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How Aryan vs Dravidian is related with Hinduism,India

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A.Ravi sekhar

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Indianism =Hinduism=Dravidism=Shaivism



Dravidian culture follows shaivism and Thrimurthi(shiva,vishnu,Brahma) and other demi god system.


Here shiva(ardhnareeshwar) is Supreme along with amba and vishnu and Brahma are supportes for creating ,preserving and for destruction. Indra,Surya,Chandra like all are as for perticular work(kryiya or action or direction).Here all of the gods are having temples showing their praise.


From Dravidism,indians(now referring as Dravidians)spread their view god as Shaivism (Hinduism) .After that other areas of world started following the Idea of viewing god similarly but not in the exact way as Indians.So because of that reason in all olden cultures indian culture is resembled. After so many thousand of years other breed people who are following hinduism(not exactly as indians) came to our country.


In that scenario so many breeds came to India.One among them are aryans.Aryans feel that they are from Demi god Surya's Family (Raghu Vamsam)and they are great and their forefathers are great.and they are gods for them.


They started dominance as they are some what strenghtened people.after that they pushed the ancient indians from well established cities to forests and hill areas.Real Hindus were pushed to South India(forests and hills) and hill areas in north india.


They scripted in way that Ancient Indians are Asuras, Rakshasas, Vanaras,Tribes.They scripted in a manner that Their "Surya as Surya Nrayana" after that the Sri Rama(aryan king )as mahavishnu.they wrote vedas(as per their political view not in the spiritual view).


and they scripted the society as 4 castes Brahmins,vaishyas,Khatriyas, sudhras(panchamas).Who accepted them given first three categories based o their work.the other callled as shudras.So many ancient indians changed to this system for the sake of leading life.But if time comes they are fighting for their nation and culture.


Generation gone.Some native kings fighted back if time comes.the fight is continued the generations.The Strongest native indian king Ravana,some of the ancient indian kings who were blind supporters of their culture)are killed by Sri Rama(Aryan King)

The aryans Scripted him as the God and other indian kings as asuras.


Here the aryans scripted him as Lord vishnu and he is supreme.


Generations gone .time changed. still the ancient Indians(some people following sahivism) are living in Tamilnadu,andhra, Karnataka,kerala,some hill parts of north and central India, Srilanka, singhpore,Malasiya.


Some people mingled their culture with aryans culture.


After that some tamil native strong kings are back and they asked the people convert back to shaivism(Real ancient Hinduism)where shiva is supreme not Sri Rama(aryans scripted as vishnu) but some people are not converted.


Some people are still in a feel that Vishnu and aryans Rama are same.So the Tamil kings are ready to destroy our own vishnu temples(vishnu ,brahma are supporters to shiva)for destroying aryan cultuure.The example is Govindaraja Swami temple.That temple is worshipped by dravidians but destoyed for the sake of Primary issue of rcecovering our own culture from misguided aryans's culture.


So what I want to say is Our culture is Dravidian culture and our Supreme god is Shiva and Supporters of shiva are Vishnu and Brahma(thrimurthulu).So Vaishnavism,Shakthism are also parts of shaivism.


But now in a feel that vaishnavism is aryans (vishnu is supreme) and shaivism is Dravidians(shiva is Supreme).But fact that is vaishnavism ,shakthism are branches of shaivism . Aryan 's culture is to show aryans kings as gods(sri Rama =Vishnu) and he is supreme.





Can you accept my view as Real?

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But now in a feel that vaishnavism is aryans (vishnu is supreme) and shaivism is Dravidians(shiva is Supreme).But fact that is vaishnavism ,shakthism are branches of shaivism . Aryan 's culture is to show aryans kings as gods(sri Rama =Vishnu) and he is supreme.





Can you accept my view as Real?



But what does sastra say, after all isn't India's culture to quote from sastra?

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i'm not sure where to start with this one :/


firstly, the aryan invassion is a complete myth dreamed up by 19th. century colonizers to some how link indian culture to europe because it wasn't thinkable to them that a society could develop and flourish outside of european influence, even in ancient times. there are even academics who reject the idea that aryans come from outside of india. there is arhealogical evidence to support that not only were the aryans indians but they also had shiva, shakti, and vishnu worship.


i'm curious too as to which scriptures you are using as the basis of your ascertations of shaivism as being the original?


Jai Sri Krishna

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Here One has to accept that initially land or soil on earth is not divided into several parts.This is only one land called as Bharatha khandam(Bharatha Continent) .At that time All lived in the same soil.But Divine view started with Dravidism and spread to various places of earth.At that time all the people are used to worship god shiva as supreme.


"Dravidian culture follows shaivism and Thrimurthi(shiva,vishnu,Brahma) and other demi god system.


Here shiva(ardhnareeshwar) is Supreme along with amba and vishnu and Brahma are supportes for creating ,preserving and for destruction. Indra,Surya,Chandra like all are as for perticular work(kriya or action or direction).Here all of the gods are having temples showing their praise."


After that because of natural differences ,the earth seprated into several parts.But still the oldest god system is this only.Because of this reason all olden cultures having worship of god shiva,amba,vishnu,brahma and demi gods.


In that scenario Aryans came from out of India.Here India is referred as Bharatha Upa Khandam(indian sub continent).Otherwise all cultures started after dravidism but in the same land on the earth when it is not seperated. So aryans came out side of India(named after seperation of land)




Previously Human beings are not referred as dravidians or aryans or bobilonians,mesapatomians or greeks etc .But after they geographically seperated and in various times they came back to the bharat (india) they and locals are referrred as names.Dravidians or aryans or Percians.


Here all are from this cultured people only.But They have small differences in their cultures.



So what I want to say is that


all are same cultured and started dvine view with shaivism(as per records all over the world,oldest one) and started worshipping god.But after that cultures have dviated as the time and geographical locatiopns).


But view of god is similar in principles.But not in the shape.

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