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Dear Aghora,


Do give some detail of your problem. What do you meen by you are you are suffering from black magic?


The general solution for any black magic is fire worship. It is prescribed in Adarva veda. You can either get a copy of aterva veda and look for the fire worship against witch craft and ghosts. And learn the sanscrit mantra by heart. Then make a fire with clean things Dried cow dong and Twigs of treas and bushes are ideal fuel with cow ghee. And invoke fire god in the fire and keep chanting the adarva vedic mantras with faith and pleading to fire god. This is the sure way to destroy all black magic as well spirit possessions.


You can get it done by a preast who knows how to perform homa and knowledgeble in veda. However do learn the mantras your self and chant them yourself with the preast or latter, after learning the homa from the preast you yourself do the homa. You dont have to continue for very long. It is supposed to destroy black magic the very first time you perform with faith. At the most you need to do this only for three days, referably twice a day -mornimg sunrise time and evening sunset time.


This is a general solution and supposed to be very effective. However there are many other specific solutions too , deperending on specific forms of black magic.


And Very important, One thing you should keep in mind. These techniques work only if it is black magic. They wont work if it is something else - if it is a physical illness or some form of mental illness or some general difficulty in your life that you mistakenly call as black magic. If the diagnosis is wrong then the treatment will not work.


I am saying this because many people having false diagnosis keep on trying different techniques and different tantrics - thinking that that technique was not right this tantric was not powerful etc. - with out ever giving up the wrong course of action. The techniques dont work if your diagnosis is wrong at the first place. No point in changing the techniques and tantrics perpectually. You need to change the strategy then.


That is why it is very important for you to understand the problem correctly even before trying anything. Do not assume you are suffering from Black magic yourself. Do discribe your symptoms in detail.




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Dear Ravidran,


I myself is a victim of black magic and I read your solution of worshiping "Agni". I wonder if it works for severe black magic because for me it is a open challenge from these tantriks(many) who casted the black magic on me. There are many types of black magic involved.


In brief, I am hearing the ghosts sounds constantly who speaks my mind. Even people around me are hearing these ghosts sounds and obstruction. Needless to say what all the things ghosts can do. I visited many tantriks, temples, dargas but no effect. Many people gave many solutions. Now these ghosts are habitual of these mantras etc.


These tantriks are very powerful and they are very difficult to meet. So to get a real tantrik is very difficult. Besides, those who get the power to cast black magic obviously see to it that the spells does not be broken.

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Dear Gramo,

While you are right that those people cast the spell would take care of the defences too and there is a hiarchiy of powerful people, it is clearly declared in vedas that Fire god is the ultimate power against any witchcraft and ghosts. No ghosts can ever get used to it as it simply burns them. No sorcerer however powerful can defend against fire. Sorcerers survive on the people's ignorance of this solution . Other sorcers who offer remedies them selves never reveal this solution and talk of all sort of other remedies as they -wether the one who casts the spell or the one who remedies the spell - both are in the same camp and unanimous to safe guard their interest. If people discover this ultimate effective and relatively simple solution, they - the sorcerers -will all become powerless you see . Hence it is a conspiracy of not letting people know this method .


It is truely the most powerful method . And there is simply no defence against it. It fails only if the problem is not black magic or ghost possession at all. If you try this and if this does not work then you can be 100 percent sure that the problem is something else. You can be sure of this.


You may wonder how am I so sure of this? What is my sourse of certainity?

That story is a long one how I happened to discover it. We have no scope to discuss in this forum. However in brief I happen to know this secret from a man who used to cure people who have not been sussessful in cure and going from post to pillars, visiting various temples of high repute , all sorts of Tantric practioners spending a fortune , followed all sort of practices unsuccessfully. He used to cure them immediately with one fire worship or in certain tough cases , just in three days fire worship maximum . The only ones who are left out after three days are mentally ill and subsiquently cured by this man by a herbal medicine that acts on the mind that he said was a remedy for lunacy. ( Of course I dont know the Herbal formula - except that Bhrami is one of the component. The man who used them kept it a secret with him until his death.)


The beauty is that to cure oneself, you dont need any expert. Nor it requires any siddhi. You yourself can do it . In fact You yourself should do it. (The man use to makle the victim of black magic and possedssed chant the words along with him)


Try this solution if you are sure you are possessed by ghosts or victim of black magic. Let not its simplicity disuade you from trying as all profund truths are simple.




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Dear Ravindran,


There are many things which are given in Atharva Veda. If everything given in Atharva Veda is true, everybody will use atharva veda to fulfil their desires.


I wish to believe that the fire ritual break the spells but circumstances does not allow me to do so. Firstly, the tantriks who casted these spells themselves are unable to break the spells. There are many spells which made the things complicated. I met few tantriks and they told me although their is no direct enminity between us, the situation became more complexed long time ago. Secondly, in the past these spells were broken twice/thrice for few days and again re-started, meaning some evil minded people will not leave me. Thirdly, I knew the persons and their intentions who approached tantriks so they would not let me free.


With regards to fire ritual, I will do a fire ritual but please do not say that if the spells is not broken then it is not a black magic because not only me but people around me are hearing the ghosts talk. When people shouts at them, these ghosts go far away temporarily (know from their voices) or leaves bad smell out of fear. In some type of black magics, the ghosts does not enter the body but remains near the victim and influece/control his mind/thoughs/sleep etc. or influence the minds of people around to make the victim suffer in every possible way. I also contacted few police inspectors who knew the things and they told me that there is no law to catch the culprits. The latest technology of lie detector test is not yet available.


I am being trying many mantras on the ghosts to check whether it is affecting them but they are fooling. For sometime, they pretends as if it is affecting them but later they shows that it is not affecting them so it causes little frustration due to hope and hardworking.


I personally feel that these mantras are ineffective unless they are made 'siddha' with the help of sadhana. So the person who has successfully completed sadhana only can make use of the mantra and break the spell.

Besides, to do any sadhna, the sadhaka needs a perfect Guru who can be able to guide him till the path of the sadhana. I met many Guru who have thorough knowledge of Vedas and various divine sadhanas including 10 maha vidya sadhanas. Finally, they advised me to Dhumavati mahavidya Sadhana, which is meant for 'alakshmi' and success of the enmity. The point is they were aware that these spells can not be broken.

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Dear Gramo,


Any spiritual sadana is effective to the extend we believe in them This is a fundamental difference between a scientific technique and a spiritual technique. For instance God is not a matter of mechanical proff and technique. God cannot be proved emprically in a test tube because he is beyond the laws He in fact created the universe and its laws isint it? How can he be subjected to laws of nature? So any attempt to prove god emptically is futail .



You cannot know god by scientific methiods of proof. You need faith. Faith is the method . Similarly you cannot coerse gods grace or action my some mechanical rictuals mantras tantra etc. You need Bhakti. Other wise the techniques however sofisticated they may look will all fail.


I am saying this in order to anser your dought. You have cast a dought on atarva veda. If you dought it, or any spiritual technique for that matter then it will surely fail. Atervaveda - and most of other tantric technique fail because people use it with scepticism and dought. Otherwise it will never fail.


I know this for cettain. Because I have seen many people very sofistigated , very knowledgiable , very technically correct and follow procedures to the nth degree of perfection, practicing for many many years. but they are utterly powerless and wisedomless. No benifit is gained which is promissed by these sadana. I know of a man who has completed chanting Gayatri mantra one crores of times. But he is thoroughly ordinary, except that he has now acquired a pride that he is the only one with that accomplishment.


On the other hand I also know complete simple tons, not knowing sanscrit or any other methods of worship , vadic or thantric. but with simple unshakable faith. These people who knows no rules no procerus but faith and bhakti turned out to be very wise in spiritual matters and powerful too. They in thir simple faith could do miracle that pandits and people with terrific sadana could not do. I will quote a real example for this:


I know a man a simple palm reader who earns his livelihood in the streets of bombay. He is illetrate. He does not know any tantric procedure, nor he did any sadana in his life. And he certainly knew nothing of ghosts possession . Once A client approached him to solve a possession problem. Actually this man was tricked in to accepting the assignment. The claint did not reveal that the problem was ghost possession. He called this palmist to his home. The simple pomist thought it was palm reading task in the privacy in the house, as some clients call him home rather then reading the palm in the street. Once he reached the client's home he realised that the task was not palm reading but ghost driving. A girl was possessed of a very furious and powerful ghost which refused to leave her inspite of many of the best tantric trying on it. The ghost was so powerful that it used to thoroughly beat the tantrics trying to drive it away. This poor palmist who knew no method of ghost driving realiszing the situation got so scared that he drank the entire liquir that was kept for the ghost. ( the Ghost used to demand lot of loquer) .Then, his fear gone by the liquer, this simpleton prayed to his favorate god, Kartikeya. He dint know any mantra for his god too he simply said, "O god, I dont know any thing - you know every thing . You brought me here to this situation. Now please you only handle this" . This was his prayer. And being a simpleton he was sinsire. He believed in god with out any dought. Then he sat for the pooja and his pooja was simple too. He lighted the camphor.And thought of god and then trying put the holy ash on the girl's fore head. When he was trying to put the holy ash the girl started pleading not to do that. This man said this is gods ash it is good why not put it.The girl said that it was a ghoste speaking and the name of the ghoste was revealed - it was a man's name - and how he possed her in what ciorcumstance and such details . The ghoste said that that the ash will kill him and promoissed to leave her provided he is spared of the ash . The palmist aggreed to that and the ghost left promptly the girl . The girl who was so strong that even 10 people could not contain her all this while now fell down, and her body became very fregile and week. After a while she got up remembering nothing . The ghost left her permanantly.


This is a true instance and I know this man who cured this personally . He knows nothing actually and culd cure a case of ghost possession that was not cured by big tantric and pundits, just by his unsofesticasted faith that was genune.


In fact there are many spiritual techniques for curing physical mental as well as spiritual illness ( like spirit possessions and witchcraft) Appart from the fire worship another sure technique for this , when everything fails ,is the meditation of Medicine bhudha of Tibet. This technique miraculasly work on all problems be it physical disease mental disease or whichcraft. You need to meditae Medicine bhudha as blue in colour (Vaidurya prabha) and chant his mantra. It works like a miracle. I know some one who cured AIDS by this meditation . ( you can get this sadana in internet. Search with the key word 'Medicine Buddha') . But there is one condition stated in this sadana; You cannot entratain an iota of doubt for this to work. You should have complete faith in it.


It seems that you have already scepticism of the adarva veda's efficacy even with out trying . If that is the case I advise don't even try it as it is sure to fail. Then it will reinforce your faithlessness in these spiritual techniques and search for new new techneques and siddhas to cure. It is futail.


I dont blame you for this. If things fail for whatever reason one looses faith. You can find this kind of reaction in Asthmatic passents- they have a pessimistic attitude, they believe nothing works and even when effective cure is suggested to them they reject it- because they have tried allopathy medicine and seen that nothing works - there is no cure for it in allopathy medicine. (However there is a very simple and very effective cure for it - a particular type of breathing technique).


And about siddhas, It is true a siddha can easily cure you. If you can find them well and good. But that is a lazzy mans solution. Rather than searching for siddha who seem to be extreemly rare, why not we our self become siddha? It is our problem right? Are we going to wait for some siddha walk in to our life and cure our problem? Fine if that happens well and good. But is int it like many people wanting to become rich buying lottery tickets for that? The most sensible attempt would be to start a business. isint it?


As to guru, it is declared that God is every ones guru. Particularly Siva. He is the original guru of all . If you dont have a guru you dony have to worry. Surrender to Siva as your guru and start youir sadana. This is a sanctioned method. I have practical evidance for this too. I know people who dont have human gurus and surrendered to Siva as their only guru and gained formidable knowledge in all sorts of things. Why will god reject you if you seek god as your guru? Of course you need bakti and faith for that.


I am talking all this not just as theory. I have real experience on everything I say. Though I cannot be elaborate on all that evidences and practical experience in this short forum, nor I am really interested in a convincing trip. After all it is your life and destiny. If you chose to do nothing about your problem then no one can and should do anything about it isint it?


I am writting all this as an intllectual discussion on the subject, not with any anxiety to prove any thing. But who knows! it could help you perhaps. Or some one who is in need of this information will find it. That is my motive. If I have said some thing that has offended you or in contrary to your belief, forgive me. After all my belief is my belief and I am sharring it is int it?




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hi mr ravindran its all started when i went to university 0n 1995, i started to feel mental blockness and sexually very high. i dont feel hungry but im medically allright 100%.my hair started to fall and during august 1998 i realized it was black magic thru the grace of lord ganesha.it was vinayar chathurti day when ganesha came in my dream and ask me to burry some of my falling hair in a ground. i did it and i feel a bit better from that day but the b magic spell still exist untill nowsuch as mental blockness and body weakness.

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Go and visit the Mehdipur Balaji temple near Jaipur....if there is any such thing as black magic it will get cured.....just pray to hanumanji.....all will be well in the end....get the bhaboot from that temple and keep it with you.....you will be fine...jai sri ram

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Dear Aghora,


I hope you dont mind my asking cetrain personal and intimate question. You dont have to answer me if you dont want to. But My questions are related to your diagnosiis.


Are you married?

Do you in any way block your sexual urge? (Even if you are married)


You dont have to answer me . Just check this out for your self.


I am asking these questions because not releasing sexual urge and blocking it could cause these symptoms. One need to first eleminite the normal causes before concluding that it is witchcraft. Our ignorance regarding diseases could make us go astrey. We are all mostly ignorant on maters of health issues. Correct diagnosis is the key to any effective cure.


Your dream alone is not a reliable method to conclude that it is witch craft, as dreams have symbolic meaning. You cannot take them literally.




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I agree with this analysis, actually high or low sexual energy is noting but a state of mind....when we dont or cannot release it or dont know how to control it then these things can happen.....dreams are dreams but i do respect your dream...one question for you is why is your screen name what it is....yur name does not give out very positive energy

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usually dhoomvati sadhana goes together baglamukhi sadhana.

baglamukhi is the queen of black majic.


if you dont have faith i mean real faith not just saying that you have it.

you have to believe in them as your mother as such you should love them like a mother put feeling in your sadhana's.

you are lacking that very much .gamo

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usually dhoomvati sadhana goes together baglamukhi sadhana.

baglamukhi is the queen of black majic.


if you dont have faith i mean real faith not just saying that you have it.

you have to believe in them as your mother as such you should love them like a mother put feeling in your sadhana's.

you are lacking that very much .gamo


Dear Bhairo,


A troubled person often tries every trick of book to get rid of trouble. Having faith does not mean that the victim should keep on doing sadhana till the end of his life. He gives some period of time for the sadhana with complete devotion. When sadhak is doing any sadhana, he has to follow the basic needs of sadhana (including faith in guru, faith in deity, tantra, specific mala, day, time etc.) as directed by Guru. It is also possible that inspite of all the direction from Guru, the sadhak does not gets the success. And, finally the Guru gives the 'shaktipath' to the shishya. This happens only when the sadhak is very close to Guru.


There are many sadhnas like baglamukhi sadhana which are meant to get rid of enemies. All these are divine sadhnas but what bengali road-side tantriks are doing is not divine. They are using all dirty methods to get the siddhis and sometimes, they theselves do not know the answer for the problems they create. I visited few rare persons blessed by the deities to get rid of the black magic. They successfully broke the spells of many victims but in my case they could not do so.


Dear Bhairo, if you have achieved any sadhana, please let us know your experience.

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Dear Ravindran,


A sadhak starts his Sadhana from the point or stage he left in his previous birth. Some are born with account of purity and other requisites of realization on their having undergone the necessary discipline in their past life. They are born Siddhas. Guru Nanak, Jnana Dev of Alandi, Vama Dev and Ashtavakra were all adepts from their very boyhood.

A real Guru is a Srotriya and a Brahmanishtha, one who is learned in the scriptures and established in Brahman. The Guru, by virtue of his wisdom and capacity, draws towards himself the souls fit to be guided by him. Guru is God in manifested form, and when Divinity is seen in a person, he can be chosen as the Guru. When the disciple is ready to receive the higher Light, he is brought into contact with a suitable Guru by the Supreme Dispensation.

Mere study of books cannot make one a guru. One who has studied the Vedas and who has direct knowledge of Atman through experience can only be enrolled as a guru. A Jivanmukta or a liberated sage is the real guru or spiritual preceptor. He is the Satguru. He is identical with Brahman or the Supreme Self. He is a Knower of Brahman. Possession of Siddhis is not the test to declare the greatness of a sage or to prove he has attained Self-realization. Satgurus do not exhibit any miracles or Siddhis.

I am sorry to say that what examples you are giving are interesting to read and to substantiate your views but not applicable everywhere. I can also give few examples which suggests the contrary. I knew many elite people recognized for their good work and still supporting the evil activities. I met few priests who are in-charge of the temples and explained my problem to them. After listening everything, to my disbelief, they started favouring the ghosts showing their involvement/support.

Just imagine what will happen when many tantriks cast many spells of black magic just to exhibit their siddhi powers on a single person and others applaud. Moreover, what time the victim will get to gather faith etc. when he is not allowed to live/think etc. and not even praying God. I know many such cases which bring shame to mankind.

I already met many ‘siddha’ persons but they were unable to break the spells. That does not mean that I do not have faith in them or their deities. They have solved problems of many. Furthermore, if the tantrik is also a bhakta of another deity, how can the power of different deities confront.

There are many types of black magic, few of them are very fatal. The victims do not get even a chance to complain or ask for help. Although, these methods are not divine, it is still a magic for the common man. Even today you will find many youngsters visit these Bengali Tantriks regularly to fulfill their wishes. Unless the understanding of the truth and strive to realize it, how can they develop faith in Supreme God.

From my past experiences, I say that these sadhanas requires specific technique under the supervision of Guru to get the success. Mere chanting mantra from books will create only the casual effect of mantra vibration. Everybody has the right to have his own belief and experience. What one person experience during his sadhana may not be experienced by everybody.

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Dear gramo,


While I empathise with your trouble and suffering, I do not aggree with your theory - of elevating evil forces much above their actual positions .That sort of belief is in contradiction to the true notion of God. God is the highest power and no evil power can with stand the presence of god - to think other wise is ignorance. However we do come accross many such ignorant people who believe that even god cannot do any thing to certain powerful evil spirits.


There is a very simple way to drive away the evil possession - ( or even control them to your whime and fancy if you like. ) This simple method is to invite god to your heart. - Where god lives devil cannot and they automatically take to flight the moment you let god 'possess' you. Or if you like, you can command any devil as per your whim and fancy if you have god with in you, just by using gods name. The method is that simple.


I am writing this - let mke once again reitrate and reasure - not out of just my own theorization , but out of two sourses of evidences : (1) from the writings of the greatest tantric siddhas dealing with devil control technology , and (2) from actual successful spirit driving practices that I witnessed.


As to the first kind if evidence, I shall offer the writing of the Great Jewish

Magi ( Magician) Abramelin. He had many ghosts and spirits serving for him. His instruction to his son, written in the form of a book by name "The Book of the Sacret Magic" contains how to obtain and control any ghost, The essential theory is as simple as I stated before. - Worship god - the only one god. - that is, the suprime god. Then invoke His name to conjure up and control any spirit. The spirit will have no choice but to obey you if you invoke gods name. God's name has that power.


Insidently, Jesus Cryst - the greatest of the healers- drove away all the spirits of possessed people by this method. He din't use yantra , mantra and tantra of some complicated form , you see.


I have a few practical evidence too for this . The simpleton I quoted in my last post who drove out the spirit , used this method. You see, it works actually. I have witnessed other successful exorsists using this method. Some of them used rictuals of course but up on inquiry thet said that the complicated rictuals are ploys they employed to provake faith in the clients.


Of course this simple technique is not that simple for most of us - and in fact most difficult for most of us including me. Because we are not simpletons to believe anything , just on faith basis. Our modern education makes us all very rational and secptic. We lost simplicity of faith. It is very difficult for us to simply believe in God . We need rational proof and evidences for his existence. And we cannot believe that his simple name could work miracles - we need mysterious looking mantras intricate yantras and complicated rictuals . All this is sign of our lack of faith in God.


God cannot be proved by reason and by emprical evidences - this makes the task of pure bakti difficult for us and we cannot invite God in to our hearts. This is the problem . Otherwise ghost possession is not a problem at all. We are making it out to be a tough problem (Of course it is a tough problem for one who cannot have faith in god) , out of propotion. We give too much importance to the ghosts who are actually very pety forces in the order of creation. We only give them the power.


The theory that I am proposing here is not just my speculation and opinion. I once again reiterate that this is what I learn from the grant adepts in the realm of ghost possession and control science. And I have seen it working in practice too. Not just good stuff to read alone ( I dont write stories, Gramo)


We are familior with the common reaction of people that certain ideals - whenever recommended - are rejected on the ground that they are easy to preach, and talk, but impossible to practice. Take for example Jesus or even Gandhi. Peope usually react " I am not Ghandi , I am an ordinary man". This only means that the person is unwilling to practice the ideal - not that it is imposible. Gandhi became Gandhi by practicing the ideals that he stood for isint it? He was an ordinary man like you and me before. If he could practice the ideal - like ahimsa - sacrifice for the country and the like - we too can practice. It is another matter we that we are unwilling to practice.


When we say Jesus drove away ghosts people say that he was god himself but we are ordinary mortals. But Jesus himself maintained that anybody could do this with faith and many of his desiples latter could do it by god's, name alone.


Spirit possession is a pety problem. Out of our ignorance we make much ado about it. It could be cured in no tiime, provided it is a genune Spirit possession. Invite god in to your heart and make god stay permanently in your heart all evil forces would vanish in to thin air.


This is no empty preaching. It works. But if you dont want to execute it, If you are unwilling to practice it, then you will come out with all sort of excuses. You will find fault with this advise. Perhaps I shouldnot blame you as all this may be the ghost's strategy.


By the by if you are initiated to Dhumavati Vidya, I fail to understand why you still have the problem. Do you know who is Doomavati, my friend? She is non other than Goddess Parvati. The power itself . You have rightly called her as A mahavidya. Let me state what is the position of scripture on this.

The one intiated to any one of the mahavidya is either one whose birth is last birth or he is Lord Siva himself. (Maha vidya dont go to anybody else). The moment it is innitiated , (And note the word the 'moment' and not after a million repitation of the mantra) boodha, predha paisacha gansas dread such a soul, and take flight to save their life.

No Black magic affect such great soul. Sorcers who try black magic on such being preish by their own act instantly.


Then how come you are affected by the petty ghosts still?




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In Bhagvad Gita shloka X-3 Lord Krishna explains various facets knowing which one can be understood to achieve the status of the knower of all ... become Omniscient. Here Lord Krishna emphasizes upon the fact that the entity of God is and has always been one without a birth ... the existence of god is from Times Immemorial ... that is without a beginning and an end. God. In today’s world, we see that people tries to prove others wrong by saying they do not believe in god for whatever reasons (age old tactic). One must also understand the psychology of the people involved in the black magic repeatedly. Incomplete knowledge often makes man confused, that’s why we search the right guru who can guide us correctly. The great Bhishma shed tears when he was on his death-bed. When questioned why he cried, he replied that the Pandavas were great devotees of the Lord and always abided by the laws of Dharma. Above all, the Lord was constantly with them in the form of Krishna. And yet they underwent so much of suffering. Some wicked persons do flourish in this world of hypocrisy, but it does not mean that they are free from suffering. The really good souls do not suffer as much as the ‘flourishing’ wicked ones, for peace is in the hearts of the former. To be able to abide by the ideals they hold sacred is by itself a great cause of happiness. The welfare and the misery of people can be explained only in terms of the law of Karma.

Pace of development in the Spiritual field takes much longer than what would be required in the field of science. The path is totally unfamiliar and untrodden. Only when the Teachings are being imparted by no other than Lord Krishna himself ... does Arjuna find solace in the matter. And this fact is put to use by Lord Krishna by emphasizing upon him again and again to logically understand the chain of events, which has led to the collapse of Dharma in the present society. I met many personalities directly involved in the ghost spells and tried to understand their ideology. Initially, they told me they were sorry for all these events happened but they should not be blamed because they did not start the spells first (they casted the spells later). Later they gave some simple solutions. Even today, it is very difficult for me to accept that any human being can ever go to such an extent to get what he wants. Same people were asking me in the beginning “Why you pray god, will God come to save you ?” I was not knowing about their ghost spells then and now they are sorry for everything. I am still staying away from them because if these shameless people do not know what they are doing, they will repeat for n number of times. Throughout Sri Rama’s life, he behaved like an ordinary man only. He had to do that, because Ravana had a boon that he could not be killed by Devas, Asuras, Rakshasas, Yakshas, serpents, bears, etc. Ravana, in his pride, had belittled the strength of man and Ravana could be killed only by a man. So Sri Rama had to show that he was an ordinary man only. Otherwise, if Rama had exhibited himself to be a god, according to the boon of Brahma, he would have been disqualified for destroying Ravana

Why so? Not even the Spiritual Masters who have accomplished a certain state of Spiritual development are unable to conceive the concept of God. Not possible for Celestial beings (Devtas) and even Spiritual Masters ... there must be something divine in reaching the stage of God Realization. No Spiritual guru or a master can ever make us understand the principle behind the absolute truth unless we put a foot forward and make every effort to understand it. The Spiritual Master can only act as a guide ... a pillar of wisdom on our journey towards absolute freedom from Life For instance, awakening of the kundalini cannot be done by just having faith in God. It is useless to convince a person about the validity of Kundalini when he cannot understand it. Logical arguments may be advanced, but a rank skeptic has to evolve further to be alive to this truth. The philosophical implications and mystic signification of experience must be studied well before one can attempt to answer such skeptics.

In the ultimate sense, words do not explain Truth. But they give a hint by which one can know Truth directly in experience. Words have a relative value and they must be made use of, though they do not constitute our real aim. Relative obstructions to the knowledge of Truth can be removed through relative means and thus the absolute Truth can be realized.

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The world is filled with evil and good ...sure the evil forces work faster than the good one. Well, if you are just looking to get rid of the adversaries, search for some Ojahs or Aghoris, but be aware of going to the Aghoris...they are real threat to normal human beings. Still, there are lots of well mannered Aghoris too.


Well, but if one is up to the spiritual advancement, then these kinda stuffs are much likely to occur in one's life. I am under the holy guidance of such a person but you must get initiated into Guru Diksha. Still, even after the initiations you got to do it all by yourself and it might take little time to get over it.


And the problem is I am from Nepal and the person is right here in Nepal. I don't think you'd like to travel the distance....




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Hi Gramo,


I totally agree with your views. Even I have experienced this. If I chant Vishnu

and Siva manthras then I find that the intensity of the black amgic attacks and the sounds of the

spirits is little less. BUT even if we pray with all our faith the condition is not completely

cured.I agree that the god is powerful than the demons..but the demons are able to bring all

their power into attacks whereas even after praying hard the gods do not use their full quota of

power to protect us.So we are unable to get full protection against the demons..now if we want to

turn all the gods attention to us then probably we need to do som sort of a penance for several

years like what Viswamithra and Bhrigu maharshi were doing. This is practically impossible in

today's context..The truth behind this is that we dont know the exact way to cure

possessions..probably some body is out there who knows this technique but we dont know who it is?

or may be nobody is there who knows the techniqe...Probably we have to find a way by ourselves?

Take for instance my case...the third agent which the evil shakthis (in my case it is not ghosts

but shakthis..they are called kshudhra shakthis..traditionally called in Kerala as "Kshudhra

prayogam" ) is a asura called kshudra(this may be a fake name) ..what they are claimimg is that

this asura has obtained boon from lord shiva and now this asura is the king of all three

lokas(that is bhoomi,paathaalam and devaloka) and that this asura is more powerful than any

god.so no matter how much we pray we cant beat Kshudra as the gods will find it difficult to find

beat this asura presently..but probably at the end of this yuga or something may be one of the

thrimurthis will find a way to kill this demon..but by that time we would be dead meat ... and

even when I tried to get rid of this using some pujas I could break the spell temporarily for

somedays but after that the black magic again started. Phew.... This simply means that this could

be the end of the road for me..by the way if somebody knows kshudra prayoga please let me know..







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Dear Appolonius,


Going back to the times when even Lord Krishna had not yet arrived... Mahavira, Gautama Buddha, Jesus Christ and Prophet Mohammed had also not been born... how the humanity conducted itself! At this point of time it was Dharma and Dharm alone which supported every living being for the seeds of Dharma exist within every living being inherently all the time. It is Dharma within every living being which prompts one to maintain ethical standards in life always and ever. That is why, it is also important that we ought to know the reason behind every black magic to know the magnitude of the problem. You need to remember the order of events taken place at the time of initialization of the black magic.

You may confirm your problems with this link


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