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Mantra to get a Job

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@Ashi :


Thanks for confirming the details ->

-> Mear Moonga or make sweet by him at home & give to beggar by him.

-> New moon day -> Milk to be kept at mandir

-> The root cause of issue had started in Nov end/ dec 1st week. It was major during Jan end to Feb mid.


There are lot of things to be corrected in this kundali!

Plz consult your nearby good astrologer.


Also do all the mantra mentioned above.

Good time to get job - 22/04/09

For this D day, make sure he completes all the pre work preparation (mentioned mantras).


P.S. - Durga sapthasathi would be effective if he can read those in navrathri !


God bless him.



Dhruv Bhura

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Respected Dhruv ji,


Your efforts and advice/suggestions to help people in distress is really commendable.

I am aware that it would be difficult for you to provide advice to so many queries.


I would be highly obliged and appreciate your advice in regard to my job prospects.


I have provided my birth details..I was quite happy with the job i had in India.But things have changed a lot on career front.


I am grateful to god and within a couple of days i will be blessed with a child. Only thing which is concerning me at the moment is my career...As the field i have worked is very competitive, it would make me redundant, if i stay out of the field for long,


Sorry to bother you with such a long mail.


your help is deeply appreciated.


Thanks and Regards






Dear Astrologerji,


I had a very good job in Finance till Mar2008. Then i got married in april2008 and came to UK in may 2009. I have not been able to get a single interview call since then.


My birth details are

DOB: 1st June 1982, TOB: 11.20 pm POB; Bhilai, Chattisgarh, India


Along with the mantras specified by you, what should i do to get a job...Please help me as i am under lot of stress because despite having MBA(Finance), havent been able to get a job..


Thanks and Regards,



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Dear Dhruv ji,


I can't thank you enough for responding back to me. He will follow all the remedies proposed by you. I will reply back to you once I get to hear some positive news from him.


Sorry for being little greedy here. I have my own problems too. My problems are not related to Job, Money or Marriage. In all these areas I am doing okay. My real problem is lack of energy to do anything. I live with lot of complex and I am highly lazy. I just hate myself for that. I have stopped praying to the God. I feel very guilty about it but still I don't do any prayers. Can you please help me to regain my energy back. I was once upon a time a big follower of hanumanji and now I just don't feel like praying or doing any work. Can you please take a look at my chart and see why I am so lazy in all the areas. 4th Nov. , 1977, 17:00 Hrs, New Delhi.


Best Regards.

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Respected Dhruv Buraji,


Please help me.....


i wish to know when i would be able to get a job...this is th third time i m posting my query....


please help me...



Respected Dhruv ji,


Your efforts and advice/suggestions to help people in distress is really commendable.

I am aware that it would be difficult for you to provide advice to so many queries.


I would be highly obliged and appreciate your advice in regard to my job prospects.


I have provided my birth details..I was quite happy with the job i had in India.But things have changed a lot on career front.


I am grateful to god and within a couple of days i will be blessed with a child. Only thing which is concerning me at the moment is my career...As the field i have worked is very competitive, it would make me redundant, if i stay out of the field for long,


Sorry to bother you with such a long mail.


your help is deeply appreciated.


Thanks and Regards

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Check this post by Dhruv ji:


The complete process for 3rd mantra - >


Unemployment is the worst bane of modern life, which leads to depresssion and loss of confidence. Struggle for survival becomes so hard that a person loses all hope and starts to contemplate upon taking drastic steps. If only such a person could be guided into the Sadhana world be could benefit much by employing this time tested method.

For gaining a good job place a Kaarya Siddhi Yantra on a copper plate in the night of Wednesday. Offer flowers on it. Light a lamp and chant just one round of this Mantra with a coral rosary (मूंगा माला).

Om Shreem Mam Kaarya Siddhi Kari Kari Hreem Phat

ॐ श्रीं मम कार्य सिद्धि करी करी ह्रीं फट

Repeat the ritual each night for 8 days, thus concluding the Sadhana on next Wednesday. The Sadhak must leave the rosary in the roots of Peepal tree. The Yantra he should carry to interviews and examinations, till he lands a job. After that it should be dropped in a river or a pond.

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Dear Guruji,


I have applied for H1b visa for working in usa. My H1b has been approved in Oct 2008. But I haven't got the job yet. It has been more 5 months. I am very tensed about this problem.


I would be grateful if kindly help me to get rid off this problem.


My name is nidhi

date of birth is 02 feburary 1981

Time is 08:45 am

place : ranchi, bihar



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Babaji are you a shishya of Gurudevnikhileshwaranandji ( Dr. Narayan Dutt Shrimaliji).



Jai Guru Dev,


The complete process for 3rd mantra - >


Unemployment is the worst bane of modern life, which leads to depresssion and loss of confidence. Struggle for survival becomes so hard that a person loses all hope and starts to contemplate upon taking drastic steps. If only such a person could be guided into the Sadhana world be could benefit much by employing this time tested method.

For gaining a good job place a Kaarya Siddhi Yantra on a copper plate in the night of Wednesday. Offer flowers on it. Light a lamp and chant just one round of this Mantra with a coral rosary (मूंगा माला).

Om Shreem Mam Kaarya Siddhi Kari Kari Hreem Phat

ॐ श्रीं मम कार्य सिद्धि करी करी ह्रीं फट

Repeat the ritual each night for 8 days, thus concluding the Sadhana on next Wednesday. The Sadhak must leave the rosary in the roots of Peepal tree. The Yantra he should carry to interviews and examinations, till he lands a job. After that it should be dropped in a river or a pond.

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Dear Guruji


Please help me.I have left the job due to no incriments three months back and joined new company and after 45 days without taking salary left it struggling job and money related problems now , nothing seems to be working for me very much frustrated No income,huge debt,too many for debt recovery,facing one problem by another,no ways to get out. help me can you advice me.I am doing daily 27 pradhakshans to peepal tree up to 40 days and 9 pradhakshans to Lord Hanuman.


DOB :- 04-08-77

Time:- 11:40 Pm






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Date of birth : 28th Jan 1977

Time of Birth : 15:20pm

Place of Birth : Mangalore, Karnataka.India


Dear Guruji,

Please help me.


Date of birth : 28th Jan 1977

Time of Birth : 15:20 pm

Place of Birth : Mangalore ,Karnataka,India


I had a good job in a software company , but I lost the job one year back and struggling for one now , nothing seems to be working for me ,I have got married after this and now i am finding difficult.. I am very much frustrated in life . Please help me .





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Dear dhruvbhuraji,


During this recession time, I also lost my job last month and at times when I needed the money most for my father's medical expenses as he has to get an operation done according to the doctors. I feel so helpless sometimes...

could you please advise when I will get a job and in which field.


DOB :- July 12, 1968

Time:- 11:00 am

POB :- Delhi


somebody advised me to do the Shani's upasana which I have been doing for the last 3 days but if you could give me more information and any remedy so that I dont have to face this problem in future again.


Warm regards

Meenakshi Jha

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  • 2 weeks later...



I read problems and remedies and very much impressed. Can somebody help me. I am also not getting steady job since two years.


birth date - 19/20 Sept. 1966

Birth time - 12:20 AM

Place - Ahmedabada. India


Do I have Pitradosh ? or somebody did any black magic or what ? I am not getting success.





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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello Dhruv Bhura Ji,


I can see that people are getting anxious to get you attention and congratulate you on doing this wonderful social service.


Offcourse I am also selfish and want to know about my job which I lost few months back, appreciate if you can help but will understand ifyou are busy.


DOB:22 Nov 1973

Time: 23:25

Place: NEw Delhi


I am tempted to send you an sms butwanted your permission first.


kind regds,


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@ Sachin :-

Dear i am too busy with my real bread earning work right now. Its really hard to find time for this hobby.


I have been getting success stories every week of the mentioned mantra (total 3 mantra) in this thread.


Kindly recite those religiously. Sankalp is necessary before u start any mantra jap.


Trying hard to be always present for your requests.



Dhruv Bhura

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Sankalp procedure::


Take some water in your right palm, and say thus - "Myself (name) son of (father's name) am performing (Sadhana name) on (date) at (time) at (name of place) to (purpose eg. to get riddance from diseases, etc). May I be successful by the divine grace of revered Gurudev. " Then, let the water flow onto the ground. This is a basic agreement between you and Divine done in the presence of natural element (water) to attain success in Sadhana. You should do this on the first day of Sadhana. There is no need to repeat it after that. This is called Sankalp.



Dhruv Bhura

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Please help me. I lost my job last year in April. How much ever i try i am still not able to find a job. Now there are no vendor calls or interview calls. I live in the US and going through severe financial trouble. My dad is old and has retired. I want to earn and help my family. When will i be able to find a job? What mantras do i jap and what is the procedure?

DOB: Oct 9, 1975

Time: 10:45 am

Place: Secunderabad, AP

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