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why didnt Krishna marry Radha

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please help me!

i am thinking and thinking and i cant imagine why krishna would not marry sri radha!!!!

why would he NOT marry her?!?! and go marry some rukmini? and some satyabhama?


my grandfather said its b/c radha was older than krishna. how much older if this is true? like many many years?


everywhere i see krishna and radha deities, but they didnt marry???


or did they? and i'm just stupid and i dont know what i am blabbering about...

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In the oral storytelling traditions of the Braja Mandala area of India, I believe that the reason why is a great deal of attention was paid in Indian culture

to astrological compatibility and still is today actually.


There are ten points of agreement and for a marriage to be successful has to be at least 50% agreement. Radha and Krsna wanted to marry but grandmother Paurnamasi said that they did not match up properly astrologically for long term marital happiness.


Thus in some traditions it is said that they did have a secret gandharva's wedding ceremony and even if I am not mistaken Srila Jiva Goswami has said as much: that they gave their hearts to each other in a charming forest ceremony, they did not formally wed due to grandmother Paurnamasi advising against it.


To be good match astrologically for marriage certain aspects are looked at for wealth, health, children, long life, and other types of long term stabilizing

influences. However to be head over heels crazy in love with someone in astrology deals more with the planets of Venus which rules aesthetics and beauty and the attraction we feel for another person by how they look and behave and smell etc.


If you read the descriptions of Their attraction for each other it had that type of energy of Venus the Goddess of Love aka Mighty Aphrodite in Western culture.

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that is a completely retartded reason not to get married.


the love that they had for each other is infinite. mere astrology cannot touch it!!


stupid grandmother in my opinion


and yes, i have heard about them having a secret ceremony...


but what about their age difference?

who knows about this?

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I may be mistaken so I hope someone will correct me if I am wrong. Radhika was born blind and She did not open Her eyes. Then when Krsna was born about a month later then His parents took Him over to Radhika's parents house to show off their new baby boy.


When Radhika heard the ankle bells of Krsna She became very interested looking in His direction even though She was blind. And as He crawled closer and closer to Her then the fragrance of His Body was so overwhelmingly sweet and blissful and nectarean to her that She opened Her eyes. So that the first thing She ever saw was Krsna.




There's some good stories like this online all about their leelas and it also explains the siddhanta or reasoning behind the fact that in actuality They

are never separated. In a nutshell there are actually three Radhas: one the original Radhika who never leaves Vrndavana and the original Krsna never leaves Vrndavana also.


Then there is an esoteric Sanskrit name for when it seems as if Krsna leaves Vrndavana and goes to Mathura and Dwaraka; but it is not the original Krsna that leaves, it is His expansion. And an expansion of Radhika leaves also, that is who Satyabhama and Rukmini are if I am not mistaken.




Goes something like this: God and Goddess very much like us and love to play. Didn't you love to play when you were little kid? And you see little kids and always playing? So Krsna is eternally youthful ever fresh, so He has very playful nature as does Radhika.


So as a kid remember you love to dress up and act things out? And play doctor and play dead and play marriage and so on? Play store and play

so many things? So is a way that God and Goddess have some fun together.




Like do you know any people who are actors or actresses? Did you ever hang out with these people who live for acting? Or ever read about celebrities they love acting so much and only come alive and live for when they are acting and in a new role?


So God and Goddess have those same tendencies also. Or did you ever hear about people spice up their marriage pretending they are not married to each other when really they are? "Honey let's meet at such and such a place and pretend I don't know you..." They do it just so it is not so boring, for variety.




So God and Goddess have all the tendencies we have also, like how humans enjoy to see Shakespeare plays and to even better act in them. So even better than that you write the play, you direct it, you produce it, you star in it and you cast all your relatives in it! Basically that is what God and Goddess aer doing. They are so clever and fun-loving and super-ultra sophisticated!


Any celebrity you read about them, after acting they want to direct. Then after directing they want to produce. And the best if can do all and they hire their relatives also. Like Clint Eastwood did this and many others also. So God and Goddess have this tendency. And They are never, ever separated, so don't you worry about that for even one moment!!!




One reason why They do these leelas is to trick you. Already you are feeling sorry for God. Well isn't that sweet! You are worrying about God and Goddess,

you want Them to be together. That is the manjari mood. You think the rules are stupid and you understand that love is the highest not social conventions.


So already you have earned alot of sukritya if you are wishing for God and Goddess to be united together and forever. Then if you meditate like this with a pure heart then you can become part of these leelas. One great saint even wrote beautiful song, "Radhika's happiness is all that is all I care about".


So if you have this mood of to keep Them separated is a stupid idea then perhaps you internally are in this sampradaya of the maidservants of Radhika.




This is the song of one saint in the line of manjaris best friends of Radhika:



by Bhaktivinode Thakura


For serving the lotus feet of the daughter of King Brsabhanu, I will become Her maidservant and constantly strive to bring Her all happiness...


The sahkis [female friends of Radhika] are my supreme well-wishers and gurus regarding the loving affairs of the Divine Couple.


Under their guidance [the female friends of Radhika], I will serve Sri Radha's lotus feet which are like wish-fulfilling trees...




Because the original Radhika and Krsna stay in Vrndavana, then Their mood of Teenaged Crush Love never dies. It always has the mood of very focused on each other. When people get married and have children they usually their love for each other gets spread out to children and grandchildren and diffused. Radha and Krsna got to experience this also when They expanded Themselves into Rukmini and Krsna, Laksmi and Narayana, and so on.

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radha and krsna alwes( nitya ) duing past time in golok vrindavan .so they are alwes together (vrindavam paritejya ekam padam nagachatyh) that min i never go out one step from vrindavan .krsna alwes their with radha just perform his lila he mare 16thougent and 108 wife .this is his lila and they all laxmis part .so if u reed goswami sastra u will find out more and more .u can go purebhakti.com u will see meny thing

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In the Radha Krishna charitamrita, the author says Radha's father demanded dowry. He asked Krishna to leave his other wives if he had to marry Radha. Although Krishna was willing, Radha herself stopped Krishna from doing that and told him her love for him was beyond formal rites.


Krishna agreed and their love was unchanged, although there was no marriage.

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now this is what makes everything lookes like a fairytale more than a legend.... there must be one well supported reason no ??!! why have so many stories .am sure we'll have more and more such reasons ... certainly great to ponder but whts the truth ?


can anyone underline the FACT ??!!


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please help me!

i am thinking and thinking and i cant imagine why krishna would not marry sri radha!!!!

why would he NOT marry her?!?! and go marry some rukmini? and some satyabhama?


my grandfather said its b/c radha was older than krishna. how much older if this is true? like many many years?


everywhere i see krishna and radha deities, but they didnt marry???


or did they? and i'm just stupid and i dont know what i am blabbering about...

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  • 3 weeks later...

I think the reason is it was His sweet will for the sake of His lila. Now the details may be such and such, but the why of it is because He is the Lord. Nothing would have stood in the way if He wanted to have a normal marriage with Srimati Radharani, but she is far above all the other wives and my kanishta status prevents me from looking into this further. Remember this is not a mundane relationship! Better for someone like me to worship madhurya rasa from a distance and instead focus on Mahaprabhu's lotus feet.

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And this is mine, as I heard way back when.


Radha already had a husband, that her relationship with krsna was secret and daring, which increased the love even more. Anyone else hear it that way, or am I off the wall? Krsna is referred to as Paramour, which means a lover outside the constraints of marriage. Remember, this is Krsna and Radha, so please dont think this is up to us to judge from a morality viewpoint.


Hare Krsna, ys, mahaksadasa

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  • 3 weeks later...


please help me!

i am thinking and thinking and i cant imagine why krishna would not marry sri radha!!!!

why would he NOT marry her?!?! and go marry some rukmini? and some satyabhama?


my grandfather said its b/c radha was older than krishna. how much older if this is true? like many many years?


everywhere i see krishna and radha deities, but they didnt marry???


or did they? and i'm just stupid and i dont know what i am blabbering about...



Lord Krishna hasn't married Radha Rani Yet. Hopefully in the near future he will..It is not like they are getting any older... What is the hurry...

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The love between Krsna and Radha is eternal. The question why Krsna did not marry Radha it shows an example to all the lovers of this material world.Even though Krsna loves Radha eternally in his heart,soul ,body and mind ,he did not marry Her. Krsna had a mission ,lesson to deliver to the world-The essence of B.Gita,he left his love,Mathura for us.He taught us how to detach ourselves from attachment to pursuit the supreme goal of life(spiritual advancement).


He taught us how to sacrifice love for the sake of others. We obviously see nowadays that lovers- teenagers,adults are seperated due to various circumstances ,marry someone else without forgetting the one who stays in their hearts.Likewise Krsna did not forget Radha even though he married Rukmani ,Satyabhama.


True lovers definetely get united one day in this life or the next life.Krsna and Radha statue erected in temple shows us to believe in love and accept their unique love story.



Your dasi


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  • 2 weeks later...

Tridandisvami Bhaktivedanta Narayana Maharaja


Varsana: <st1:date year="2002" day="9" month="11">November 9, 2002</st1:date>

[This is a belated lecture from Kartika time ? to inspire devotees to come along this year. It was given during the Vraja Mandala Parikrama in Varsana. There,Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Maharaja responded to a common misconception among many Vrajavasis, that Radha and Krsna were actually married in a ceremony officiated by Lord Brahma. This misconception was presented by the panda (brahmana scholar and historian) who accompanied the parikrama party to the various pastime places in Varsana. The panda also referred to Srimati Radharani as Matesvari, which is a title meaning the Supreme Mother or Goddess. Srila Maharaja objected to this title, which is accurate from a philosophical point of view, but inconsistent with the mood of serving Sri Sri Radha and Krsna in Their Vrndavana pastimes. ? ed.]


All glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga! Now we are in Varsana-dhama. I have told you about the gloriesof Varsana, and now I want to speak about radha-tattva. Srimati Radharani is the beloved of Krsna, but She is not an ordinary female with lusty desires as seen in relationships between a mundane boyfriend and girlfriend. She is the antaranga-sakti (internal potency) of Sri Krsna. We want to discuss what Raya Ramananda explained about radha-tattva, krsna-tattva, rasa-tattva, prema-tattva, and vilasa-tattva, and also what Sri Caitanya Caritamrta Adi-lila chapter four stated regarding these important topics. Moreover, Srila Rupa Gosvami and Srila Raghunatha dasa Gosvami have explained more about radha-tattva than you will find anywhere else, and you should try to learn all of their explanations thoroughly.

We have many learned scholars here,and I am requesting that they each speak for not more than fifteen minutes to offer their puspanjali (offering of the flowers of one's heartfelt words of praise). I want everyone to have an opportunity to speak. We are here for only three more days. Tomorrow weare going to Kamyavana, and we may not return until after <st1:time minute="0" hour="17">5:00 pm</st1:time>, so there may be no class tomorrow evening. The following day we will go to Uccha-gaon, and on the third day we will go to various places around Nandagaon. It will not be until after we return from Nandagaon and Uccha-gaon that we will have time for classes, so I want to discuss radha-tattva, bhakti tattva, prema bhakti andso on here.

Tomorrow you will be going to Kamyavana, Charan Pahari, Vimala Kunda, Bhojansthali, Setabandu, Vrnda-devi, Radha-Govinda, Gopinatha, Madana Mohana, Panca-pandava, Draupadi Kunda, and many other places. Tirtha Maharaja, who knows all the pastimes of these places, and also our panda, will be there. If you go, the blessings of this dhama will come to you automatically. If you hear the narrations and explanations of the sweet pastimes of Radha-Krsna while on parikrama, you will be infused with all transcendental energy ? so you should try to go. I am also requesting that you give daksina (a donation) to our panda, and he will be satisfied with whatever you give.

Some persons have false pride and false ego because they have taken birth in Vrndavana and think themselves to be Vrajavasis. However, if theydo not have the internal moods of Nanda Baba, Yasoda-maiya, and all of the eternal associates of Krsna, they are not Vrajavasis. Real Vrajavasis are those who have the mood of Vrajavasis like Nanda Baba, Yasoda-maiya, Krsna's sakhas, (boyhood friends) and especially the mood of the dasis (maidservants) of Sri Radha.

I don't like to hear Srimati Radhika referred to as Matesvari Radha (Supreme Mother).

This is very wrong. Most everyone in transcendental Vraja thinks of Vrsabhanu Maharaja as their brotherand Lali (term of affection forRadha, meaning daughter) is their beloved daughter. Others think of Radhika in friendship, and Krsna thinks of Her as His beloved. How can she ever become Matesvari, or mother? This conception is very wrong. I ask our panda to kindly excuse me. She may be Matesvari in one sense, but in Vraja there is no place for the word Matesvari; there is no such thing. There is no mood of opulence here in Varsana; the atmosphere is always very natural and sweet.

So-called Vrajavasis will tell you that Radha was married to Krsna, but this is wrong. In the Brahma-vaivarta Purana it is written that Brahmaji came to Vrndavana and performed the marriage ceremony of Radha and Krsna, wherein Lalita and Visakha sang some marriage songs. But how does a real marriage take place? The mere presence of a purohit (priest) is not enough. Someone must formally give away the girl in charity, and this ceremonial ritual is called kanya-dana.

Do we see the presence of VrsabhanuMaharaja and Krtida in Bhandiravana (the place where the "marriage" took place)? Also, Nanda Baba and Baladeva would have joined in the marriage procession along with the bridegroom. Was either of them present there? Were any Vrajavasis other than the young gopis in attendance? If not, how did this marriage ceremony take place? We may say that an exchange of garlands took place, and that is okay; this is known as a Gandharva marriage. But ifa real marriage had taken place, the bride would have gone to her husband's house.

Did Radhaji ever go to Yasoda-maiya's house in Nandagaon as her daughter-in-law? If the answer would be "Yes", then what would separate Srimati Radharani's mood and lila from that of Rukmini and Satyabhama? No difference would exist. But Rukmini and Satyabhama are merely expansions of the lotus feet of Srimati Radharani.

It is true that marriage arrangements were taking place. Plans were being madefor the marriage of Radha and Krsna, but Yogamaya Purnamasi-devi came and put ahalt to that marriage. She told the parents, "This marriage cannot take place. "Their astrological charts are not compatible; their naksatra (constellations) arenot well matched. One important sign is missing, and that makes it inauspicious for their marriage. No, no. This marriage must not take place. Abhimanyu, the son of Jatila, is from the richest family in Vraja. He is fully qualified, very capable and endowed with all good qualities. He should marry Her."

In what way did this marriage of Radhika and Abhimanyu take place? It took place between chaya (shadow images) ? Krsna's shadow, Abhimanyu, married Radha's shadow.

Suppose, for the sake of argument, we saythat Radhika was somehow married to Krsna. But then what about the other gopis? It is stated in Srimad-Bhagavatam:


ativilanghya te ?nty acyutagatau

gati-vidas tavodgita-mohitau

kitava yonitau kas tyajen nisi

["Dear Acyuta, You know very well why we have come here. Who but a cheater like You would abandon young women who come to see Him in the middle of the night, enchanted by the loud song of His flute? Just to see You, we have completely rejected our husbands, children, ancestors, brothers and other relatives." (SB 10.31.17)]

In this statement of Srimad Bhagavatam, all the gopis are saying that they left their husbands. Srimad Bhagavatam is an authentic scripture; its statement cannot be false. This special relationship betweenKrsna and all of the gopis is described throughout the Srimad Bhagavatam: For example, Krsna tells the gopis when he returns after His disappearance from the Rasa Dance:

na paraye ?ham niravadya-samyujam

sva-sadhu-krtyam vibudhayusapi vah

ya mabhajan durjara-geha-srnkhalah

samvrscya tad vah pratiyatuh sadhuna

["I am not able to repay My debt for yourspotless service, even within a lifetime of Brahma. Your connection with Me is beyond reproach. You have worshiped Me, cutting off all domestic ties, which are difficult to break. Therefore please let your own glorious deeds be your compensation." (SB 10:32:22)]

Durjara-geha-srnkhala. This means that the gopis left their husbands, and it is written in many other places in the Srimad Bhagavatam that Krsna's gopis left their husbands to meet with Him in the Rasa Dance. We never hear that Srimati Radharani or the gopis were married to Krsna; otherwise these statements of Srimad Bhagavatam would be false.

For the sake of rasa, they had a natural inclination towards Krsna as their beloved, rather than as their husband. Rukmini does not have this same feeling; after her marriage to Krsna, Rukmini developed a mood of reverence. In comparison, how do the gopis behave? They are Krsna's hladini-sakti while in this world, as well as in the spiritual world and inall the worlds in which they may appear. Their relationship is unchanging. Krsna bows his head at Radhika's feet. He offers His flute, His stick, and all that He possesses unto Her feet. When Srimati Radhika puts the dust from Her feet on Krsna's head, the mahavar (red foot paint) leaves a mark on His forehead. What is written there in that mark? "Radha." And who wrote this on Her foot? Krsna. Krsna has the name "Radha" stamped on His forehead, and this pleases Him immensely.

Rukmini and Satyabhama cannot do this, because after marriage one develops a feeling of reverence for the husband as one's master or lord. If Radhika had been married to Krsna, she would have developed this mood and behaved accordingly. Some people do not understand this point and therefore have an incorrect conception. Even our learned panda, an intelligent person, supports the idea that a marriage took place between Radha and Krsna. Such persons have no knowledge or realization of rasa-tattva, and that is why they speak like this.

I have opposed such ideas, and I have written a book about this. Give this book to them; let them read it. They have not read the works of Srila Rupa Gosvami, Srila Sanatana Gosvami, Srila Raghunatha dasa Gosvami, Srila Jiva Gosvami, nor have they read Sri Caitanya Caritamrta. If one does not have the association of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's associates, one will have misconceptions such as the idea that Srimati Radhika is Matesvari.

I am a servant of Radhaji's lotus feet:

bhajami radham aravinda-netram

smarami radham madhura-smitasyam

vadami radham karuna-bharardram

tato mamanyasti gatir na kapi

["I worship lotus-eyed Radha. I meditate on sweetly smiling Radha. I glorify supremely merciful Radha. She is the only goal of my life. I have no other goal." (Sri Sri Radhikastottara-sata-nama-stotra, text 131, by Raghunatha dasa Gosvami)]

radha-bhajane jadi mati nahi bhela

krsna-bhajana tava akarana <st1:city><st1:place>gela</st1:place></st1:city>

atapa-rohita suraya nahi jani

radha-virahita madhava nahi mani

["If your desire to serve Srimati Radharani does not come about, then your so-called worship of Krsna is completely useless.Just as I never know the sun to be without sunlight, so I do not care to regard Madhava without Radha." (Sri Radhastakam Song 8 - Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura)]



ha modatah kanaka-gauri padaravinda

samvahanani sanakais tava kim karisye

["O You who are as fair as gold, will I happily and gently massage Your lotus feet as You rest Your head against the arm of the prince of Vraja, as Sri Rupa Manjari massages your hands? (Sri Vilapa Kusmanjali Text 72, by Srila Raghunatha dasa Gosvami)]

Radhe Radhe Radhe Jaya Jaya Jaya Sri Radhe! There is nothing else. When Krsna hears the chanting of Sri Radha's name, He goes immediately, as if automatically,to that place. When Krsna comesto Radhaji's kunja, Her dasis like Rupa Manjari, and also Her friends, may say, "Jahi Madhava, Jahi Madhava, Jahi Kesava!" ma bada kaitavabaadam" Go away Madhava, go away. Go away Kesava!" When Krsna comes, if Srimati Radharani is in maan She will not let that black person come into Her kunja. Her dasis like Rupa Manjari will scold Krsna by saying, "Go away immediately!" And then Krsna will beg them, "Please arrange for me to meet with Radhaji. O, let me meet My Svamini." This is the glory of Srimati Radhika.

You are so fortunate to come to Vrndavanawith our parikrama party, in the association of rasika Vaisnavas. You are so fortunate. You will have to be ready tomorrow morning by <st1:time minute="30" hour="6">6:30 AM</st1:time>. If you are late, the buses will be gone and you will not be able to travel.

Gaura Premanande!

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Hey, I saw this in an old Krishna movie just two years back.

Please watch movies of Lord Krsna to know more.


Hey, when Radha came to Krsna and discussed about marriage, Krsna refused. Radha was upset. Then Krsna told her and actually showed her that he himself was Radha, he himself was her husband. He told her to see everyone in Krsna and Krsna in everyone. And then he told Radha to marry the other person. Then Radha was happy.


Krsna's leelas and what he has said, his teachings, his life style, etc reveal a lot of things that devotees are always curious about. The discussion is a teaching to all humans from spiritual perspective as well as material life perspective (2 in 1 teaching).


Spiritual perspective - To see everyone in Krishna and Krishna in everyone.


Material life perspective - Many people are attracted by the supreme, but very few care for the non-supreme, but the supreme himself is the supreme, because he always cares for the non-supreme. Krishna though supreme, respected and always cared for and helped the poor and the needy and he always insisted through his leelas about moral values in life that whatever happens one should not give up their good morals. So even while in a love relationship with Radha and the gopis, he always taught us something great for mankind. (Please read the book - Krishna, The Supreme Personality of Godhead by A.C. Bhaktivedanta Srila Swami Prabhupad, in which all the leelas are described in detail. You will get the book in any ISKCON centre, Hare Krishna Temples)


For the leelas, Srimad Bhagavatam (Canto 10 and ahead) can also be referred.

But please read Srimad Bhagavatam(by Srila Prabhupad) from Canto 1 to Canto 12 (18 books) as mentioned in the starting pages of any Canto of Srimad Bhagavatam itself.


Hey, I am enjoying reading Srimad Bhagavatam very very much and feel Lord Shri Krishna in and around me.


You too enjoy.


Hare Krsna

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

Indeed Radha is younger; and did no one remember that she is already married?

In Dhyanacandra's Paddhati it is stated that the eternal age of Krsna is 15 years, 9 months and 7 and a half days. And Radhika's, 14 years, 2 months and 15 days.


And the above post recomends only BBT Bhagavatam, why? There are many more editions available in English. The Bhagavatam is not by Prabhupad, he is not the author.


Moreover, Satyabhama, Krsna's consort in Dvaraka is Radha. See Sri Rupa's plays, 'Vidagdha Madhav' and 'Lalita Madhava'.

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Hey is that Kiranasa that I know?

Is that the only place for a description of their marriage?

I think the question at the top of the thread was why they where not formally married, and therefore still engaged in extra-marital love.

I'm not always able to appriciate some of the teachings of Narayana Maharaja, but the above transcription was pretty to the point, don't you think?

And if it is you, how are you after so long?

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I am sorry to disappoint you, but I am not that Kiranasa.

That's the only place that I have found so far.

They didn't married formally because extra-marital love is higher than marital love. That is the highest spiritual pleasure and the highest relationship that one could have with Krsna. You have to experience it to understand it. Ask one of the women of this world who is doing it and she could explain it much better!!!

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I can read only english and I have read some chapters from the first part of the book which is translated by Kusakratha.

I haven't read that particular chapter, because I don't have it in english, but I have found the list of all chapters:


The Gopal-campu is divided into two parts. The first part is called the eastern wave, and the second part is called the northern wave. In the first part there are 33 supplications and in the second part 37 supplications. In the first part, known as Purva campu, the following subject matters are discussed,. 1, Vrndavana and Goloka, 2, the killing of the Putana demon, the gopis returning home under the instructions of mother Yasoda, the bathing of Lord Krsna and Balarama, 3, the dream of mother Yasoda, 4, the Janmastami ceremony, 5, the meeting between Nanda Maharaja and Vasudeva, and the killing of the Putana demon, 6, the pastimes of awakening from bed, the deliverance of the demon Sakata, and the name-giving ceremony, 7, the killing of the Trnavarta demon, Lord Krsna's eating dirt, Lord Krsna's childish naughtiness, and Lord Krsna as a thief, 8, churning of the yogurt, Krsna's drinking from the breast of mother Yasoda, the breaking of the yogurt pot, Krsna bound with ropes, the deliverance of the two brothers, Yamalarjuna, and the lamentation of mother Yasoda, 9, entering Sri Vrndavana, 10, the killing of Vatsasura, Bakasura and Vyomasura, 11, the killing of Aghasura and the bewilderment of Lord Brahma, 12, the tending of the cows in the forest, 13, taking care of the cows and chastising the Kaliya serpent, 14, the killing of Dhenukasura, the ass demon, and the praise of Krsna, 15, the previous attraction of the gopis, 16, the killing of Pralambasura and the eating of the forest fire, 17, the gopis attempt to approach Krsna. , 18, the lifting of Govardhana Hill, 19, bathing Krsna with milk, 20, the return of Nanda Maharaja from the custody of Varuna and the vision of Goloka Vrndavana by the gopis, 21, the performance of the rituals in Katyayani-vrata and the worship of the goddess Durga, 22, the begging of food from the wives of the brahmanas performing sacrifices, 23, the meeting of Krsna and the gopis, 24, Krsna's enjoying the company of the gopis, the disappearance of Radha and Krsna from the scene, and the search for Them by the gopis, 25, the reappearance of Krsna, 26, the determination of the gopis, 27, pastimes in the waters of the Yamuna, 28, the deliverance of Nanda Maharaja from the clutches of the serpent, 29, various pastimes in solitary places, 30, the killing of Sankhacuda and the Hori, 31, the killing of Aristasura, 32, the killing of the Kesi demon, 33, the appearance of Sri Narada Muni and a description of the year in which the book was completed. In the second part, known as Uttara campu, the following subject matters are discussed,. , 1, attraction for Vrajabhumi, 2, the cruel activities of Akrura, 3, Krsna's departure for Mathura, 4, a description of the city of Mathura, 5, the killing of Kamsa, 6, Nanda Maharaja's separation from Krsna and Balarama, 7, Nanda Maharaja's entrance into Vrndavana without Krsna and Balarama, 8, the studies of Krsna and Balarama, 9, how the son of the teacher of Krsna and Balarama was returned, 10, Uddhava's visit to Vrndavana, 11, Radharani's talking with the messenger bumblebee, 12, the return of Uddhava from Vrndavana, 13, the binding of Jarasandha, 14, the killing of the yavana Jarasandha, 15, the marriage of Balarama, 16, the marriage of Rukmini, 17, seven marriages, 18, the killing of Narakasura, the taking of the parijata flower from heaven and Krsna's marriage to 16,000 princesses, 19, victory over Banasura, 20, a description of Balarama's return to Vraja, 21, the killing of Paundraka, the imitation Visnu,, 22, the killing of Dvivida and thoughts of Hastinapura, 23, departure for Kuruksetra, 24, how the residents of Vrndavana and Dvaraka met at Kuruksetra, 25, Krsna's consultation with Uddhava, 26, the deliverance of the king, 27, the performance of the Rajasuya sacrifice, 28, the killing of Salva, 29, Krsna's considering returning to Vrndavana, 30, Krsna's revisiting Vrndavana, 31, the adjustment of obstructions by Srimati Radharani and others, 32, everything completed, 33, the residence of Radha and Madhava, 34, decorating Srimati Radharani and Krsna, 35, the marriage ceremony of Srimati Radharani and Krsna, 36, the meeting of Srimati Radharani and Krsna, and, 37, entering Goloka.

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