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Latest 3D Animation Model of the Vedic Planetarium Temple

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...And all this on what is arguably the least important and most controversial part of the Bhagavata Purana, the empirically unprovable and unverifiable mythic cosmology of the fifth canto...


I find this quote particularly ironic, considering it's coming from a person whose forum handle is Lover of the Bhagavata...


All of the Bhagavata is important, otherwise Lord Vyasadeva wouldn't have wasted his time writing it.


As for the planetarium, you'd have to pretty narrow-minded to ignore what spiritual effect this would have in the world. The actual model of the planetarium has also been contributed by the Sri-Sampradaya as well, so please hold your ignorant tongue.


And last but not least, if the planetarium is not sanctioned by Lord Chaitanya/Krishna, then it won't happen, especially if it's being built in the sacred city of Mayapura.

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IMHO, a huge waste of money to propogate prescientific speculation as scientific truth, comparable to the Christian Creationist "Young-Earth" museum here in the USA.


Welcome back to 1100 AD.


Knowing ISKCON's longstanding dismissive and condescending view toward NASA's achievements, I find it amusing that a NASA image taken from far in space is used in the intro.


Leave the task of studying the cosmos and the earth's origin to those best-trained to do so, the much-maligned "material scientists."


Spiritual leaders should engage solely in teaching spiritual principles, such as how to love God and treat fellow persons and creatures properly....those go hand in hand, and seem to get brushed aside in the path of projects such as this "planetarium".

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Modern scientists don't know how the universe looks, and considering the direction civilization seems to be heading we may never (lets face it, people just want sex nowadays, they don't care about science, let alone astronomy.)


I'm more likely to put my faith in the Vedas than I will on modern astronomers, especially considering the method they use to determine distance between planets...

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<embed id="VideoPlayback" src="http://video.google.com.au/googleplayer.swf?docid=-538297875584368796&hl=en&fs=true" style="width: 400px;">


Kyros, I like this devotees understandings very much (in regards to exercising faith)......


This video may be of assistance to Lover of the Bhagavata, his claim that myth is inferior (due to lack of empiricism) is a very limited view of self, in my opinion.



Originally Posted by LoveroftheBhagavata

...And all this on what is arguably the least important and most controversial part of the Bhagavata Purana, the empirically unprovable and unverifiable mythic cosmology of the fifth canto...


The compiler of Bhagavatam and the civilization that followed it, definately lived within that cosmology. The myth was infact reality...much different than modern man's understanding of myth. Richard L. Thompson briefly touches on this in the video. One great source (by the way) for understanding myth and its reality is Joesph Campbell, even if he has somewhat impersonal views. An intelligent devotee who knows himself can sort through that..


What interests me is harmonizing my faith in that cosmological view and living in the present time. For me that is the joy of Krsna consciousness and living by God's grace in this present age, free of fundamentalism, and a spirituality not soley based on dogma. An ongoing process of self exploration actually...

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...And all this on what is arguably the least important and most controversial part of the Bhagavata Purana... LOB

This a is a great video Kyros and refutes Lover of the Bhagavata's claim that fifth canto is a less important part of Bhagavatam. It is actually a profound section of Bhagavatam...showing the greatness of its thought. Some have suggested fifth canto is an add-on...I consider that thinking as mis-informed, due to lack of understanding of this great cultures thought process and realization of the self - and the medium.

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Modern scientists don't know how the universe looks, and considering the direction civilization seems to be heading we may never (lets face it, people just want sex nowadays, they don't care about science, let alone astronomy.)

True they don't know how the universe looks but they will admit that...will you?



To say scientist don't care about science or astronomy and just want sex is a foolish conclusion. The fruits of material science is everywhere, like in the computer you are using for one or the development of laser surgery for another.



And astronomy? Ever hear of astrophysics?




I'm more likely to put my faith in the Vedas than I will on modern astronomers, especially considering the method they use to determine distance between planets...



Put your faith where you like. Personally I see veda all around me and not just in a particular set of books from ancient times. What I find superior in those old texts is the knowledge of the self, Superself, the true nature of matter as maya and the relation between them all.



I don't care a fig about the distance between planets or even the universe itself, which BTW the Bhagavatam says is on 4 or 5 (can't remember which) billion miles in diameter.



The real problem is when you link such obviously incorrect statements to Krishna Consciousness people will automatically concluded Krishna is mythological and reject the whole idea as a grand story produced by a very imaginative mind from the past.



As someone said above "just like those Christians that call themselves young earth creationists.

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Modern scientists don't know how the universe looks, and considering the direction civilization seems to be heading we may never (lets face it, people just want sex nowadays, they don't care about science, let alone astronomy.)


You mean unlike people from the past, who were not interested in sex and were totally into science and astronomy? Hmm...I need to recheck my history as I am not aware when that was ever the case. If you are aware of specific time periods, when people were savvy about science and astronomy than modern man, please mention them.



I'm more likely to put my faith in the Vedas than I will on modern astronomers, especially considering the method they use to determine distance between planets...


You mean the Bhagavatam, not the Vedas - there is a world of difference.


Since you appear to know more about astronomy than fulltime astronomers, why don't you educate them about the correct method of determining these distances? Unless, you are already in touch with them and correcting their mistakes.



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The great monster, SCIENCE will be defeated with this offering to Srila Prabhupada. The Planetarium will lift Vaishnavism in the hearts of all Indians and place it among the bona fide religions of the world in the hearts and texts of modern man. Scientists around the world will take note of the concepts of cyclical time and draw parallels with modern cosmology. I am hoping this project manifests while I'm still here.


Science will at last be humbled before the majesty of Sri Krsna. There is hope for the future after all.

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What's the difference?

What one has the other don't?

Any superiority complex?


Dear Reader,


Thanks for the question.


The difference is in the subject matter. The two (Vedas & Puranas) have different origins and different levels of credibility - not just now, but since at least 1000+ years ago.


The Vedas do not talk about billions of years of human history, do not try to teach us special versions of astronomy where the moon is further from the earth than the sun or that the earth is set of concentric circles - for starters. To put it diferently, the Vedas contain lesser content that "conflicts" with science as we know it than the Bhagavatam. There is more, but this should suffice.


The Vedas have not (to my knowledge) created a special brand of experts who after reading an english translation concluded they know more about science and astronomy than scientists and astronomers.


That is why.



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i heard that this project was stopped by marxist government of bengal which speciallises in all such activities like creating obstacles etc. but as the required finance was already collected iskcon decided to built another temple instead . this is nowhere compared with the vedic planetorium . its blue and gold in colour and visually really bad . it looks like a blue vatican or victoria memorial in calcutta . more of a fictional middle eastern palace than a temple. as per my knowledge the ground work thats going on in mayapur is for this blue temple .


i would like to know whether the first plan is still active or has been set aside by this newer blue version.

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Sorry to interrupt such harmonious echos & yodelling from the wells of academia, but . . .


ATTENTION Honorable Dr. Spock(s) & all distinguished Frodo(s):


The diameter of the earth at the equator is 12,756.32 kilometers or 7,926.41 miles.

The diameter of the earth through the poles is 12,715.43 km or 7,901.000 miles.

Thus the earth is 41 km or 25 miles wider than it is tall, giving it a slight bulge at the equator. This shape is known as an ellipsoid or more properly, geoid (earth-like). <!-- google_ad_section_end -->



A] — 4,000,000,000 Mile [500,000,000 yojanas*] divided by 7,926 Miles = 504,668,000 Earths side-by-side. Remember that next time a train is late in arriving to pick you up.

*yojana indicates approx. 8 Miles (ref SB 3.11.40).


B] — Q: What is the origin of the measurement of distance called, "mile" come from?

A: The Roman for 1 Thousand is M. 1 Thousand paces became a Mile. I'm not sure it's quite a simple as that, but that's the general idea.



C] — How does NASA measure Mileage while traveling through space?


D] — When bouncing Light-beams/Radio signals/Radar Pulses off a planets' Surface/Atmosphere —should we not factor-in/account-for space & gravity bending our signal in relatively un-calculate-able ways?

What to speak of "triangulation" to arrive at the such measurement—since it is never spoken of;

or, is astro-space measurement via, "triangulation" the method employed?


E] — The word is Sanskrit, "yojana" indicates 'approx. 8 Miles'.

But, how do we agree upon what the distant of a mile is in regards to the distance of one yojana?

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  • 1 month later...


To say scientist don't care about science or astronomy and just want sex is a foolish conclusion. The fruits of material science is everywhere, like in the computer you are using for one or the development of laser surgery for another.


My apologize, but I apparently rushed my post. It doesn't even make sense.


But anyway, science and technology, while has made vast contributions to society, is eventually going to crumble.



You mean unlike people from the past, who were not interested in sex and were totally into science and astronomy? Hmm...I need to recheck my history as I am not aware when that was ever the case. If you are aware of specific time periods, when people were savvy about science and astronomy than modern man, please mention them.




You mean the Bhagavatam, not the Vedas - there is a world of difference.


Since you appear to know more about astronomy than fulltime astronomers, why don't you educate them about the correct method of determining these distances? Unless, you are already in touch with them and correcting their mistakes.



No, the Vedas. I'm not an astronomer, nor am I really interested in it. I prefer to put my faith in the Vedas. Call it blind if you want, I'll stick to it's words.


By the way, I heard that some distances made by the Surya Siddhanta were fairly accurate with modern scientists. It seems my faith in the Vedas is paying off.


Also, there is the whole issue with different coordinate systems. I could put the moon as the center of the universe which would have different distances, and I would be totally right! I would say the Vedas use a different coordinate system than modern scientists. It wouldn't be totally off, but as I said, I'm not an astronmer. I'll leave it to the so-called "simpletons" Danavir Goswami.


If this planetarium fails, then the Krsna Conscious movement will end up being the laughing stock in the whole world(not taken seriously). Considering that Lord Chaitanya said this whole world will be inundated in Krsna-Prema (or w/e), I don't think Krsna would allow the planetarium to fall.




As he says in the Gita, "I am seated in everyone's heart, and from Me come remembrance, knowledge and forgetfulness. By all the Vedas, I am to be known. Indeed, I am the compiler of Vedānta, and I am the knower of the Vedas." (BG 15.15).


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But anyway, science and technology, while has made vast contributions to society, is eventually going to crumble. by kyros

Our bodies will crumble in due course too...but we still care for it and treat it well. Sacred.


Why is science demonized? There is some good science available that holds to a broad vision of consciousness...including the transcendent possibilities.


Is it a perennial truth that science and religion have no harmony? Or will some of these truths be temporary...lets hope so!

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Our bodies will crumble in due course too...but we still care for it and treat it well. Sacred.


Why is science demonized? There is some good science available that holds to a broad vision of consciousness...including the transcendent possibilities.


Is it a perennial truth that science and religion have no harmony? Or will some of these truths be temporary...lets hope so!

No no, I'm a student in the field of IT, so I know how valuable science is (or at least technology).


But A LOT of people don't care about that stuff. It's not hidden that most people aren't interested in science. They only care about how to make more money, and science like astronomy is not where money is.


One of my classmates said that going to space was pointless, no one argued that.


He's more into sports and women, hence my argument that people just want sex nowadays. There are a lot of dogs in society, with their tongue hanging out and all. These people don't care about science, or religion for that matter; just sex.


I like science, it must exist to keep philosophers from going overboard with theories like they did in the medieval times (good God!).


But the problem today is that those few who do like science, they take it as the all in all.


I remember arguing with one atheistic scientist before, and he made such "absolute" statements that the soul and God doesn't exist. At the end, he said that "their may be a God out there, but no one knows for sure."


So you can see why science is sometimes "demonized."

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  • 1 month later...


I wonder why such a colossal squandering of resources is being indulged in, when far more noble and pragmatic endeavours could be brought to fruition with these millions upon millions of dollars. And all this on what is arguably the least important and most controversial part of the Bhagavata Purana, the empirically unprovable and unverifiable mythic cosmology of the fifth canto. Let the professional astronomers explain the cosmos, that is not the job of religionists. Striving to reach out to God is, on the other hand.


RESPONSE: (BG 4.40) But ignorant and faithless persons who doubt the revealed scriptures do not attain God consciousness; they fall down. For the doubting soul there is happiness neither in this world nor in the next.


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Why can't we have more tolerance in regard to opinions expressed by others? Why do we have to take offense if someone simply honestly expresses his or her view on a subject even if that does not go along with my personal opinion or my group's ideas? I briefly scrolled through this topic but unfortunately this 'tinge' stood out to me. Why would I think someone who disagrees with me have to be a disbeliever, almost a God-offender, etc.?

I think this is sad, it needs to be changed.

This is glorious that devotees try their best to glorify Guru & Krishna. But I think if I have strong faith in what I am doing and in the principles I follow I won't need to blame or coin others who might have a different view on things. In fact I would probably be able to even have some mercy on them IF they are really mistaken. IF someone (who has an opinion different to mine) IS envious of me or my group (as it has been suggested somewhere in this thread, although I disagree with that) then the sastras recommend to apply a neglect to this person. - No need to 'retaliate'. Again, I probably would not even want to, if my faith was strong, as it would not be in the least effected anyway.

I do think vaisnavas societies should develop more tolerance, and I am sure this is what's happening. :)

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