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Amavasya Birth : A case Study Chart

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Hi Experts!


Please have a look of ready Charts on my blog enlightensoul.blogspot.com there are charts and nirayan of my baby!


My new baby is borned on Amavasya. (Mool Nakshatra, Vridhi Yoga) So Many people advised me to not to see the face till the "Shanti" of mool nakshatra. Different people say diff. things. Can anyone clear the planets and the analytical effects of planets in respected houses. Also can someone throw light on aspects, afflicted, exalted planets?


Female Baby

The place of birth is Osmanabad, Maharashtra India.

Birth time 22.38

Day : 26th December 2008



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Dear vmahavir,


According to Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra (BPHS) a birth in Amavasya tithi calls for a shanti. There is a vidhi prescribed in BPHS for this. Also for Mool nakshatra birth there is a separate shanti for getting over.

Yes According to BPHS for Mool nakshatra birth the parents are supposed to give up the child or the father not look at the face of the child for 8 yrs.


Now since the baby has the combination of both evils together it is highly advisable to perform the shanti at the earliest.


I did look at the baby's chart. Without going into much details - In brief 5th house and 5th lord is not well disposed. The chart does show some weaknesses.


I would highly advise the shanti done, to get one thing out of the way.



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So Many people advised me to not to see the face till the "Shanti" of mool nakshatra.


Dear Mahaveer,


This is 21st century where software is used to do many thing including predicting our future, please whatever is written in the BHPS needs to be taken logically. A father does not see his child's face, what does that mean? I respect the views of other seniors on this forum, but they all will probably tell you to do the 'shanti' ritual, that too if you have faith in it. God will take of your family if you take care of your child properly. God bless and regards,



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Here I am posting a copy of a portion of a thread on "Indian Astrological Remedies" by J.S.Sandhu Ji today for information (concerning birth of a person)

So discording a child just because it is born on Ammavasya and that too in Moola star or father not to look at the child for 8 years looks like a punishment for the child and the parents for what has been decided by the Almighty.

A +ve thinking with ordent faith in the Almighty should do all the good to the child.


"Majority of the so-called astrologers do not follow the rules correctly and hence give a bad name to these remedies. What is the Astrological Basis of Remedies?Planets move in the skies in a pre determined way. The permutations and combinations they form are all predetermined and are being governed by natural laws. Reasoning then suggests that the only way destiny can control your next birth based on your karmas is by choosing a time for your birth when the certain planetary combinations suited to give you the results based on your past karmas are present. So destiny does it role by choosing that moment and giving you a life as per the planetary combinations and their natural effects. Now destiny's role is done and planets take over to give you the results based on the combinations present at the time of your birth."


Best wishes,


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Hi Experts!


Please have a look of ready Charts on my blog enlightensoul.blogspot.com there are charts and nirayan of my baby!


My new baby is borned on Amavasya. (Mool Nakshatra, Vridhi Yoga) So Many people advised me to not to see the face till the "Shanti" of mool nakshatra. Different people say diff. things. Can anyone clear the planets and the analytical effects of planets in respected houses. Also can someone throw light on aspects, afflicted, exalted planets?


Female Baby

The place of birth is Osmanabad, Maharashtra India.

Birth time 22.38

Day : 26th December 2008



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Do the shati, accept the child , whole heartedly -

sincer prayers have the power to give a good healthy, family and a from a healthy good well bound family - good citizens are formed -

all have some good or bad combination -

astrolgy is to make us aware and be prepared to the - hard time which is to come and also not to over joy in the good happy time we have -


A new born have that intutive skill to read the mind of parents - - if you want you can - experiment with ur emotions and see how the child react to you.

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Hello All,


Amavasya birth is as auspicious as any other day, otherwise Diwali would not have been celebrated on that day. I have colleagues and relations who are born in that day and are doing good. One of my colleagues wife is born in Amavasya, Ashlesha nakshtra with gandanta dosha. Her parents are doing good, and she is well settled after marriage. On the contrary people with good horoscopes suffer in relationship, marriage or issues related to children.





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