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Combust Mercury - Effects

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Dear All,


Below is an article regarding the effects of Combust Mercury.



COMBUST MERCURY: " When Mercury is combust the individual experiences feelings of vulnerability when making requests. The self is identified with the function of speech and feels hurt and rejected when his requests are slighted or denied. The ego is fearful of having its request denied and therefore feeling rejected on a personal level. Even legitimate requests such as asking for a well-deserved raise, requesting from loved ones and returning an item to a store become difficult. After some time the individual feels taken advantage of and unfulfilled at which time anger and resentment set in. They are generally only able to communicate their desires and needs more overtly through hints, or in a joking manner. Combust Mercury presents the most trouble in personal relationships where a clear communication of needs and desires is important for maintaining harmony and in business affairs where money must be asked for. In essence, when Mercury is combust the native is angry because they are unable to maintain a fair exchange with others.

Generally the issues revolving around a combust Mercury develop in this lifetime when the native, as a child, felt rejected when making requests for things from the father, and the father answering something like this, "What do you want that for, its stupid, a waste of money, etc."




May be lot of others fators too influence the individual as per his/her chart.

I have seen people with combust mercury in their charts having below mentioned problems. Especially face to face verbal communication becomes difficult even if they are intelligent and educated.

I think this would be an area of concern for many.

I would like all respected members to contribute to this article and what could be the potential astrological remedies for such cases.




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I've been trying to get some information about the same for a while and thanks for the update.


I have a deeply combust mercury in Libra with Sun in Virgo Ascendent.

But I don't have communication problems, rather I'm more of a person with great communication. Further I've seen myself demanding, asking whatever I need straight ahead even to anyone.


But I have a fast tongue and at times I feel wrapped up in my own words.


Mercury is Retrograde in my chart, does that makes the changes?




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Regarding retrograde planets, I thought that they are actually strong(sometimes), especially their desire/effect drawn from the past life.

Also a Deep Combust and Combust mercury people have very good communication but may be hampered in VERBAL form of communication.

As I thought, as always, other many factors/planets/argalas/aspects etc..may play an important role to mitigate/nullify this effect as may happen in Your case.

Unless veterans here would throw light on this, we will still be in ambiguity...

So we ll wait.... to learn..



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Hello mylilangel !


Thanks much for sharing the information regarding debilitation. It was really helpful. I can read Your post in my email but not here above. I think its some technical error..


I am pasting it below



Hi Ayush and Unanth,

I am a beginner in the study of astrology but would still like to take the liberty of answering your query. It is stated in a book by Dr David Frawley that to a certain extent, the debilitation of a planet gets cancelled when the planet is retrograde. Infact he states a total of 5 conditions where the debilitation might get cancelled and for a more effective result, at least 2 conditions must exist. I would like to quote:

Planetary debilitation can be cancelled out by special factors:

1. debilitated planet in located at an angle(ie Kendra) to ascendant or moon.

2. ruler of the sign in which the planet is located is itself exalted.

3. if ruler of the sign in which the planet is located is strong or is in its own sign, debility will be reduced.

4. if debilitated planet has a planet exalted in one of the sign it rules.

5. if the planet is retrograde.

He further says that even with these a person may have to undergo great difficulties before having great achievements.

Kind regards "




Also it would be great if You could add something about Combustion and with respect to Mercury. Its effects and remedies etc....



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In my opinion, we need to assimilate the basic facts and reach a conclusion based upon what each sign and planet contributes to a personality. In Ayush's case, he is so distinctly a Mars native, you can almost feel his robust and commanding personality. Even a non-combust Mercury gets affected with Ketu sits in the 2nd house of speech. Rahu conjunct any planet exaggerates those qualities. There's a lot really!

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I was wondering about this chart where Lagna Lord Jupiter (which is also 4th lord) is exalted in 8th house (Lagna is saggitarius).


4th house has

Mars (lord of 5th and 12th house)

Mercury (lord of 7th and 10th house)

Sun (lord of 9th)


This seems to be a case of Mercury combustion. The female native is very ill behaved, speaks lies sometimes even unintentionally and is very argumentative. She has even put a false court case against her husband for money and she is harassing his family badly. Are all of these effects of a combust mercury? Please comment.....


Her moon is in Mesh (Aries-5th house) and 9th house has Rahu + Saturn (Is it a Pitra Dosh?)......3rd house has Ketu and Shukra....

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Deepa ji,


Thanks for Your opinion. I agree with it.

Also please clarify what do You mean by Mars Native? Is Mars the Ascendent Lord/Rasi Lord or Ak?

Also what is meant by Venus being upset?


Nritya ji,

Are You sure that Mercury is combust in that chart You mentioned? as You havent given birth details... Also there might be so many other factors which determine her behaviour as Deepaji mentioned...

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Regarding my case study:



I was wondering about this chart where Lagna Lord Jupiter (which is also 4th lord) is exalted in 8th house (Lagna is saggitarius).


4th house has

Mars (lord of 5th and 12th house)

Mercury (lord of 7th and 10th house)

Sun (lord of 9th)


This seems to be a case of Mercury combustion. The female native is very ill behaved, speaks lies sometimes even unintentionally and is very argumentative. She has even put a false court case against her husband for money and she is harassing his family badly. Are all of these effects of a combust mercury? Please comment.....


Her moon is in Mesh (Aries-5th house) and 9th house has Rahu + Saturn (Is it a Pitra Dosh?)......3rd house has Ketu and Shukra....




Her birth details are:

Place - delhi, date is thirty-first of march nineteen-seventy-nine time is 1 : 26 A. M.


Please help me predict the reasons of her behaviour and also consequence as in her future

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Dear Deepa,


What made you identify me as a Mars native? I've Virgo Asc with Sun in it, and Libra the 2nd house has exalted saturn, venus, and mercury.

Mars is in 4th house Sag with Jupiter.


Dear nritya ji,


The chart mentioned by you has Asc Sag, and the lord of the house is exalted in 8th house cancer. The person should be having a good personality.

4th house Pisces has Sun, retro & combust Mercury and combust Mars.


According to littleangel's post, the fifth point says if planet is retrograde, the delebration gets canceled. So I guess Mercury is fine. The native is under Mars MD till 2009, maybe its because of the nature or planet Mars she is behaving in such a way, although I won't comment on that, I'm novice.


I've done some research on Mercury being combust. In my chart its Deeply combust and retrograde. I found, when a plent is retrograde it becomes more powerful. Its also said that retrograde planets loose their physical strength but gains the mental aspect.


People have told me I've good IQ, but I don't understand how a deeply combust mercury give me intelligence.




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Dear Deepaji,

I undertood Your explanation. Thank You.


Dear Nritya ji,

I am sure Combustion is not responsible for the native's such behaviour. Veterans like Deepaji and others must be able ehlp You determine those reasons.


Dear Ayush,

Combust and Deep combust Mercury as I said mostly affect the native in verbal communication and often give sharpness of mind/intellect/ very good memory. May be that is why are have a good intellect.

And may be be its not affecting Your communication as Deepaji said about the influence of Mars in your chart..

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I have a slightly combust mercury (10 degree away) and unath's quoted article of it applies very strongly for me. I feel embarrassed to ask people for money which they owe me. I have lost a lot of money because of that. I also have difficulty asking for help of any kind. I let people walk all over me, and have a hard time saying no.

But i have a very good memory. (not for trivial things tho...like movie scenes or dialogs, which i can never remember). It is especially helpful in academic settings. I have a brain that is logical and organized, and i never have to memorize stuff. once it gets lodged in my mind in a logical fashion, i don't forget it. I also am a voracious reader with very wide ranging knowledge. No taste for news/sports/politics though, only in gathering knowledge about arts/sciences.

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Dear Rohini nakshatra..


The theory of having a very good memory hold good for me too, but I can't remember text or bookish words, rather I can easily recall movie scenes, dialogues, incidents, even remember random dates. Its strange, how so many things change with a Deeply Combust and retrograde mercury in my chart.


Thanks Deepa and unnath, I got the conception about being a Mars native clear. Now I can understand how I have different characteristics as compared to other natives with combust mercury.

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I have a slightly combust mercury (10 degree away) and unath's quoted article of it applies very strongly for me. I feel embarrassed to ask people for money which they owe me. I have lost a lot of money because of that. I also have difficulty asking for help of any kind. I let people walk all over me, and have a hard time saying no.

But i have a very good memory. (not for trivial things tho...like movie scenes or dialogs, which i can never remember). It is especially helpful in academic settings. I have a brain that is logical and organized, and i never have to memorize stuff. once it gets lodged in my mind in a logical fashion, i don't forget it. I also am a voracious reader with very wide ranging knowledge. No taste for news/sports/politics though, only in gathering knowledge about arts/sciences.


Dear rohini nakshatra,


As you seem to be troubled by combust mercury very much I would like to do my bit of help by suggesting You a known potential remedy..

There is a mantra for mercury(budha graha) which could mitigate the effects if chanted sincerely..

You may listen to it in PVR Narasimha Rao's website for clear pronunciation..

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