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Dear Srikantdk...I ask this of you for the last time...

please stick to Shankar Bhashya or please do not waste our time.

Your speculations are quite marvellous and are meant to reveberate in a dubious buddhist monastery....Such jugglery of words cannot ever come from the vedas.

You've learnt all this from a old quantum physicist come hindu/buddhist believer who thinks that science and spirituality are the same and runs off at every opportunity to explain his 'mindblowing' similarities between quantum mechanics and what evry tom today has come to the apparent knowledge of: Bhramn.

Such "Findings" and 'speculations' belong in chambers of 'unintelligence'.They have no place amidst pramanas provided by spiritual giants of the yore(read: Ramanuja,Madhva and Nimbarka.)

Adopt Shankar philosophy completely or please queue up to invent another religion of your own.

Chop chop.You have to decide.

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As for your incredulous statement that the cosmos itself being Bhramn is not inert.......

hear this.The cosmos,as hyped by your oh-so-intelligent jnyanis,is afterall mithya...it is false...delusion of the soul.....

So your apparent belief that cosmos being dynamic concludes that Bhramn is not inert crumbles upon what i call as Mayavadi grounds itself...

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1--ranjeetmore's postings starting with #144 are total supra-excellant nectar!


2--Regarding the jiva's origin: Both authorities are correct.


The Jiva is born in ignorance within the material world --also, the question later arises:


"Where did the jiva come from before it was 'born in ignorance within the material world'?"


The maxim is similar to the old question:

"Which came first, the chicken or the hen"?


The egg came first, then a chicken--as usual!

But, where did the first egg come from? That would be a person by the name of Kashyapa --one of the progenitors who populated the Universe. This is not a mystery nor a new relvelation--it is my point to say that it was a 'person'.


3--My objections to non-vaishnava ascertions that Shiva is the Supreme Godhead --is born out of the mayavadi tendency to reduce a 'person' to a non-person whose attributes are emulated and thus supposedly empower a Shivite followerer with opulences that are 'embodied' by the follower yet the same object of adoration {actually I speak here about mayavad-notions of self-Godhood} namely, Lord Shiva is without a personality.


The sweetness of ranjeetmore's quotations [i cannot attest to its authenticity, yet I am well read on the subject to not find contradictions that I know as accepted as bonefide] --the sweetness is the revelations of Shiva's person and thus sentiments and especially his ettiquette and ultimately his Vaishnava behavior which sets the best example of proper behavior---to this I must bow my head and offer pranams.



4--"Karma" = "Action" [not to be confused with 'dharma'--'ocupational duties'].

Karma is an action performed.


"Karmic-Reaction"** = the "re-action to an action performed.

[**What's the sanskrit word for this? I always forget it.]


So most "Actions" always have their own type of concominant "Reaction".


The fact that many actions are famously connected to well know Re-actions--lead us to relate the term Karma to duties [Dharma].


'A lazy man is without wealth, Why? Because He never does any works'

'No pain, No Gain' --We confuse the common known conclusion of an Action with Alloted duties [dharma].


Karma is a mechanical & impersonal entity. Karma is not about personality of the doer. It is a term best grouped with other terms used in the science of Physics [ie: Mass, velosity, density, gravity, etc and Karma too].




5--"who's the judge? This question has always bothered me. It is hard to believe that someone's maintaining ledgers."--ARJ


Ekadasi fasts and tax collectors share ledgers sheets.

Warehouse contents also share ledgers.

Behind each juvenile-delinquent is a whole battalion of ledger-keepers.


The school of philosophy that accepts 'Person-hood' as possessing rights to freedom and rights to happiness is based on the concept that all are judged by & account for their own actions, alone, without other persons.


The unlimited number of persons awaiting services are cataloged into minute serial numbers--all to be of mutual service to the greater good.


When a person neglects to see himself as a part and parcel member of a larger group of like minded persons--he becomes a sociopath or a meglomaniac or donkey at the service of some industrious master [a master that may or may not appreciate the plight of beasts of burden] but that would be predicated by ones past karma.






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Nobody needs to decide your Karma Phala. Are you reducing the power of God to a watch-dog or a judge to monitor/judge and punish or bestow?.


How god decides / arrange to decide the fruits of karma is not the botheration of humans.Why it makes u angry that KARMA has a role to play???


Is it because of the arrogant mayavadi assertion that u are no different from god ??

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Srikanthji would you please explain who's the judge ? This question has always bothered me. It is hard to believe that someone's maintaining ledgers.


No one.


The Karma system is self contained and beginningless. This is how it becomes possible for atheistic systems like Buddhism, etc., to have this concept as the core of their teachings.


The common challenge obviously is to find a way to get out of this cycle and different religious systems provide different solutions. There are all kinds of solutions ranging from short-cuts like


1) Chant this special mantra just once and you will be freed

2) Remember a certain God during death and you are freed

3) Take a single dip in the holy Ganga and you are freed

4) Touch the feet of a certain Guru and you are freed


to more complex solutions like patiently working off karma over a period of several lifetimes.


Naturally, short cut versions are more popular, though I see that adherents do not really believe in them fully. I have not seen anyone who chanted a mantra just once and left it at that knowing he has been freed or take a dip in the Ganga once and conclude he has been freed.


Of course, logically speaking the whole concept of wanting to be free is flawed. Most people who want to be free, accept this freedom will not happen during their lifetime. So it is more of avoiding rebirth. But why do they care? That new person will have no recollection of the past and will not miss anything. And we have no way of knowing how that person's life will be. He may be one of those who sails through life with no pain at all and is happy about his life. So really, it does not make much sense to think and work towards avoiding rebirth.


Just like we do not remember any of our past births and know only this single birth, the same will be true in the next birth. So in that sense, there is no rebirth at all. There is only one birth at any point of time. But again, all this is valid only if we choose to bring in logic, and logic as we all know, is a bad thing ;).



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A) we do not remember any of our past births

B) we know only this single [present] birth,

C) the same will be true in the next birth.

D) So in that sense, there is no rebirth at all. --[this is not logical]

E) There is only one birth at any point of time [the present birth].




The above is called subjectivity [a single persons opinion based on his own POV (perspective)].


A black american who derides the white man's in-civility speaks subjective falsehoods.


Truth is objective.


Impoverished people who are thought-full see their predicament as a result of their past Karma --but the path to mental/emotional/spiritual serenity starts at that point of recognising and acknowledging that there is a problem that only can be solved by finding the "root cause" --finding the original cause of their predicament.


We are not this Karma--we are spirit soul.

What is spirit? What is Consciousness? Where does it come from? What is it's ultimate usage? These questions are Objective pursuits meant to be related back to our individual person/soul/actions.


We must cultivate higher/refiner/Godly/sattvic/non-beastial/sublime consciousness inorder to escape the mechanical re-actions to our subjective actions that further self-brainwash ourselves into thinking that we are impersonal cogs in a machine.


The Soul must learn the ancient ways of transcending mundane actions.


After all, material sciences are trying to do the same --the invention of the wheel and the reseach for medicines and the studies of all branches of sciences lead us to refined stratum above the heads & shoulders of the beast world of beastly pastimes --but this may not fit everyones definition of life's goal, or should I say, not everyone's moment-to-moment desires.


Human life differs from those of beasts by the level of concientious responsiblities that are duly fullfilled for the sake of ''doing one's duty" seflessly** for the greater civic good.

[**not to be conflated with impersonal goals~which ironically would indicated selfish motivations]

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Of course, logically speaking the whole concept of wanting to be free is flawed. Most people who want to be free, accept this freedom will not happen during their lifetime. So it is more of avoiding rebirth. But why do they care? Cheers


Many do care.




That new person will have no recollection of the past and will not miss anything. And we have no way of knowing how that person's life will be. He may be one of those who sails through life with no pain at all and is happy about his life. So really, it does not make much sense to think and work towards avoiding rebirth.


It makes sense to many who are still happy with their lives, here on earth.

But there is no compulsion that one has to work towards avoiding rebirth.There is No punishment for not working towards salvation(mukthi)



Just like we do not remember any of our past births and know only this single birth, the same will be true in the next birth. So in that sense, there is no rebirth at all. There is only one birth at any point of time. But again, all this is valid only if we choose to bring in logic, and logic as we all know, is a bad thing ;).



If we remember our past lives it is going to be one hell of a life.Is it not.The idea is to live life as it is.

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No one.


The Karma system is self contained and beginningless. This is how it becomes possible for atheistic systems like Buddhism, etc., to have this concept as the core of their teachings.






Karma is self contained??


Karma is a subtle material element or law.Do you even know what your saying when you state that karmic law is self working,defining every single fruit for every single one of the myriad living entities living in the innumerable infinite universes????

Forget that.To define and allot the karmic fruit,the karma itself must be noted.And your saying that karma does it all by itself?

Wow,I confess i find the evolutionists(Who believe that matter produces life and is thus the be all and end all of everything) a tad bit cleverer.

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No one.



The common challenge obviously is to find a way to get out of this cycle and different religious systems provide different solutions. There are all kinds of solutions ranging from short-cuts like


1) Chant this special mantra just once and you will be freed

2) Remember a certain God during death and you are freed

3) Take a single dip in the holy Ganga and you are freed

4) Touch the feet of a certain Guru and you are freed


to more complex solutions like patiently working off karma over a period of several lifetimes.


Naturally, short cut versions are more popular, though I see that adherents do not really believe in them fully. I have not seen anyone who chanted a mantra just once and left it at that knowing he has been freed or take a dip in the Ganga once and conclude he has been freed.





These so called 'short cut' versions are meant only for one and one purpose: Cleansing of the mind.

You may ask how can a dip in ganga cleanse your mind....Exactly the opposite of how incessant indulgence in meat eating,intoxicants etc. makes the condition of your mind worse.

So if a person has a pure mind,all he has to do is go in front of the prema bhakta(guru).

the guru can do anything.He'll slap his 'ready' disciple,shout at him...say a mantra in his ear or keep his feet on his head.Done.This is the way the guru provides the ready disciple with swarupa shakti.Then the disciple's mind,senses and intelligence become spiritual.Prema bhakti is ever awaiting for such a 'clear' vessel.Through the Guru,The prema bhakti immediately manifests in the disciple's heart.Now Prema sends sweet invitations to the Lord.THe lord HAS to come.Now he can see the lord.Hear Him.Touch Him.Now he is maalamal forever.He gets to go wherever the Lord advents and thus serve in everincreasing infinte spiritual bliss.

Rasatvam heva labdhva nandi bhavati.

The jeevatma now obtains ever increasing bliss(Rasa) when He obtains the Lord. He DOESN'T become ananda/rasa.


So all these things are done for cleansing the mind and not 'getting freed'.Liberation is a nuisance,an evil witch if you will.....'bhukti mukti pishachani...'

Even Shankaracharya has enlisted 'purification of the mind' as a prerequisite to start on jnyana marga.

Shanto daant uparatasth tithikshu.

Daant(control over the mind/purification of the heart) is the first step itself.Then the Jnyani guru accepts you.


So cleansing of the mind is a must in any 'spiritual' path.I don't think any religion even knows what the 'mind' is,let alone preach for it's purification.

And that's why you haven't 'seen' a person getting freed after taking a dip in the ganga.

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The sweetness of ranjeetmore's quotations [i cannot attest to its authenticity, yet I am well read on the subject to not find contradictions that I know as accepted as bonefide] --the sweetness is the revelations of Shiva's person and thus sentiments and especially his ettiquette and ultimately his Vaishnava behavior which sets the best example of proper behavior---to this I must bow my head and offer pranams.







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Oh it's from Sri Brhad Bhagvatmrta,the most adventurous book potraying Sri Narada's journeys from the nether world to Bhrama loka to Shiva loka to Vaikuntha and LAstly to Vrndavana...Ocean of nectar !!!:pray:

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Good point, it is said, eko vai narayana asin na brahma na isano napo nagni-samau neme dyav-aprthivi na naksatrani na suryah: "In the beginning of the creation there was only the Supreme Personality Narayana. There was no Brahma, no Siva, no fire, no moon, no stars in the sky, no sun." (Maha Upanisad 1)


Namaste Suchandra Ji,


Yes you have brought out an excellent point through Maha Upanishad. Thanks.


Maha Upanishad


I-1-4 athaato mahopanishhada.n vyaakhyaasyamastadaahureko ha vai naaraayaNa

aasiinna brahmaa neshaano naapo naagniishhomau neme dyaavaapR^ithivii na

nakshatraaNi na suuryo na chandramaaH . sa ekaakii na ramate .





I-1-4. Then we shall expound the Mahopanishad. They say Narayana was alone. There were not Brahma, Isha, Waters, Fire and Soma, Heaven and Earth, Stars, Sun and Moon. He could not be happy.


V.46 sarva.n shaanta.n niraalamba.n vyomastha.n shaashvata.n shivam.h .

anaamayamanaabhaasamanaamakamakaaraNam.h .. 45..

V. 46 na sannasanna madhyaanta.n na sarva.n sarvameva cha .

manovachobhiragraahyaM puurNaatpuurNa.n sukhaatsukham.h .. 46..

V-45. All is calm (needing) no support, existing in the ether (of the heart), eternal, Shivam, devoid of ailment and illusion, name and cause.

V-46. Neither existent nor-existent, nor in between, nor the negation of all; beyond the grasp of mind and words, fuller than the fullest, more joyful than joy.


Yes, an excellent point. Brahaman is Sad-Chid-ananda. Whereas the Maha Upanishad says in the beginning that Narayyana was not happy alone: sa ekaakii na ramate (He could not be happy alone).:) . On the other hand the verses V-45 and V-46 say: Shivam, devoid of ailment and illusion, name and cause.----fuller than the fullest, more joyful than joy.


Nikhileshwara Namah





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I do not understand

Sa ekaakii na ramate:

means: He had no SPORT...Not that HE wasn't happy!


Thats kind of a really naive statement to make.Sriman Narayana is SELF CONTENT.

Raso vai saha.

He HImself is Ananda/rasa/happiness.

Through His potencies alone does happiness manifest in the material manifestation(Rasa gulla gives you happiness for 5 min.).

But He is Ananda itself.Ananda and Sri krsna are NON DIFFERENT.

IF it wasn't so,Shankara,Bhrama,Narada etc wouldn't fall on the ground,rolling in ecstatic bliss everytime they even see Him !

Besides,Sri Narayana's energy,Yog nidra,Puts Him in a divine slumber.

This is CLEARLY mentioned in the Skanda purana(devi's purana) when Sri narada praises the Goddess.He begs the Goddess to remove Sri Narayan's divine sleep so that He could battle a particular ghastly demon.

This yog nidra has the Lord engaged in constant contemplation of His multifarious,infinite,ever infinite energies and potencies and powers.This is a never ending process for His energies being infinite,Lord Narayana is mildly suprised at remembering each of His energies one by one.This task is supramundane and Maya being not able to even appear in front of Godhead,there arises no question of His happiness lasting for a specific time,being limited and reducing for that's the warp and woof of Mayic happiness.

Ramana-the word is related to joy from playing a sport,a game if you will.

The creation of the entire Material manifestation,it's maintenance and destruction...this act is mere sport for the Mahapurusha,Mahavishnu.

There's is absolutely no reason to believe that the lord was bored or unhappy.

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I do not understand

Sa ekaakii na ramate:

means: He had no SPORT...Not that HE wasn't happy!


Thats kind of a really naive statement to make.Sriman Narayana is SELF CONTENT.

Raso vai saha.



Namaste More,


Yes. Raso vai saha is eternally correct. Also correct is 'Sa ekaakii na ramate' when one does not know Shivam.


Absolutely correct is :V-45. All is calm (needing) no support, existing in the ether (of the heart), eternal, Shivam, devoid of ailment and illusion, name and cause.

V-46. Neither existent nor-existent, nor in between, nor the negation of all; beyond the grasp of mind and words, fuller than the fullest, more joyful than joy.




This joy does not need any support of another and does not need any support of creation. One must pause and at least do sharvana and manana. Ego positions are hard to give up but is required. Shri Krishna will teach so to the Yadus.







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Srikanthji would you please explain who's the judge ? This question has always bothered me. It is hard to believe that someone's maintaining ledgers.


As long as you conduct yourself as 'I am the body', you are bound with Karmas. The nature of consciousness is to balance. When you do something, it is balanced ie., you get something. It is a natural process. You do something bad, you get that. You do something good, you get that. If you are Rajasic and keep on doing, you will be tamasic in the next generation where you keep on receiving. Yes, no ledgers maintained.

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Dear Srikantdk...I ask this of you for the last time...

please stick to Shankar Bhashya or please do not waste our time.

Your speculations are quite marvellous and are meant to reveberate in a dubious buddhist monastery....Such jugglery of words cannot ever come from the vedas.


I dont quote from any bhashyas. Yes, since i follow a monoist stance, Advaita is more lovable for me. But, to understand the truth, we need not sit and dig out the meanings of what the past acharyas have made. If we use our own brains, sense, be more rational in taught to leave aside the story books, the truth dawns on any sincere spiritual seeker. Need not be from any school of taught.



You've learnt all this from a old quantum physicist come hindu/buddhist believer who thinks that science and spirituality are the same and runs off at every opportunity to explain his 'mindblowing' similarities between quantum mechanics and what evry tom today has come to the apparent knowledge of: Bhramn.


If you believe that God is a form of All Energy, you must be knowing that energy can be converted to one form to another. That proves the differences that one single consciousness can take. Thats a hint to all this creation.



Such "Findings" and 'speculations' belong in chambers of 'unintelligence'.They have no place amidst pramanas provided by spiritual giants of the yore(read: Ramanuja,Madhva and Nimbarka.)


Findings and speculations cannot araise out of unintelligence. Mind it. There wouldnt have been doctors and engineers and scientists without findings and speculations. No invention is possible. The spiritual giants whom you are talking about have no ground. Especially Madhvacharya whose 'Tattva Vaada' stood no ground and has its place confined to one small region in the Kanara region of Karnataka. Sri Ramanujacharyas VA was more realistic approach which helped to encourage both the form and formless unlike Advaita.



Adopt Shankar philosophy completely or please queue up to invent another religion of your own. Chop chop.You have to decide.


You have seen yourself and mentioned in your own words the names of many so called Acharyas. Ramanuja differed with Shankara, Madhva differed with both and Purnadvaita differed from all. It is upto you to wake up to reality or get lost in the differences of the past. Live in the present. Lets accept the reality that you or I cannot think like Shankara,Madhva or Ramanuja and lets think like Srikanth or Ranjeetmore. That would be more prolific and realistic.

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As for your incredulous statement that the cosmos itself being Bhramn is not inert.......

hear this.The cosmos,as hyped by your oh-so-intelligent jnyanis,is afterall mithya...it is false...delusion of the soul.....

So your apparent belief that cosmos being dynamic concludes that Bhramn is not inert crumbles upon what i call as Mayavadi grounds itself...


Thats all u have understood. Here is some more what you need to.

Satyam - That doesnt change, that existed, exists and continue to exist.

Mithyam - That which changes with time.

Lets read the Mahavakya now 'Brahmam Satyam, Jagan Mithyam'.

Now, tell me what your oh-oh-storymongers think of this? Once this knowledge seeps in, the concentration goes on just one aspect i.e., yourself. Your true self. Satyam, that should be the goal of life.

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With the flood of chaos, the owner of the thread, mr. balu has left this ?


Unfortunately the native dharma, tells us to be polite, treat the guests with honor. Sarve jana sukhinobhavantu etc..


When someone is brought up in a protective environment, with good culture & all that, one is not fit to walk on a street where there are no rules!


Earlier i had some good opinion about iskon. I was only worrying why srila prabupada went west to enlighten mlechchas, leaving his own country men, who are drifting away from dharma.


Now going through the discussion, i am happy that he left. The native dharma was never narrow minded. I love krishna as much as shiva. I am astonished at the intollerance exibited by some. They are no better than other mlechchas.


The change to vegitarianism is only a mask.



nothing moves with out shivas consent.

As per kasmir shaivism, i heard, that even the abstacles are shiva.


As you claim to have read vedas from child hood, were you not told to remove husk from the grain ?


Why do address the life less husk ?

pray to shiva, go ahead with your task. Audarya family is not full of audarya. it seems ailing with the diseases of any other family.


The administrators may have to enforec some discipline. but the family seems too big to be controlled. Lets pray for understanding to prevail.

But prepare to live in a hostile world. A brahmin must also know the art of yuddha to be a teacher.

Just vedas cannot save.

Good luck.



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As long as you conduct yourself as 'I am the body', you are bound with Karmas. The nature of consciousness is to balance. When you do something, it is balanced ie., you get something. It is a natural process. You do something bad, you get that. You do something good, you get that. If you are Rajasic and keep on doing, you will be tamasic in the next generation where you keep on receiving. Yes, no ledgers maintained.


you don't have a choice boss.There are only two paths: one towards maya (Preya marga) and one towards bhagavan(Preya).

So there cannot be a choice on the part of the jeeva to "choose" between conducting oneself as body or conducting oneself as soul.

Even i can say i'm jeevatma but after a few minutes i'll say your an ass becoz you said like this like this to me.

Realisation is a must first.Your mental conviction in your preposterous speculations will last only for 5 mins...after that you'll immediately start thinking about eating rasa gulla,watching matches etc.You can't control your mind....So you can't just switch 'conductance'.


Nature of consciousness is to balance?

But intelligence without personality exists in fool's paradise.Where does your 'consciousness' get the intelligence to 'balance'?

And last time i heard,Bhramn has no nature.

It's 'nature' to 'balance' is the result of your speculation.Keep it to yourself.Sometimes a person should understand that he'd be better off without excersing his intellect too much.He might think he's giving top class jnyana,but the world really looks down upon him as fool.

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I dont quote from any bhashyas. Yes, since i follow a monoist stance, Advaita is more lovable for me. But, to understand the truth, we need not sit and dig out the meanings of what the past acharyas have made. If we use our own brains, sense, be more rational in taught to leave aside the story books, the truth dawns on any sincere spiritual seeker. Need not be from any school of taught..



how will it dawn? Who will cause it to dawn?

What will you do? Think about it continuously?

I CHALLENGE you.You won't be able to think about it even for 10 mins.Do you have the guts to take up my challenge?

You say 'truth' like it some cheap thing.What power do YOU have to grasp the truth?

You'll use your senses? hehe...grow up.

You'll use your mind? a person can't even control the mind,let alone attach it to a formless entity that has no name,form,quality and action.What will you remember...what will you meditate on? Void? ,.....ummmm that's impossible.

You'll use your intelligence? Let's say i've gone as insane and believe that you ARE bhramn....Still the intelligence is limited,a mere material element.

You propose your intellect will grasp the all encompassing existence of Bhramn ????


Whom are you fooling?


NOW tell me....Who are YOU in front of shankaracharya.?




If you believe that God is a form of All Energy, you must be knowing that energy can be converted to one form to another. That proves the differences that one single consciousness can take. Thats a hint to all this creation..

God is never a form of energy.He is the controller of all energies.

Your 'proof' doesn't satisfy me in the least.




Findings and speculations cannot araise out of unintelligence. Mind it. There wouldnt have been doctors and engineers and scientists without findings and speculations. No invention is possible. The spiritual giants whom you are talking about have no ground. Especially Madhvacharya whose 'Tattva Vaada' stood no ground and has its place confined to one small region in the Kanara region of Karnataka. Sri Ramanujacharyas VA was more realistic approach which helped to encourage both the form and formless unlike Advaita..

Now he's comparing ordinary doctors to Ramanuja,Madhva and Nimbarka....What are you really searching for?


Your trying to find God in material sansar(I'll find the Truth on my own/bodily/intellectual/mental strength.)


and your trying to find sansar in God's area?(these Ramanuja,Shankara,Madhva and Nimbarka were not so great yar...their works could hardly match up to some robot who apparently can serve you tea)




You have seen yourself and mentioned in your own words the names of many so called Acharyas. Ramanuja differed with Shankara, Madhva differed with both and Purnadvaita differed from all. It is upto you to wake up to reality or get lost in the differences of the past. Live in the present. Lets accept the reality that you or I cannot think like Shankara,Madhva or Ramanuja and lets think like Srikanth or Ranjeetmore. That would be more prolific and realistic.

Yeah? Why do you read science books?

A third standard child will laugh at you if you tell him that you can learn science by only thinking about it...that teachers are not necessary... that merely thinking about 'a thing' can give complete knowledge.

What is your authority?

That you have studied B.A.


What is your intellectual capacity?

That you'd come first in the 5th standard.


Your faculties are glaringly inadequate for realising brhamn.You NEED Shankara's works to understand what is bhramn.You have no calibre at all in gaining even theoretical knowledge on your own.

You Over estimate yourself so much..it's almost scandalous.

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Do You hear?

Indeed I smell scandalous-ness!




You know who you are!

A scandalous stands among us --we have seen the scandalous and he is one of us!


srikanthdk71, I, sportingly advise you to consider my council, no scandal shall go un-duly documented in the daily tabloids to be read with relish while on commute to the grand lemming race.


Keep up the scampering--we love the cute ears.

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how will it dawn? Who will cause it to dawn?

What will you do? Think about it continuously?


Who does anything(bhakti/gyana/karma etc). Yourself. You are the only creator of your destiny. Nobody else can interfere in it. They can just postpone it.



I CHALLENGE you.You won't be able to think about it even for 10 mins.Do you have the guts to take up my challenge?

This is not a challenge at all. Thinking happens through the mind. Awekening happens when mind stops or you stop thinking. Try. You can. That is the natural tendancy of the mind to seek the best always. Just like a wave, the mind too recedes after creating many waves of thought.



You say 'truth' like it some cheap thing.What power do YOU have to grasp the truth?


Truth is infact the cheapest and most naturally available thing. We just have to realise that.



You'll use your senses? hehe...grow up.

You'll use your mind? a person can't even control the mind,let alone attach it to a formless entity that has no name,form,quality and action.What will you remember...what will you meditate on? Void? ,.....ummmm that's impossible.


Hmm...thats impossible in the way you think. If you try to control your mind, you are trying to do something. It creates more thoughts. Its impossible as you say. But not trying anything makes it to recede naturally. It is natural. It is not at all difficult. You have to be patient and just be a drsta(a witness) to your thoughts. This art once mastered, controlling your mind will be as easy as the back of your hand. Believe this. It is true.



You'll use your intelligence? Let's say i've gone as insane and believe that you ARE bhramn....Still the intelligence is limited,a mere material element.

You propose your intellect will grasp the all encompassing existence of Bhramn ????


Intelligence is limited as long as you associate it with your mind. Indeed you will grasp the encompassing existance. Try.



Whom are you fooling?


If you think I am fooling anybody, so be it. If you are happy with what you have, so live with it.



NOW tell me....Who are YOU in front of shankaracharya.?


What has Shankara got to do with me? Look, until I or you are trying to become a Adi Shankara or a Srila Prabhupada, we can never be ourselves. So, I am myself. Adi Shankara is Adi Shankara.



God is never a form of energy.He is the controller of all energies.

Your 'proof' doesn't satisfy me in the least.

What is your proof of satisfaction?



Now he's comparing ordinary doctors to Ramanuja,Madhva and Nimbarka....What are you really searching for?


It would be wise to read your own post and the answer I have given again. Where did I compare?



Your trying to find God in material sansar(I'll find the Truth on my own/bodily/intellectual/mental strength.)


Who is doing it? I say All is One. You say 'All are different'. The sansar is in your mind. Not mine.



and your trying to find sansar in God's area?(these Ramanuja,Shankara,Madhva and Nimbarka were not so great yar...their works could hardly match up to some robot who apparently can serve you tea)

When you can restrict God to an area, I can guage you level of intelligence.


Yeah? Why do you read science books?

A third standard child will laugh at you if you tell him that you can learn science by only thinking about it...that teachers are not necessary... that merely thinking about 'a thing' can give complete knowledge.

What is your authority?

That you have studied B.A.

What is your intellectual capacity?

That you'd come first in the 5th standard.

Your faculties are glaringly inadequate for realising brhamn.You NEED Shankara's works to understand what is bhramn.You have no calibre at all in gaining even theoretical knowledge on your own.

You Over estimate yourself so much..it's almost scandalous.


What can I say to all these, i can just say 'So be It' whatever is true for you, live with it and moreover, do not quote Adi Shankara or compare him with anyone coz you dont know anything about Advaita or Adi Shankara or neither your peers do. Go and read Tattva Bodah/Atma Bodah/Vivekachudamani. Only then you can understand the works of Shankara. I think you are listening to these works for the first time. Cheers.

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