A.Ravi sekhar
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Lord Shiva is the altimate god of all and only god in the universe.This is initial form of god and all wise people bring the way of praying the lord of universe or Vishwanadh or vishweswar.So initially the thought was to praying god in female and male form to teach the importance of both to men and women to form family. you can understand the difference.............if you read below. Lord Shiva is described as Lord of universe and stay in Himalayas on Mount kailash............Lord Shiva was lived on the earth .he saved the mankind once with in herotic way this is history.So many descriptions saying this.He is a Great dancer once lived in.He married got children and have family.He respected the wife and with his heroics he is able to form a group of same mentality.so he has Gana.In their group,Veerabhadra,Nandi or Ideal fighters and he is the lead.They used to save their people for long time.Lord shiva never failed to do it thats why we call him .......No Death for him as a altimate . On otherside.........Lord Vishnu is a Ideal character described just with Imagination.Some selfish wel-knowledged people given more desription to the same personality and gave another name Vishnu. Wise people like SriKrishna,Parasurama or Sankaracharya understand the reality and again they told both are same.The personality was same. Sri Krishna is not god or avathar of Vishnu and was a born in Vishwa Brahmana shaiva family and native local of Indus vally civilized family(thats why in so many descriptions in maha bharatha he was recognized as low caste or culture was dominated with aryan culture).With his quality and knowledge he is able to know the fact and he would like to tell the truth to the world.Thats why he gave Bhagavath-geetha menas the lords Shiva's way.Even you can understand the Somanadh (lord Shiva is their God) and Maha bharatha was and is kernal of Shiva faith.Maha bharatha described Somanadh,Srikandam(sree sailam) Mallikarjuna swamy and Vishwa nadh of Kasi (kashi kandam) and so many other temples of Lord shiva.If you understand Srikrishna never told pray Vishnu or Pray Rama or Pray some other form.He told to Arjuna and all other people to pray lord shiva and he himself payed Shiva as Mahadev.Why he was alled as swayam bhagavan is that he again showed the way to pray Ultimate god( or atleast believe in his words instead of Vishnu,myth as god). Parasurama, all people still in myth as he is avathar of Vishnu.But if you understand his way or his pray towards Lord Shiva,ultimate lord of universe.He never prayed other god.He established so many Lord shiva temples and all are in south india mainl in parasuram kshetram(in keral konkan place,andhra pradesh,tamilandu and Karnataka).Why he never mentioned Vishnu...........the myth. Sankaracharya was the vaishnav brahmin....understanding the fact told Siva and Vishnu both are same and they are two names of same god and he tried to clear the myth like they are two different gods. So I would like to tell the world that makka Kaaba temple is Lord Shiva's temple,Tajmahal is also Lord shiva temple.Venkateshwara swami temple is Lord Shiva temple.(Venkata + Eswar temple mean lord shiva temple,can any one show any of Vishnu temples is having eswar name).So know the real god.
Lord Ramachandra Prays To Lord Siva?
A.Ravi sekhar replied to Shivam's topic in The Hare Krishna Forum
all you foolish fellows, God shiva is Lord for all,This is the basic of any veda or purana. Parusurama or Rama or Krishna or Narashimha or Pandavas Or indra or Soma or Yama or any one else had the temples in India,where they worshipped God shiva. In recent times, These Vaishnavism started and they are explaing the older are tamasic vedas and older versions of veda are not having Sruthi or some thing else. You people always do discussions and not get any thing. First know what is avathar and why they needed .They needed for only Sthithi(poshana) .So all these avathars will come into the scene that the balancing Evil and Good powers. Vishnu is doing his work. If Vishnu is Supreme then why He was joined in Sagara Madhana along with all other gods and Demi Gods and Demons.Why Not God Shiva. God Shiva orders and they will go for things. First delete the bad wings or Ideas on God Shiva. -
Could you name the oldest temple of god vishnu,and when it built. and the same time could you please let me know the oldest temple of god shiva. I dont understand what is supremacy in vaishnavam.Could you explain.
Sharabha Avatharam is one of the feorocius Avathars existed and which you can still see in some of the temples of shiva like shreesailam and like olden temples of tamilnadu and like that. Narashimha Avathar of God vishnu was destroyed HiranyaKasipu a Demon king, and after that was unable to come back to his normal form,Then he started destorying the universe with his rage .Tostop him,God Lord Shiva had come with a ferocius rage and shape human+bird+Leo ,(2 heads lion and bird and 8 legs and human body) and then even Narashimha also feared and understand that he is god shiva and then stopped his rage by makingspray to god shiva, if any people wants to know much better you can know through browse in google.
Do you people know how Narashima avathar was end. If you know then,ok Otherwise its better know that Sharabha Avathar of God shiva made end of Narashimhaavathar.
You explained well,ok just I would like to ask the question that what is the greatness of Sri Rama,you explained that Avthar is helpful to explain humans how to lead life. Could you explain in which sense this is better avathar to Harischandra,Devotee of Shiva ( Ancient and Raghuvamsa King) to Rama. If you take normal lifes of humanbeing,compare all the activities then expalin which activity is better to normal lifes. All people (atleast 50%) will think of their parents suggesions and orders. All people can go for marriages only some people are trying to leave their wifes with roumers. So dont concider him better life advisor ,no i dont accept blindly all you people and aryans(non locals) explained . Remaining avathars are good.
hi all, Please dont do nonsense here that god shiva or Vishnu is old, What I felt is that you people not have enough knowledge for discussing world's highest science. God Shiva is supreme and shaivism starts before vedic period and spreaded all over the world.Dont give chance to other religion people by comparing with other gods. Hindus soul is Shiva Indians soul is Kasi
Indianism =Hinduism=Dravidism=Shaivism Dravidian culture follows shaivism and Thrimurthi(shiva,vishnu,Brahma) and other demi god system. Here shiva(ardhnareeshwar) is Supreme along with amba and vishnu and Brahma are supportes for creating ,preserving and for destruction. Indra,Surya,Chandra like all are as for perticular work(kryiya or action or direction).Here all of the gods are having temples showing their praise. From Dravidism,indians(now referring as Dravidians)spread their view god as Shaivism (Hinduism) .After that other areas of world started following the Idea of viewing god similarly but not in the exact way as Indians.So because of that reason in all olden cultures indian culture is resembled. After so many thousand of years other breed people who are following hinduism(not exactly as indians) came to our country. In that scenario so many breeds came to India.One among them are aryans.Aryans feel that they are from Demi god Surya's Family (Raghu Vamsam)and they are great and their forefathers are great.and they are gods for them. They started dominance as they are some what strenghtened people.after that they pushed the ancient indians from well established cities to forests and hill areas.Real Hindus were pushed to South India(forests and hills) and hill areas in north india. They scripted in way that Ancient Indians are Asuras, Rakshasas, Vanaras,Tribes.They scripted in a manner that Their "Surya as Surya Nrayana" after that the Sri Rama(aryan king )as mahavishnu.they wrote vedas(as per their political view not in the spiritual view). and they scripted the society as 4 castes Brahmins,vaishyas,Khatriyas, sudhras(panchamas).Who accepted them given first three categories based o their work.the other callled as shudras.So many ancient indians changed to this system for the sake of leading life.But if time comes they are fighting for their nation and culture. Generation gone.Some native kings fighted back if time comes.the fight is continued the generations.The Strongest native indian king Ravana,some of the ancient indian kings who were blind supporters of their culture)are killed by Sri Rama(Aryan King) The aryans Scripted him as the God and other indian kings as asuras. Here the aryans scripted him as Lord vishnu and he is supreme. Generations gone .time changed. still the ancient Indians(some people following sahivism) are living in Tamilnadu,andhra, Karnataka,kerala,some hill parts of north and central India, Srilanka, singhpore,Malasiya. Some people mingled their culture with aryans culture. After that some tamil native strong kings are back and they asked the people convert back to shaivism(Real ancient Hinduism)where shiva is supreme not Sri Rama(aryans scripted as vishnu) but some people are not converted. Some people are still in a feel that Vishnu and aryans Rama are same.So the Tamil kings are ready to destroy our own vishnu temples(vishnu ,brahma are supporters to shiva)for destroying aryan cultuure.The example is Govindaraja Swami temple.That temple is worshipped by dravidians but destoyed for the sake of Primary issue of rcecovering our own culture from misguided aryans's culture. So what I want to say is Our culture is Dravidian culture and our Supreme god is Shiva and Supporters of shiva are Vishnu and Brahma(thrimurthulu).So Vaishnavism,Shakthism are also parts of shaivism. But now in a feel that vaishnavism is aryans (vishnu is supreme) and shaivism is Dravidians(shiva is Supreme).But fact that is vaishnavism ,shakthism are branches of shaivism . Aryan 's culture is to show aryans kings as gods(sri Rama =Vishnu) and he is supreme.
I never feel god vishnu or other gods have notable bhakthas or devotees which are more number than Lord Shiva and The better cause for become vihnu or other god bhakthas. Could you please let me know for what the reason you are praying respective god. Rama(arya king not indian king) killed Ravana(indian king).So you are making pray to Rama.Now you can pray to Mughal and Britishers also for killing our own indian kings. Krishna,think once krishna as inpendent of god vishnu, Krishna is devotee of Lord Shiva and tried to kill all aryan kings and given freedom for all local indians.So you can recognise him.
So many researches saying that Kaaba(mecca) of muslims and Tajmahal of India are old temples of Lord Shiva ,Means that the shaivism is across the world . In Kaaba,Vikramaditya(olden Indian King)'s incrination was found and Taj Mahal is Tejo Mahalaya(temple palace of Lord shiva which is 500 years older to Shajahan
Demi-Gods? I need clarification. Please help me understand.
A.Ravi sekhar replied to Bee's topic in Spiritual Discussions
Demi god means the God(power) who is having tasks for wel fair of human beings and are reporting to supreme power,Lord God Shiva -
Hi all, Shiva is the greatest archer(Rudra).In recent times,it was Arjuna ,after receiving Pasupathastram from shiva.He got the technology to use Pasupathasram,which will help to restrict Karna. Actually Arjuna was the best archer in Arya Kings.But If you take Ekalavya in concideration Ekalavya is Local(from ancient indian tribes).If you concider all Ekalavya is the best archer
Hi all, Do you people know why we are celebrating Maha Shiva Rathri . Shivrathri is started as the giving light to the cretures(gods or human beings ) who are in feeling that they are alone and first cretures of Universe . Brahma and Vishnu quarreled with one another and in a feel that they are the supremes of Universe.At that time one white light(knowledge) generated and from some audibles of universe they listen that who find atleast one end of light can be supreme. Brahma started as hamsa for finding the top edge and vishnu started as Varaha and started digging the earth for finding the bottom edge of the light.No one succeded . Vishnu realised that he is not supreme. But Brahma cheated and said that he found the top edge then Shiva(lord) came to them and he removed the fifth head (feel of Ego) and given them highest positions of universe for creation and Preserving for both of them. Could you please try to answer God vishnu destroyed so many of the asuras.So can we give the name Destroyer for him. No we cant as he is only preserver. For preserving only Narayana is there.If any universal problem(high risk) happened then God shiva has to be there. In "samudra madhana" also, all gods had their activity along with brahma and vishnu also referred as per vedas.But did shiva had any activity .Why not ? He is the supreme(pashuapthi) and he describes the activity for any one in the universe and as they had risk with Poison he was there and solved the problem along with Godess.(Sri Neela Khanteshwar).
[b]Can you please let me know the Lingarchanam[/b] [b]Brahma Murari Surarchitha Lingam[/b][/html] Do u have any proofs for "God Shiva worshipped God Vishnu or krishna,ram" If any of you know can you explain proofs. You all have to see this website and olden paints.
father's love----------------------he loves his children to be happy with success and try to give support when they are in need. mother's love-------------------she loves her children to be careful , happy and to be there along with her throughout entire life. brother's love ----------------- he feels happy when u r in success and he will be next to dad when u need suppport. sister's love----------------------she loves than a lover and cares than a mother and will demand's the same in entire lfie. son's love ------------------------he needs to be promisable to dad as ATM character,a robot that helps for mother and guide if the parrents are behaving in a wrong way. daughter's love-----------------daughter is a princes for the entire palace but would be proud to their parrents and tries to leave a good shadow in her palace and need to go for another palace. puppy(pet)'s love ------------ it loves u as guardian , master and loves everybody as it is also one of the family member. uncle(and aunt)'s love --------------------some times he is the source to produce support and sometimes he is the destructor to ur family. real and close friend's love--------------he will be like a brother when u r in failures and will be a trainer in any need. friend's love ----------- --------when u r in success he feels happy and in ur failures just feels sad. teacher's love -----------------as u r in success she will feel proud and u r in failures she may badly say try to change the attitude. girl friend's love--------------- she is just like a trail side of the coin(only at happyness) when u looses that value u may loose her. wife and lover's love---------she will be just like a girlfriend in one side , sister in other side, she will be reliable as u needs her forever. coulege----will be a brother and friend boss----- will be like teacher.
[u]Hi to vishwa brahmins I would like to say the fact that we are not having the caste,we are not belong to any varna.What I want to say that is we are the best breed in the present society.As we are from ancient culture,tradition of India or Dravidism.We can do primary things for the sake of life.for what now a days the people are depending on the other people. The caste system created from Aryan system.So in that our caste is not categorised into any of caste.Vishwa-brahmins are the starters of the work what brahmins do in current society.We are (Vishwa Brahmins)Brahmins in the Old Society and the old Indian(Dravism) scripts tells about us. After that ,In present society the aryan_brahmins are categorised as Brahmins and are adopted Brahminsm from Vishwa Brahmins.They are not starters of Brahmins work. Some one Explained Vishwa Karma as Creator of Society,Exactly correct.But He explained .He created one for Each God. [b]""""think just logically, viswakarma created "sathyaloka", to reside brahma "vykuntha" for vishnu,"swarna lanka" to shiva, "swarga" for indra, "alakapuri" for kubera "dwaraka" for krishna likewise somany creations. all these gods are very powerful according to our puranas and they can create any thing just with a manthra, then why dont they create all these worlds without the viswakarma. viswakarma degraded surya's rays and then made "sudarshana chakra" for vishnu,"thrishul" for shiva,"vajrayudha" for indra "axe" for kalika and so many""""". But this might not be correct.If correct show the worship of Lord VishwaKarma in any Temple.Vishwa Karma is the another form of Shiva,Panchamukha Shiva.Why I am saying is that the Name Vishwa Karma means that.He is the Lord Shiva who will take sin(Karma) from the Living Beings and will give Moksha.Which Means He is the Destroyer of sin(Papam).Destruction means Destruction of sin (This is in positive sense).Because of This Reason only He is treated as Supreme being.Shaivism is considered as The First Religion in the world. The aryan scripts made vishwa Karma as super architect not as supreme Lord.Vishwa Karma is the another form of Lord SHiva,Supreme Lord of Hinduism and He is the Destoyer of Sin. Shiva(Destroyer of sin) = Vishwa Karma=Who bares(takes the result) the universe's sin
He got ideas in a ten different ways.He is equal to ten minds of ten demi gods or human beings
Hi to all, Dont even think that Lord vishnu is Supreme god. If you people think that then sorry for their myth, As per Natyam(dance),Supreme is God shiva,With this thandavam God shiva explained the life style.As dance is having all type of feelings in human life. Rudhra Thandavam,Srungarm like all expressions of life is explained here in olden days .As All are Not having script(language) knowledge. As per Yoga,God shiva showed the way to moksha,So you can concider him in this way only. In all olden scripts,Shiva means happyness,holyness.It referred as God. I.e Shiva = not God Name(not one of God) = refferd as God(Supreme) i.e Shiva is not the name,Shiva is referrence for Unknown SuperNatural Power.Now We are using Supreme,God,Lord(in that way). All others are might be other humanbeings,followers of God(shiva=god=its not name of one god). If you take the Shiva linga aarchana, "Brahma,Murari sura archita lingam" "mean Brahma =God Brahma Murari = God Vishnu Sura = all gods architha = worship" In olden days, All viewed the God (shiva) as Supreme,super natural power,Lord, Sarweswara,Bhagawan as per times. Now we are not having any knowledge and we are saying those are names. and God shiva as one of God like others.
How Aryan vs Dravidian is related with Hinduism,India
A.Ravi sekhar replied to A.Ravi sekhar's topic in Spiritual Discussions
Here One has to accept that initially land or soil on earth is not divided into several parts.This is only one land called as Bharatha khandam(Bharatha Continent) .At that time All lived in the same soil.But Divine view started with Dravidism and spread to various places of earth.At that time all the people are used to worship god shiva as supreme. "Dravidian culture follows shaivism and Thrimurthi(shiva,vishnu,Brahma) and other demi god system. Here shiva(ardhnareeshwar) is Supreme along with amba and vishnu and Brahma are supportes for creating ,preserving and for destruction. Indra,Surya,Chandra like all are as for perticular work(kriya or action or direction).Here all of the gods are having temples showing their praise." After that because of natural differences ,the earth seprated into several parts.But still the oldest god system is this only.Because of this reason all olden cultures having worship of god shiva,amba,vishnu,brahma and demi gods. In that scenario Aryans came from out of India.Here India is referred as Bharatha Upa Khandam(indian sub continent).Otherwise all cultures started after dravidism but in the same land on the earth when it is not seperated. So aryans came out side of India(named after seperation of land) Previously Human beings are not referred as dravidians or aryans or bobilonians,mesapatomians or greeks etc .But after they geographically seperated and in various times they came back to the bharat (india) they and locals are referrred as names.Dravidians or aryans or Percians. Here all are from this cultured people only.But They have small differences in their cultures. So what I want to say is that all are same cultured and started dvine view with shaivism(as per records all over the world,oldest one) and started worshipping god.But after that cultures have dviated as the time and geographical locatiopns). But view of god is similar in principles.But not in the shape. -
Indianism =Hinduism=Dravidism=Shaivism Dravidian culture follows shaivism and Thrimurthi(shiva,vishnu,Brahma) and other demi god system. Here shiva(ardhnareeshwar) is Supreme along with amba and vishnu and Brahma are supportes for creating ,preserving and for destruction. Indra,Surya,Chandra like all are as for perticular work(kryiya or action or direction).Here all of the gods are having temples showing their praise. From Dravidism,indians(now referring as Dravidians)spread their view god as Shaivism (Hinduism) .After that other areas of world started following the Idea of viewing god similarly but not in the exact way as Indians.So because of that reason in all olden cultures indian culture is resembled. After so many thousand of years other breed people who are following hinduism(not exactly as indians) came to our country. In that scenario so many breeds came to India.One among them are aryans.Aryans feel that they are from Demi god Surya's Family (Raghu Vamsam)and they are great and their forefathers are great.and they are gods for them. They started dominance as they are some what strenghtened people.after that they pushed the ancient indians from well established cities to forests and hill areas.Real Hindus were pushed to South India(forests and hills) and hill areas in north india. They scripted in way that Ancient Indians are Asuras, Rakshasas, Vanaras,Tribes.They scripted in a manner that Their "Surya as Surya Nrayana" after that the Sri Rama(aryan king )as mahavishnu.they wrote vedas(as per their political view not in the spiritual view). and they scripted the society as 4 castes Brahmins,vaishyas,Khatriyas, sudhras(panchamas).Who accepted them given first three categories based o their work.the other callled as shudras.So many ancient indians changed to this system for the sake of leading life.But if time comes they are fighting for their nation and culture. Generation gone.Some native kings fighted back if time comes.the fight is continued the generations.The Strongest native indian king Ravana,some of the ancient indian kings who were blind supporters of their culture)are killed by Sri Rama(Aryan King) The aryans Scripted him as the God and other indian kings as asuras. Here the aryans scripted him as Lord vishnu and he is supreme. Generations gone .time changed. still the ancient Indians(some people following sahivism) are living in Tamilnadu,andhra, Karnataka,kerala,some hill parts of north and central India, Srilanka, singhpore,Malasiya. Some people mingled their culture with aryans culture. After that some tamil native strong kings are back and they asked the people convert back to shaivism(Real ancient Hinduism)where shiva is supreme not Sri Rama(aryans scripted as vishnu) but some people are not converted. Some people are still in a feel that Vishnu and aryans Rama are same.So the Tamil kings are ready to destroy our own vishnu temples(vishnu ,brahma are supporters to shiva)for destroying aryan cultuure.The example is Govindaraja Swami temple.That temple is worshipped by dravidians but destoyed for the sake of Primary issue of rcecovering our own culture from misguided aryans's culture. So what I want to say is Our culture is Dravidian culture and our Supreme god is Shiva and Supporters of shiva are Vishnu and Brahma(thrimurthulu).So Vaishnavism,Shakthism are also parts of shaivism. But now in a feel that vaishnavism is aryans (vishnu is supreme) and shaivism is Dravidians(shiva is Supreme).But fact that is vaishnavism ,shakthism are branches of shaivism . Aryan 's culture is to show aryans kings as gods(sri Rama =Vishnu) and he is supreme. Can you accept my view as Real? </pre>....... type="text/css">#nb_2{display: none !important;}........>....... type="text/css">#nb_1{display: none !important;}........>....... type="text/css">#ip{display: none !important;}........>
First view the God (Principles) in Shaivism : 1. God should have authority on basic 5 Elements of life(pancha Bhuthlu) i.e Earth,Air,Fire,Sky,Water (BhutNadh) 2. God should show the way to get 'Brahma Gnanam' or Moksham or Mukthi.(Jyothi Lingam at Amrnath) 3.God used to distribute the happyness and holiness(Shiva Shankar).God can destroy the Death. (Maha Mruthyunjaya). 4. God should be as Natural as posible and not show interest in artificial makeup.(MahaYogi) 5. God Should have the practical evidences of explaining all actions of life. (amotions or feelings)In our indin culture the way explained life is in terms dance which were explained in Thandavam(64 types).(Nata Raj Swami). 6. God should have the Command on Living Organisms (Pasupathi Nadh) 7. God should be Ideal .Should not have any illegal relations to any of other women.(Ardha Nareeshwar with Godess Shakthi) 8. God Should have the command on time or Fortune(Maha Kaleshwar) and can see three forms of time with his eyes (Thrayambakeshwar) 9. God Should be as Lord(Devadi Dev, MahaDev ) to all powers as all good (Godess,Vigneshwar, Karthekeyudu, Brahma,Saraswathi ,Vishnu, Lakshmi, Nagaraj ) and all evil,fortune based (Saniswar and all palnet based gods). 10.God Should follow the Equallance in case of all lives(might be Devagana,rakshasa gan or any living cretures) in case of giving Moksh or in case of punishment (Maha Rudhrudu)
Dravidians are actually Aryans of South(Arya of Dravida)
A.Ravi sekhar replied to ombakth's topic in The Hinduism Forum
First Hinduism is the Living Style of Indians and Their spiritual Ideas which were very good and their tradition is accepted by whole world as the best one. That was spread to the whole world some are changed their system and adopted Indian culture of Spiritual thoughts.Because of that reason only in China,Madhya Afhghanisthan and So many acian countries started worshipping God shiva.(This has some proofs that God shiva worshipped by So many other countries). At this time So many people started coming to India and living here only.Because of that reason the other cultures also effected to adopted the Indian spiritual Ideas. Exmaple:the other all known relisions principles are already there.Mean that some philosophical and mature people adopted the worshipping God,Nature, Animals from Indian Culture. They tried to explain and spread the way of spiritual living throughout the world.Because of that reason,So many relisions and after that relision false prestegious are increased.But relision faith is goo but relision false prestege is not good. -
Dravidians are actually Aryans of South(Arya of Dravida)
A.Ravi sekhar replied to ombakth's topic in The Hinduism Forum
Hiduism is Living Style of ancient Indians and Aryans made it as westerenised (foreignised) If you want know much about this variation listen to me. First What is Hiduism Indians are lived in north and west areas of India,They are the olden cities in India.But after that so many people came from other parts of world periodically.Some people adjusted into our system and some people are not adjusted.Adjusted people mingled with Indians.But Aryans are the daemons not adjusted and they fight with local people and they taken command on several parts of north India.After that they lived with their expansion to south till the developed areas.The local people ,ancient Indians were surpassed or gone to forest areas and hill areas for their lives.In that time SriLanka or Lanka(,part of dravidian culture ) King Ravana stood behind of ancient Indians along with their powerful Dravidian kings.But after killing Ravana and other Dravidian kings aryan's expansion of kindom was completd. Dravidians follow Shaivism or Hinduism(God Shiva or Godess and God Tried) based and Aryans (follow the culture that His fore fathers as Supremes).They used the differences of ancient Indians based on God.They after used this type of Variations that Sri Ram(Aryan ) Sri Maha Vishnu. How Sri Rama will become Maha Vishnu,Sri Rama was Aryan and Human being (who follow only their fore fathers) and finally he accpetd God Shiva is god not his Fore Fathers as Supreme.That is the Rameshwaram Temple(Tamil Nadu). How Sri Krishna will become Maha Vishnu,Sri Krishna is tallented hill aread person,who never have good openion on principles of Family version of India.He explained that life is play(war),it should not have any rules and requlations,If you want to live on your own interest which was still going on in some areas in North india. Shaivism or Vaishnavism are family based or Society based.I.e they follow strict rules and priciples.These are relision faiths and Political views. Sri Ram,Sri Krishna versions are two Identified much popular versions of India being wesrenising or foriegnising the Indian culture. -
which is the oldest relision in the world,Shaivism
A.Ravi sekhar replied to A.Ravi sekhar's topic in Spiritual Discussions
please try to discuss this thread and analyze the facts