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The Gaudiya Math Split Post 1937, Finn Madsen

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Sannyasis falling down, taking drugs or getting laid, that's not the big problem I'm seeing in front of me.


It's the big public scandals, like when it was on TV that when Bhavananda was at the airport he had to get an "internal examination" if you know what I mean, to see if Bhavananda had any rolls of money concealed in his private parts. They didn't find any that time. But the news report said that the police had good reason to believe that Bhavananda was leader of an organization that was involved in illegal activities and that he was taking money out of the country illegally etc.. He did drive a Jaguar car, after all -- not a good look.


And the bullying of ISKCON devotees against all other sects such as people who do yoga (the mayavadis) or who are mere vegetarians (even pidgeons are vegetarians), that kind of egotistical bullying has created a very negative opinion in many people's minds. What to speak of the "wigs" and books catastrophe that was played out in every shopping centre and other place that large numbers of people congregate. Ordinary folks think this type of organization is weird.


and all the money that has developed SCSM has come from angels from heaven and everything is all sanitary and sterile?


If SCSM got as much publicity as ISKCON gets, you wouldn't be in here talking down about ISKCON.


SCSM has got some skeletons in it's own closet.


They just don't get as much publicity as ISKCON, so you can get off the holier-than-ISKCON trip because it is a farce.

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Prove that!


The development work at Govinda Kunda and other things done at the Math is mostly paid for by Bharati Maharaj in Russia, who was previously the owner of one of the largest Telco companies in Russia. Other ashrams are mostly supported by donations from families.


Devotees of SCSMath have a lot of different ideas from the devotees of Sripad Narayana Maharaja but one thing we have in common is that we don't make money from "the pick". Certain attitudes, such as the idea that the individuals are more important than "temples" are shared ideals.

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You don't know that. Just another one of your crackpot ideas.


Why don't you go and meditate on your siddha-deha that you got revealed to you on the internet, Kshama Manjari?


see, you are wrong again.....


It's Kusum Manjari and don't you ever forget it!!!!!!!:eek:

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Prove that!


The development work at Govinda Kunda and other things done at the Math is mostly paid for by Bharati Maharaj in Russia, who was previously the owner of one of the largest Telco companies in Russia. Other ashrams are mostly supported by donations from families.

One of the largest Telco companies in Russia that made more money laundering cash from diamond smuggling.

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t one thing we have in common is that we don't make money from "the pick".

As if I don't know about Yudhamanyu and his exploits.

There was plenty of money siphoned off the pick by SCSM.


Yudhamanyu brought in hundreds of thousands from the pick.


probably under the cover of ISKCON as well.

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One of the largest Telco companies in Russia that made more money laundering cash from diamond smuggling.

You guy's are like sharks in a aparadhic feeding frenzy. The above statement is a stupid and unfounded rumor. Go ahead and give us some details or be quiet. There will be no details because its just a common rumor that has no basis in fact. Anyway to be fair, why not attack the Narayana Maharaja group next. It's a good diversion from thinking about how we've chanted for thirty years or more and have no realisation.

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You guy's are like sharks in a aparadhic feeding frenzy.


All I am trying to prove is that no group is spotless or stainless and all this bad mouthing ISKCON as if these other Mathas and groups are untouchable is a farce.


ISKCON has more scandals because it is hundreds of times bigger.

Hundreds of times bigger means the scandals are a hundredfold increase.


If you do a comparitive analysis by size, you will find that SCSM and Narayana Maharaja's gang have their own fair share of little nasties and that none of them are untouchable.


So, anytime Murali wants to stop talking about ISKCON as if it is some plague on the world, then he wont have to have his own alliances exposed for their own dirty little secrets.

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All I am trying to prove is that no group is spotless or stainless and all this bad mouthing ISKCON as if these other Mathas and groups are untouchable is a farce.


ISKCON has more scandals because it is hundreds of times bigger.

Hundreds of times bigger means the scandals are a hundredfold increase.


If you do a comparitive analysis by size, you will find that SCSM and Narayana Maharaja's gang have their own fair share of little nasties and that none of them are untouchable.


So, anytime Murali wants to stop talking about ISKCON as if it is some plague on the world, then he wont have to have his own alliances exposed for their own dirty little secrets.

I've spent much time in India in the past three years. I've been in Vrndavan and Govardhana for Kartika and in Mayapur-Nabadwip for Gaura Purnim several times. The Govinda M. and Narayana M. groups are coming close to out numbering Iskcon in regards to Western devotees on pilgrimage. It is quite startling. If you take into account Paramadvaiti M.'s following and some other small Math's then there are definitely more non-Iskcon Western devotees in the holy dhams. When you see these groups up close in India the non-Indian wings appear to be extensions of Iskcon in many ways. For the most part the doctrinal differences are only pertinent to a very small philosophical minority. Its very clear from speaking to some of the devotees in these groups that many of the same things such as the "alternative" ways in which money is acquired have been carried over or borrowed from Iskcon Consequently the Bhagawat says, kalau sudra sambhavah.

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This thread wasn't meant to be about ISKCON anyhow. It's about Gaudiya Math, which any ISKCON baba will tell you is separate from ISKCON.


Kshambuddhi wanted everyone to remember all the bad things that somebody he adores said about Bhaktivilas Tirtha Maharaj.


What to do?


If you look at the things I've written on this thread about ISKCON I haven't said things that are not true. Sadly, the fact that ISKCON is creating a bad image is true.

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This thread wasn't meant to be about ISKCON anyhow. It's about Gaudiya Math, which any ISKCON baba will tell you is separate from ISKCON.


Kshambuddhi wanted everyone to remember all the bad things that somebody he adores said about Bhaktivilas Tirtha Maharaj.


What to do?


If you look at the things I've written on this thread about ISKCON I haven't said things that are not true. Sadly, the fact that ISKCON is creating a bad image is true.

Well, like Yogi Berra said "it ain't over till it's over" and these other-than-ISKCON groups haven't got to the finish line yet and who knows what sort of scandals and scams await them down the road.


It's a little early to judge what is what yet.


Let's wait till Govinda Maharaja is gone and wait till Narayana Maharaja is gone and see if these untouchable, spotless groups can continue their lucky streak.

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Kshambuddhi wanted everyone to remember all the bad things that somebody he adores said about Bhaktivilas Tirtha Maharaj.





Srila Prabhupada's Letter to Yamuna 11/18/70: "Regarding the Gaudiya Math, our position has nothing to do with them. They cannot do anything and if somebody does something, they will be envious. That is the nature of third class men."


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I've spent much time in India in the past three years. I've been in Vrndavan and Govardhana for Kartika and in Mayapur-Nabadwip for Gaura Purnim several times. The Govinda M. and Narayana M. groups are coming close to out numbering Iskcon in regards to Western devotees on pilgrimage. It is quite startling. If you take into account Paramadvaiti M.'s following and some other small Math's then there are definitely more non-Iskcon Western devotees in the holy dhams. When you see these groups up close in India the non-Indian wings appear to be extensions of Iskcon in many ways. For the most part the doctrinal differences are only pertinent to a very small philosophical minority. Its very clear from speaking to some of the devotees in these groups that many of the same things such as the "alternative" ways in which money is acquired have been carried over or borrowed from Iskcon Consequently the Bhagawat says, kalau sudra sambhavah.


I have mentioned the same thing multiple times on other threads. In India, ISKCON's overall share of Vaishnavism was always minimal, and in the last few years, the other Gaudiya missions have overtaken it abroad as well. Over half of Hare Krishna activities outside of India are now conducted mainly by the different Gaudiya Mathas, and to a smaller degree, by the traditional Parivara and Sevaite lines. This trend is set to persist and even snowball in the foreseeable future. As Mahaprabhu's mission floods the entire globe in the coming decades, the proportion of this attributable to ISKCON will continually dwindle. This is an observable fact, and if it does not please some, tough!


Srila Vamsi dasa Babaji Ki Jaya!

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So internal factions within Iskcon and its sphere of influence, offshoots etc. can continue to quarrel about:

1. guru tattva - mostly rtvik vs. regular guru

2. the origin of the soul

3. the position of Laxmi Narayana relative to Radha Krsna

4. the position of Srila B.V. Swami in relation to his guru and godbrothers

5. the editing of Srila B.V. Swami's books

6. the position of the GBC and local temple management

7. the postion of the Gaudiya Math and its expansions in relation to Iskcon.


They say that Prabhupada's books are the final authority but everyone argues over the interpretations. They say that the GBC is the final living authority but only the new bhaktas really follow and respect the GBC. The GBCs don't really follow their own laws and rules, and mostly don't respect each other and everyone in Iskcon except brand new people knows it. For instance there is no way to stop Satsvarupa Prabhu from writing mundane sex novels and dedicating then to Prabhupada for Iskcon is sunk in scandals the GBC is mirred in deep internal politics.

MEANWHILE THE ISKCON BRANCH OF THE CAITANYA TREE IS BECOMING PARALYZED and they continue to pass stool on the "Gaudiya Math".


So very true to anybody with a brain.



Actually ISKCON isn't totally irrelvant. It is more of an embarassment.



The disgrace of world Vaishnavism, to paraphrase. And now with Jayapataka trying to step over the head of the Mayapura dhama-vasis and other Gaudiya societies in order to widen the access to his bogus/counterfeit Adbhuta Mandira, ISKCON will be increasingly viewed by the larger devotee community for what it has mutated into, a sham! As if their relations with the non-ISKCON Vaishnavas were not horrific enough - try asking the sevaites at Radha-Damodara in Vraja that! Like Sripada Narasingha Maharaja said in a recent article, over the years the GBC have succeeded in making ISKCON evolve into nothing less than an apa-sampradaya. I am sure that HDG Srila Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada must be pretty pained by such a pathetic state of affairs.



Indian people are more sympathetic to ISKCON but maybe they are naive.


Well, I'm not. And I know many, many born Hindus who regard ISKCON as an outrageously eccentric cultish sect made up of former hippies and drug abusers. I have myself been able to convince one or two uninitiated Indian/Hindu ISKCON sympathisers to also look outside of it (not quit) for more beneficial sadhu sanga. I did not feel any pleasure in doing that, rather I felt mildly hurt, but I know it was something I had to do for the greater good of the people concerned. This is nothing less than a tragedy, more so because there are without a doubt many extraordinary, humble and non-society conscious bhaktas within ISKCON, and the last thing which is needed is for them to be stifled and constricted because of the impossibly bad leadership.


I do not see why mentioning the inescapable fact that ISKCON today has turned into a pale shadow of the vision that Bhaktivedanta Swami had at his organisation's inception is viewed as offensive to His Divine Grace by the more susceptible among his followers. Facts speak for themselves, and even though a few here are correct to write that other missions and individuals are also not immune to scandals and less than honourable behaviour, it is the arrogant, ignorance-steeped, ego-building indulgence of most ISKCONites to the effect that THEY are Krishna's and Chaitanya's chosen ones that generate the sort of resentment that is frequently noticed in persons who derive their knowledge from other sources.


Srila Vamsi dasa Babaji Ki Jaya

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it is the arrogant, ignorance-steeped, ego-building indulgence of most ISKCONites to the effect that THEY are Krishna's and Chaitanya's chosen ones

As much as I dislike what ISKCON has turned into, even I am not so arrogant and full-of-myself as to say that ISKCON devotees think they are "the chosen ones" of Krishna or Caitanya.


I don't think they feel like the "chosen ones".

I think that is just an envious over-exaggeration.


They don't think they are the "chosen ones".

That is a false accusation by someone who has issues of his own do sort out.


You people are very eager to put ISKCON down, but the fact of the matter is that there is no perfect alternative in the Gaudiya Matha or anywhere in India as far as that goes.


In time, many of these ISKCON alternatives will be shown to have their own fair share of bigotry, charlatonism and political battles.


All this hype about these alternatives to ISKCON being so good and proper won't last forever.


Sooner or later they are going to have to wash their pile of dirty laundry and then everyone will see it when it's hung out to dry.


All these claims that there is some sort of Gaudiya Shangri-la outside of ISKCON is just a lot of false propaganda by envious people who would love to turn ISKCON in a playground for the Gaudiya Matha.

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Muralidhar, much of what you have to say chimes with me, but I take strong exception to your zealous condemnation of Ananta Vasudeva. He certainly had his weaknesses, like we all do for that matter, but he also had his plus points and did carry out some amazing service. Your analysis is also severely flawed in light on the pronounced ideological slant with which you argue your case.


The WVA may be a political movement for you, but at least Paramadvaiti Maharaja is trying to connect groups and bring people together, which is in stark contrast to others who choose to sit in their own mathas without the ability to gauge the strength that unity can bring. His efforts are being appreciated even by Ramanuja and Nimbarkiya Vaishnavas, let alone the overwhelming majority of Sarasvata communities and a few traditional Gaudiyas whose support he has. To any thoughtful devotee or aspirant bhakta, the work of Paramadvaiti Maharaja is simply sublime.


Just to give audience the other side of the story relating to the devotional career of Ananta Vasudeva, I am posting this material on him, which is a passage from the biography of Srila Krsna dasa Babaji Maharaja, aka Madrasi Baba. Here it goes:


In 1943 he travelled with his son and Haridas to Delhi, where they were invited to attend a series of lectures on Sri Jiva Gosvami's 'Bhakti Sandarbha' given by Puri das Maharaj. It went on for up to five, six hours daily, nearly for a month and a half and continued in Mathura for about twenty days, having originally started in Sri Mayapur at the rate of three classes daily for a period of four and a half months. As a great VaishNava and an accomplished Sanskrit scholar, Puri das Maharaj was lecturing with profound theological sensitivity, finding it almost impossible to check his deep religious emotions, to the point of having his tears completely drenching his chest. At the concluding session he announced that he was relinquishing all of his followers to any of the existing authentic uninterrupted (parampara) Gaudiya Vaishnava hereditary spiritual lineages of which they had the choice to affiliate themselves properly in disciplic succession. He then got married, had a daughter and a son and dedicated the rest of his life in transliterating 62 books of the Vrindavan Gosvamis from Sanskrit to Bengali, publishing them for free distribution to the most important pandits of India.

When Krishna Das and Hari Das returned to Bombay, the latter was transferred by his company (Metro Goldwyn Mayer) to New Delhi, where he assumed the post of assistant manager. He used to spend his weekends together with his wife and son in Mathura. In 1944, Krishna das resigned from his job and also left Bombay to arrive in Mathura, together with his mother, wife and son, on Saturday, 9th of April, at 5.p.m. He was then engaged in receiving visiting pilgrims related to the Gaudiya Math mission at the train station, and to guide them to the different main holy sites of Mathura. Later, by the agency of Hari das he started working for the Metro Goldwyn Mayer cinema in Agra. At the beginning he lived alone in a rented room situated just in front of the cinema, but after finding a bigger residence, his mother, wife and son came from Mathura to live with him. As his residence was far away >from his place of work he reached it by bicycle.

Hari dasa's superiors wanted to promote Haridas to the post of manager of the company, but instead of accepting the promotion he handed in his resignation, rather choosing to entirely dedicate his life to spirituality. He then moved with his family to Mathura, where he assisted Puri das Maharaj as a secretary and private cook. In 1945, as his wife passed away due to tuberculosis, leaving him their small son Narayan, he then married the last of her three younger sisters. In 1946, Krishna dasa's wife also passed away, due to round-worm in Agra's public hospital. The brother of a man whose wife also died in the next bed transported the two corpses with his truck to the Yamuna, where the widowers consecrated them after reciting religious prayers. Having been informed of the bereavement, Krishna dasa's maternal uncle came to Mathura with the idea to take Krishna dasa's son Mukunda with him to Kerala and raise him there, but as his sister was too desparate they decided to leave him in her care. In 1948, after she passed away in Mathura, 6-year old Mukunda was brought to Bombay by his father, from where the maternal uncle took him to Kerala. Krishna das then returned to remain with Puri das Maharaj and assist him in his work. As Puri das Maharaj moved his quarters to Vrindavan Krishna das followed him and started living in Radha Raman Ghera as a neighbour of Vishvambhar and Krishna Chaitanya Gosvamis. This gave him the chance to daily attend the seven arati-ceremonies of Sri Sri Radha Raman. Puri das Maharaj stayed near Sri Sri Radha Raman Mandir for a while and moved to a room in Purushottama Gosvami's residence in Bankicha. During this period, Krishna das and his bosom friend Binay Babu travelled together to visit different sites in Vraja Mandal, like Kedarnath, Badrinath, etc.

In 1951, Puri das Maharaj decided to build a house at Ambika Kalna and entrusted the task to Hari das and Krishna das. They reached the place by train, bought a plot of land near Gauri das Pandit's Gaura-Nitai temple and had the construction work started. Hari das returned to Vrindavan after a few months, but Krishna das remained, continuing to supervise the work. During that period he used to bike almost everyday to Navadvipa and back, and at Ambika Kalna he regularly went and meditated at the samadhi (tomb) of the advanced bhajananandi saint Sri Bhagavan das Babaji. Because he daily read Chaitanya Bhagavat and Chaitanya Charitamrita in Gauri das Pandit's Gaura-Nitai temple room with a few listeners attending, and resided in Bengal, he narurally became familiar with the Bengali language. On one occasion he had the privilege to worship the Gaur Nitai deities for two days, substituting Their priest.

Three years later, in 1954, Krishna das was back in Vrindavan. Then, in 1957, he moved to Barsana, where he lived at different places till 1959, and got the chance to associate with and render some services to the famous advanced saint Srila Sacinandan Das Babaji. Once, as the saint was brooming up and down the main stairs connecting the Larli Lal or Shriji Ka Mandir (the main temple) to the village, he stayed all the way behind him until he finished, so that the attracted crowd might not hamper him. In the meantime Puri das Maharaj passed away in Vrindavana, four days after Gaura Purnima of 1958, and his corpse was brought to Radhakund where he was given a samadhi (tomb). Krishna das lived at the samadhi, located in the vicinity of the local cremation ground, in the company of Sudarshan Das, for nearly four months. During this time he copied Srila Vishvanatha Cakravarti Thakur's book Sri Prema Samputa out by hand. On Gaura Purnima, 1959, the advanced bhajananandi saint Srila Sakhicaran Das Babaji, who belonged to the hereditary spiritual disciplic lineage of Srila Lokanath Gosvami (the first intimate associate of Lord Gauranga who was the first to be dispatched to Vraja by the Lord, along with Srila Bhugarbha Gosvami, in order to recover the lost holy sites), blessed him with diksha (spiritual initiation).

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Muralidhar, much of what you have to say chimes with me, but I take strong exception to your zealous condemnation of Ananta Vasudeva. He certainly had his weaknesses, like we all do for that matter, but he also had his plus points and did carry out some amazing service. Your analysis is also severely flawed in light on the pronounced ideological slant with which you argue your case.

Excuse me for butting in, but I don't think anybody would totally condemn Ananta Vasudeva for having personal failings and weakness.


It's the fact that he participated in a monsterously offensive campaign that resulted in the disintegration of the Gaudiya Matha that is unforgivable.


If devotees just go away from the institutions and make trouble for themselves, then whose business is that?


It's the ones that created havoc within the institutions that do get and should get a good public condemnation.


Of course Ananta Vasudeva had his inspired side.

That is quite obvious.


What he also had was some serious personal problems that he should have went off on his own to deal with instead of dragging the Gaudiya Matha down with him.


People like you don't have any solutions to problems.


All you have is way to make a problem worse.

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Whenever I look at such spitting battles among Vaishnavas I never see any winners. Yet it seems clear to me that there is a lesson in humility in all of that maddness. Untill we learn this lesson, the spitting wars will continue.


Proud disciples of proud gurus proclaiming their own sense of superiority while the world burns.

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Proud disciples of proud gurus proclaiming their own sense of superiority while the world burns.

Not everybody can be right.

When there is conflict there is most often someone who has trespassed onto the property of another.


Defending one's sacred soil is not a spitting contest.

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Well, like Yogi Berra said "it ain't over till it's over" and these other-than-ISKCON groups haven't got to the finish line yet and who knows what sort of scandals and scams await them down the road.


It's a little early to judge what is what yet.


Let's wait till Govinda Maharaja is gone and wait till Narayana Maharaja is gone and see if these untouchable, spotless groups can continue their lucky streak.

There has been many problems concerning the continuation of leadership in iskcon after the founder left. Have the deciples of these other groups learned from this? Have they actually aproached Narayan maharaj or Govinda maharaj to ask them who should succeed them to avoid the same problem? Or is talking to ones spiritual master in that way considered offensive.

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There has been many problems concerning the continuation of leadership in iskcon after the founder left. Have the deciples of these other groups learned from this? Have they actually aproached Narayan maharaj or Govinda maharaj to ask them who should succeed them to avoid the same problem? Or is talking to ones spiritual master in that way considered offensive.

I am not sure that I have the perfect answer for that.


I think that it all should be left up to the spiritual master.

We don't have to dog him for some definitive answer.


If he leaves without appointing a successer then that is deliberate and for good reason.


The spiritual master will make his statements when the time is right.


If he doens't make any final statement about successor then the disciples just have to look within their hearts for the answer.


I personally disagree with when the GBC went to Srila Prabhupada and dogged him about what was going to happen after he was gone.


Srila Prabhupada should have been allowed to make his own statement in his own time.


I think that the GBC should have just waited to see what Srila Prabhupada decided to do without them getting all agitated about who was going to be guru and then trying to squeeze something out of Srila Prabhupada.


They did attempt to manipulate and squeeze Srila Prabhupada.

The result is that ISKCON suffered a massive setback that is still going on.


The opposition to the GBC is growing day by day because they are not doing things properly.


No, just let the acharya move in his own way.

Don't squeeze or manipulate him for an answer to that question.

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I am not sure that I have the perfect answer for that.


I think that it all should be left up to the spiritual master.

We don't have to dog him for some definitive answer.


If he leaves without appointing a successer then that is deliberate and for good reason.


The spiritual master will make his statements when the time is right.


If he doens't make any final statement about successor then the disciples just have to look within their hearts for the answer.


I personally disagree with when the GBC went to Srila Prabhupada and dogged him about what was going to happen after he was gone.


Srila Prabhupada should have been allowed to make his own statement in his own time.


I think that the GBC should have just waited to see what Srila Prabhupada decided to do without them getting all agitated about who was going to be guru and then trying to squeeze something out of Srila Prabhupada.


They did attempt to manipulate and squeeze Srila Prabhupada.

The result is that ISKCON suffered a massive setback that is still going on.


The opposition to the GBC is growing day by day because they are not doing things properly.


No, just let the acharya move in his own way.

Don't squeeze or manipulate him for an answer to that question.


Just like all cheating elements, dharmaḥ projjhita, that go on in the name of religion are being kicked out of the Srimad-Bhagavatam, similiarly, the same happens in Lord Caitanya Sankirtan Movement. Aren't disturbing elements removed without separate endeavour?



Completely rejecting all religious activities which are materially motivated, this Bhāgavata Purāṇa propounds the highest truth, which is understandable by those devotees who are fully pure in heart. The highest truth is reality distinguished from illusion for the welfare of all. Such truth uproots the threefold miseries. This beautiful Bhāgavatam, compiled by the great sage Vyāsadeva in his maturity, is sufficient in itself for God realization. What is the need of any other scripture? As soon as one attentively and submissively hears the message of Bhāgavatam, by this culture of knowledge the Supreme Lord is established within his heart.


Śrīmad Bhāgavatam 1.1.2

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