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Devotees running Movie Theater in Australia

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Why didnt' Prabhupada think of this? Using Maya to attract people.


If this was the way to go then why not just show soft pornography movies and serve booze and drugs?


People are already attracted to maya. THAT IS THE PROBLEM! Krsna is all-attractive as He is. Attraction to maya is subtraction from attraction to Krsna.

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If this was the way to go then why not just show soft pornography movies and serve booze and drugs?


People are already attracted to maya. THAT IS THE PROBLEM! Krsna is all-attractive as He is. Attraction to maya is subtraction from attraction to Krsna.


I think what was being proposed was to entice folks with the *promise* of Maya and then to give them Krishna.


Kinda like the Folger's Crystals (Bait and) Switch ("We've secretly replaced...").

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I think what was being proposed was to entice folks with the *promise* of Maya and then to give them Krishna.


Kinda like the Folger's Crystals (Bait and) Switch ("We've secretly replaced...").


Yeah but they are still giving them maya. LOL That idea is already perfectly there is Prabhupada's intruduction to Lord Caitanya's movement. We like sense gratification so here eat all you want dance and sing all you want. Watching mundane movies doesn't qualify. It is a business idea and nothing more.


Remeber when Hamsadutta wanted to sell rock and roll albums on the street? Prabhupada nixed the idea. Of course he did it anyway after Prabhupada left.

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