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marriage problems

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It was really nice to come across this wonderful forum. I sincerely hope everyone here will be of great help and my problems will be solved. My husband has a strange inclination towards developing extramarital relations. Secondly he is very lethargic and unwilling to work. Thirdly he has a vey rough speech and abusive at times. I have tried over years to adjust, love him, make him understand but nothing works. My family is asking me to terminate this relation which I dont want.


My question is will he remain the same or things will improve? If I terminate the relation do I have a second marriage which will be peaceful. Please suggest which way I should go.


My details: DOB: March 4, 1976

Time: 12:42 pm

Place: Calcutta


My husband's: DOB: September 13, 1970

Time: 2 am

Place: Ludhiana


Thanks for your help.

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horoscope matches with 21.5points out of 36-ok.

remedies for girl:- mangal dosha pooja must in navagraha temple. wear golden pukhraj 7 carats in gold in index finger or golden Topaz 7carats.- right hand.

wear 9 carats emerald or green tourmaline in gold in Ring finger.-left hand

wear - gauri shankar rudraksha.




chant "ammenarayana devinarayana lakshminarayana bhadrenarayana" 21times daily




visit Chotanikare amma <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><st1:place><st1:PlaceType>temple</st1:PlaceType> <st1:PlaceName>20kms</st1:PlaceName></st1:place> from <st1:State><st1:place>cochin</st1:place></st1:State>






Boy:- wear golden pukhraj 7 carats in gold in index finger or golden Topaz 7carats.- rite hand

7 carats pearl in silver in ring finger rt. hand.


Expecting your feedback



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Thanks for your help. You mean to say if these are done the problems will be solved and i will have a happy marriage? There's no indication of speration in our charts? I already wear an emerald and both of us used to wear pukhraj but he had some business losses and one astrologer said its coz of the pukhraj we wear and made as open those.

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Your Q has a :) .

Do you really have such a problem pondering on the thought of second marriage (second hell :) , all males are similar).

If you are serious about this, give me your family,educational,employment and events with dates in your life.



The thought of second marriage is not mine, but my parent's. My father is an elec engg, my mom housewife. My mom expired in 1995. Its just me and my father. I am an MBA and have my own BPO business (medical transcription). I got married in 2000. I smiley doesnt mean i dont have a problem, it is just a gesture for the first post.

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Dear Madhu,


No break indicated. As usual you will over-adjust..


Best Wishes



Over-adjust? Does this mean he wont ever change? Also will i ever get any chldren from him? DO i have a child in my chart? He isnt much interested in that too. Thanks for your help.

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From Sept 2008 onwards, antardasa of Rahu in Mahadasa of Sun will operate till mid July 2009. This period indicate separation and I don't think you will be able to adjust anymore during this period.


How do I prevent that? And as I asked in my question if there is a seperation, what is my future?

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Dear Madhu


Pukhraj wasnt a good choice in your case.


Just as different doctors differ in their treatments, though applying the same theoretical concepts - as per their understanding, experience and "point of view" - you might get different answers from different astrologers.


As per my assessment, I find you to be a wordly wise, mature human being who never delays taking up initiative, has a totally different point of view than most people - resulting in isolation tendencies.


The problem is, that if your opinion is generally never "common", your husband is in the very same category - and therefore the relationship is strange.


Your nakshatra makes sure you dont leave anyone easily, and that aspect coupled with your wisdom of knowing people and the world, led me to believe that you will not want to go through a break - rather you will go through periods of anxiety, anger, arguments, affection at times - somehow tide the tough times, and pass on to a smoother married life without seperating legally.


Factually, your chart does not show divorce. Certain bad phases are intermittent in most married lives.


Regarding children, you will need to do remedies religiously.


Best Wishes


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Dear Madhu


Pukhraj wasnt a good choice in your case.


Just as different doctors differ in their treatments, though applying the same theoretical concepts - as per their understanding, experience and "point of view" - you might get different answers from different astrologers.


As per my assessment, I find you to be a wordly wise, mature human being who never delays taking up initiative, has a totally different point of view than most people - resulting in isolation tendencies.


The problem is, that if your opinion is generally never "common", your husband is in the very same category - and therefore the relationship is strange.


Your nakshatra makes sure you dont leave anyone easily, and that aspect coupled with your wisdom of knowing people and the world, led me to believe that you will not want to go through a break - rather you will go through periods of anxiety, anger, arguments, affection at times - somehow tide the tough times, and pass on to a smoother married life without seperating legally.


Factually, your chart does not show divorce. Certain bad phases are intermittent in most married lives.


Regarding children, you will need to do remedies religiously.


Best Wishes



Deepaji what you have written about me is very very true. But i can adjust with everything but not his extramarital affairs. Can you suggest something to rectify it.

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pukhraj for him will make him unable to indulge in frequent physical relationships.


Downfalls in his career is a major point of concern because of debilitated saturn in 10th - saturn is really bad and cruel on him.


lagna lord moon in navamsha is in 12th, mars and jupiter debilitate.. he will never enjoy good circumstances neither will destiny help him very much.


Your luck brings him lots of money - strategically - insist upon keeping your finances in your total control. Tell him that astrologically downfalls are destined for him - tell him you are in no mood to bear hell for no fault of yours and that he better understand if he is interested in this marriage.


Best Wishes


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pukhraj for him will make him unable to indulge in frequent physical relationships.


Downfalls in his career is a major point of concern because of debilitated saturn in 10th - saturn is really bad and cruel on him.


lagna lord moon in navamsha is in 12th, mars and jupiter debilitate.. he will never enjoy good circumstances neither will destiny help him very much.


Your luck brings him lots of money - strategically - insist upon keeping your finances in your total control. Tell him that astrologically downfalls are destined for him - tell him you are in no mood to bear hell for no fault of yours and that he better understand if he is interested in this marriage.


Best Wishes



So the only remedy you suggest is handling things strictly and whenever I see anything illicit to confront him and say that if he carries on with all this, I wont be there instead of getting scared to confront that i will lose the relation. Nothing else is required, right? So pukhraj you suggest or ou dont?

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How do I prevent that? And as I asked in my question if there is a seperation, what is my future?


For domestic peace in married life you need to perform remedies for mitigation of evil impacts of nativities over your chart.


Donate sweet food (jalebi or Gulab Jamun) to beggars, leapers on Tuesdays.


Wear Emerald in right hand ring finger on Wednesday.

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Dear Madhu,


I must make it clear that wearing pukhraj will slow down his finances but will make him more focussed towards right actions upon home and career front - both.


Its important that you make him realise that you are the luck and money bringer in the house (by horoscope, i hope it affects him)


Unfortunately, i think you will still like to adjust and not confront. If I were you, I would buy him a BIG pukhraj.


Best Wishes


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For domestic peace in married life you need to perform remedies for mitigation of evil impacts of nativities over your chart.


Donate sweet food (jalebi or Gulab Jamun) to beggars, leapers on Tuesdays.


Wear Emerald in right hand ring finger on Wednesday.


I am already wearing Emerald in left hand little finger.

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Dear Madhu,


I must make it clear that wearing pukhraj will slow down his finances but will make him more focussed towards right actions upon home and career front - both.


Its important that you make him realise that you are the luck and money bringer in the house (by horoscope, i hope it affects him)


Unfortunately, i think you will still like to adjust and not confront. If I were you, I would buy him a BIG pukhraj.


Best Wishes



Deepaji, thanks for your excellent guidance. But at this moment, I am staying at my father's, I left home because of his affairs and temper, and after that we never contacted each other. Until I get this immediate situation under control I cant make him wear a pukhraj. What do you suggest? Should I wait for things to cool down and him to call? Or should I call him up and say all these? He will start shouting on me and abusing me as soon as I call, I am sure. Please guide me.

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Dear Madhu,


Leaving home was not an intelligent option, you let him lose, unbounded. The guy has a lousy taste with women, they arent good ones. Do not initiate talks right now. Could you be more elaborate about how many years the marriage has been, who all live in the same house, and what was his attachment level with you?


Best Wishes


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Deepaji thanks for this constant support. I have been married for 7 years now. Intially things were good between us, but as time went on he changed. I am Bengali and he is Punjabi so our parents didnt support the marriage much, the only people living in the house his me and him. His mom has passed away and his father and sister lves me very much, they are in punjab. They have tried to make him understand things but he puts up a fight with anyone and everyone who tries to explain anything. his father even tried staying with us to bring things under control but he didnt let him stay for long in fact in front of his father he used to bring other women home. As you said all women he gets close too have a ery disputed character. I dont know what he lacks, i have always loved him, given him support in every way, have tolerated and forgiven his nuisances time and again, wanted to have children, work alone and maintain the family but dont knw why he isnt still happy. I sometimes feel so helpless.

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