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True Love

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Is human love a myth? I'm yet to find that one perfect love in a human being, be it husband, parents, friend. I am convinced a love that is healing is found only within yourself, the latent divinity with you , that we refer to as God's love. This is the only love that is fulfilling emotionally, and karmically. This love is healing - there is no room for betrayal and hurt. We almost always mistake a habit formation to be 'love'. At the end of it all, the emotions we feel towards other people is a result of our karmic bonding with them from previous births. Some people walk in to give us a good time, some people give us heartaches - mere instruments who execute our payback plans that we owe to the Universe. I really wish we could all go back to the Dwapara Yugam and can see Lord Krishna with our naked eyes.

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Is human love a myth? I'm yet to find that one perfect love in a human being, be it husband, parents, friend. I am convinced a love that is healing is found only within yourself, the latent divinity with you , that we refer to as God's love. This is the only love that is fulfilling emotionally, and karmically. This love is healing - there is no room for betrayal and hurt. We almost always mistake a habit formation to be 'love'. At the end of it all, the emotions we feel towards other people is a result of our karmic bonding with them from previous births. Some people walk in to give us a good time, some people give us heartaches - mere instruments who execute our payback plans that we owe to the Universe. I really wish we could all go back to the Dwapara Yugam and can see Lord Krishna with our naked eyes.


This is a very important question. Sometimes its not just payback though. Sometimes, God knows that he can trust you as His instrument of peace, consolation, forgiveness, joy, compassion, and sometimes He sends someone to you because your love, your heart's love can help another experience His Mercy.


We can also say that He is Param guru, always teaching ... so when someone difficult comes our way, and we catch ourselves reacting sinfully, instead of responding gracefully, that too is His Mercy.


I too share your wish, to see the Lord, and I pray for His merciful decent to planet earth. Only He can save us.


Finally, in my tradition, it is our belief that the indwelling of Love in our hearts, Paramatma, is "God as Gift of Himself" and that He, the Holy Spirit is actually the Loving Exchange between Father and Son.


That is, that Paramatma is "God as Gift of Himself" in the Heart of every devotee, as the very paramour loving exchange between Krsna and Baladeva.


You can be sure of great hope, that "with your naked eyes" we will witness to His Divine pastimes and be forever rapt in His loving service


Her servant and yours.

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I really wish we could all go back to the Dwapara Yugam and can see Lord Krishna with our naked eyes.


Sri Guru and His Grace

Chapt. Nine (Excerpt)

Srila Sridhar Maharaj,


The Universal Form

In the assembly of the Kurus, when Krsna went to Duryodhana's party with a proposal for peace between the Pandavas and the Kauravas, Duryodhana thought, "Now we have our golden chance. If I can put Krsna in the prison-house now, then the Pandavas will die broken-hearted, and there will be no question of fighting with them." The Kauravas also joined in the scheme, and they told Duhsasana, "Go and bind Krsna with this rope." Duhsasana came with the rope in his hand and tried to bind Krsna. Satyaki, Krsna's attendant, was there, and he furiously came at Duhsasana with a sword. Krsna peacefully caught hold of his hand, and began to manifest himself in such a way that it perplexed Duhsasana .

When Duhsasana saw the universal form displayed by Krsna, he thought, "So many figures appear before me. On whom shall I put the rope? Who shall I bind down?" So many figures were displayed by Krsna in his universal form. On one side there was Baladeva and on another side stood Arjuna, and so many revered risis,dot_clear.gif chanting Krsna's name. Duhsasana was perplexed. And Bhisma and Drona began to sing in praise of Krsna. Everyone thought, "What is this? This is a magnificent vision, with so many faces!" The whole atmosphere was filled with the divine spirit. Then, Devarsi Narada and so many risisdot_clear.gif began to chant in praise of Krsna. And in this way Krsna manifested his universal form before the assembly.

Dhrtarastra was blind, but he could hear them all praising Krsna, and thought to himself, "Some sort of wonderful things are happening around me, but I can't see." And so, he prayed to Krsna. "O Lord, for the moment please remove my blindness. I would like to see your great manifestation. Afterwards, you can make me blind again, but at least for the time being, remove my blindness." Krsna told him, "There is no necessity of removing your blindness. I say that you can see, and you can see." By the Lord's will alone, even physical blindness was no bar to seeing that great manifestation of Krsna. So, the physical eye can't see God: only the divine eye can see him. And by the will of Krsna, the divine eye was temporarily given to Dhrtarastra. His blindness did not stand in the way of his vision, and he could see Krsna.

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Krishna katha, a breath of fresh air


Quote: Beggar

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: #666666 1px solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 3ex; BORDER-TOP: #666666 1px solid; PADDING-LEFT: 3ex; BORDER-LEFT: #666666 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: #666666 1px solid" bgColor=#e0e0e0>The Universal Form

In the assembly of the Kurus, when Krsna went to Duryodhana's party with a proposal for peace between the Pandavas and the Kauravas, Duryodhana thought, "Now we have our golden chance. If I can put Krsna in the prison-house now, then the Pandavas will die broken-hearted, and there will be no question of fighting with them." The Kauravas also joined in the scheme, and they told Duhsasana, "Go and bind Krsna with this rope." Duhsasana came with the rope in his hand and tried to bind Krsna. Satyaki, Krsna's attendant, was there, and he furiously came at Duhsasana with a sword. Krsna peacefully caught hold of his hand, and began to manifest himself in such a way that it perplexed Duhsasana .

When Duhsasana saw the universal form displayed by Krsna, he thought, "So many figures appear before me. On whom shall I put the rope? Who shall I bind down?" So many figures were displayed by Krsna in his universal form. On one side there was Baladeva and on another side stood Arjuna, and so many revered risis,dot_clear.gif chanting Krsna's name. Duhsasana was perplexed. And Bhisma and Drona began to sing in praise of Krsna. Everyone thought, "What is this? This is a magnificent vision, with so many faces!" The whole atmosphere was filled with the divine spirit. Then, Devarsi Narada and so many risisdot_clear.gif began to chant in praise of Krsna. And in this way Krsna manifested his universal form before the assembly.

Dhrtarastra was blind, but he could hear them all praising Krsna, and thought to himself, "Some sort of wonderful things are happening around me, but I can't see." And so, he prayed to Krsna. "O Lord, for the moment please remove my blindness. I would like to see your great manifestation. Afterwards, you can make me blind again, but at least for the time being, remove my blindness." Krsna told him, "There is no necessity of removing your blindness. I say that you can see, and you can see." By the Lord's will alone, even physical blindness was no bar to seeing that great manifestation of Krsna. So, the physical eye can't see God: only the divine eye can see him. And by the will of Krsna, the divine eye was temporarily given to Dhrtarastra. His blindness did not stand in the way of his vision, and he could see Krsna. </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>


Wonderful pastime

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[Krsna told him, "There is no necessity of removing your blindness. I say that you can see, and you can see." By the Lord's will alone, even physical blindness was no bar to seeing that great manifestation of Krsna. So, the physical eye can't see God: only the divine eye can see him. And by the will of Krsna, the divine eye was temporarily given to Dhrtarastra. His blindness did not stand in the way of his vision, and he could see Krsna.


Ahhh yes .. eyesight to the blind! Hari Krsna!

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Its so true what everyone has said...Love I think is the only emotion that makes us good people because we never hurt the ones we love. I don't believe that you have to give up humna emotion to be with God but taking human emotion and transferring it to become one with the Lord is the ultimate goal in life. As you even mentioned you are waiting for a person to heal you, I also wish that the person that enters my life will be a man that will be my partner in Krishna consiousness and not an obstacle.


Well with that said I thought this was a good thread to put a Narsin Mehta, a krishna devotee from Gujarat, poem that most of us are very familiar with...it shows us the qualities a Vaishnav should have and it points out that one of those qualities is love for all...enjoy.


Vaishnav Jan to tene kahiye

Jay peerh paraaye janneyray

Par dukkhey upkar karey teeyey, man abhiman na anney ray

Sakal lokma Sahuney bandhey,

Ninda Na karye kainee ray

Baach kaachh, Man nischal Raakhey, dhan-dhan jananee tainee ray

Samdrishi nay trishna tyagee, par-stree jaynay mat ray

Vivihva thaki asatya na bolay, par-dhan nav jhaley haath ray

Moh maaya vyaayey nahin Jeynay, dridth vairagya jana manma ray

Ram-nam-shoom taalee laagee,

Sakal teerth seyna tanma ray

Vanloohee nay kapat rahit chhay,

Kaam, Krodh nivarya ray

Bhane Narsinhyo tainoo darshan karta kul ekotair taarya re.




Speak only as godlike of the man who feels another's pain

Who shares another's sorrow and pride does disdain

Who regards himself lowliest of the low

Speaks not a word of evil against anyone

Blessed is the mother who gave birth to such a son

Who looks upon everyone as his equal,

Lust he has renounced

Who honours women like he honours his mother

Whose tongue knows not the taste of falsehood

Nor covets another's worldly goods

Who longs not for worldly wealth (or fame)

For he treads the path of renunciation

Ever on his lips is Ram's holy name

All places of pilgrimage are within him

He has conquered greed, is free of deceit, lust and anger

Through him Narsinh has godly vision

And his generation to come will attain salvation.



Jai Shri Krishna

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Dear HerServant,


Seeing the sufferings in today's world, I am convinced the Lord is going to make His appearance very soon. I am only hoping I'd be alive to see Him with my naked eyes. With regard to God sending people to instigate us to behave sinfully - I think the true test is when we can curb the sinful react and transcend to the plane of divinity inspite of hurt being hauled at our face. It is only then we truly wash off our karma and progress towards God.


I am truly longing to soak myself up in the love of God every waking moment of my life, however, the process is certainly very difficult and testing. It feels like I am climbing a sliding board smeared with grease from ground level, each time I fall perhaps with greater force than the previous. It is frustrating, however I dont plan on giving up. In this context, the great Srimad Bhagavathm is a divine catalyst. This great book is equal to Lord Sri Krishna Himself.


Life in the thought of God is a sweet pain, where you begin to feel the sweetness of God's love, yet not get enough of it.


At His feet.

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Dear Sopatel,


I am certainly not waiting for anybody to heal me - healing is a process handled by one's own self with the help from the Divine. Healing when it comes from an external source is never permanent. Yes one certainly need not give up human emotions to become one with God, I believe every human being was sent into your life for a special purpose, once the purpose is over, he / she will move out. It is best to be detached to this ultimate meaning of a person's arrival / departure from our lives.


I wish you all the best in your search for a person who will enhance the divine potential within you.

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Sri Guru and His Grace

Chapt. Nine (Excerpt)

Srila Sridhar Maharaj,


Dear Beggar,


If Dritharashtra could see, it is because Lord Sri Krishna could be physically there and give him the blessing required to see the Lord Himself with the divine eye. But in today's age, I believe the process is not so easy, it requires a lot of hardwork and Sadhana - a true unfairness thrown at the face of people belonging to the age of Kali, longing to see the Lord. If in Dwapara Yugam a person longs to hear from the Lord, he is granted the boon sooner or later, because purtiy was at its peak then, but now, most of the people have distorted way of thinking and are always bent on winning the wrong way. Dealing with these people, and surviving with them is a great art by itself and in the process of survival of the 'fittest' we forget the Lord, and yet crave for Him - He seems to elude all the time.


I really wish God blesses us or atleast those who long for the divine vision with the divine eye, very soon ! I truly hope.

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in this material world is that of a mother for her child. This type of Love is (almost) unconditional.


The reason I wrote almost is because it is also tainted with selfishness because that type of Love is only shown by a mother for her own child only.:(


The only true Love is one that is unconditional and unselfish.


Yes it may seem like we are very unfortunate to be born in Kali Yuga BUT... unlike the other Yuga we are given the chance to advance spiritually at a very fast pace.:)


In the previous ages to become spiritually advanced may seem easy to us in this age but the tapasya they had to undergo was very difficult and not possible in this age.:eek3:


Just having bad thoughts in the previous ages meant the reaction (Karma) would be very heavy.:eek:


So in a way we are most fortunate to have taken birth in this age. This is so because the appearance of Yuga Avatar 500 years ago (Golden Avatar) Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu & the Chain of Gurus coming from that line.

They have given us the teachings which can help us reconnect and find our TRUE LOVE.:pray:


Hare Krsna/Krishna


Jay Sirla Prabhupada

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Dear HerServant,


Seeing the sufferings in today's world, I am convinced the Lord is going to make His appearance very soon. I am only hoping I'd be alive to see Him with my naked eyes. With regard to God sending people to instigate us to behave sinfully - I think the true test is when we can curb the sinful react and transcend to the plane of divinity inspite of hurt being hauled at our face. It is only then we truly wash off our karma and progress towards God.


I am truly longing to soak myself up in the love of God every waking moment of my life, however, the process is certainly very difficult and testing. It feels like I am climbing a sliding board smeared with grease from ground level, each time I fall perhaps with greater force than the previous. It is frustrating, however I dont plan on giving up. In this context, the great Srimad Bhagavathm is a divine catalyst. This great book is equal to Lord Sri Krishna Himself.


Life in the thought of God is a sweet pain, where you begin to feel the sweetness of God's love, yet not get enough of it.


At His feet.


Yes. The higher up the mountain, the steeper that climb and the harder and faster the fall. The harder the fall, the more bewildering the journey.


We don't have all the details about the little Narada. What the holy scriptures tell us is that he traveled very difficult journey with child like trust in God. Even Narada himself, as a tender child, endured this suffering, to see the sweet presence of the Lord, yet thereafter the Lord disappeared.


"Then Jesus said to His disciples, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me." - Matt. 16:24


In Jesus lila, the cross (made from the dead wood a tree) is the body and senses, or our material existence:


"The axe is already laid at the root of the trees; therefore every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire." - Matt. 3:10


The tree is the producer of fruit (fruitive activity) and that tree which does "washed off karma", that is, not have pure actions bears no fruit at all. Hence, it is thrown into the firey pangs of material existence :


ie. greed, lust, anger, etc. as told what will happen in Bhagavad Gita 2.63-63



sam?ne vr?ks?e purus?o nimagno

'n??ay? ?ocati muhyam?nah?

jus?t?a? yad? pa?yaty anyam ??am

asya mahim?nam iti v?ta-?okah?


"Although the two birds are in the same tree, the eating bird is fully engrossed with anxiety and moroseness as the enjoyer of the fruits of the tree. But if in some way or other he turns his face to his friend who is the Lord and knows His glories — at once the suffering bird becomes free from all anxieties." - ?vet??vatara Upanis?ad (4.7)


And when they were come to the place which is called Calvary, they crucified him there: and the robbers, one on the right hand, and the other on the left. - Luke 23:33


And one of those robbers who were hanged blasphemed him, saying: If thou be Christ, save thyself and us. But the other answering, rebuked him, saying: Neither dost thou fear God, seeing; thou art under the same condemnation? And we indeed justly: for we receive the due reward of our deeds. But this man hath done no evil. And he said to Jesus: Lord, remember me when thou shalt come into thy kingdom. And Jesus said to him: Amen I say to thee: This day thou shalt be with me in paradise. - Luke 23:39-43


So we must endure and even in the midst of suffering, we must recognize that God is in our midst. Just as the tree (cross) of the body can be the instrument of our death, it can also be the vehicle of our awakening. We awaken when we see that it is Krsna who longs for us ... who pangs for us within an ocean of mercy and compassion, waiting for us to turn our face to Him .. so that He may say, "This day you shall be with me in paradise".


Peace and love.


Om Shanti.


Her servant and yours

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The Srimad Bhagavatham says saint Narada in His previous birth was the son of a Dasi lady, who was always envolved in the service of great saints. His sort of a service was more labor oriented. Because of staying with saints he developed a love for Lord Narayana. His mother passed away after a few months , think when Narada was 8 years old. He paid his respects to his mother, but without getting distort by her death, took it as a fine opportunity to travel within his own self. He set out in the quest for truth, in the desire to see God. In his 'paada yatra', he came across fiercely dense forests, wild animals and all sorts of scary creatures, however he was never scared. He had only one aim in life - to see the Lord. However after a while he was overcome by thirst, and he stopped by a still lake to take some water. After drinking, he felt refreshed and he sat to meditate on the divine feel of Sri Hari. After deep meditation, he could see the Vishwa Roopa for a minute. It is said that, his hair stood up, had goose bumps, and he was so overcome with joy, He cried with pleasure and longing. The moment passed, never to happen again. He tried recreating the moment, but it went in vain. Later, Akashaganga (a voice from the skies) told him he will take the life of a Chiranjeevi , an immortal always engaged in propogating the divine past times of Lord Sri Hari.

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in this material world is that of a mother for her child. This type of Love is (almost) unconditional.


The reason I wrote almost is because it is also tainted with selfishness because that type of Love is only shown by a mother for her own child only.:(


The only true Love is one that is unconditional and unselfish.


Yes it may seem like we are very unfortunate to be born in Kali Yuga BUT... unlike the other Yuga we are given the chance to advance spiritually at a very fast pace.:)


In the previous ages to become spiritually advanced may seem easy to us in this age but the tapasya they had to undergo was very difficult and not possible in this age.:eek3:


Just having bad thoughts in the previous ages meant the reaction (Karma) would be very heavy.:eek:


So in a way we are most fortunate to have taken birth in this age. This is so because the appearance of Yuga Avatar 500 years ago (Golden Avatar) Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu & the Chain of Gurus coming from that line.

They have given us the teachings which can help us reconnect and find our TRUE LOVE.:pray:


Hare Krsna/Krishna


Jay Sirla Prabhupada



Dear Yogesh,


Very true, a mother's love is unconditional, so unconditional that sometimes the love loses its sense for what is correct and what is wrong. Sometimes a mother's love could also damage other people's lives. It really depends on how good a person you are and how well you manifest your motherly love combined with goodness as a human being. In the name of motherly love, people sin and destory other's lives. I am expecting my 1st son in the month of April 2008, I am hoping I can give him the right type of motherly love which is pure and selfless, yet instilling good values in the boy. I need divine assistance and guidance for this.

I agree with what you've said about Kali Yuga, in this yuga one is sid to attain the Lord's lotus feet just by chanting his name with love. I think conviction is key here.


At Lord Sri Hari's feet


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