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are we at the end of kali-yuga

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do you guys think that we are at the end of kali yuga?




According Srimad-Bhagavatam we are at the very beginning. Since Kali-yuga is described as being 432,000 earth years in length, with 5,000 years and more already passed, then the age of Kali-yuga has approximately 426,000 more years to go. On the other hand, yes, things look presently so terrible that one surely can ask this question, is the end near?

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do you guys think that we are at the end of kali yuga?




the period of 'self' is based on the minds of man (consciousness) divided by being less than of understanding


so if the knowledge to combine mankind exists, then each can be aware and 'self' fades for the 'purpose of life'


all 'we the people' ever really have been awaiting is the truth


and the truth removes the self as the priority to this experience of life, we each entertain.


the truth combines the experience of life with the truth of reality both physically and spiritually


nothing magical or supernatural about it, but the universal application is pure to all that exists.


Knowledge is what unites and brings Peace, equally to mankind.


Note that knowledge is the 'destroyer of ignorance' hence the One who yeilds that sword of knowledge is considered the Kalki; ending Kali Yuga.


That sword is the knowledge of light. The missing link to combine all of mankind is the understanding of light, revealed by 'life' itself.



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The connotation of very long period of time for a yuga is of puranic view. In Veda, the woed Yuga refer to a62 full moon and 62 new moon ihat is about five years.

By puranic concept we are just at the bugining of kali -a long long way to go.By the vedic notion we have already crossed many many kaliyugas already.




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Om shanti,

oh this is the age of RAGE.:mad2:

as it seems you already recognize kali yuga and the divisions of mankind; ever brother against brother



We continue to think in old ways inspite of presently having nuclear bombs.

as the 'doomsday mare' can be likened to 'what' existing monster of the sea? What is the single most powerful weapon on this earth?




puts a whole new meaning to ATV's



It is said weapons came from the stomach of YADAVS which destroyed the entire race.:smash:

not entirely


perhaps a read on some Upanishads or at least a summary within the english language


note the Adi B..


then go down to Kalagni and the 'mare'




the key is to notice how the old stories can be combined with today's world event but that is by choice to be fair rather than be complacent


meaning we in that world now, rather than the ideas of a later event as this is the age of knowledge; the time of truth


and that means the period of the nasties is really that close


heck just look at the middle east; there are folk willing to die for their belief systems and what did you say....



We continue to think in old ways inspite of presently having nuclear bombs.


them the firecrakers of the old prophecies (raining fire upon the land)


so if a man is walking around suggesting the truth exists and it is from the 'light of truth'


then perhaps... we really that close!


but be happy, as Peace comes from the ashes of the war.....



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I think that Lord Jesus and Kalki avatar are the same person, and the end is near.


read a book called "sign of second comming" from Harun Yahya


srila prabhupada sas that kali yuga's duration is 432.000 years but there are tradition that says that we are in the end.


also the gap between Lord Buddha and Kalki Incarnation is to wide almost 430.000 years it is almost pointless to know an incarnation too far away

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The duration of the yugas is precisely delineated in the Mahabharata on a number of occasions but a very clear statement is given in 12.224.16-20. If this version is accepted then we are not anywhere near the end of the Kaliyuga. And as it is the Mahabharata and Puranas that reveal the idea of chatur-yuga, if we do not accept their account there is no need to bother with the idea at all.

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According Srimad-Bhagavatam we are at the very beginning. Since Kali-yuga is described as being 432,000 earth years in length, with 5,000 years and more already passed, then the age of Kali-yuga has approximately 426,000 more years to go. On the other hand, yes, things look presently so terrible that one surely can ask this question, is the end near?

yeah thats so true.....i think on a level that everyone is waitin g for somthing to happen
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Maybe we are at the beginning stages of a golden age within kali yuga, where there is a revealing of the servants of God, and an end to the reign of the 'controlling' demonic mentality?


If we are awakening to the utter foolishness and folly of controlling mentality, and the exalted position of service mood, in our daily life, then possibly kali's reign has come to an end.


I would say if this is true, we gotta get the good news out there. We surely need it.



Brahma Vaivarta PuranaThe Brahma Vaivarta Purana states:


bhagirathy uvaca

he natha ramana shreshtha, yasi golokam uttamam;

asmakam ka gatish catra, bhavishyati kalau yuge. [1]

In the Brahma-vaivarta Purana, mother Ganges petitions Lord Krishna: “O protector, supreme enjoyer, after Your departure for the supreme abode, Goloka, what will be my condition in the degraded age of Kali?”


shri bhagavan uvaca

kaleh panca sahasrani, varshani tishtha bhutale;

papani papino yanti, tubhyam dasyanti snanatah. [2]

The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: “On the earth 5,000 years of Kali will be very sinful and sinners will come and deposit their sins in you by bathing.


man-mantropasaka sparshad, bhasmi bhutani tat kshanat;

bhavishyanti darshanac ca, snana deva hi jahnavi. [3]

"Thereafter simply by the sight or touch of One who will worship Me by My Mantras*, all those sins will be burnt at once.


(*Here Lord Krishna is indicating His own concealed incarnation in the form of Lord Gauranga in Kali-yuga when He will appear as His own upasaka or worshiper for the purpose of teaching devotional service to everyone by the chanting of His Holy Names of Nityananda and Gauranga and the Hare Krishna maha-mantra. The Lord will appear in Navadvipa on the bank of the Ganga and destroy all the sins accumulated in the Ganga by taking bath and sporting in Her waters with His eternal associates for 24 years.)


harer namani yatraiva, puranani bhavanti hi;

tatra gatva savadhanam, abhih sarddham ca shroshyasi. [4]

“Everywhere there will be chanting of the name of Lord Hari and reading of the Shrimad Bhagavata and Chaitanya Bhagavata. At that time you can also go to such a place and attentively hear My glorification.


purana shravanac caiva, harer namanukirtanat;

bhasmi bhutani papani, brahma-hatyadikani ca. [5]

"All sinful reactions including the killing of a brahmana can be completely nulified simply by hearing the the above two Bhagavata scriptures and the continuous and devoted chanting of the Holy Names of Nityananda, Gauranga and the Hare Krishna maha-mantra following in the footsteps of the great devotees (who are the followers of the ultimate mantra-upasaka Lord Gauranga Mahaprabhu).


bhasmi bhutani tanyeva, vaishnavalinganena ca;

trinani shushka kasthani, dahanti pavako yatha. [6]“Just as dry grass or wood is consumed by fire, simply by the embrace of these Vaishnavas (followers of Lord Lord Gauranga) all sins of the living entities will be burnt.


tathapi vaishnava loke, papani papinamapi;

prithivyam yani tirthani, punyanyapi ca jahnavi. [7]

"O Ganges (Jahnavi), the whole planet will become a most auspicious pilgrimage sight by the presence of these Vaishnavas, even though it had been very sinful in the past 5000 years.


mad bhaktanam sharireshu, santi puteshu santatam;

mad bhakta pada rajasa, sadah puta vasundhara. [8]

“In the body of My devotees, there is extraordinary potency to purify everything. Thus even Mother Earth will become purified by the dust of the feet of My devotees.


sadyah putani tirthani, sadyah putam jagat tatha;

man mantropasaka vipra, ye mad ucchishta bhojinah. [9]

“As My devotees will purify the whole world, they will purify even the pilgrimage sites. Those intelligent learned followers of the worshiper of My maha-mantra (Lord Gauranga), will only partake of My remnants (prasadam) and thus purify everything.


mam eva nityam dhyayante, te mat pranadhikah priyah;

tad upasparsha matrena, puto vayushca pavakah. [10]“Those who meditate on Me constantly by the chanting of the Hare Krishna maha-mantra and My Names (like Gauranga, Nityananda etc.), are more dear to Me than My very life. Even the air and fire (which are already purifiers) will become pure simply even by their indirect touch.


kaler dasha-sahasrani, mad bhaktah santi bhutale;

eka varna bhavishyanti, mad bhakteshu gateshu ca. [11]“For 10,000 years of Kali (which will be the Golden Age brought by the Lord in the form of Lord Gauranga Mahaprabhu), such devotees of Mine will fill the whole planet. After the departure of My devotees, all of those who will remain will be like outcastes.


mad bhakta shunya prithivi, kali grasta bhavishyati;

eta smin namtare tatra, krishna dehad vinirgatah. [12]“After these 10,000* years, completely devoid of My devotees, the earth will be shackled again by Kali’s strong influence (as described in the 12th Canto of the Bhagavata Purana).” Saying this, Lord Krishna departed.


(*Kali-yuga total duration is 432,000 years. So after 5,000 years of sinful degradation and the next 10,000 years of the Golden Age (1486 AD to 11486 AD) of Lord Gauranga Mahaprabhu as described above, the balance 417,000 years of Kali-yuga will be the most sinful period for the earth planet due to the complete domination by the personality of Kali. At the end, i.e. 427,000 years from now, the Lord will appear on a white horse in his partial incarnation of Kalki to annihilate the demons and restablish the Satya-yuga. So we are extremely fortunate to have taken birth in this Golden Age and not waste this most rare opportunity.)

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Maybe we are at the beginning stages of a golden age within kali yuga, where there is a revealing of the servants of God, and an end to the reign of the 'controlling' demonic mentality?


If we are awakening to the utter foolishness and folly of controlling mentality, and the exalted position of service mood, in our daily life, then possibly kali's reign has come to an end.


I would say if this is true, we gotta get the good news out there. We surely need it.


I would like to read it with less personals commentaries possing as verses.

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Yes, then read it less the commentary applying your good intelligence.


It is all still there in the english, and evident if you have a small grasp of the sanskrit. The commentary is simply to bring this text in line with the Gaudiya Philosophy that Sri Caitanya's advent is the beginning of the golden age within Kali Yuga.

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Maybe we are at the beginning stages of a golden age within kali yuga, where there is a revealing of the servants of God, and an end to the reign of the 'controlling' demonic mentality?


But the question is who will be the occupants of this world.

Can it be the present day people.

Definetly the supreme has to come to bring about world transformation :pray:

just as he/she(soul has no gender)has said in bhagvadgita.

He has already started this task through rajayoga meditation.

This supreme given knowledge of world drama wheel,awareness of self and supreme...in any brahma kumaris centres worldwide free of cost(u cant fix a price to this knowledge).

Do visit

http://www.bkwsu.org//whereweare/center to know more.

This institution has no gurus,no rituals.It's present in over 100 countries and has 8500 centres.Its a university where you can become (nar se narayan).

Have qualities of deities.



om shanti.

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Maybe we are at the beginning stages of a golden age within kali yuga, where there is a revealing of the servants of God, and an end to the reign of the 'controlling' demonic mentality?


But the question is who will be the occupants of this world.

seems only a few will accept before the fireworks


Can it be the present day people.

it is



Definetly the supreme has to come to bring about world transformation :pray:

just as he/she(soul has no gender)has said in bhagvadgita.

He has already started this task through rajayoga meditation.

perhaps closer to the practice, brahmacharya style



This ..... given knowledge of world drama wheel,awareness of self and supreme...in any brahma kumaris centres worldwide free of cost(u cant fix a price to this knowledge).
now you see why nothing is published.......... each publisher wants to be paid, contracts and the business of knowledge



Do visit

http://www.bkwsu.org//whereweare/center to know more.

This institution has no gurus,no rituals.It's present in over 100 countries and has 8500 centres.Its a university where you can become (nar se narayan).




Founder’s Visions


Dada Lekhraj’s visions revealed a body of knowledge about the nature of the soul, of God and of time – concepts so simple in their expression but so profound in meaning that they awakened a powerful sense of recognition in those with whom the visions were shared.


perhaps a visit is in the future
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Om shanti,

The world is like a bamboo shoot it looks attractive,good on the outside,but is hollow inside.

Do you mean the minds of people are hollow with incorrect understanding?



When there is a heavy breeze the first thing that catches fire in the forest is the bamboo.:smash:
Seems people are what fuels war



It's time to look inside to fill up the hollowness.


Hence to soak up water is what offers life to the bamboo, such the same with knowledge for the soul.


Knowledge removes the hollowness of mind (not knowing the truth).


seems the 'absolute truth' nourishes our living future even if the fire must destroy the old forest, the babies will have the light of the sun to grow once again.

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om shanti,

Do you mean the minds of people are hollow with incorrect understanding?

It represents the degradation of moral values,the original qualities of the soul and the supreme which is illustrated in the previous picture(eternal fountain).

He is the only source who can charge the spiritual battery of the soul.

just like we need food everyday for the body.


Seems people are what fuels war?

It is the anger in people which fuels war :mad2: .

Just like a drunk person has no control over his body anger blinds what you are doing at that moment.


Knowledge removes the hollowness of mind (not knowing the truth).

Knowledge is power when you have true knowledge your viewpoint of every person ,circumstance changes.

We cannot control other people or circumstances the only thing we can control is what happens in our mind.:cool:


The babies will have the light of the sun to grow once again.

True .

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Do you mean the minds of people are hollow with incorrect understanding?It represents the degradation of moral values,the original qualities of the soul and the supreme which is illustrated in the previous picture(eternal fountain).

He is the only source who can charge the spiritual battery of the soul.

just like we need food everyday for the body.

Then what it is that is expected?

What is it that people are awaiting? (your opinion and in real world application)

Seems people are what fuels war?

It is the anger in people which fuels war <?xml:namespace prefix = v ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" /><v:shapetype id=_x0000_t75 stroked="f" filled="f" path="m@4@5l@4@11@9@11@9@5xe" o:preferrelative="t" o:spt="75" coordsize="21600,21600"><v:stroke joinstyle="miter"></v:stroke><v:formulas><v:f eqn="if lineDrawn pixelLineWidth 0"></v:f><v:f eqn="sum @0 1 0"></v:f><v:f eqn="sum 0 0 @1"></v:f><v:f eqn="prod @2 1 2"></v:f><v:f eqn="prod @3 21600 pixelWidth"></v:f><v:f eqn="prod @3 21600 pixelHeight"></v:f><v:f eqn="sum @0 0 1"></v:f><v:f eqn="prod @6 1 2"></v:f><v:f eqn="prod @7 21600 pixelWidth"></v:f><v:f eqn="sum @8 21600 0"></v:f><v:f eqn="prod @7 21600 pixelHeight"></v:f><v:f eqn="sum @10 21600 0"></v:f></v:formulas><v:path o:connecttype="rect" gradientshapeok="t" o:extrusionok="f"></v:path><o:lock aspectratio="t" v:ext="edit"></o:lock></v:shapetype><v:shape id=_x0000_i1025 style="WIDTH: 12pt; HEIGHT: 12pt" alt="" type="#_x0000_t75"><v:imagedata o:href="http://www.indiadivine.org/audarya/images/smilies/madani1.gif" src="file:///C:\DOCUME~1\TODDBI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\msohtml1\01\clip_image001.gif"></v:imagedata></v:shape>.

Just like a drunk person has no control over his body anger blinds what you are doing at that moment.

Does the knowledge of the last 60 years of ‘anger’ in the middle east share an actual truth behind what will begin WWIII? (the destruction described in the prophecies about how kali yuga ends)

It seems when folk are willing to kill themselves with a belt on, that a threshold has been reached.


Knowledge removes the hollowness of mind (not knowing the truth).

Knowledge is power when you have true knowledge

that ‘power’ has been removed from the heads of state/leadership/theologians and the selfish

that knowledge is free to mankind………… perhaps why the truth cannot be purchased

‘them of choice, give of themselves to seek’ ever hear of the term bhakti…..(of choice, not chosen)


We cannot control other people or circumstances the only thing we can control is what happens in our mind.

makes sense but like gas prices, it seems a few run the show….. as such the immediate surroundings are of choice, but the global collective has become a beast; lines are in the soil/ the war is on the horizon

The babies will have the light of the sun to grow once again.

True .

and the only thing that reveals what the sun shares is the light of ‘truth’

“ the young will begin to teach the old”

It’s an old prophecy that makes perfect sense; the old became complacent as kali yuga lives in chaos; the returning of truth combines mind with compassion equal to all mankind

Knowledge enables Peace; equality of all mankind……………… by UNDERSTANDING!

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Then what it is that is expected?

Soul consciousness:

let us compare our mind to a racing horse.

Mind is a higher level of energy than matter therefore mind is ideally designed to rule over body.

Due to this lack of control the mind wanders here and there and has devloped habits of negative thinking.

Our materialistic approach to life without quality,caring or right sensitivity creates lot of burden and pressure.

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On the other hand,in this picture the rider controls the horse of sense perceptions through the reins.

In other words, he uses his sense organs as tools of perception.

never forgetting that he is the master which means that he is free from or unaffected by external and internal influences.(person,vice or circumstance).

He takes the horse where he wants to go.


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