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What is love?

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What is love to you?

How do couples in love present themselves?


For myself personally, I don't really understand the term so much. When I think of instances where i'd been attracted to women, that was not out of love, but out of infatuation.


They say devotion is a sign of love. I am devoted to Krishna but without a good fund of knowledge in relation to Him it would be silly of me to say I love Him. Yet I still say that I love him.


My problem is to do with the interpretation of the word itself. What are the true characterisitics of it, how do you know if it is real etc etc.


Ideas/opinnions anyone?

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What is love to you?

How do couples in love present themselves?


For myself personally, I don't really understand the term so much. When I think of instances where i'd been attracted to women, that was not out of love, but out of infatuation.


They say devotion is a sign of love. I am devoted to Krishna but without a good fund of knowledge in relation to Him it would be silly of me to say I love Him. Yet I still say that I love him.


My problem is to do with the interpretation of the word itself. What are the true characterisitics of it, how do you know if it is real etc etc.


Ideas/opinnions anyone?

(Love is not a word it is a verb)


Love can be the most exhilirating feeling.It can bring the greatest Joy :bounce: but at the other extream Love can be bring about the most painfull feelings.:crying2:


What is "material Love" / "Spiritual Love"??


Well as I understand Material Love is actually Just Lust. The pure Spiritual Love when coming in contact with the material world transforms into Lust.


Lust is selfish where as.....


Spiritual Love is unselfish.


I am sure other devotees on this forum can elaborate further.


Hare Krsna/Krishna


Jay Sirla Prabhupada

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What is Real Love?



To want another to be happy, truly happy, with or without you...is real love.

To trust another's love and not need to have it out of some control...is real love.

To truly trust a partner, without needing to know of their comings and goings...is real love.

To love because of want instead of need...is real love.


For a relationship to be based in any control situation, whether physical or emotional or mental...is not real love.

To have someone stay with you out of guilt, pity or fear... is not real love.

To have someone with you because it makes YOU feel good...is not real love.

To be with someone because it makes THEM feel good...

is not real love.

If love MUST have a promise or guarantee of tomorrow, it is not real love.


Love is the giving of one's self to make another happy, the joy of sharing the NOW.

We can't force love to give or to be given.

Love is nature at work.

Philosophically, we live in a non-verbal world, and yet we make it so hard in our lives because of our need to have words and meanings to everything.

Life has no meaning beyond itself, love has no meaning beyond itself, and the need to label and define these things is the element that destroys the "nature" of it.

For a couple to be together out of want is the ideal.

What if couples, EACH and EVERY morning had to renew their vows, make a TRUTHFUL decision BEFORE the day began to remain together, a TRULY free choice.

In life, we SHOULD examine our situations in this light and act accordingly because people who become unhappy with one another can have it turn into a very destructive force in a short time if they but "pretend" and go through "role-playing" in their relationships.

Being honest and truthful with yourself is where LOVE begins.

Most can't do that, and they remain in situations involving another; thus, we have TWO lives being controlled in dishonesty.

Is it any wonder, from this point, why people resort to denial and escapism to get through their day?


Are people living a lie, happy with themselves, and how can they give happiness to another?

What do we expect from ourselves?

What do others expect from us?

Is a bad relationship BETTER than being alone?

Should people who are unable to communicate stay together?

Do two wrongs make a right?

Do two negatives make a positive?

And yet, the word SELFISH will enter strongly into this subject.


If you stay in a relationship because YOU are AFRAID to leave, for ANY reason, it is selfish.

Staying for LESS than the right reason, if you stay in a relationship because you feel sorry, out of guilt, out of pity, you are being CONTROLLED and allowing someone to be selfish about YOUR life.


To accept and trust each and every person until they give you a reason not to...is real love.

To want to help others to be happy...is real love.

To give others your love and your time and your energy...

is real love.


REAL love, is not something said, but it is what is done.

To reach out and touch...is real love.

To care about someone and talk to them...is real love.

To offer your friendship and to be there for someone...



To be at peace within yourself... is real love.

Jai Shri <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><st1:place w:st="on">Krishna</st1:place>!......

Jai Shri Radha!.......

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To be at peace within yourself... is real love.

Jai Shri Jai Shri Radha!.......


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