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Krishna is a LIE and I've lost nearly everything to it...

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Don, we don't have time to sort through tons of pages. It's about Krsna - not your feelings. Can't you just say it. It's like before - the presentation (and lack of presentation) screams insanity. Like are THEY really bugging your teeth - are you that big a threat to the man. If so, forget the man, remember Krsna and stop wasting your life.

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Don, we don't have time to sort through tons of pages. It's about Krsna - not your feelings. Can't you just say it. It's like before - the presentation (and lack of presentation) screams insanity. Like are THEY really bugging your teeth - are you that big a threat to the man. If so, forget the man, remember Krsna and stop wasting your life.


Yes the NDP socialist insurance company does have an implant in my left maxillary sinus:



Krishna did nothing to protect me from this - nor has he done anything to help me out of this situation!


It'll be five years in less than 2 weeks that i've been implated - why should I have this 'device' in my person for the rest of my life? Why should such a nasty thing go unresolved and especially - in a place like Canada - i don't need vague 'philosophical answers' that mean nothing in the world in which i live.


It seems to me that for all my faith and hope krishna is not God - he makes certain promisies that he doesn't keep - it's a joke really.


Add to this the fact that the human rights commission stated "we don't cover krishna here"...so where is he - if he is God? Maybe God [the real God] is trying to get me to understand something here....

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Krishna gives special favor to one who is His devotee and is attached. When I joined the temple I had nothing, just some laxmi I gave to the Bhakta Program in San Diego. That was twenty-six years ago. I was told that if I needed to get married Krishna would supply everything, and I thought why not? I have given everything to Him. My life, my service. And ultimately my youth.

Then finally when I was thirty-five I was able to get married to a devotee woman. I did not want to leave the temple I was so used to living in, but the temple president kicked me out. Then the GBC said I could not live in the apartment house I was staying in because of the "envious" devotee staying there. So I got my own place. It was at this time that I got married. We moved to a trailer thinking that was a good step up toward a house after our first child, and then after our second we got a house. I have retired after barely working a total of ten years in my life altogether materially and get enough to pay for more than half of our bills and my wife pays for the rest. A devotee pushed me to re-finance my house and the loan went through just yesterday saving me $250 a month and now I will only have 19 years left to pay instead of twenty something, we just bought the house with a thirty year loan two years ago.

Our car has never given us a problem, we bought it new and paid it off years ago, early. It has low mileage. I get computers for free, and my printer was a gift too, I have only paid one dollar for a box that connects the computers I have to the same modem and I have been online for years. Krishna sees that I cannot handle the pressures of this material world? One time a sannyasi told me I was never going to make it in the material world. Another time my guru maharaja told shouted out in class,"Adi Kavi! Why are you attached to having sex with a nasty she-hog? You want sex with a nasty she-hog? Krishna will give you a wife, children, car, house, and all the rest and one day you will say,'Krishna take it BACK! Take it back! Take it all away, take it back!'". At the time I barely had enough laxmi to go to India, where he said this during Bhagavatam class. Gour Govinda Maharaja was or is tri-kala-jna. He is my guru maharaja. He made this prediction. Now I have all these things that he said but my children are still young. I plan on giving up things to go to India when I get older. At least so I can go try to serve a little in Bhubaneshwar.

I also have health insurance. The house has a pool, gazebo, a huge shed and a half an acre of prime fenced in land, a garage, driveway, and I didn't even want all this necessarily, my wife picked out the house. I would have been satisfied with less. So hang in there Bhakta Don, Krishna will give you your desires.

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As far as teeth goes, I had a filling drilled too deeply when I was young and one time I cracked the tooth on a chestnut. I was telling this story at the temple in Washington D.C. because they were serving coconut and I was chewing it carefully when Badarayani Prabhu cracked HIS tooth on a coconut shell. The worst pain in my life has involved my teeth practically. But all this pain is necessary for a fool like me to understand that life in this material world can never be painfree therefore we can never be happy here.

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As far as teeth goes, I had a filling drilled too deeply when I was young and one time I cracked the tooth on a chestnut. I was telling this story at the temple in Washington D.C. because they were serving coconut and I was chewing it carefully when Badarayani Prabhu cracked HIS tooth on a coconut shell. The worst pain in my life has involved my teeth practically. But all this pain is necessary for a fool like me to understand that life in this material world can never be painfree therefore we can never be happy here.


...hardly like my experiance - i should note that when i was implanted i had also a wisdom tooth that needed removal - only - i didn't have it done - due to the noted 'implant procedure' so - i've lived with that wisdom tooth rotting away to the roots and - five years later - that's all that remains - roots - you don't need to tell me about 'tooth pain'...

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Another time my guru maharaja told shouted out in class,"Adi Kavi! Why are you attached to having sex with a nasty she-hog?


Yeah that's typical isn't it - what an image to project to the world - too many of these 'gurus' do not like women and they heavily discourage family life - that's irresponsible leadership if you ask me.

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No he wasn't discouraging me. The devotees in class were happy afterwards and ran up to talk to me. It was only years later that I realised why I was so attached to a nasty she-hog, because I wasn't attached to serving Krishna and my spiritual master. Gour Govinda Maharaja could and did read my mind word for word in his classes, from things I was thinking right then and there to things I had done or even thought about before. His female disciples were jealous because he mostly only did this for the men.

When my guru went to retire from family life, before going to Vrndavana and finding Srila Prabhupada, half of his village came to watch. Srila Prabhupada said he was born a devotee. He married at the request of his mother and only had sex seven times, once for each child, in his life. His grandfather was a yogi who left his body at will.

One time some sannyasis were complaining that Gour Govinda Swami was being allowed to take sannyasa, being a newcomer to ISKCON. Srila Prabhupada said to them, "He was born a devotee, you are the new men".

Another time a sannyasi called Gour Govinda a "boy". You know how they call new devotees boys sometimes? Anyway Srila Prabhupada said,"You mean Gour Govinda? He is old enough to be your father." He saw the International Society for Krishna Consciousness sign in Vrndavana and walked in. He wanted to talk to the leader. He wanted to take sannyasa. As soon as he went up to Srila Prabhupada Srila Prabhupada said,"I will give you sannyasa." He told my guru maharaja to make disciples all over the world, build the temple in Bhubaneshwar from nothing, and translate his books into Oriya, all of which my guru did.

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Krishna did nothing to protect me from this - nor has he done anything to help me out of this situation!

Are you sure? First off, we are not these teeth, nor are we Canadians. The 3-fold miseries are a given. Srila Sridhara Maharaja taught that "the environment is friendly.Tat te 'nukampam su-samiksimano."

One who seeks Your compassion and thus tolerates all kinds of adverse conditions due to the karma of his own past deeds, who engages always in Your devotional service with his mind, words, and body, and who always offers obeisances unto You, is certainly a bona fide candidate for becoming Your unalloyed devotee." (SB, 10th Canto)

Sri Caitanya taught in sloka 3 of Sri Siksastakam that we should be more tolerant than a tree. Haridas Thakur exemplified this mood for the benefit of the entire world when he continued chanting Hare Krsna while being beaten in the market place. If we fail to embrace these basic philosophical understandings, then of course we will lose faith whenever we are faced with adversity. We have to learn (as difficult as it may be sometimes) that Krsna is not the cause of our miseries. Miseries come due to the results of our past activities, and they are coming to purify us. We must accept full responsibility for our karma and avoid the tendency to blame others and blame God. If you still have a tongue and can still chant the holy names, then forget about the teeth, Krsna hasn't abandoned you.

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Chanakya Pandit said three things must be taken care of immediately or else they will spread out of control, debts, disease and taxes. If you didn't have the intelligence to take care of your tooth and it has been rotting away for five years don't try to blame Krishna for your mistake.

I just got the latest Back to Prabhupada. I don't know if this is true but you criticised my guru for saying "nasty she-hog" which means a pig. On page 5 of BTP a devotee from Detroit quotes Srila Prabhupada as saying,"pigs" as Prabhupada used to say. I'm not saying Srila Prabhupada said it, but maybe? I don't accept what they say necessarily, because on page 14 they talk about a "personal whisper" and page 15 a "Secret Whisper" as evidence how my guru maharaja was ordered to accept disciples. But my guru maharaja used no such terms. What he did say is being twisted. All he said is when Srila Prabhupada was in his room, and before he left the planet we all know how he had to whisper everything, like his translations of the tenth canto, at that time he whispered to my guru maharaja some instructions, but I never heard my guru say it was a "secret personal whisper" only he heard or anything like that. Let's take my guru's words as they were spoken without adding embellishments like "personal" and "secret" that he didn't use, and understand them according to the time, place and circumstances under which Srila Prabhupada said them. Is there a recorded statement where Srila Prabhupada told my guru maharaja to build the Bhubaneshwar temple? Is it written in his books? Yet we all know that Srila Prabhupada went there and stayed with his dear disciple Gour Govinda Maharaja and that it was the last project he laid the cornerstone for. He told my guru that only he would stay there, and no one else managed to remain through the tribulation of snakes and dacoits and so on. The one Prabhupada disciple I know who was there at the time praises Gour Govinda Swami as a maha-bhagavata, and tells of the story where my guru maharaja passed out in the temple. Srila Prabhupada's Godbrother Akincana Krishnadasa Babaji Maharaja came and said my guru maharaja was in samadhi.

It is a nice sentiment that the IRM devotees have but the two problems they have is one, they are not following Srila Prabhupada who wanted his disciples to become gurus, and two, they blaspheme pure devotees like my guru maharaja simply for following Srila Prabhupada. Therefore I would have to guess that they are going to take another birth as a resultant reaction?

At least they put a picture of my guru in the magazine along with some other devotees underneath the picture of Srila Prabhupada on page 15. That was nice.

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So let's see, on the one hand we have Krishna Kant Desai and his gang of Ratha Yatra busting disciples, and on the other hand my guru.

Krishna Kant not only never saw Srila Prabhupada or got inititiated by him, but he says we don't need a physically present spiritual master to initiate us. Too bad he didn't read the Caitanya Caritamrta where a devotee laments each time he misses out on the physical presence of a guru as he tries to become the disciple of them one after one.

Gour Govinda Maharaja however not only took sannyasa from Srila Prabhupada in practically record breaking time and received personal instructions from him in Vrndavana, at a time when most new devotees hardly got to spend much time with His Divine Grace, but Srila Prabhupada personally gave GGS so much association when he went to visit him in Bhubaneshwar for a month or two. Then Krishna Kant Desai has the gall to instigate that Gour Govinda Maharaja only had a "Secret Whisper" in the form of instructions from Srila Prabhupada? What nerve! Fools rush in where angels fear to tread, and not in a good way in this case.

I would listen to the words of my guru maharaja a thousand times before listening to the words of this Krishna Kant Desai even once. He is just an upstart who has stolen one of Srila Prabhupada's temples and many of his disciples away from ISKCON. He must have some sort of strange karma that so many people follow him. I personally can't see why, but then again I could never see why so many people bought into the whole guru regime while it was going on either. When I joined ISKCON all 11 of the original spiritual masters were present, and I saw each and every one of them at one time or another. Not that all of them were necessarily bad, but just because mistakes were made is no reason to reject the process of disciplic succession.

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For the tooth pain I would recommend myrrh.

I always keep a bottle of myrrh around.

I don't know what it is or how it works, but myrrh gum has helped me through cavities and tooth pain on several occasions.

In fact, just last week I started having tooth pain over a cavity that finally got to the nerve and started causing a lot of pain.

I ran to the health food store and got a bottle of myrrh and took couple of capsules with a drink as soon as i got outside.

I took a couple of aspirins too.

By the time I got home the tooth pain was gone.

Then when I got home I ground up some fresh cloves in my spice grinder and used it like a country hick keeps a jaw full of snuff.

It helped a lot to relieve the pain.

I kept taking the myrrh for a couple of days and now I have no pain from the tooth, though I can sense that is has a cavity and is sensitive to cold and heat.

I have used myrrh for years for tooth ache.

I don't know how it works, but is has sure helped me.

My daughter liked gum and candy and she ended up with a rotten molar that gave her a lot of pain.

I gave her some myrrh to take and she did alright and the tooth rotted out and she never had any more pain.

Don't ask me how it works, but mryyh has worked wonders for me and my daughter when it comes to toothache pain.

I have used myrrh for years as a flu remedy, and it was by accident that I discoverd that it worked great on toothache pain.

I would say give it and try and see if it work for you.

Myrrh gum.

You can get it at about any health food store.

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Sorry but I felt my guru and Srila Prabhupada and Krishna were offended so I became angry. One last thing, the IRM passes out literature produced by Krishna Kant Desai, yet he accuses present gurus in ISKCON of using Srila Prabhupada's books to make their own disciples.

If Krishna Kant were to go to Ratha Yatras and preach using Srila Prabhupada's books about Srila Prabhupada and Krishna then there would be no problem. But out of the entire series of Back to Prabhupada there has not been one mention of the word Krishna except devotees names, and neither are they distributing Prabhupada's books, but Krishna Kant's instead. And his goal is to take all of the movement's property and disciples and bring it under his control, he makes no secret about it, which is against Srila Prabhupada's final order to co-operate with the GBC in order to push on the movement after he is gone.

So I don't know who he is trying to fool when he shows devotees upset about his disciples distributing his magazines. Of course they are. Distribute Prabhupada's books, Srimad Bhagavatam and Krishna book, Bhagavad-Gita as it is, not Back to Prabhupada. Srila Prabhupada authorised no such thing. In order to print transcendental literature it takes more than just printing a photo of the guru on the cover. It takes the words of the pure devotee like Srila Prabhupada. And authorization, in the case of ISKCON, from the GBC.

Sorry I just had to say it.

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Yes, this entire thread proves once and for all, "Krsna is an autocrat, a despot and a liar". "Even when He handles me roughly", ...well when things don't go my way I have to admit sometimes I really freak out. Yet, Although I am indirectly blaming Krsna, I don't ever really do it in an obvious way. for two reasons. First, I want everyone to think that I am an advanced spiritualist. Second, If all this Krsna stuff is really true, then I want to be in His good graces at the time of death. Of course this doesn't mean giving up sense gratification. Believe me I have a lot of excuses for maintaining a life of sense gratification combined with pseudo-Hare Krsna-ism. You can imagine. If I told you them all I would bore you to death.

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Yeah it would bore me to death because I am sure I am dealing with the very same ones.


All our heartaches, trials and tribulations have been dealt with by others before since immemorial as the fallen souls try to (re?)gain standing in the Kingdom of God. It is a well trodden and well marked path.


The good news is all who perservere eventually succeed by Krsna's grace. But it is a rough go having the dross burned off from our inner gold. The baptism of fire....ouch!

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Yeah--crucibles can be tough!


I forgot what crucible meant so I had to look it up.


<dl><dt class="hwrd">Main Entry:</dt><dd class="hwrd">cru·ci·ble audio.gif</dd><dt class="pron">Pronunciation:</dt><dd class="pron"> \ˈkrü-sə-bəl\ </dd><dt class="func">Function:</dt><dd class="func">noun </dd><dt class="ety">Etymology:</dt><dd class="ety">Middle English corusible, from Medieval Latin crucibulum earthen pot for melting metals</dd><dt class="date">Date:</dt><dd class="date">15th century</dd></dl> 1 : a vessel of a very refractory material (as porcelain) used for melting and calcining a substance that requires a high degree of heat

2 : a severe test

3 : a place or situation in which concentrated forces interact to cause or influence change or development ...


Crucible for sure and yes it's a beech.

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Are you sure? First off, we are not these teeth, nor are we Canadians....Krsna hasn't abandoned you.


If someone is beating the stuffing out of you I’m sure you can 'transcend' the pain and anguish with that! Do understand - I've abandoned krishna and - for good reason. However after all is said and done - I have NOT abandoned God...


For one example I and another person gave up everything - in May 1996 - to move to Vancouver and - don't get me started how poorly we were treated there only to not stay there [i see now it was a blessing we didn't stay]!


I could name some names [i later found out that they were known creeps before we ever met them] and all the like but - I won't - just suffice it to say i [and so many others!] have been extensively kicked around [and mishandled] by the hare krishna's. I've literally known but few who were really so-called sincere about the kind of association they are supposed to be.


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Bhakta Don, the reason Krishna and Jesus and Allah never helped you with your tooth implant is because you don't have one. The government doesn't care what you are saying in your house, and no government agency would ever waste time secretly listening to your conversations.


You suffer from some mental paranoia and probably need to take medication for it. You are not such an important person that the government is tracking your every move. No one cares about what you do or what you say.


And now you foolishly want to reject Krishna based on an imagined tooth implant that does not exist at all. Go to a psychiatrist and let them prescribe you the medication that you really need.

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Bhakta Don, the reason Krishna and Jesus and Allah never helped you with your tooth implant is because you don't have one. The government doesn't care what you are saying in your house, and no government agency would ever waste time secretly listening to your conversations.


You suffer from some mental paranoia and probably need to take medication for it. You are not such an important person that the government is tracking your every move. No one cares about what you do or what you say.


And now you foolishly want to reject Krishna based on an imagined tooth implant that does not exist at all. Go to a psychiatrist and let them prescribe you the medication that you really need.

Gee the implant is quite visible and you are denial of that!




You must be blind – what is your evidence for that judgment? You better go to an Optometrist and have your eyes checked.


Explain why I have an x-ray of the implant [as one piece of evidence - there are more] and – I don’t have to explain why they did this - the coordinators of the procedure do.


If you think this change in me is all about the implant then - you haven't even been reading this thread properly...other reasons are noted. More may come!


Why is it that so many hare krishna people turn out to be - creeps?


Oh and why did you leave Yahweh out of your little posting? I wonder if you're the one who made the earlier comment about Talmud - a little bit anti-Semitic are you and - just who are you - hiding behind "Guest" and thus not posting your name - i post my name! :P



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