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Live discourses of Shree Kripalu ji Maharaj, today!!!

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Take this wonderful oppertunity to hear Shree Maharajji's discourses live on TV Asia or on barsanadham website, today.



Sunday, April 15th 2007: 12:30 PM Eastern & Pacific; 11:30 AM Central

Sunday, April 22nd 2007: 12:30 PM Eastern & Pacific; 11:30 AM Central

Sunday, April 29th 2007: 12:30 PM Eastern & Pacific; 11:30 AM Central

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Do the followers of Shree Kripalu ji Maharaj believe that he is Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Himself? Why the spelling Krishn rather than Krishna or Krsna?



Only his disciples can experience who he is. He is different for different people. You might be able to experience him, if you watch the live lecture today on TV Asia or barsanadham.org site.

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-Do the followers of Shree Kripalu ji Maharaj believe that he is Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Himself? Why the spelling Krishn rather than Krishna or Krsna?

*Only his disciples can experience who he is. He is different for different people. You might be able to experience him, if you watch the live lecture today on TV Asia or barsanadham.org site.


-I don't know if I have the time?


*Let me ask you this, If you could get 10 million dollars for that bit of time, would you do it.


-Why sure?


*So how much is hearing from Mahaprabhu directly worth to you?:cool:


-Hmmm, I don't know if I can afford it at this time...........



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-Do the followers of Shree Kripalu ji Maharaj believe that he is Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Himself? Why the spelling Krishn rather than Krishna or Krsna?

*Only his disciples can experience who he is. He is different for different people. You might be able to experience him, if you watch the live lecture today on TV Asia or barsanadham.org site.


-I don't know if I have the time?


*Let me ask you this, If you could get 10 million dollars for that bit of time, would you do it.


-Why sure?


*So how much is hearing from Mahaprabhu directly worth to you?:cool:


-Hmmm, I don't know if I can afford it at this time...........




Listen to one lecture and it will take your breath away. Guarnteed!!!

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Kripalu Maharajji is currently in Austin, USA. He will be there until May 13. He will be giving 2 live speeches on APril 22 and 29. i highly recommend anyone and everyone to get his darshan.


Radhey Radhey

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Do the followers of Shree Kripalu ji Maharaj believe that he is Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Himself? Why the spelling Krishn rather than Krishna or Krsna?



On the spelling of Krishn.....i believe that if you actually read the ISCKON pronounciation guide of the word KRSNA, both Krishn and Krsna should have the same pronounciation...the problem being that there is no perfect manner to write Krishn(a)'s name in English.


There are numerous similarities between Jagadguru Kripalu Maharajji and Lord Caitanya. i am currently reading Caitanya Bhagavat and everyday my breath gets taken away when i read some leela of Mahaprabhu or His virtues which are identical with Maharajji. Like someone else here said, it is up to you to decide on what He is for you :)


Radhey Radhey

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Krishn is simply Hindustani spelling of selfsame "Krsna" or "Krishna"


Yes many of his follower accepts him as Chaitanya Mahaprabhu along with his associates. See him on TV and in person and maybe you'll experience what others have experienced viz. his divity.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Do the followers of Shree Kripalu ji Maharaj believe that he is Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Himself?


Who's to say? If one were to say yes then most assuradly someone would condemn that comment!


What I personally have come to believe....It is the same descension of Grace and Divine Love as it was when Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was here, only more liberally!!!


Not because anyone told me that...my OWN heart has come to tell me that


My heart has melted and continues to melt even more as I surrender more and more to Sri Maharajji. I started out with skepticism but Thank GOD, I had enough sense to put my intellect aside just enough to let him into my heart and it started something.


Why was I so stupid for waiting so long and fighting against this chance that will only be with us for just a very limited time now.


He has not come to dispute OTHER saints, he is just here to Grace us.

He has simplifed so much and has given us the "keys" to follow the path which is SO HARD and even harder now in Kali Yug than was the time with Sri Chaitanya.


This does not mean to say that there aren't other Saints or there will not be Others in the future, I believe even Sri Maharajji indicates there always will be Saints...


But NOTHING like the caliber of this descension!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Take advantage of WHATEVER you can now....in a short amount of time there will be those that regret missing this opportunity

Does that mean they are lost??? NO...just that they did not realize what was right before their eyes and the opportunity to speed their God-realization progress so much faster with a descension that has come for that VERY reason to Grace and help us toward that Goal quicker!


Hari Bol!

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I am glad to hear your opinion. The only reason I started to take part here because one devotee told me that she heard about Maharajji through this. For that reason I thought if we could talk a little about Maharajji then may be some soul, who is longing for braj ras, can come to him. Even if no other person understand atleast we can stay in touch with each other.

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Radhey Radhey Bhaiya,

That is good to hear that people can be brought to Shree Maharajji's Satsang over an internet board. I started posting here during a period when there was alot of Namapradha here. The offender's identity was discovered by me and he quickly retracted.


By the way, i'm curious of *your* identity. If you have been at Barsana Dham during Shree Maharajji's visit, then I must have seen you or know you. ;)


So, i might try to figure you out when i get time...


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Radhey Radhey Bhaiya,

That is good to hear that people can be brought to Shree Maharajji's Satsang over an internet board. I started posting here during a period when there was alot of Namapradha here. The offender's identity was discovered by me and he quickly retracted.


By the way, i'm curious of *your* identity. If you have been at Barsana Dham during Shree Maharajji's visit, then I must have seen you or know you. ;)


So, i might try to figure you out when i get time...


sri maharaj ji showed me true path of bhakti and explained me true devotion

as guru nanak dev ji[my eternal guru ji] used to do.......

i find maharaj ji my living guru....i hope i cud get chance to meet him


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Kripalu's speeches take breath away if one were to be swung by his byheart recitation os slokas from all over and telling the stanza number of the same, like the biblical or islamic discourses.


Let's remember that those who attain spiritual knowledge don't need the scriptures, and those who have not are not going to get it from scriptures alone. However, a spiritually aware person enjoys the pleasure of satsang, and nothing like listening to scriptures.


Kripalu maharaj is simply cynical, worked up and does not allow the soul to wonder. He's mostly in the boothkaal giving his own opinions and reason for everything.


Surely he must have gotten the recognition like shankaracharya for his byheart knowledge and verse numbers of entire scriptures. He is a new face of the so called brand "hinduism" to stand shoulder to shoulder with the preachers of islam and christianity. Most have lost the focus on spirituality, and settle for evoking guilt, victim-painting, and reason-thinking in devotees.


We can live without a branded religion follow sanatana dharma, be theists, and focus on spirituality and good service.

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  • 1 year later...




Kripalu's speeches take breath away if one were to be swung by his byheart recitation os slokas from all over and telling the stanza number of the same, like the biblical or islamic discourses.


well, this is the original way of propounding one's theory...atleast in the Sanätan Vaidk Dharm...the eiquette that most of the present so called preachers dont and cannot follow...and by the way, this is only a brick of the bastion that you get to witness...Shree Kripälu jee Mahäräj never reveals His actual identity...



Let's remember that those who attain spiritual knowledge don't need the scriptures, and those who have not are not going to get it from scriptures alone. However, a spiritually aware person enjoys the pleasure of satsang, and nothing like listening to scriptures.


well, while i do agree to this point u make, a Jagadguru descends to simply rescue souls through the Light of Knowledge...what u r stating is nothing short of eutopian ideology...far away from practical and hard reality of the kali-yuga...



Kripalu maharaj is simply cynical, worked up and does not allow the soul to wonder. He's mostly in the boothkaal giving his own opinions and reason for everything.


on one hand you agree that to whatever He says He gives a relevant quotation from the Vedic Scriptures and in the next line you claim the He is simply giving His own opinions...for sure you seem to be a biased soul...c'mon open your mind and for once, be neutral. dont be wafted to blind consclusion and waves thrown by your sub-conscious mind! i hope you know you are online and are watched by some sane guys around...come out and think before you comment...you're expected to be prudent...



He is a new face of the so called brand "hinduism" to stand shoulder to shoulder with the preachers of islam and christianity.We can live without a branded religion follow sanatana dharma, be theists, and focus on spirituality and good service.


Sanätan Vaidik Dharm is the Beginning Less Dharm; it is the Scinece of Soul. Dharm actually means characteristics and not religion of customs as its otherwise known to the mass.


hope u would see the Light...



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yes finally

i wanted to know if any one who can answer my question to what is written in one of his websites.

it says that one can take and start doing bhakti to any god ganesh shiva durga

but god is only one.

and one more thing it says that vaikunth is abode of shiva

please explain

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