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pls pls help for Vashikaran MANTRA!

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Om Namaha Shivay.

I reside far away from India and my fiance is in India,we are engaged since 1 and a half years,we meet thrice a year,but we have had the toughest ups and downs of the relationship. We used to talk almost 9 to 10 times everyday but currenly not talking to each other at all.

I am completely lost without him,I know he loves me a lot,but due to distance i always misunderstand his work circumstances.

I want to achieve peace on my temper and on his too,as well as i want to secure my man and his love for me only,thats why I want to know a 'vashikaran' mantra which can help my love to influence his heart and bring him back and have a strong bond forever with him.

I will not be able to buy any such magazines which Guruji and the well wishers advise on this site,I will neither be able to buy any yantras here nor any such rosaries,because nothing of this is sold here.

So please guide me with the complete way including the clear pronounciation. I also request to please let me know if only chanting vashikaran mantras would help without yantras? And how many times and for how many days should i pray? I am also a follower of Lord Shiva and Maa Parvati.

Please help me,and god will bless you with all that you ask for.

Your sister is 'lost in love'

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Dear friend, vashikaran isnt magic that can be purchased. some yantras and mantras assist vashikaran but vashikaran is basically a sadhana which needs years to perfect... (anyone who says that buy this and u can do vashikaran in days or minutes is basically trying to cheat u out of your money) there are no benifits from instant chanting... many of the vashikaran mantras (as given in puranas need to be chanted 4 lakh to 10 lakh times before energising enough to achieve your goal) so it could take u years before your mantra builds the power to achieve your goal... imagine if u chant a mantra with "full dedication" a thousand times a day (remember you are supposed to pray at a fixed time from a fixed place)... it will take u at least 2 years to generate enough energy in your mantra to do vashikaran ... and by the time you get the power u will also realise the futility of using something got with so much hard work for getting a human goal... vashikaran mantras are basically given in various ancient texts (vedas, puranas and other texts) so if u have access to ancient books read them and u will get a mantra... if not ask any person who has read these books and he/she will give u a mantra... and tell u how to pronounce it. but that is as far as he can go to help u ...the hard work is all urs to do or not to do...

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hey whats up i may be putting my foot in my mouth by giving you a reply but it could be for your best. you state that you cant purchase a mantra and list the reasons but then you give the solution to your own problem. if you live far away then try to resolve this and move back for i dont know your situation nor life but if it was that it was that you who have moved away what does that show him. then you say that both have misunderstandings well friend try understanding him and calm down. long distance relationships is always a comprimise but it is who shall do it. him or you. seems to me you are trying to force something that needs time to mature and bloom into something beautiful. just my observation so dont feel angry towards me and besides these mantras dont work.

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we as humans often try to choose easiest way out & ask for prompt solutions,guess da same happend to me,was thinking tht i could get him,but gues both of u r rite,though it broke a hope but i guess,whatever will happen will happen for everyone's betterment,n besides that sm1 told me,what is yours will always come to you n remain yours,n what isn't yours,no need to cry over it or die behind it! I am sad,but guess destiny has its own way to call us!

Really appreciate for your honesty n time taken to respond!

God bless you,thanks!

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Thanks & i wish you all da same,

I want to know something,during past few years i had developed some traumas against men in general,with my bad experiences about my relationships,I had started taking everything negatively and get very personal about everything,at work i am doing fine,but in my personal life and relationships,i am full of doubts,when i loose my temper i tend to use da most harsh words at that time knowing that it would spoil everything,& insult..but after that i regret too,but then if da same incident occurs,i do da same,those who know me,say that i am full of anger but at da same time i am full of selfless love,i by nature am very kind and a giving person,i compromise a lot in my life,but i am not able to take control of my emotions and anger and da negative part of myself?

I believe in lord shiva,is there any way,any mantra that i can chant for a certain time and period to gain peace on myself so that i can give peace and happiness with the love that i have to give to others?

Pls help me,i have to change & improve myself inorder to let others be able to see what i have to give is pure love and nothing else? I cant change da world or their circumstances,but i can change myself and my views as to how to see each one of them..so will anyone be able to help me?

Thanks,god bless everyone

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Hare Krishna.

Please chant the mahamantra 108 times per day. It will help significantly. Your mind will become pure and you will see everyone in equal vision (samah darsinah). Then all the bad habits will fall away by themselves. I fall at your feet and request you to do this because it is for your own good.

Your servant eternally,


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As u are a shiva bhakt and desirous of peace and calming effect in your inner self... imagine shiva as a yogiraj... sitting calmly in a yogic mudra with his eyes shut... (or have a picture or idol of the same form of shiva).... and say.... Om shiva . shanti shiva.

say om shiva with breath going out and say shanti shiva with incoming breath and imagine shivas peace filling u...

Hari bol

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As u are a shiva bhakt and desirous of peace and calming effect in your inner self... imagine shiva as a yogiraj... sitting calmly in a yogic mudra with his eyes shut... (or have a picture or idol of the same form of shiva).... and say.... Om shiva . shanti shiva.

say om shiva with breath going out and say shanti shiva with incoming breath and imagine shivas peace filling u...

Hari bol

good advice.

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  • 2 months later...

no offence but people come on here for assistance with HOW TO USE washikaran etc and all you get is other people saying dont use it basically. if something is there to be used, then why not?


it is not black magic and these things can only work if there is karmic propensity between the two people so where's the harm?


I find this often and i feel sorry for the people who have asked.


I hope i have not offended anyone. Just an opinion.

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no offence but people come on here for assistance with HOW TO USE washikaran etc and all you get is other people saying dont use it basically.


Well no one is saying that vashikaran should not be used...

personally my experience is that vashikaran works.. and i have have had positive effects from the use of vashikaran mantras for business transactions...


only vashikaran isnt a easy thing that can be done in minutes or days... proper study and understanding of vashikaran takes years... and there are dangers which far outweigh the results especially when u are looking at the use of vashikaran in love... because sometimes love blinds a person and one is unable to see the dangers even as they arise...

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thank you for your opinion shivaduta.


i feel that it works and have seen results very quickly....and its also funny how things just stop when YOU stop using the mantra.


have faith and make its not used for harm and i think you'll be fine. as for the TILAKS...i am scared to use those!! i'll just stick to the mantras thanks.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Dear Lostinlove,

There is a mantra called Swamvara parvati mantra that is ment for developing terrific attraction and vasikaran power. You can find it in a postiing in the forum: Ammachi, by Sesha M.D. Mantripragada. I am cuting and pasting from that post for your convenience.




Similar to the Gayathri Mantra, which is made up of 24 letters, this

mantra is very powerful, made up of 48 letters.

Mantras are sacred. Hence these should be mastered only with the

help of a Guru. This is most important as correct pronunciation of

each word counts a lot in attaining the desired benefit. Those who

cant recite with clarity should propitiate with the help of learned

Brahmin scholars.

Om Hreem Yoginim Yogini Yogeswari

Yoga Bhayankari Sakala Sthavara

Jangamasya Mukha Hridayam Mama

Vasamakarsha Akarshaya Swaha /

This mantra should be recited 108 times daily for 18 days or 24 days or 48 days

depending upon the seriousness of the situation.

"O Thou who art always in Union with the Lord, Master of Yoga,

Terrible of Form Heart of all that is living and nonliving, Please

give me the power of attraction and fascination, O Noble One"!


2)Another mantra :( from posting of Sudershan Joshi on 16- 6-2004 in forum Mantra Tantra vijnana


OM! namo sarvaloka vasikaraya kuru kuru

swaha.Repeat it 1900000 times.Try to be



3) Yet another one: From posting of rajkumar_v3, on 21-10-2004, in forum Mantra Tantra Vijnana.



Vashikaran mantras are many and each god and goddess have the power

to exert their own powers to attract.

The mantra for Ganesh vashikaran mantra is


Om aim hreem shreem kleem gloum gum ganapataye vara varada sarva

janam me vashamaanaya swaha. Similarly instead of sarvajam, u can use

any individuals name u may desire to attract. Never misuse this

mantra. Try to sanctify this mantra by reciting for 100008 times and

then repeat it daily 108 times with Ganesh yantra in front of you and

do puja by offering flowers and wheat grass and offering incense and



Now be happy and smile, sister Lostinlove




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  • 8 months later...
  • 1 month later...
Guest love_alliance18

In this forum i had seen no one helps the needy. Truth saying people have no place in this world.. God made human to help human but human will be human and will possess majestic nature if he learns something and won't help anyone in distress.

I'm not a yogi or a guru or else i would have definitely helped u out. I;m myself going through similar situations, so all i can do for u is pray to the supreme for ur wishes to be fulfilled. And note my words " Everything will be fine in a month's time"......

God Bless YOU!!!!

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  • 3 years later...

i was with a guy for last seven years and now at the time of marriage he is not talking to me properly. please tell me something to get him back. he is my life.. i cant live widout him anymore..!! plese teell me any vashikaran mantra that would work for him..!! please..!

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