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The number of the Beast is his birthyear, the Bible and Nostradamus

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Hi, when I was in Budapest around 1996 I was reading the Bible in my hotelroom and read the famous verse of the number of the Beast.


It said something like this :


"The number of the Beast is 3 scores 6 thousand, six hundred and sixty six"


Then I began to count in my head and the outcome was if you add 666 3 times you come to the number of 1998 !!!


Now at that time I was thinking that something would happen in 1998, but nothing spectaculair happened.


So Nostradamus warned us 500 years ago with this verse":



The year 1999, seventh month,



From the sky will come a great King of Terror.



To bring back to life the great King of the Mongols,



Before and after Mars to reign by good luck.






Everybody was scared that something would happen, nothing but a solar eclips occured.






In my humble opinion I think that this is the birthyear of the great King of Terror and even the month of birth is specified, july or september.


I mean, Nostradamus speaks of reincarnation here, from the sky will come a great King of Terror.






I mean, before and after 1999 there were many wars happening.






And the Bible is not too much accurate on this specific number, not like Nostradamus, 'cause in the Bible John speaks of 1.000 years of peace, but this has to be 10.000 years of peace, the Golden Age of Lord Chaitanya.






So the Beast is now 9 years of age.






So the Great War, the Great Conflict as Nostradamus speaks about will be there, instignated by the Gods, as he writes in the following lines :






"The Gods will make it known to the mortals that they are the instignators of the Great Conflict"






Can we escape war ???



And like Prabhupada states that Napoleon and Hitler were Shaktya Avatars, so the beast must be a Shaktya Avatar as well.





What do you think ?





In my opinion war cannot be avoided, I see too many signs already.










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Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is a very special incarnation of the Supreme Personality of Godhead - in fact He is not only delivering the fallen souls of this age but He also distributes what no other incarnation of Krishna is distributing - love of God.


Lord Caitanya freely distributes love God without asking for anything, only that we accept it. When Lord Caitanya left this world 1533 in Jagannath Puri, Nostradamus was exactly 30 years old.


Did Nostradamus ever mention that God Himself appeared on this planet and performed wonderful pastimes? If he could see so many things happening, why he couldnt see that God Himself, the most important thing ever, incarnated on this planet?


This means that Nostradamus is a materialistic prognosticator without access to spiritual matters. On the other hand 1998 Harikes' empire crashed to pieces - for many Vaishnavas this was worse than any war.

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What do you think ? In my opinion war cannot be avoided, I see too many signs already.




Eric, the Revelation is a typical shamanic writing. These visions are usually very private and personal or sometimes related to the entire tribe in which the shaman practices. It is a huge stretch to think such visions speak of the entire Earth, some 2000 yearslater. Typical megalomania of a religious zealot.


Why worry about things you have no way of changing? If there is a big war we may all die. So what? We are destined to die anyway. Just make sure you use your time well.

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The interesting thing about the Revelations to me is that the world does appear to be heading towards One World Government and a cashless society where you will need a microchip implant or something to particpate in the economic systsem. I don't know if Revelations mentions these things as I am not a bible expert but just based on the stuff I have heard about Revelations there do seem to be some similarities. Don't know if everything will unfold like in Revelations.


I can understand both sides of the argument. People say these visions were just megalomanical visions of primitive religous madmen but then again the supersoul is working in everyone and even back then so maybe these madmen were getting a glimpse of the future, who knows for sure. I guess we may eventually find out. I think it is also possible the people that control the banking system are intentionally creating world events to make things look like Revelations.


Another interesting thing about Revelations is that is my understanding is that it predicts that eventually there will be a 1000 year reign of Christ where I assume things will be harmonious and my understanding is that Prabhuapda predicted that we were going to enter a golden age of Lord Caitanya eventually so there are some similarities there as well but who knows for sure.

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Yes, Lord Chaitanya, the mayas, the bible, even the vedas says that a new era is coming. The new golden age is not only for devotees, is for all people, we could say that started with Lord Caitanya, just starting but Lord Jesus will come again, He will change the whole world... this info is in the bible.


First moses kick out the evil egyptians, then Lord Jesus the Romans, now Lord Jesus again will kick out the new empire headed by north-america.

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My view is that if there is to be a Golden Age its not North America that will get kicked out of anything it will be a Constitutional Renaissance in North America that kicks out the oligarchs that control the banking system and the politicians. It is the international bankers that are the Shadow Government behind the evils of the American Empire. The politicians are puppets of these bankers so these politicians will be brought down too. Still a long way to go until any of this happens as most of the public are completely dumbed down.

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Windows 666


Bill Gates has just died, and ascends only as far as the Pearly Gates in the Heavenly subtle material planets only to be stopped by who he thinks is God, but is really a demigod or who represents Maha Vishnu the creator of just the material world (an expansion of the Supreme God Krsna)


The demigod Yamaraj immediately recognizes him and says to him "Bill Gates, you're a great man. I shall give you a choice of either heaven or hell." Bill Gates tells Yamaraj that he would like to see both before making a decision.


So lord Yamaraj takes Bill Gates down to Hell, where there are beautiful, nubile attractive damsels, perfect weather, free nectar drinks, and the illusion of eternal happiness.


"That doesn't seem so bad," says Gates.


"Let's see Heaven now." Yamaraj, the lord of death and Gates go to Heaven, which seems to be just a bunch of sexed-uped, crusty angels flying around intoxicated ny the illusin of intense pleasure.


"I've made my decision," says Gates.


"I choose Hell."


Six months later, Yamaraj goes down to Hell to check on him and finds him hanging above a pit of fire with ugly deformed yamadutas tearing out his intestines.


Gates screams in complete terror "What has happened to all the beautiful damsels and the sun and the fun?"


"Oh, that," Yamaraj replies. "That was just the demo."

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Hi, when I was in Budapest around 1996 I was reading the Bible in my hotelroom and read the famous verse of the number of the Beast.


It said something like this :


"The number of the Beast is 3 scores 6 thousand, six hundred and sixty six"


Then I began to count in my head and the outcome was if you add 666 3 times you come to the number of 1998 !!!


Now at that time I was thinking that something would happen in 1998, but nothing spectaculair happened.


So Nostradamus warned us 500 years ago with this verse":



The year 1999, seventh month,



From the sky will come a great King of Terror.



To bring back to life the great King of the Mongols,



Before and after Mars to reign by good luck.






Everybody was scared that something would happen, nothing but a solar eclips occured.





In my humble opinion I think that this is the birthyear of the great King of Terror and even the month of birth is specified, july or september.


I mean, Nostradamus speaks of reincarnation here, from the sky will come a great King of Terror.





I mean, before and after 1999 there were many wars happening.





And the Bible is not too much accurate on this specific number, not like Nostradamus, 'cause in the Bible John speaks of 1.000 years of peace, but this has to be 10.000 years of peace, the Golden Age of Lord Chaitanya.





So the Beast is now 9 years of age.





So the Great War, the Great Conflict as Nostradamus speaks about will be there, instignated by the Gods, as he writes in the following lines :





"The Gods will make it known to the mortals that they are the instignators of the Great Conflict"





Can we escape war ???



And like Prabhupada states that Napoleon and Hitler were Shaktya Avatars, so the beast must be a Shaktya Avatar as well.




What do you think ?




In my opinion war cannot be avoided, I see too many signs already.





What do the Bible and some beast found in it have to do with Hinduism?

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9 is the divine number, and 6+6+6=18, 1+8=9.


Because God is everything, all numbers (except one thru nine, single digit, which denotes each individuals traits) equal nine. There is only nine, no other number. This formula confirms.


any number, subtract the sum of the digits in the number. Then add the digits to the number, until there is only one number. This number is ALWAYS nine.


take my birthday, 2231950. the sum of the digits is 22. 2231950 - 22 = 2231928. The sum of the digits is 27, 2+7=9.


The antichrist is not a competitor of god, there is no competitor, there is only god, therefore, the antichrist IS god.


Not a blade of grass moves without His sanction.


haribol, ys, mahaksadasa


PS only those who know nine ball (or sudoku) know this sacred math. gHari knows, hes way fractile dat way.

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Revelation 13:18

This calls for wisdom. If anyone has insight, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is man's number. His number is 666.



King James Version (KJV)

Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.



Young's Literal Translation (YLT)

Here is the wisdom! He who is having the understanding, let him count the number of the beast, for the number of a man it is, and its number [is] 666.

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Revelation 13.18

This calls for wisdom. If anyone has insight, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is man's number. His number is 666.

Although I still fail to see a connection to Hinduism, I'll put in my two cents worth...


Does anyone else think it sound like people are this 'beast', since they share the same numbers according to this verse?

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To Deathless,


Nostradamus knew about Hinduism, he saw the events of the world unfolding before his spirtual inner eye.


There is a verse which backs this up, he says that the Punic faith will be broken, it's chapter 2 verse 60, it says the following :


"The Punic faith broken in the East, Ganges, Jordan, and Rhone, Loire, and Tagus will change etc...."


He specifically speaks of the Ganges and there he says will be a change of attitude or something.


Punic faith stands for Islam and that will be broken in the aboved mentioned places.


He also says that the Gods will make it known to the mortals that they are the instigators of the Great Conflict, Hinduism is the only true religion and as I worship God Himself, Lord Krishna, Hinduism knows many Gods, especially Lord Shiva, who benedicted a guy named Mahamada to establish a terrible and demiac religion.


Trust me, Nostradamus knew about Hinduism.

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9 is the divine number, and 6+6+6=18, 1+8=9.


Because God is everything, all numbers (except one thru nine, single digit, which denotes each individuals traits) equal nine. There is only nine, no other number. This formula confirms.


any number, subtract the sum of the digits in the number. Then add the digits to the number, until there is only one number. This number is ALWAYS nine.


take my birthday, 2231950. the sum of the digits is 22. 2231950 - 22 = 2231928. The sum of the digits is 27, 2+7=9.


The antichrist is not a competitor of god, there is no competitor, there is only god, therefore, the antichrist IS god.


Not a blade of grass moves without His sanction.


haribol, ys, mahaksadasa


PS only those who know nine ball (or sudoku) know this sacred math. gHari knows, hes way fractile dat way.


I dont beleive the statement that the antichrist is god/ there is no antichrist is true

but i do beleive there is an opposite/evil force that god has set up

not certain but i think there is a description of the antichrist in puranas

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To Deathless,


Nostradamus knew about Hinduism, he saw the events of the world unfolding before his spirtual inner eye.


There is a verse which backs this up, he says that the Punic faith will be broken, it's chapter 2 verse 60, it says the following :


"The Punic faith broken in the East, Ganges, Jordan, and Rhone, Loire, and Tagus will change etc...."


He also mentioned the Jordan and the Rhone,the Loire, and the Tagus. I don't see how it's unique. He just includes one famous river in a list of other famous rivers. I'm sure that many educated people knew of the Ganges at that time.



He specifically speaks of the Ganges and there he says will be a change of attitude or something.


Punic faith stands for Islam and that will be broken in the aboved mentioned places.


He also says that the Gods will make it known to the mortals that they are the instigators of the Great Conflict, Hinduism is the only true religion and as I worship God Himself, Lord Krishna, Hinduism knows many Gods, especially Lord Shiva, who benedicted a guy named Mahamada to establish a terrible and demiac religion.


He actually used the term 'gods'? I really have a hard time believing that.



Trust me, Nostradamus knew about Hinduism.

I guess I just don't see a reference to Islam in India as the equivalent of understanding Hinduism.

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Well, you have the right to be sceptical, I don't blasme you for that, but what made my belief in Nostradamus words more strong is the fact that in the City Hostel where I worked as a bartender, once there were some muslims playing pool and came to my bar.


I mentioned Nostradamus in the conversation and one muslim said that Nostradamus was a fraud and a con man.

Then I just knew that Nostradamus was so right, he predicts the end of islam and muslims seem to have a problem with their destiny.

So they cheat over it, that's normal.


Concerning the mention of the Ganges, I am not sure if the Ganges was known to the West in that time, especially in Avignon, where Nostradamus resided.


In the quatrain it is stated : Gang, Ind. not Gang, Jordan.....

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Well, you have the right to be sceptical, I don't blasme you for that, but what made my belief in Nostradamus words more strong is the fact that in the City Hostel where I worked as a bartender, once there were some muslims playing pool and came to my bar.I mentioned Nostradamus in the conversation and one muslim said that Nostradamus was a fraud and a con man.

Then I just knew that Nostradamus was so right, he predicts the end of islam and muslims seem to have a problem with their destiny.

So they cheat over it, that's normal.

Maybe they just think he's a fraud. I've met plenty of non-Muslims who think he was a fraud. I don't think it's because they're "cheating" because they 'know' that everything he says is "absolute truth" and inspired by God Himself. I think it's because they honestly feel and believe that he was fraudulent.



Concerning the mention of the Ganges, I am not sure if the Ganges was known to the West in that time, especially in Avignon, where Nostradamus resided.

India and the Ganges were both well known by the 16th century. Dante even mentions the Ganges in his Divine Comedy, written in the 13th century in Italy.


"E l’onde in Gange da nona rïarse,

Sì stava il sole; onde ’l giorno sen giva,

Come l’angel di Dio lieto ci apparse."


"And Ganges’ waves are scorched by noonday heat,

So here the sun stood, for the day was fading

As God’s enraptured angel appeared to us."


--Purgatorio XXVII 4-6


Now, if you want to believe that Nostradamus is real because of his mention of the Ganges, fine by me, but you must also then believe that Dante was real based on the same evidence. Which means that nearly everyone on this forum is going to hell for not being Roman Catholic, including you.


In the quatrain it is stated : Gang, Ind. not Gang, Jordan.....

Yes, everyone knew that the Ganga was in India. It was common knowledge among the European Burgeoise, even in the 13th century.

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Wether any of these prophecies or prophets are frauds or not their are demonic people in the world and history has shown people like Hitler, Stalin were real and people like that could come along again if people do not learn from history so I do not rule out the possibility of there being another major anti-christ type of personality to gain influence in a large way on the world stage but who knows for sure.

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Wether any of these prophecies or prophets are frauds or not their are demonic people in the world and history has shown people like Hitler, Stalin were real and people like that could come along again if people do not learn from history so I do not rule out the possibility of there being another major anti-christ type of personality to gain influence in a large way on the world stage but who knows for sure.


many people are skeptical when they here antichrist because so many famous figures throughout history have been accused of being the antichrist

BUT the real antichrist will have spiritual powers....

i beleive the antichrist is stated in the puranas as Kali the demon and his consort Alakshmi the older sister of the goddess Lakshmi...

in fact some christians believe that the antichrist will preach hope and rise up as a leader out of nowhere...take control declare himself as the new christ and take control of the world...all those who accept him as their messiah will be marked/giving away their souls and will eventually end up in hell

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