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How to reduce kama

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Nameskar Guruji

I am 25 year old boy ,i am interested doing meditation and workship god but sometimes i am forgotten to follow meditation and workship after sometimes i am got remember about the meditation and i will try to continue, but my mind always thinking about kama , i want to reduce kama and need to improve my meditation and spirituality could any one help me by giving ideas how to reduce kama and to improve meditation and spirituality

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Nameskar Guruji

I am 25 year old boy ,i am interested doing meditation and workship god but sometimes i am forgotten to follow meditation and workship after sometimes i am got remember about the meditation and i will try to continue, but my mind always thinking about kama , i want to reduce kama and need to improve my meditation and spirituality could any one help me by giving ideas how to reduce kama and to improve meditation and spirituality


This is a very honest question. People just talk but the real challenge lies here. Kama in its real sense means desire. But I think you are referring to the liking of the opposite sex. Nothing wrong about it. Get married soon. It is natural for every human being to be attracted towards the opposite sex and nothing wrong about it. It becomes a matter of concern when the degree of desire is more than normal. Every human being has one sense organ which is far more superior than the rest. Some travel more, see more, some listen more, are music fanatics, some eat more and spend their life for it, some have the skin as the superior organ. The nervous system are perfectly organised and more sensitive than the others. You can even feel the smallest ant traversing on your skin and the weather changes can be experienced immediately. It would be better to concentrate more on these aspects rather than mating or thinking of the opposite all the time. Its just the question of utilising the resource in the right way. If no right way is found, the perceived way will always seem to be right and there are more chances of disaster than uses.

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Thanks for replay me

If i want to attain most precious power like kundalini ,i want to reduce kama for that wat steps can i take ,and even aft married life can i continue practice to reach kunalini?


I can guide you about the practice of meditation but not Kundalini Awekening. Ravindranji(Ravindran Kesavan) is the best to answer this. And to reduce Kama, involve yourself more in outward activities. Watch and play lot of sports, follow sports religiously, take an exam, learn something technical, many more things which can keep you busy all day and reduce such thoughts. Gradually it becomes a habit and such habits are good for health and mine. The donts are, restrict your friend circle out of the activities, gossips and even personal experiences that may bring in the thought of a wanting of experiment. Involve yourself more in such forums where some fabulous people around you make you think more of spirituality. The best pastime is the thought of the best spiritual experience you can have. Each person in this forum are gems eventhough you may find that they differ in personal beliefs and refuting strongly against each other. But believe me your best pastime will be to just read some threads on this forum like 'Listening to the name of Lord in the lips of Mayavadis','Is Mukti a Myth?', 'Does Free Will Exist?'... and many more which have more than 100 postings. Guys like Bart Happel, Bija, Ravindranji, Suchandra, Kaisersose, Radha Mukunda,Amlesh, Bhaktjan, Ramanadasi, Bishadi are too good in what they believe and know best.

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Right now i am staying in chennai near valasaravakam ,could any Guru's who train for meditation live near by valasaravakam or can i pratice through the guidence of online which is the best way

I can't really tell you about a Guru near your locality... but what I might suggest you is as what SriKanth told, to attend from time to time our cyber association.

When you mind is engaged in spiritual talks, it surely gets cleansed, not only from Kaam but also from fear.

Me too I'm 25.. and hence I can say, it surely helps.

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Kama is not bad at all. Infact, it is a form of Icha shakthi. But, it becomes an adharma, when done beyond boudaries. Killing is a adharma for everyone, but for Kshatriyas it is their dharma, if justified. Having sex with many women is a sin, but if not having sec with ones wife, when she wants it is an Adharma. Dharma, is very complex, must be well understood. Having sex with once wife and producing many sons who can uphold dharma, is a one of the most sacred thing. It is actually a putra-kama-ishti yagam.

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Prabhupāda:One should not become a father, one should not become mother, unless he or she can save his child from death. This is religious sex life. Suppose you are married. There is sex life. And both you and your wife decide that “Unless I am expert to save my child from death, we shall not have sex life.” This is good sex life.

Indian man: It is negation of sex.

Prabhupāda: Yes. Otherwise sex life is there in the cats and dogs. If you are going to be a dog? You must act as a human being. This is to act as human being, that “I shall not become a father, my dear wife, you should not become a mother, if both of us are not expert how to save the death of our child.” This is good sex life. If you are not expert to execute this scientific method, that is bad sex life. It is the dog’s sex life.

Indian man: Has anybody practiced this type of sex?

Prabhupāda: Yes, there are so many. That is the Vedic civilization.

Indian man: They have shielded a child from death.

Prabhupāda: Yes, many, many.

Indian man: An example.

Prabhupāda: An example, that first of all you know how you can save the death.

Indian man: I do not know.

Prabhupāda: Ah, if you do not know that problem. (Prabhupāda is laughing)

Indian man: That is the biggest problem. (laughing)

Prabhupāda: That is.

Indian man: The body comes, then the soul. But that part is, I don’t…

Prabhupāda: First of all, you have understood that unless you are capable of training your child not to die, you should not become a father. First of all, you have to accept this principle. Then how to save the child from death, that is next question. Let us go step by step. Your question was what is the good sex life, the answer is given here.

Indian man: Answer is very complicated.

Prabhupāda: Not complicated. The answer is… But how to become expert to save the child from death, that is another science that you should know. If you want to stop your self… [break] …no need of a child to whom you have to give your care to make him, to raise him in such a way, if there is no such need, then there is no need of sex life. If you enjoy sex life for sense enjoyment, that is atrocity. That is atrocity. That is Vedic civilization. Because before sex life we have got saṁskāras, garbhādhāna-saṁskāra. The purpose is there, that “I shall train my child how to stop death. And the child must be so good that he will take my instruction.” And therefore garbhādhāna- saṁskāra. So without garbhādhāna-saṁskāra, one who enjoys sex life, he is the most sinful. Not that “Whenever and wherever I like and with whomever I like I shall have sex life.” It is all sinful activity. Therefore Kṛṣṇa says dharma aviruddhaḥ kāmo ’smi. Sex life which is not against religious principles, that I am. So if we try to understand this one verse, we become self-realized. Similarly, each verse of Bhagavad-gītā is like that.

Indian man: Such a supreme knowledge is there from our superior authorities. This knowledge is, we are not even able to follow.

Prabhupāda: Yes. That’s a fact. Therefore people are coming out like cats and dogs. But here is Bhagavad-gītā. If you are guided by Bhagavad-gītā, then it is all right. But this question, next question you’ll say that “How I can save?” That is answered in Bhagavad-gītā. How you can save? Now you say. You tell me what is that verse. How you can save your child from death?

Indian man: By realizing, by giving an education.

Prabhupāda: No, you try to quote the verse, what is the way.

Indian man: (laughing) I am a small fly before yourself. You are the ocean. I am a drop.

Prabhupāda: No. You are not fly, you are experienced. Therefore I am trying to explain. Find out this verse. Tyaktvā dehaṁ punar janma naiti [Bg. 4.9]. Punar janma naiti. That is continuation of life. Tyaktvā, everyone has to give up this body. And one who gives up this body but does not accept another material body, he has no more birth and death. Tyaktvā dehaṁ punar janma naiti mām eti [Bg. 4.9] You have to find out this. Read it.


janma karma ca me divyam evaṁ yo vetti tattvataḥ tyaktvā dehaṁ punar janma naiti mām eti so ’rjuna [Bg. 4.9]

“One who knows the transcendental nature of My appearance and activities does not upon leaving this body, take his birth again in this material world, but attains My eternal abode, O Arjuna.”

Prabhupāda: Very simple thing, that you are part and parcel of God. God is eternal. So if you understand God, then you become eternal. Just like your father is very rich man, but you have left your father. You are loitering in the street. But as soon as you understand your father, “Oh, I am the son of such and such person. He is so rich! Oh, I haven’t got any necessity.” Then you become rich. Go back home, back to Godhead. Mām eti. “He comes to Me.” Someone is there. You must know your father, and you must go back to father. Then there is no question of suffering. Very simple thing. Now what is the purport?

Girirāja: Purport. “The Lord’s descent from His transcendental abode is already explained in the 6th verse. One who can understand the truth of the appearance of the Personality of Godhead is already liberated from material bondage.”

Prabhupāda: Yes. He is already liberated. When one understands Kṛṣṇa properly. Then.

Girirāja: “And therefore he returns to the kingdom of God immediately after quitting this present material body.”

Prabhupāda: That return to God is eternal. Suppose I am your guest here, so you may provide me for some days, but I cannot expect that you can provide me for all the days. That is my mistake. But if you go to your father’s house, there is no question of. He takes. That is the required. Go to your father. Mām eti. Therefore this is the way of eternity, that you understand who is your father and you go back to Him. Then his life is successful. And who is the father?

Indian man: (laughing) Not the body.

Prabhupāda: (laughing) Not body. It is in the Bhagavad-gītā. Find out this verse. Sarva-yoniṣu kaunteya sambhavanti mūrtayaḥ, tāsāṁ mahad yonir brahma ahaṁ bīja-pradaḥ pitā. He is the father.


sarva-yoniṣu kaunteya mūrtayaḥ sambhavanti yāḥ tāsāṁ brahma mahad yonir ahaṁ bīja-pradaḥ pitā [Bg. 14.4]

“It should be understood that all species of life, O son of Kuntī, are made possible by birth in this material nature, and that I am the seed-giving father.”

Prabhupāda: This is all very easy to understand. Mother means from whom the child is coming, is it not? That is mother. Everyone knows. So you see this whole world, wherefrom everything is coming, you see, practically, gross knowledge. I see a plant is coming from the earth. A tree is coming from the earth. And according to evolutionary theory… Not theory, fact. The dehāntara-prāptiḥ. When his plant life is finished, he takes another body, insect life. So the mother is the earth. That’s a fact. I am eating the things which are… Jīvo jīvasya jīvanam. I am a life. I am taking either grain or I am taking flesh, the material is supplied from the earth. The animal also, he is also eating the grass. That is coming from the earth. The earth is the mother. That is a fact. Now we should be intelligent, that simply mother cannot beget a child. There must be father. So who is that father? The answer is here. Ahaṁ bīja-pradaḥ pitā. So where is the ignorance?

Indian man: This is Brahman.

Prabhupāda: And again. Kṛṣṇa says aham, why do you interpret in different way.

Indian man: Now this indication is…

Prabhupāda: That means you make purposefully complicated. The father is saying, “I am father.” Then why you are bringing this meaning, aham means…

Indian man: No, it’s that “aham” is indicated to Who? The physical posture of Kṛṣṇa which we know or the…?

Prabhupāda: Why do we say like that? Why? (shouting) Why you are bringing physical concept He is a person, He is saying. Why do you say physical, material, and this and that way. He is father.

Indian man: Because He is saying, we should accept it?

Prabhupāda: Yes, you accept. Accept, Kṛṣṇa is in your front. And why should physical, metaphysical and chemical? Kṛṣṇa is a person. A person says…

Indian man: Earth is mother…

Prabhupāda: Yes. And He says that “Earth is mother, I am the father.” You have to understand it. That yes, earth is mother, because everything is coming from earth. But who has given the seed in the mother? That Kṛṣṇa says, “I am giving.” Sa asṛjata sa īkṣata. This is Vedic version. And He says personally.

Indian man: As you say earth, mind accepts immediately. But…

Prabhupāda: But if your mind cannot accept, your mind cannot accept, that does not mean the things will change. You should know that you are a fool. You do not know.

Indian man: I accept.

Prabhupāda: Yes, then as Kṛṣṇa says you accept it. How the father has given seed to this earth? That is not your business. You try to understand…

Indian man: (indistinct)

Prabhupāda: Because you are trying to understand in your own way.

Indian man: Trying to understand in my own way?

Prabhupāda: Yes. Just like you beget a child, you give seed. The seed of the child in the womb of your wife in a method, you know that. Therefore you are thinking, “How it is possible?” You do not know that God is almighty. He can beget children in His own way, but you are thinking in your own way, that “I give birth to a child in this way. How is that He is seed-giving father and earth is producing?” Because you are thinking in your own way.

Indian man: I have to think in my own way.





Room Conversation

with Indian Man

His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda

December 22, 1976, Poona

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Right now i am staying in chennai near valasaravakam ,could any Guru's who train for meditation live near by valasaravakam or can i pratice through the guidence of online which is the best way


Kriya Yoga Initiation,#44,First Main Road, Indira Nagar,Adyar,Chennai-600020

Vaasi Yogam, Universal Kriya Babaji Foundation, Numbers in Chennai, Landline: 39122371 Mobile: 9443831780



International Headquarters:


Tamil 18 Siddhas' Shrine,

No. 24/13, AR. Street,

Kanadukathan P.O., Sivagangai Dist.,

Tamil Nadu-630-103, India

Phone: 045-65-283-313 Chettnad Kanaikadu Exchange

Answer Service (04565) 273010


Tamil Nadu Headquarters:


No. 5/2 Arulanandam Street

San Thome, (Mylapore), Chennai

Tamil Nadu-600-004 South India

Phone: (044) 24643630


I think that should do.

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Prabhupāda:One should not become a father, one should not become mother, unless he or she can save his child from death. This is religious sex life. Suppose you are married. There is sex life. And both you and your wife decide that “Unless I am expert to save my child from death, we shall not have sex life.” This is good sex life..........


Dear Suchandra, instead of quoting, i would like to share your knowledge of its understanding. Can you?

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Dear Suchandra, instead of quoting, i would like to share your knowledge of its understanding. Can you?

Since this is cnjai20's topic first let him comment on what is posted so far.


My knowledge is to quote from authority, something what is recommended by Lord Krsna Himself, and not to produce yet another opinion.


Since the great acaryas presented so much knowledge to answer our questions it is of course also important to find the right quote. To find the right quote you must have studied a lot.


That's what I did. If I would have studied law so extensively like I studied vedic knowledge I would be an University professor by now. But somehow someone who is well-read with vedic knowledge is not considered as anything in the material world.


Therefore people also won't respect it when one is posting an adequate quote from a great Vaishnava acarya.

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Since this is cnjai20's topic first let him comment on what is posted so far.


My knowledge is to quote from authority, something what is recommended by Lord Krsna Himself, and not to produce yet another opinion.


Since the great acaryas presented so much knowledge to answer our questions it is of course also important to find the right quote. To find the right quote you must have studied a lot.


That's what I did. If I would have studied law so extensively like I studied vedic knowledge I would be an University professor by now. But somehow someone who is well-read with vedic knowledge is not considered as anything in the material world.


Therefore people also won't respect it when one is posting an adequate quote from a great Vaishnava acarya.


Nope, Srikanth is right...

Knowledge is known as Jnana in Sanskrit...

However it is still incomplete, because it has not yet reached the stage of Vi-jnana, that is Realised Knowledge.

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Nameskar Guruji

I am 25 year old boy ,i am interested doing meditation and workship god but sometimes i am forgotten to follow meditation and worship after sometimes i am got remember about the meditation and i will try to continue, but my mind always thinking about kama , i want to reduce kama and need to improve my meditation and spirituality could any one help me by giving ideas how to reduce kama and to improve meditation and spirituality


Om shanti,

Kama can be controlled if you have control over your mind and meditation will help you a lot to do that .

You can try rajayoga meditation of brahma kumaris but before you do that you need knowledge of self and supreme which will be provided free.

<TABLE id=table1 width="95%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=top>CHENNAI ANNA NAGAR</TD><TD vAlign=top>`Shanti Dham', 3702, Annanagar

Block Q-96, 3rd Avenue, 1st Main Road, Opp. 14 Shoping Complex

600040</TD><TD vAlign=top>44 - 26267441, 26285661, 26202855</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

call these numbers to know the nearest centre.

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Nope, Srikanth is right...

Knowledge is known as Jnana in Sanskrit...

However it is still incomplete, because it has not yet reached the stage of Vi-jnana, that is Realised Knowledge.

Nope, Srikanth is foolishly wrong and you the same - stupid idiot, even realized knowledge has to backed up by quote!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Since I posted a quote 100% covering the whole issue, this is vijnana.

To present the right quote is vijnana, why jnana? Are you mad?

How someone can be such an idiot to say, when a high court judge makes the right quote from the lawbook, oh, he hasnt realized it? Only total fools and rascals, stupid asses!

Finding out that the high court judge was right and fully realized, while quoting from the lawbook, when sitting behind bars.

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Nope, Srikanth is foolishly wrong and you the same - stupid idiot, even realized knowledge has to backed up by quote!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Since I posted a quote 100% covering the whole issue, this is vijnana.

To present the right quote is vijnana, why jnana? Are you mad?

How someone can be such an idiot to say, when a high court judge makes the right quote from the lawbook, oh, he hasnt realized it? Only total fools and rascals, stupid asses


Suchandra, i thought you were one of those who respected opinions. What is that foolishness you have observed? Tell it so that I can reply or refute on the same. Instead, if you say all this stuff, it shows that you do now have a basic knowledge but only knowledge of books and quotes. Even lawbooks are subject to amendments from time to time. Do you know how many IPC sections have changed since Independance? Almost 70%. Your acharyas have taught you great words and the path to respect. Keep it up.

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Since this is cnjai20's topic first let him comment on what is posted so far.


My knowledge is to quote from authority, something what is recommended by Lord Krsna Himself, and not to produce yet another opinion.


Since the great acaryas presented so much knowledge to answer our questions it is of course also important to find the right quote. To find the right quote you must have studied a lot.


That's what I did. If I would have studied law so extensively like I studied vedic knowledge I would be an University professor by now. But somehow someone who is well-read with vedic knowledge is not considered as anything in the material world.


Therefore people also won't respect it when one is posting an adequate quote from a great Vaishnava acarya.


cnjai20 has a genuine problem. He wants a convincing and more practical answer. The quote you have posted may be convincing to you but not all. He has not asked you to quote but to give your personal opinion/help if you can. Instead, you seem to confuse him. Long quotes for such problems are not the need for the hour but short and sweet opinions.


Secondly, to find the right quote, you need not study. Just do a search query on your net will bring the right quote. To get answers from outside is easy alway but to create answers from inside needs practice. It would be more wise for you to practice the second than wasting your time in becoming the channel and not trying to become the source.


And obviously people will respect when you start thinking from your heart than to quote somebody. People will respect the great Vaishnava acharya but not you who couldnt explain what your own quote meant.

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Nope, Srikanth is foolishly wrong and you the same - stupid idiot, even realized knowledge has to backed up by quote!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Since I posted a quote 100% covering the whole issue, this is vijnana.

To present the right quote is vijnana, why jnana? Are you mad?

How someone can be such an idiot to say, when a high court judge makes the right quote from the lawbook, oh, he hasnt realized it? Only total fools and rascals, stupid asses!

Finding out that the high court judge was right and fully realized, while quoting from the lawbook, when sitting behind bars.


Hahahahah.... bhwaaaaaaaa....


Really man... You are really pathetically funny. Stupidity incarnate.


From where did you get such stupid definition of Vijnana.

Don't tell me it's From Srila Prabhupada... it will add to one more of your numerous blunder.

Man when I see you and your similar bunch of pathetic guys.. the Gita confirms itself, A VAISHNAVA IS REALLY REALLY RARE. Not Found in every nooks and corner of the street.

You parrot who can't see beyond the black and white print.


You are the best copy paster in the world.. keep it up.


While sitting behind bars....hmmm.... well, it is what Gandhiji and Shastriji did. They realised many things behind bars and showed what Bhakti is in reality.

Guess where Gita Rahasya, The story of my experiments et al was written?


That makes me feel that you are afraid of many things.. specially bars.


What man... sorry fearful man... Your behind the bar is already inside a jail. What's the difference.


Stop quoting, start learning.. you typewriting machine and of course start hearing what you say.

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Originally Posted by suchandra

Since I posted a quote 100% covering the whole issue, this is vijnana.



I will repeat what I have posted in the past:

"When a person is 'enlightened' that person has the vision to see all of the possible manifestations of gross ignorance, and thus,all of the possible manifestations of gross suffering by all 8,400,000 species of living entities through-out the entire manifest cosmos from the smallest insects up to the most puffed-up Demigods". --all such pastimes of the embodied living conscious souls (atmas) are pastimes of delusion unless it is directed toward the re-conciliation of the individual soul with the none-other than the enitity that is known (by mature Mystic Sages) as the Supreme Personality of Godhead [it's a 'He' who possesses all of Bhagavan's six opulences unlimitedly and most especially this SPG is a "person" known traditionaly as God among the natives].


Next, "un-wanted progeny" and its effects on cyclic occurances of world wars and famine and desease and most importantly--the effects of incoherent argument among world class tribal (so-called) leaders.

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Next, "constancy" aka 'akama':


No Meat, fish nor eggs.

Observe Ekadasi Fasts.

No Garlic, Onions, Vinager.

No alone time with women.

No television. No Newspapers.

No Fiction Literatures.

No buying, selling, and propagandizing on behalf of commodities connected with the 'eat/drink/and be merry' industry.

Always studying sastra.




Be very rich and marry 30 women and only be with one once a month




Be very rich and marry (30 x 9) 270 women and only be with one once a year.




Forget about controlling Kama--and resign yourself to get a future birth as your own breast totting "I am women" walking-talking false ego all your own--and then marry a rich man [without mistresses--(good luck)] and then demand that yor husband chant 50 Rounds of japa mala before inseminating you--before your husband goes to war with the Persians.


As you can see it gets very complicated.


But at least, by then, after so much preparation & expectations you'll have lifetime(s) to become acclimated to your duties.


And then I wont be free to chastise you by saying to you:



Instead I'll be polite and hide my base ulterior motives.

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Hahahahah.... bhwaaaaaaaa....


Really man... You are really pathetically funny. Stupidity incarnate.



When the high court judge quotes from the law book, you say he has no realized knowledged?


He should better mumble his own crap opinion like you do all day?


Guess you're a sick and stupido ass, fool and rascal.


If I would moderate this place rats like you would be banned forever.

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When un-wanted (or un-intentional) pregnancies occur the child is not a child that has been planned & provided for inadvance of its birth.


When a Krishna Conscous Person [yes, that includes all devote Brahmins & devote Hindus] has a child --who does not follow the samsakras (rites and observations of Vedic culture), then one will encounter, in that child, all sorts of illogic rationalisations as to what is proper duty and what is improper duty.


The illogic of such brahmana-bandhus [or kids of western HK devotees] who seek to enjoy, eat,sleep, mate & defend, all they can in life, are bereft of absolute purpose in their short-short life spans.


The absurdity of the arguments put forward by adult children who were born from a coupling arrising from a chance encounter of lust --is very woe-some and mind-numbingly Twilight-zone-ish.


Rap-music started in 1978 and still thrives! Yet, all past neo-fad-pop-cultural pastimes have always been re-placed by newer and newer innovative ways of seeing art.


Our young artists and poets and thrend-setters are all 3rd class regergitators --only able to scratch their heads while prognasticating how what we need now a days is a leader who we do not know well at all, and whose name reflects the conquistadors of Islams Heros and lastly puts executive womens' strengths second to a stranger's claims to lead us into the unknown.


It's not lust that drives the vote--it's abortion rights, and the freedom to collect goverment relief.

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When the high court judge quotes from the law book, you say he has no realized knowledged?


He should better mumble his own crap opinion like you do all day?


Guess you're a sick and stupido ass, fool and rascal.


If I would moderate this place rats like you would be banned forever.


Who are you to moderate me?

You and knowledge?---- world's apart.

You can copy and paste only... 3rd class reporter.


That business of yours any punk can do but utilizing that knowledge, ass like you can't do.


There are kind of student, the one who learns like a parrot and the one who comes from the school of experience.


I guess, no need to guess from which school you are, hyperbolic nonsense.

I know, your real frustration came gradually, you've sprouted it in that thread. My appeal in that thread to you was good, in a good manner, but you replied like an uncivilised mlechha. You frustated jackass.


My other posts in other thread accumulated to your frustration.

Truth hurts ass like you.


Well buddy, in your next reply please don't quote from anyone.


Hey, by the way, all these abuses to me.. did you quote them from a bonafide authority?

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Who are you to moderate me?



Don't talk more foolish nonsense first answer this question, when a high court judge makes the right quote from the lawbook, hasnt he realized jurisprudence? He has fully realized jurisprudence! And you know it, but are too arrogent to admit it! In fact he's getting paid a huge salary for quoting from the lawbook. Making the right quote according to the requirements of a particular legal procedure.


Similarly, when Prabhupada received academic guests, he always used to have a disciple read appropriate Bhagavad-gita verses backing up what he explained. Does this mean mean Prabhupada couldnt speak vijnana, realized knowledge, because he backed up everything by sastra?


No, only some layman would speculate in this way.

Prabhupada always quoted Sanskrit verses because it is taught by Lord Krishna, who also quotes from sastra.

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