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Yesterday I received the magazine, Garabandal Journal. Since I only to Wired Magazine, wasn't sure what this was. Looking closer I have discovered that the zine is dedicated to the supernatural events that occured in a small village in northern Spain back in 1961, involving four young girls, ages 11 -12. I had no knowledge of this. I have now placed three related videos and links to 3 Websites at:



Hope you find this interesting. I think watching the videos top to bottom is best. Thank You, rsd

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Yesterday I received the magazine, Garabandal Journal. Since I only to Wired Magazine, wasn't sure what this was. Looking closer I have discovered that the zine is dedicated to the supernatural events that occured in a small village in northern Spain back in 1961, involving four young girls, ages 11 -12. I had no knowledge of this. I have now placed three related videos and links to 3 Websites at:



Hope you find this interesting. I think watching the videos top to bottom is best. Thank You, rsd


About the Judge day. That day will come, look at my link below

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What are miracles but something you haven't yet learned how to do for yourself?


You exist in a world of very low spiritual vibration. When the heart chimes like a bell, it creates a wake of higher pitched energy that affects how physical laws apply to you.


You tune out of this world somewhat, you are no longer bound by the rules that are in place here. Gravity included.


Maya is like a soft clay that will assume whatever shape you believe to be true. This is what constructs your world. If you believe that tricks like levitation marks one's spiritual ability, you are sadly mistaken.


Why stop to pick up a penny?


Gold is what you seek.


Amuse yourself with the view, but keep going. "Powers" are nothing more than a diversion.


When you get to where you're going, you'll have it all anyway.




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What are miracles but something you haven't yet learned how to do for yourself?


You exist in a world of very low spiritual vibration. When the heart chimes like a bell, it creates a wake of higher pitched energy that affects how physical laws apply to you.


You tune out of this world somewhat, you are no longer bound by the rules that are in place here. Gravity included.


Maya is like a soft clay that will assume whatever shape you believe to be true. This is what constructs your world. If you believe that tricks like levitation marks one's spiritual ability, you are sadly mistaken.


Why stop to pick up a penny?


Gold is what you seek.


Amuse yourself with the view, but keep going. "Powers" are nothing more than a diversion.


When you get to where you're going, you'll have it all anyway.





I guess you didn't watch the presentations so nicely offered. It wasn't about floating or siddhis or magic.


BTW the music on that site was very enjoyable. Thank you.

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Yesterday I received the magazine, Garabandal Journal. Since I only to Wired Magazine, wasn't sure what this was. Looking closer I have discovered that the zine is dedicated to the supernatural events that occured in a small village in northern Spain back in 1961, involving four young girls, ages 11 -12. I had no knowledge of this. I have now placed three related videos and links to 3 Websites at:



Hope you find this interesting. I think watching the videos top to bottom is best. Thank You, rsd


I read about Garabandal in my old Catholic days... pretty interesting. Did you know people used to drive needles into the children's flesh in order to see if they were really in a state of divine ecstasy or not?

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I read about Garabandal in my old Catholic days... pretty interesting. Did you know people used to drive needles into the children's flesh in order to see if they were really in a state of divine ecstasy or not?



Oh, that must be why the magazine used to be called, Needles. Kid you not. Whatever you make of it, the messages spoken by Mary are there to encourage Catholic to be better people. You might find that story of John Traynor interesting. This guy was shot up pretty bad during WWI. Because he was operated on in military hospital and given a lifelong pension for his injuries, his medical condition was well documented. Here's the link: http://www.cedarpost.com/JohnTraynor.htm

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Oh, that must be why the magazine used to be called, Needles. Kid you not. Whatever you make of it, the messages spoken by Mary are there to encourage Catholic to be better people. You might find that story of John Traynor interesting. This guy was shot up pretty bad during WWI. Because he was operated on in military hospital and given a lifelong pension for his injuries, his medical condition was well documented. Here's the link: http://www.cedarpost.com/JohnTraynor.htm


I full heartedly agree. Mary is just as much a form of the Divine Mother as Kali or Radharani. Did you read about the priest (his name escapes me) who said that he saw Mary and on the way back from the apparition site died with a smile on his lips? I, personally, think that he entered into Samadhi. Some people on here might say, "Samadhi can only be reached through the Sanatan Dharma!", but, hey, the Vedas themselves say that Truth is One but is called by many names!

Have you ever heard of Guadalupe (http://www.sancta.org/)? That's my favorite of all the apparitions of Mary. :D

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I full heartedly agree. Mary is just as much a form of the Divine Mother as Kali or Radharani. Did you read about the priest (his name escapes me) who said that he saw Mary and on the way back from the apparition site died with a smile on his lips? I, personally, think that he entered into Samadhi. Some people on here might say, "Samadhi can only be reached through the Sanatan Dharma!", but, hey, the Vedas themselves say that Truth is One but is called by many names!

Have you ever heard of Guadalupe (http://www.sancta.org/)? That's my favorite of all the apparitions of Mary. :D



Thank you for your input. Actually, if you go back to that page where all the items on Gagabandal are located, below the photo of one of the girls levitating, you will see a small picture of the priest, Father Andreu, that you have mentioned. The link there will take you to the full story. What happend to him is nicely written down, if you are interested. Here is that link, again: http://www.cedarpost.com/GarabandalEvents.htm


Regarding Our Lady of Guadalupe, I also have this story on my website. I have a pretty extensive collection of pictures included with the full story. The pictures are very nice, as is the story. I live next to the Guadalupe River so down here in Texas you see Her Holy image everywhere. Here is that link: http://www.cedarpost.com/Guadalupe.htm

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Thank you for your input. Actually, if you go back to that page where all the items on Gagabandal are located, below the photo of one of the girls levitating, you will see a small picture of the priest, Father Andreu, that you have mentioned. The link there will take you to the full story. What happend to him is nicely written down, if you are interested. Here is that link, again: http://www.cedarpost.com/GarabandalEvents.htm


Regarding Our Lady of Guadalupe, I also have this story on my website. I have a pretty extensive collection of pictures included with the full story. The pictures are very nice, as is the story. I live next to the Guadalupe River so down here in Texas you see Her Holy image everywhere. Here is that link: http://www.cedarpost.com/Guadalupe.htm


Oh, this is your website? It's very nicely put together! I'll be sure to take a more in-depth look at it.

I love Guadalupe. She's such a little sweet heart! :D I really like the pic of her defeating the Red Dragon... so dramatic!

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Oh, this is your website? It's very nicely put together! I'll be sure to take a more in-depth look at it.

I love Guadalupe. She's such a little sweet heart! :D I really like the pic of her defeating the Red Dragon... so dramatic!


Yes, my website. Some new things are in the works. These will be posted soon. Thank you. And yes, religious art is very nice to look at. Spiritual windows. The kind that is painted with loving devotion to God. rsd

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Mary is just as much a form of the Divine Mother as Kali or Radharani.

Well to simplify things and avoid the issue of mixing Krsna Consciousness together with Christianity lets look at the second part of your equations:

Kali = Divine Mother, Radharani = Kali therefore Kali = Radharani. Do you really believe that Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and the Goswamis gave the siddhanta that Kali = Radharani? For preaching the specific may be taken to the general, so in that way it may be said in a very general way that Radharani is a manifestation of the Divine Mother. But if we look at things more closely we will find that such an equation not only falls short but actually obscures the real position of Srimati Radharani and madhurya rasa. Srila Sridhar Maharaj would say in this context, "as denotation increases connotation decreases and as connotation increases, denotation decreases." To approach the real conception of Radha Govinda and Mahaprabhu connotation much increase to a very intense degree as found in the writings of Srila Sanatana, Srila Rupa and Srila Raghunatha das Goswamis. At that point the comparative religion class is left in the dust at warp speed.

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Well to simplify things and avoid the issue of mixing Krsna Consciousness together with Christianity lets look at the second part of your equations:

Kali = Divine Mother, Radharani = Kali therefore Kali = Radharani. Do you really believe that Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and the Goswamis gave the siddhanta that Kali = Radharani? For preaching the specific may be taken to the general, so in that way it may be said in a very general way that Radharani is a manifestation of the Divine Mother. But if we look at things more closely we will find that such an equation not only falls short but actually obscures the real position of Srimati Radharani and madhurya rasa. Srila Sridhar Maharaj would say in this context, "as denotation increases connotation decreases and as connotation increases, denotation decreases." To approach the real conception of Radha Govinda and Mahaprabhu connotation much increase to a very intense degree as found in the writings of Srila Sanatana, Srila Rupa and Srila Raghunatha das Goswamis. At that point the comparative religion class is left in the dust at warp speed.

Kali dancing with Shiva in the cremation grounds surrounded by yoginis; Radharani dancing with Krishna in the forests of Vrindavan surrounded by Gopis... I really see no difference ;)

And, why does it really matter if I mix Christ Consciousness with Krishna Consciousness?

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Yes, my website. Some new things are in the works. These will be posted soon. Thank you. And yes, religious art is very nice to look at. Spiritual windows. The kind that is painted with loving devotion to God. rsd

I really liked the story about the Filipino girl that went to the Krishna temple :) Thanks for sharing this story and all the other ones on your website!

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Kali dancing with Shiva in the cremation grounds surrounded by yoginis; Radharani dancing with Krishna in the forests of Vrindavan surrounded by Gopis... I really see no difference ;)

And, why does it really matter if I mix Christ Consciousness with Krishna Consciousness?


Because one won't be single pointed and have a sadhya or goal in their sadhana which is required for sadhana to be successful. No goal no result, mixed goal mixed results. The higher devotees who genuinely aspire for Vrndavana lila in madhurya rasa (under the guidance of the Rupanugas) will naturally be attracted to the camp of Srimati Radharani and will not even wish to hear about Rukmini and Satyabhama in Dvaraka what to speak of Kali dancing. In the beginning stages of practice one may give up the association of ganja smokers and associate with devotees who have no such habits. Later on one will actually renounce even hearing of Dvaraka lila because it will be unfavorable for their internal Vraja mood. Of course this stage is very advanced and high and far beyond our current level, but we should know these things and it can reflect in our current practices and mood. Also I don't think that you will find cowherd boys and girls in Goloka Vrndavana with crosses around their necks.

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Kali dancing with Shiva in the cremation grounds surrounded by yoginis; Radharani dancing with Krishna in the forests of Vrindavan surrounded by Gopis... I really see no difference...


You see no difference because you look at the externals only. It is a very different music, very different dance, and a very different mood of the dancers.

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Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Maharaja:


Suppose that one is in that highest rasa, madhurya rasa - he should hear what? About Sri Rupa Manjari or gopis with Krishna - thus he will try to do kirtana like this and to hear all these things. He will not like to hear all the other things. He will, but especially when he will be alone remembering, doing kirtana and meditating, he will especially think about that [madhurya rasa]. And those who are in vatsalya rasa will think what? About how Yasoda is maintaining Krishna, how she is giving milk, how she is doing [everything] so nicely, always busy for Krishna - so in bhava like this [in her line]. They will like vatsalya rasa. And those who like sakhya rasa, [will think of] the friends always playing friendly games. So if anyone is of madhurya rasa, he will always hear only these things. When he will do kirtana, he will meditate, "O, where is Krishna, with gopis, playing His flute?". And then bhava sambandhi will be turned into bhava. So sravanam kirtanam visnu smaranam - all will be helpful to bhava; and after some time, they will be turned into bhava. Bhava anukula, anukula means: serving Tulasi, Ekadasi, observing Janmastami; they are favourable, but when he will be advanced, then this will also be changed into bhava sambandhi. Those [moods] which are favourable we will take, others we will not take; that is, we should reject [those] which are not favourable to our bhava, and those which are really favourable we will accept.



Like for other devotees, maybe they will meditate on Rukmini, Satyabhama, and Dvaraka, but those who are fixed in that mood - madhurya, vatsalya - they will never accept this. So we will reject this. Understand this or not? Bhava sambandhi means (sings): "radha-krsna prana mora yugala kisora/ jivane marane gati aro nahi mora". This is bhava sambandhi. How? I want madhura rasa so I will hear this kirtana; I will chant this kirtana - I may hear anything else, [songs of] dasya rasa, but I will have no taste in this. I am meditating, what you are meditating? That Krishna and Baladeva with all the cowherd boys are going to graze the cows, or not? What we will meditate? Oh, the gopis are lamenting for Krishna. Asanvitam phalam…(Venu Gita 8). The eyes are successful which are seeing Radha and Krishna; but the eyes are useless, if they are not seeing Radha and Krishna conjugal. Thus, lamenting for that, they will remember and meditate only on that.



When they will meet with any high class devotees who have the same mood, sva-jatiya snigdhasraya, they will lament, "I have no prema for Radha and Krishna. O Rupa Manjari, you should be merciful to me". They will not tell that: "O Narada Rsi, you should be merciful". He will not tell others, "Jagai, Madhai Prabhu, you should be merciful to me" - because now they have been liberated; not to Sanaka, Sanandana. They will not pray: 'O Sanaka, Sanandana, now you know the pastimes of Krishna because you have instructed it to Narada, asta kaliya lila'. So all these are bhava sambandhi, but those which are helpful for bhava sambandhi - tilaka, Ekadasi, Janmastami, and all others, reading Srimad Bhagavatam; these are also bhava sambandhi and anukula also. So, Ekadasi and all these things are anukula - we should adopt [them], and after some time they will become bhava sambandhi, and bhava sambandhi will be turned into bhava. And those which are neither favourable, nor unfavourable - what should we do? We'll have to select among them: those which are favourable we should take.



So if you are of this mood, madhurya mood, then Dvaraka meditation - Satyabhama, Rukmini, meditating [on] them, reject this. No harm; for beginners it may be that it will be very useful, but those who are advanced, [they will] forget. They can gallop some, no harm. They cannot gallop Ekadasi, Janmastami, and all others, but they can gallop all these [neutral and unfavourable to their mood]. No harm. So in sixty four we can gallop, give up some things, which are not favourable, and that which is favourable we can take, and those which are not favourable, or neutral [pratikula and aviruddha] - we can give some things up. [under certain rare circumstances one can give up some] favourable things [bhava anukula but not sambandhi]. It has been told, tulasi, asvattha and amlaki - amlaki means? (Devotee) - "Amla tree". We should regard [respect] cows; they should be regarded, related to bhakti. But we take only Tulasi, because she is priya of Krishna, we do pranama to amla, but not worship; we don't do, we have nothing to do..


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Srila Sridhar Maharaj noted that Swami Maharaj's (Srila B.V. Prabhupada) preaching was so broad that not everyone caught in his net turned out to be a Gaudiya Vaisnava. (I may accept the Gaudiya ideal but my personal behavior is poor). He also remarked that many of us have a "superficial aquaintance with the Krsna Conception" and that we must "dive deep into reality."

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Because one won't be single pointed and have a sadhya or goal in their sadhana which is required for sadhana to be successful. No goal no result, mixed goal mixed results. The higher devotees who genuinely aspire for Vrndavana lila in madhurya rasa (under the guidance of the Rupanugas) will naturally be attracted to the camp of Srimati Radharani and will not even wish to hear about Rukmini and Satyabhama in Dvaraka what to speak of Kali dancing. In the beginning stages of practice one may give up the association of ganja smokers and associate with devotees who have no such habits. Later on one will actually renounce even hearing of Dvaraka lila because it will be unfavorable for their internal Vraja mood. Of course this stage is very advanced and high and far beyond our current level, but we should know these things and it can reflect in our current practices and mood. Also I don't think that you will find cowherd boys and girls in Goloka Vrndavana with crosses around their necks.

I try to be Christ-Conscious in that I try to follow the message of Jesus (Love thy neighbor as thyself; love the Lord thy God with all thy soul, and with all thy might and with all thy strength). I don't see how following his message impedes my (rather slow) progression in Krishna consciousness in the slightest.

Your painting of all Kali devotees as "ganja smokers" is ludicrous. That's like saying that just because some members of ISKCON were perverts that molested children that all ISKCON devotees are now pedophiles. Check your facts. You don't know every Kali devotee, and until you do, don't paint them all as drug-addicts.

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You see no difference because you look at the externals only. It is a very different music, very different dance, and a very different mood of the dancers.

How do you know this? I think that Shiva's drum complements Krishna's flute quite nicely! I think it's you that look at the externals only: Kali Ma lives in the cremation ground, Radharani lives in Goloka; Kali Ma has black skin, Radharani has skin as light as the sun... so they must be completely different since their physical qualities are different.

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How do you know this? I think that Shiva's drum complements Krishna's flute quite nicely! I think it's you that look at the externals only: Kali Ma lives in the cremation ground, Radharani lives in Goloka; Kali Ma has black skin, Radharani has skin as light as the sun... so they must be completely different since their physical qualities are different.


Your looking at it objectively from a neutral perspective, but bhakti is not at all neutral. The highest sadhya or goal of the Rupanugas (followers of Srila Rupa Goswami and Mahaprabhu) is Radha dasyam or the service of Sri Radha. Although Srimati Radharani is sometimes seen as a rani or queen from a more distant perspective, her real followers see Her as another gopi who just so happens to be the dear most of Sri Krsna. They (residents in Vraja) have no idea that she is the Supreme manifestation of sakti as they are not really conscious that Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. This is called jnana sunya bhakti or devotion devoid of knowledge. The knowledge that they are devoid of is the aisvarya or opulence of the Supreme. In Vraja, aisvarya is replaced by madhurya or sweetness. In is in this context that the highest pastimes with the nara lila (human-like pastimes) unfold.

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I try to be Christ-Conscious in that I try to follow the message of Jesus (Love thy neighbor as thyself; love the Lord thy God with all thy soul, and with all thy might and with all thy strength). I don't see how following his message impedes my (rather slow) progression in Krishna consciousness in the slightest.

I didn't realize that you wanted to follow Christ's teachings without personal devotion to Christ.



Your painting of all Kali devotees as "ganja smokers" is ludicrous. That's like saying that just because some members of ISKCON were perverts that molested children that all ISKCON devotees are now pedophiles. Check your facts. You don't know every Kali devotee, and until you do, don't paint them all as drug-addicts.

I was using the example of giving up the association of ganja smokers as a general example of accepting what is favorable and rejecting that which is unfavorable for bhakti on the level of anartha nrvritti. Later on that accepting and rejecting will be on the rasik level. We may be light years from that position but still it will inspire us to hear about it for it is part of the process for very high devotees. It had nothing to do with whether or not Kali worshippers smoke ganja.

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How do you know this?


You have to taste both mellows. And then you chose one that you like more and immerse yourself in it. Eventually you will leave this world to be where your taste takes you. You can be one of the yoginis dancing with Lord Shiva, or one of the gopis dancing with Lord Krsna.

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