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I am feeling very tired, depressed and angry with my husband. I am trying to be quiet. I can't even focus on chanting. Can you look at my chart to suggest something? My husband never apologizes, all the mistakes are mine, and I am the loser, and the sufferer. I am not a bad person, but I have lost my confidence.


DOB: may 30th 73

place- dadar, mumbai

time- 1;48 am


Please help? I need some peace in my life. I am trying to divert my attention from the sunsar, but it is hard. How come everytime I am the bad one? I get beating for that too. Which I take since it is my fault. But sometimes, you feel like ending your life or leaving everything behind.

Thanks, Manaswini

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You have all the planets including lagna between Rahu and Ketu which is called as Kala Sarpa Dosha. Those who are born in certain years come under this.The effect of this dosha is cronic problems through out their life in particular areas like health, husband, children etc.This varies from horoscope to horoscope. This is to be noticed early and remedial action has to be taken to avoid unknown sufferings. By god's grace in your chart the 7th house representing husband is not under this influence. There is no problem with your marital life. But 11th to 5th houses are under this influence including all planets. To come out of your present state and to avoid future sufferings , Rahu and Ketu santhi is to be done as and when possible and regularly, throughout your life. Spend some time for prayer and help others.



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om gurubhyo namah,,




dear manaswini,


The period you are running is one of difficulty. you were born

on a trayodasi thithi. the lesson one has to get from this is

that one should learn from and respect one's guru.


when you are committing a mistake, the advisor is certainly a



i am not supporting your husband. it is very bad to beat a wife.


read varaha avatar...


your navamsa lagna is occupied by jupiter, you have been blessed

by god. dont worry.


how many children you have ?


may mother bless all,






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Sai ram,

You are right, I have to win him with love. I understand, but I have to learn to be quiet. Maun vrat. I am successful to some extent.My ego has to go.

I have one daughter, age 8, but from previous marriage.

I am trying for another one with my husband, had series of miscariages.That also is his frustration.He was married before, his ex-wife ran away with the child. He has no contact.They even violated court order.His wife will not show the son, keeps changing contact, and does not inform the court. He misses his son.


He has been through a lot. I love him.


Do you think I will advance in spiritual path? I am lazy. I have to get up early and start chanting.


Thank you for your response,


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Sai ram,

You are right, I have to win him with love. I understand, but I have to learn to be quiet. Maun vrat. I am successful to some extent.My ego has to go.

I have one daughter, age 8, but from previous marriage.

I am trying for another one with my husband, had series of miscariages.That also is his frustration.He was married before, his ex-wife ran away with the child. He has no contact.They even violated court order.His wife will not show the son, keeps changing contact, and does not inform the court. He misses his son.


He has been through a lot. I love him.


Do you think I will advance in spiritual path? I am lazy. I have to get up early and start chanting.


Thank you for your response,



You are asking question and giving answers too. You know the answers. Now work on them.

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