as much as the abortion industry. As an emergency medical procedure, some bending must be there, but the only bending from the right wing on this issue is when their sponsors demand them to look the other way while wholesale genocide takes place. Someone who claims to be pro-life must be vehemently opposed to the wholesale slaughter carried out in the name of national security before I will ever take them seriously. Those who are pro-abortion also must be rejected, but those who are pro-privacy rights who are also pro-mother rights and social help such as WIC. You cannot protect a fetus and reject young babies and their mothers. Ultimate in hypocracy.


I dont congratulate Obama on this, this is not my wish, but the republican dominance and the conservative Suporeme Court have NOT overturned Roe v Wade, therefore, have no say in this minor issue. Mahak

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Its a minor issue to the republicans, this is what I say, not that its a minor issue to me. The republicans have had the power to change r-v-w, the legislkature, the oval office, and the supreme court, and they didnt seem to approach with the vigor of a major issue. Why??? Because if abortions were not available or illegal, then they wouldnt have the superior position that makes all the ignorant christian zombies swoon. Read The Appeal, the new novel by John Grisham, and this makes it all too clear.


Abortion is not a minor issue to Obama, either. He wants to make it so all children conceived have a chance by other programs, not like the republicans who only wish failure to all mothers except rich white christian women. But if one analyzes who gets the abortions, its the rich white christian women. Crackheads will not use $500 to pay an abortionist, they will use it for crack, have theiur baby then throw it in the dumpster. No abortion is available to the severely disenfranchized, so Obama's plan to include, rather than the exclusionary policies of the fascists will make it so abortions actually go down without having fascists control every aspect of one's life.


haribol, ys, mahak

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They first established it in UK now they try for the same in US and the rest of the world.


Repeat abortions among teenage girls have risen by 70%



Fiona Macrea – Daily Mail.co.uk January 24, 2009



The number of abortions performed on teenage girls who have had at least one before has risen by almost 70 per cent since 1991, fuelling fears that terminations are being carried out for lifestyle reasons.


Experts yesterday warned that binge drinking among teenagers had also contributed to the increase.


In 2007, 5,897 girls under 20 had their second, third or even fourth termination.


Sixteen years earlier, in 1991, the figure stood at just 2,934, the journal Contraception reported.


The analysis by scientists at Nottingham University, found that - even taking into account the rise in abortion among all age groups - the proportion of repeat terminations carried out on teenagers rose by 68 per cent in 16 years.


Abortions in the UK have reached record levels - almost 200,000 a year in England and Wales - a rate second only in the western world to the U.S. Researcher Jacqueline Collier, a professor of health services research, said that although there were probably many reasons behind the 'radical increase' in repeat abortions in teenagers, it is likely that alcohol played a part.


Calling for more research into the issue, she said: 'It is right for us to put it as a priority. It is not good for society, let alone for teenagers, to be having repeat terminations or repeat pregnancies they are not wanting or not able to continue with.'


When all age groups are included in the analysis, a third of terminations are carried out on women who have had at least one before.


The evidence shows that some women have had eight or more.


Thirteen girls aged under 18 were on at least their fourth abortion in 2007, the Department of Health figures showed.


Dr Trevor Stammers, a GP and a lecturer in healthcare ethics, said: 'I think that young women who have had one abortion fall into two camps.


'There is one that understands the ongoing consequences and another that (is) very cavalier and hardened about it and have entered a phase of regarding it as a backup method of contraception.


'We have got to communicate that abstinence is not folly.'


Norman Wells of Family and Youth Concern, which campaigns against family breakdown, said we were living in a 'contraceptive culture'.


He added: 'High abortion rates and the alarming number of repeat teenage abortions are the inevitable fruit of a society that has made an idol of sexual pleasure and failed to respect its proper place and purpose.'


But Ann Furedi of the British Pregnancy Advisory Service, which carries out almost a third of UK abortions, said: 'A lot has changed the past two decades.


'Abortion has become more acceptable, easier to access for all age groups, better funded by the NHS, and more integrated into mainstream healthcare - all of which are good things.'


She added: 'Everyone agrees that it would be better for young people to avoid unwanted pregnancies and there is an extensive range of research and ongoing practical initiatives to address this.


'All of these moves contribute to young people feeling more able to make choices about whether or not they should have sex and how best to handle the consequences.


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I cant see nothing wrong in act of abortion BUT offcause it should be avoided at all cost. Is mastrubating also killing life or using condoms?

Im thinking you guys are a bit fanatical on the matter... what about the rape victim do you think she should have the child? or the mother who are going to give birth to a severly deformed baby? You cant talk about a human beeing when the abortion is made it is not that state.


But i do want to clearly point out that the rise in abortion of teens is extremely disturbing but it just shows how degraded the world is.

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I cant see nothing wrong in act of abortion BUT offcause it should be avoided at all cost. Is mastrubating also killing life or using condoms?

Im thinking you guys are a bit fanatical on the matter... what about the rape victim do you think she should have the child? or the mother who are going to give birth to a severly deformed baby? You cant talk about a human beeing when the abortion is made it is not that state.


But i do want to clearly point out that the rise in abortion of teens is extremely disturbing but it just shows how degraded the world is.



So if it is no big deal to you , the fetus not being human according to you, why are you so disturbed over the increase in teens using it as birth control?

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because it is a dangerous surgery. no body wants to get an abortion! it is never used as prevention it witnesses that many young poeple dont have control over their impulses and life.

But i still want to know were you draw the lines? what about the rape victim or the 13 year old girl?


More than that you should be preoccupied with the moral aspect.

If abortion is legalized and aided so easily... They aspect of Chastity among will fade away.

Before, it was a must in a Hindu marriage that the girl should be a virgin.. today that same thinking is getting dim.


Well, the importance of chaste women in a society is really important.. no one can say the contrary.

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The only reason I accept for an abortion is if in giving birth the woman is in severe jeopardy for her life or serious injury. That is self defense. Another would be if the developing body was SEVERLY deformed.



You think you are showing compassion for the woman by allowing her to decide but only because you are not applying enough knowledge to act.


What we do to others will surely be done to us. If someone kills another in the womb then in the future they also will be killed in the womb. It is a viscious cycle.




Why do you think certain souls are placed in the womb destined to be aborted?

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More than that you should be preoccupied with the moral aspect.

If abortion is legalized and aided so easily... They aspect of Chastity among will fade away.

Before, it was a must in a Hindu marriage that the girl should be a virgin.. today that same thinking is getting dim.


Well, the importance of chaste women in a society is really important.. no one can say the contrary.



And we see that is the case in American society today. If some kid remains a virgin they are mercilessly teased and made to feel ashamed.

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because it is a dangerous surgery. no body wants to get an abortion! it is never used as prevention it witnesses that many young poeple dont have control over their impulses and life.

But i still want to know were you draw the lines? what about the rape victim or the 13 year old girl?


There are many couples who are more or less qualified (by Kali Yuga standards) to raise a child who are in the adoption market for various reasons. The statistics on successful adoptions in America are very high.


And the demand is high as well.


People obviously have the right to do whatever the hell they want with their bodies. And they do. To their karmic detriment, if you believe Visnu sastra. So a compassionate person will do everything in their power to suggest taking responsibility for the fact that a fetus arrived in the womb, however it got there, even if through "victimization", and suggest the karma free method of dealing with it. Offer to adoption. Not murder.


Of course there is also the case of a person, whose psychological makeup is qualified by dharma, who would not be able to stand by and witness a fetus murder, but would be bound to step in and use force to disrupt the procedure, even if it was consensual by the murderer and the mother. Such qualified Ksatriyas are rare, but not unheard of. Such a person would also be found in a context whereby they would have the full capability to take responsibility for THEIR involvement, and provide a viable option to the fetus once brought to term, and dispense proper justice to the "doctor" and the woman, according to scriptural code and time/place/circumstance.

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More than that you should be preoccupied with the moral aspect.

If abortion is legalized and aided so easily... They aspect of Chastity among will fade away.

Before, it was a must in a Hindu marriage that the girl should be a virgin.. today that same thinking is getting dim.


Well, the importance of chaste women in a society is really important.. no one can say the contrary.

omg what have chastity to do with Abortion?? Abortion is not a method of prevention are you crazy? no body wants an abortion.

The marriage think and that the girls should be a virgin are extremely sexist old fashioned way of thinking that i think is far out. Abscense of sex is only for the ones which want good spiritual life not everybody else im happy that girls and boys have the same rights now when it comes to sex. So i dont care that todays thinking is getting dim on that one.. sex is natural as long as you can control it.


and is it better for the 13 year old rape victim to bear the child than to get an abortion

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omg what have chastity to do with Abortion??


Many things.


Abortion is not a method of prevention are you crazy?


I knew that someone sooner or later would come with that. And as usual I'll have ti elaborate.


no body wants an abortion.


hahaha.. why all this singing and dancing then.


The marriage think and that the girls should be a virgin are extremely sexist old fashioned way of thinking that i think is far out.


Ok... What will be your reaction to hear that your mom was not a virgin before marriage?

Don't take it personally.


Abscense of sex is only for the ones which want good spiritual life not everybody else im happy that girls and boys have the same rights now when it comes to sex. So i dont care that todays thinking is getting dim on that one.. sex is natural as long as you can control it.


One day it will be killing is a natural thing. Just like the soldier kills the enemy.. you also have the right to do so when your neighbor is kicking your ass.



and is it better for the 13 year old rape victim to bear the child than to get an abortion

It all depends on certain parameters. For example if the new baby born might jeopardize the life of the young mom et al.
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Ok... What will be your reaction to hear that your mom was not a virgin before marriage?

Don't take it personally.


And oh no my mom was not a virgin before marrige thats mean im some kind of whores child or what? I dont have a reaction personally she is a fine women still.



One day it will be killing is a natural thing. Just like the soldier kills the enemy.. you also have the right to do so when your neighbor is kicking your ass.


I cant really connect a medical surgery to increase of violence i dont see how that might have a connection



It all depends on certain parameters. For example if the new baby born might jeopardize the life of the young mom et al.


are you awere of what it would be like for a 13 year old girl to give birth to her rapists child? no one are but i am sure it is among the worst stresses you can put on someone and i dont want that certainly.
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And oh no my mom was not a virgin before marrige thats mean im some kind of whores child or what? I dont have a reaction personally she is a fine women still.

I can see the reasoning of her child.. no offense again.


I cant really connect a medical surgery to increase of violence i dont see how that might have a connection


You are blind.


are you awere of what it would be like for a 13 year old girl to give birth to her rapists child? no one are but i am sure it is among the worst stresses you can put on someone and i dont want that certainly.


It depends on the one who bears it. It did happen with a child in mauritius with the same mentionned age.. and that too raped by one of his family members. when reporters asked her about abortion.. she said, "the child is not to be blamed, I'll nurture him with love."

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I can see the reasoning of her child.. no offense again.


What exactly are you implying? "no offense again" yearh right...



It depends on the one who bears it. It did happen with a child in mauritius with the same mentionned age.. and that too raped by one of his family members. when reporters asked her about abortion.. she said, "the child is not to be blamed, I'll nurture him with love."

We are debating.. your opinions should be applicable not only to others but you should be able to find yourself at ease with it.

exactly we are debating and you call me a drunk sex baboon out of thin air.

Try talk to the girl about how she really felt about it, she must be ruined. Offcause the child should not be blamed but the stress of the girl carrying a baby under such circumstances should offcause be avoided in self defense of the girl.

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