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Disgusting superstitious cruelty



Animal Sacrifice in Puri Jagannath Temple BY: SUN CORRESPONDENT

Oct 23, JAGANNATHA PURI, ORISSA (SUN) — A disturbing report from the Holy Dhama.

Blame it on the laggard attitude of the state government or the so-called superstition, the much hyped campaign against animal sacrifice has reached a deadlock here at Lord Jagannath’s own abode, Puri. Six lambs were slaughtered inside the 12th century Jagannath temple on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights. The incident also took place despite the Orissa High Court’s directive not to butcher animals in shrines.

According to sources, the six lambs were brought into the shrine through the western gate late on those three nights and butchered to appease the goddess Bimala. The Bimala temple priests collected the animals’ blood in earthen pots and offered the same to the goddess amid chanting of slokas that continued till 3 am, sources said. After the puja was culminated, the dead lambs were fetched outside the temple and their meat was shared between the priests. Around five priests solemnized the puja, which was performed in a ‘secret manner’.

"The sacrifice was done after the door of the presiding sibling Deities was shut. Similarly, no devotees were present during that time. The lambs were sacrificed only after the temple precinct was deserted,” said Gangadhar Mohapatra, a priest of Bimala temple. “Even though there has been much hue and cry against the sacrifice system, no one has dared to stop it. It has been a never-end tradition since many years,” Mohapatra said.

The Jagannath Temple strictly follows a vegetarian menu for Lord Jagannatha, Baladev and Subhadra. Every day a number of vegetarian delicacies are cooked at the temple’s kitchen for nearly 20,000 people. “But for these three days during Dussehra, non-vegetarian prasad is cooked inside the temple premises and offered to goddess Bimala only. This is a tradition and we do not want to raise voice against the practice,” said another priest.

“Even the attempts of the former chief minister Harekrushna Mahatab and ex-Assembly Speaker Yudhistira das to stop the practice here in the past had cut no ice,” he said.

Law minister Biswabhusan Harichandan in the recent past had asked district collectors to ensure that no animal is butchered in shrines. Jagannath Temple’s administrator (ritual), Vinod Behari Mohanty, said that animal sacrifice inside the Jagannath Temple is a necessity. “We are just following the age-old tradition of butchering lambs near Goddess Bimala. It is a necessity. Unlike the open-air animal sacrifice, we perform the sacrifice ritual here in a secret manner,” Mohanty said.

“We admit that animal sacrifice is rampant in many shrines across the Orissa state. We also know that the government has banned the animal sacrifice in shrines. But it will take time to see the results,” said a senior district official.


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“We admit that animal sacrifice is rampant in many shrines across the Orissa state. We also know that the government has banned the animal sacrifice in shrines. But it will take time to see the results,” said a senior district official.


"This is a tradition", they say. That's seemingly a quite often used phrase to explain things which are otherwise difficult to push through.;)

Afraid of punishement? People usually tend to consider punishment after this lifetime as kind of being not so bad. Just like Homer Simpson considers when being thrown into hellish life that this is a place where he can have donuts all day.


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Well, at least they are *worshipping*. When McDonald's suppliers kill their cows, chickens, pigs, etc., there is no ceremony whatsoever. Not even a bolt in the head to knock them out so they feel less pain.


As far as I know, Kali Ma *does* accept sacrifices of the sort being described.


Is Hari Nama Sankirttan a much better way to worship? Absolutely!

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Animal sacrifice as worship? What kind of worship. Similar to witch doctors and voodoo priests in Africa killing chickens and smearing blood all over themselves.


What goddess or god can be pleased wih the slaughter of some innocent animal lamb horse or dove? I'm with Buddha on this one. I could not care less if it is called vedic or not. It is ignorance straight up and to preform this disgusting act in Lord Jagannatha temple only adds to the crime.


So much for offical priests.

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Well, at least they are *worshipping*. When McDonald's suppliers kill their cows, chickens, pigs, etc., there is no ceremony whatsoever. Not even a bolt in the head to knock them out so they feel less pain.


As far as I know, Kali Ma *does* accept sacrifices of the sort being described.


Is Hari Nama Sankirttan a much better way to worship? Absolutely!


They are insulting Krsna and worshipping satan, in bolivia people made something similar. And Buda stopped whit this traditions

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Ghastly devastation fills me. And they won't allow entrance to Westerners. Hah. Where is kali-chela-hunter when we need him?


Yes, when the Holy Sanctuary is occupied by animal sacrificers and other such defielers it is time to make a whip and chase out the money changers and overturn their bloody business.

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"While they were eating, he took bread, said the blessing, broke it, and gave it to them, and said, "Take it; this is my body." Then he took a cup, gave thanks, and gave it to them, and they all drank from it. He said to them, "This is my blood of the covenant, which will be shed for many." - Mark 14:22-24


That is why Judas betrayed Jesus. Because He ended the Passover "covenant" to take a spotless lamb to the temple to be slaughtered by a priest. He replaced the animal sacrifice with bread and wine and told His disciples this the New Covenant. Do this in rememberence of Him.


When He uttered this order (to celebrate Passover with bread and wine instead of animal slaughter), Judas said "no Jesus .. you can't end Passover ritual.. you can't end thousands of years of tradition and Jewish law" and therefore Judas betrayed Jesus.


Thus by Jesus taking bread and wine and saying it is His Body and Blood it for certain cost Jesus His mortal life (body and blood).


Therefore, the breaking of the bread and the taking of the wine in the name of Jesus is INDIFFERENT from He Himself. Praise be the immortal Savior who sacrificed Himself to protect the innocents and to liberate those in bondage! OM Amen.



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Look into the animal's eyes as it's throat is being slashed for your answer Kulapavanava. I am sure the answer will be apparent.


The animals used as livestock tend to be almost as tolerant as trees, don't they? They go to their deaths much more stoically than you and I are likely to go. Certainly, if there was a mass revolt of cows at some slaughterhouse, a lot of damage could be done.


I'm not trying to justify animal sacrifices, but if animals will be slaughtered, isn't it better that they at least be slaughtered in a thoughtful, deliberate, ritual fashion (all respects to Lord Buddha and Lord Jesus and their example of compassion)?


I don't know the history of the Jagannatha Temple in Orissa (and animal sacrifices therein), but one certainly suspects that Lord Jagannatha is not at all pleased by this particular use of the Temple grounds.

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"While they were eating, he took bread, said the blessing, broke it, and gave it to them, and said, "Take it; this is my body." Then he took a cup, gave thanks, and gave it to them, and they all drank from it. He said to them, "This is my blood of the covenant, which will be shed for many." - Mark 14:22-24


That is why Judas betrayed Jesus. Because He ended the Passover "covenant" to take a spotless lamb to the temple to be slaughtered by a priest. He replaced the animal sacrifice with bread and wine and told His disciples this the New Covenant. Do this in rememberence of Him.


When He uttered this order (to celebrate Passover with bread and wine instead of animal slaughter), Judas said "no Jesus .. you can't end Passover ritual.. you can't end thousands of years of tradition and Jewish law" and therefore Judas betrayed Jesus.


Thus by Jesus taking bread and wine and saying it is His Body and Blood it for certain cost Jesus His mortal life (body and blood).


Therefore, the breaking of the bread and the taking of the wine in the name of Jesus is INDIFFERENT from He Himself. Praise be the immortal Savior who sacrificed Himself to protect the innocents and to liberate those in bondage! OM Amen.



Lord Jehovah wanted the animal sacrifice that is ok, because the Lord is the Supreme enjoyer of all sacrifices, then He stopped this with the Lamb of God Lord Jesus, Time Place and Circumstances, so after that the Lord is not pleased with animal sacrifices . The same in Vedic Culture, Lord Buda descend and stopped animal sacrifices, but Rejected the vedas. Lord Jesus rejected animal sacrifices, some rituals and the bogus spiritual people but didn't reject the scriptures and the commandments.

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I'm not trying to justify animal sacrifices, but if animals will be slaughtered, isn't it better that they at least be slaughtered in a thoughtful, deliberate, ritual fashion (all respects to Lord Buddha and Lord Jesus and their example of compassion)?




Children also can be taken to slaughter peacefully in their innocence to our true intention. But once the cold steel of the knife hits the neck shock and terror sets in just the same.

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The animals used as livestock tend to be almost as tolerant as trees, don't they? They go to their deaths much more stoically than you and I are likely to go. Certainly, if there was a mass revolt of cows at some slaughterhouse, a lot of damage could be done.



The cows are getting organized as we speak.


Cows with Guns




Viva le mooooovement!








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Children also can be taken to slaughter peacefully in their innocence to our true intention. But once the cold steel of the knife hits the neck shock and terror sets in just the same.


Karma is a bitch for every Jiva in the material world.


Taking birth as an animal, or child, who is killed in ignorance in order to balance the karmic scales, will never feel good for the one whose body is killed.


However, the killing and eating of animal flesh after being offered to the goddess Kali, is acceptable under certain exact conditions according to the revealed scriptures for those in the mode of ignorance. It is done so to get them thinking about God while doing what they were going to do anyway. Imagine that.


However, Lord Jagannatha is not the Diety who accepts such offerings. He accepts offerings made in the mode of goodness by those qualified to do so.


And as far as I know, killing a human child and making it an "offering" is a total abomination and no Deity accepts such nonsense as dovetailed desire.


Local sadhus concur that if the banning of Krsna Bhaktas because of their country of origin was not already enough to cause Lord Jagganatha to skip out on the Puri temple, this latest fiasco would be the straw that broke the camels back.

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Well I guess I am just a heretic but I don't accept animal sacrifice for any reason. I'm in the mode of ignorance and I was told to chant Hare Krsna or any name of God that I prefered.


Nor do I accept the "vedic" practice of man/animal sacrifice as being God prescribed.


Your not to blame. There are such vedic practices but when people start to misuse them then a lot of trouble can arise. And when people started to misuse the Vedas and started to kill animals regularly, Lord Visnu had to come as Lord Buddha.


There is nothing wrong with the Vedas, it is just that people misuse them.


E.G- People might quote Lord Rama and Maharaja Yudhisthira for performing ashwamedha yajna and then start to kill hundreds of horses. I don't know anyone who has, this is just an example.

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Your not to blame. There are such vedic practices but when people start to misuse them then a lot of trouble can arise. And when people started to misuse the Vedas and started to kill animals regularly, Lord Visnu had to come as Lord Buddha.


There is nothing wrong with the Vedas, it is just that people misuse them.


E.G- People might quote Lord Rama and Maharaja Yudhisthira for performing ashwamedha yajna and then start to kill hundreds of horses. I don't know anyone who has, this is just an example.


Yes indulekhadasi I understand this position but must admit I find ashwamedha sacrifice objectionable even when used properly according to vedic prescription. It just strikes me as ridiculous and cruel on it's face.

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Yes indulekhadasi I understand this position but must admit I find ashwamedha sacrifice objectionable even when used properly according to vedic prescription. It just strikes me as ridiculous and cruel on it's face.


Hey, at least this isn't Treta Yuga, the yuga for sacrifices. Our yuga dharma is chanting the Holy Name, something that is perfectly harmless. Instead of killing the animals, the Holy Names benefit all living entities such as the animals. All glories to Lord Chaitanya and Lord Nityananda who spread this Holy Name for the benefit of all!


Hare Krishna.

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Disgusting superstitious cruelty




Animal Sacrifice in Puri Jagannath Temple BY: SUN CORRESPONDENT

Oct 23, JAGANNATHA PURI, ORISSA (SUN) — A disturbing report from the Holy Dhama.

Blame it on the laggard attitude of the state government or the so-called superstition, the much hyped campaign against animal sacrifice has reached a deadlock here at Lord Jagannath’s own abode, Puri. Six lambs were slaughtered inside the 12th century Jagannath temple on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights. The incident also took place despite the Orissa High Court’s directive not to butcher animals in shrines.

According to sources, the six lambs were brought into the shrine through the western gate late on those three nights and butchered to appease the goddess Bimala. The Bimala temple priests collected the animals’ blood in earthen pots and offered the same to the goddess amid chanting of slokas that continued till 3 am, sources said. After the puja was culminated, the dead lambs were fetched outside the temple and their meat was shared between the priests. Around five priests solemnized the puja, which was performed in a ‘secret manner’.

"The sacrifice was done after the door of the presiding sibling Deities was shut. Similarly, no devotees were present during that time. The lambs were sacrificed only after the temple precinct was deserted,” said Gangadhar Mohapatra, a priest of Bimala temple. “Even though there has been much hue and cry against the sacrifice system, no one has dared to stop it. It has been a never-end tradition since many years,” Mohapatra said.

The Jagannath Temple strictly follows a vegetarian menu for Lord Jagannatha, Baladev and Subhadra. Every day a number of vegetarian delicacies are cooked at the temple’s kitchen for nearly 20,000 people. “But for these three days during Dussehra, non-vegetarian prasad is cooked inside the temple premises and offered to goddess Bimala only. This is a tradition and we do not want to raise voice against the practice,” said another priest.

“Even the attempts of the former chief minister Harekrushna Mahatab and ex-Assembly Speaker Yudhistira das to stop the practice here in the past had cut no ice,” he said.

Law minister Biswabhusan Harichandan in the recent past had asked district collectors to ensure that no animal is butchered in shrines. Jagannath Temple’s administrator (ritual), Vinod Behari Mohanty, said that animal sacrifice inside the Jagannath Temple is a necessity. “We are just following the age-old tradition of butchering lambs near Goddess Bimala. It is a necessity. Unlike the open-air animal sacrifice, we perform the sacrifice ritual here in a secret manner,” Mohanty said.

“We admit that animal sacrifice is rampant in many shrines across the Orissa state. We also know that the government has banned the animal sacrifice in shrines. But it will take time to see the results,” said a senior district official.







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