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gurudeva patita pavana

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Mercy Ship c.1993, mahaksadasa


You came into my life from oh so far,

Riding through my mind in Subhadra's car,

Without a single purpose but to save the world.

Your Song has mor power than all the missles they have hurled.


All the holy men came to show the way.

Many people listened to what they had to say.

Some of them insane, some just went to other things,

Not knowing the difference between soldiers and Kings.

They wanted to steal my mind, take away my land,

A trade for a philosophy no one can understand.

They prey on people' greed, take advantage of their fear.

They say anything the people want to hear.

Tricks, treachery, cheap words, and smiling nods,

Are needed to convince the ignorant they are gods.

Crime, poverty, death, gods exposed as fools,

Tossed around like ants into giant whirlpools.

But You did not come to advertize Your name.

You had no pressing needs to strive for selfish fame.

You have what you are given, and to me You bring,

Matchless Gifts, if I would only dance and sing.


You have gone back to Vrndavana, left me all alone,

On these streets of Armageddon, weary to the bone.

Yet You leave Your loving Lifeline, waiting for my grip.

Through these dreadful waters, You guide the Mercy Ship.



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This is one of the best poems I have ever read.


Have you ever thought of printing a book of your poems?


Pure poetry is so potent.


Thank you very much.


Hope you are well.


Yr pal,


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Madmax on summer vacation to Tahiti

Looks like he's freshly shaved up

Hope he's still got enough growth to sport a sikha

He may be about to visit Varuna dev

What is spooky is that there is nothing but razor sharp coral beneath him.

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the feeding frenzy of great white sharks. But real surfers know to only surf those waves shared by the dolphins. Babhru will relate to this. On the west side of his island, there are two beaches, Mahauula point, and makalevena cove. Makalevena has great body surfin waves, and when you swim there, one can look out at mahauula and see those blue sharks swimming around, but we dont leave the water, because the dolphins surf makalevena, and protect us at all times. And we dont surf mahauula, and we dont surf kihei on maui at sunset, even when the waves are good, because thats dinner time for the blues.


Thanks, slw, for your kind words, and others for your photos, Ill sing my surf song later today. Hare Krsna, ys, mahaksadasa

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Well, here in Florida our waves aren't as big but our surfers are more creative.

When you Hawaii beach bums can stand on your head and surf at the same time then you are REAL SURFIN' YOGIS!



Well, OK, so this is California!

Here in Florida you don't need any wetsuit!!


Different facets of the same insanity

Actually if you think about it from a vaisnava tasting an ocean of nectar perspective, not that I'd know, but I'm sure that guy would look seriously mixed up. Srila Prabhupad remarked that us ocean lovers would come back as dolphins.

The search for happiness takes some bizarre detours on this funny ole planet.

I'm sure there are quite a few Yogis taken birth in Alohaland.



You be careful body surfing ole fella. The bones don't whip, bend and tuck like they used to, even if the mind does!

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Srila Prabhupad remarked that us ocean lovers would come back as dolphins.


that curious because there is a Vedic verse that says if one cannot bathe in the Ganges that he should bathe in the ocean.

The Ganges spills into the ocean.

The Ocean has some spiritual power since the Ganges spills into it.


Mahaprabhu loved to play at the beach and body surf at Puri.

I don't think that going to the beach is all that bad.


Besides that, I poured some Ganges water on my favorite beach so now it is like a place of pilgrimage.:P

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I gave up surfin years ago, and the story of "why" goes like this.


I was drivin south, near brookings beach, Oregon, and the waves were indescribable. Offshore breezes, six foot tubes, good channel to paddle out. Solo. So I got to the outside, frolicked a bit with my small big wave rider (brewer custom 6' pintail with fin resined in). Got a bit tired, so I went out deeper to rest. Suddenly, I saw a huge black form just under me. I calmly paddled in a bit and took the next wave, no tricks, just rode the foam all the way in. When I sat on the beach, I was a bit nervous, and I was doin a little herb at the time, so I puffed a bit. Then I saw the huge harbor seal.


That was the last day of my surfin daze. No mo herb, no mo surf. Years later, I took my board out to paddle around in a lake, and found out that I had severe nerve damage, and had no strength left in my left arm, so I never tried to hit the waves again.


Concerning Srila Prabhupada and the ocean. Srila Prabhupada loved to swim and frolick in the ocean. He always described with great satisfaction the disappearance of Srila Haridas Thakur, and how Lord Chaitanya delivered his transcendental form to the sea. He actually told Sudama Swami to make sure the devotees (under his care) went to the beach to relieve themselves from the tensions.


His description of how surfers come back as dolphins should be taken in context. He was describing those who have made surfing their supreme god. He was describing the scene of many he was watching, decked out in their wetsuits, that they were beginning to form their next bodies, and they looked like dolphins.


So we should always use discernment when we recite Srila Prabhupada statements. Without proper context, such teachings may be dangerous and very misleading. This is rampant. Especially in regard to his statements about the female form. Too many regarded his beloved daughters as "maya devi" when actually, they were vaisnavas. The maya was there, but only in the hearts of those who refused to see truth as it is.


Hare Krsna, ys, mahaksadasa

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Hey, guruvani, nice pic, but OUCH. I remember a guy who surfed Poway (north county, san diego) who was a double amputee Viet vet. He was featured in Surfer Magazine too, and was really good. He stood on his hands, even walked the board, David nuueva style.


The headstand you posted looks very hard, maybe he has a concave in his board.


haribol, thanks for your comments about the ocean. ys, mahaksadasa


"The beach is a place where a man can feel hes the only soul in the world thats real"-from quadrophenia by Pete Townsend

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I was never a "surfer" in my opinion, but I still love to go to the beach occasionally and get out the body board and ride some of these little waves on the east coast of florida.

Florida really doesn't have big enough waves for much surfing, but it has some nice little waves that one can catch with the boogie board.


I only made it to the beach once this summer. But I would prefer to go more often.

Personally, I just can't accept the idea of living in a place where I can't get to a nice warm beach without too much trouble.

From where I live I have to drive about 80 miles to get to the beach.


I also have a slogan "I won't go where Palms don't grow".

I also have to live in place that is warm enough for Palm trees to grow.

That is also a place where there is no snow.

I can drive a few hours if I want to see some snow in the winter, but there is no snow in Florida.


I love the beach and a good swim in the ocean.

I pity anyone who doesn't know the joy of bathing in the oceans.

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His description of how surfers come back as dolphins should be taken in context. He was describing those who have made surfing their supreme god. He was describing the scene of many he was watching, decked out in their wetsuits, that they were beginning to form their next bodies, and they looked like dolphins.

He made this comment in Honolulu in May, so I doubt there were any wet suits. And (and here's what many are missing because they weren't there) he was having a little fun with some of his disciples who still liked to surf. He had a little smile on his face. Srila Prabhupada had a wry sense of humor and teased us from time to time. I was sitting right next to my friend Harivallabha, who really liked surfing, even more than I did. We both got the jab and probably laughed harder than anyone else in the room.

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It's true the ocean can be a very therapeutic place to bathe, recommended in shastra, very exhilarating if you combine that with surfing, it can keep one very much in the pink of physical condition.

In my younger devotional daze I surfed all around India including Jagganath Puri where I lived at Haridas's Samadhi on the beach. Where now stands a modern beach villa. I can relate to the saying 'Life's a Beeeach'.

I would hit the waves after chanting japa every morning, occasionally in brahma muhurta hour, kirtan in the background, only surfer for thousands of miles, there was the occasional nice beach break, but it was that extra special feeling of surfing in that Holy of holy places, the presence of Mahaprabhu is everywhere in Puri but especially in the ocean.

Then one day I had a similar experience to Mahaksa I was out in quite a large swell all alone and a large shark surfaced beside me, scaring the crap out of me, and i had to paddle thru an 8ft break to get in.

The local fishermen who are also the lifeguards, told me that the sharks there were passive. They have been surfing standing up on their hand carved boats there for many centuries.

Lucky there wasn't an Iskcon temple there or i would have been banned from participation with my devious mayic pastimes.


I understand what Prabhupad was saying tho, as surfing does become an obsession, and most surfers think of little else, but unlike many other sports it does connect you to an energy of nature that only a surfer can understand, and offers a no-hassle zone in a stessed out psychotic world.

Unfortuneately these days everyone dumps there psychosis in the waves on there fellow surfers in the form of wave rage.

Alas the first waves of any new movement have much to be thankful for.



I gave up surfin years ago, and the story of "why" goes like this.


I was drivin south, near brookings beach, Oregon, and the waves were indescribable. Offshore breezes, six foot tubes, good channel to paddle out. Solo. So I got to the outside, frolicked a bit with my small big wave rider (brewer custom 6' pintail with fin resined in). Got a bit tired, so I went out deeper to rest. Suddenly, I saw a huge black form just under me. I calmly paddled in a bit and took the next wave, no tricks, just rode the foam all the way in. When I sat on the beach, I was a bit nervous, and I was doin a little herb at the time, so I puffed a bit. Then I saw the huge harbor seal.


That was the last day of my surfin daze. No mo herb, no mo surf. Years later, I took my board out to paddle around in a lake, and found out that I had severe nerve damage, and had no strength left in my left arm, so I never tried to hit the waves again.


Concerning Srila Prabhupada and the ocean. Srila Prabhupada loved to swim and frolick in the ocean. He always described with great satisfaction the disappearance of Srila Haridas Thakur, and how Lord Chaitanya delivered his transcendental form to the sea. He actually told Sudama Swami to make sure the devotees (under his care) went to the beach to relieve themselves from the tensions.


His description of how surfers come back as dolphins should be taken in context. He was describing those who have made surfing their supreme god. He was describing the scene of many he was watching, decked out in their wetsuits, that they were beginning to form their next bodies, and they looked like dolphins.


So we should always use discernment when we recite Srila Prabhupada statements. Without proper context, such teachings may be dangerous and very misleading. This is rampant. Especially in regard to his statements about the female form. Too many regarded his beloved daughters as "maya devi" when actually, they were vaisnavas. The maya was there, but only in the hearts of those who refused to see truth as it is.


Hare Krsna, ys, mahaksadasa


So y' not goin' t' have a shot at Teahapuu huh?

I would luv to watch it on a big day.

Did you ever see that sequence there of the jetskier that droped in thru the roof on a guy right in the slot, jus missing his head?

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This movie has great shots of jaws. Tribute to the late great who tried it without a jetski. Smarmy plot, great music, great surf footage.


gurudeva patita pavana is not lost in this surf talk, because my friend babhru brought up the point of Srila Prabhupadas wry sense of humor. This is an element of Srila Prabhupada that proves he is our dearmost friend despite our lacking any good qualities. I wrote a song years ago called "Hes a funny mon", Ill try to post it here tomorrow.


hare krsna, ys, mahaksadasa

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Gentle Man -c-1994, mahaksadasa


One day a gentle man came to me in song.

Has me running faster that I ever thought I can.

He moves me, sings to me, "Radha Madana Mohana".

Keeps me in His love any way He can.


He may be back in Zion, but we'll nevah be alone.

We nevah were before, we always were His Own.

This isn't something new, It's the Song being resung.

This Music of Unity will bring us all back home.


When He sings of His love, He sings, "Giri Govardhana".

Who lifts up the mountain, put rain-god on the ground.

Children of the forest, Sri Sri Krsna Balarama,

Surcharge the atmosphere of Sri Talavana.


Begin with Nama Om, end with Jagadisa Hare,

This is the gift He provides every day.

And even if they shoot me and throw me in the bay,

Even Yamadhutas cannot take His love away.


The day a gentle man came to me in song

Is the day I run faster than I evah thought I can.

He moves me, sings to me, "Radha Madana Mohana".

And keeps me in Jah love any way He can.

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Great song Mad Mahak! All of your songs are great. So when is the CD coming out?


Esp I like your use of "Music of Unity". Reminds me of the ole Sunday School song I used to like:


We are one in the spirit

We are one in the Lord

And we pray that all Unity

Might some day be restored


And they'll know we are [your religion here]

By our love, by our looooove

And they'll know that we are [whatever]

By our Love


I have this theory that if world leaders had summit meetings in Raglan NZ, Byron Bay Oz, or any beautiful warm place anywhere in the world, surrounded by people bearing smiles and leis, playing ukulele, doing the hula dance instead of the hakka [war] dance, with a five star catered vegetarian feast, this world would be a much different place. Ditto if people spent four hours of surfing before logging on to any computer.

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Great song Mad Mahak! All of your songs are great. So when is the CD coming out?


Esp I like your use of "Music of Unity". Reminds me of the ole Sunday School song I used to like:


We are one in the spirit

We are one in the Lord

And we pray that all Unity

Might some day be restored


And they'll know we are [your religion here]

By our love, by our looooove

And they'll know that we are [whatever]

By our Love


I have this theory that if world leaders had summit meetings in Raglan NZ, Byron Bay Oz, or any beautiful warm place anywhere in the world, surrounded by people bearing smiles and leis, playing ukulele, doing the hula dance instead of the hakka [war] dance, with a five star catered vegetarian feast, this world would be a much different place. Ditto if people spent four hours of surfing before logging on to any computer.


Anything and everything is possible, the more you put your theories... hopes... wishes.... aspirations out in the ethers, the more they have a chance of coming down to this material zone.

Of coarse already we see world leaders having summits in the balmy tropics like Bali, Fiji, Thailand etc. totally out of character in tropical attire, bedecked with garlands, floating around like stunned mullet in a pampered mood of honor, and obvious relief from their usual ridged robotic defencive business as usual attitudes. But it doesn't take long before they spring right back in to their political profiles, like chameleons. Back to rule the world.

Maybe as vaisnavas the most we can do is invite individual polies to some of our major festivals, hoping by increments, their visits may filter back into the political system.

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Re: "...floating around like stunned mullet...but it doesn't take long before they spring right back, like chameleon..."


Witty! Observant! And of course you are dead-on accurate. Shortly after I pressed "SUBMIT REPLY", then I was all like: "Oh shucks, I developed that theory was before I learned about The Sociopaths Among Us, and once a sociopath..."




Yet I do like your idea about sending positive ideas out into the ether. Yesterday I read a book: "A River Runs Wild" by Lynne Cherry 1992 HBJ Gulliver Green Books. I was stunned to learn that at one time there were no laws against environmental polluting in the US. And one lady's vision, Marion Stoddart, changed all of that.




In 1962, Marion Stoddart organized the Nashua River Cleanup Committee. When she and her supporters spoke to state officials, they were told that there were no laws to keep mills and factories from dumping chemicals, dyes, and waste into the river.


Nashua was once the Nashaway River which means "Pebbled Bottom". It was so pristine you could see each tiny pebble. Then the paper industry released so much pulp and dyes into it that the river stank like a cesspool; tens of thousands of fish died; the color was opaque and changed according to what dye the factory used. It moved slowly from the sludge.


But one night she had a dream that Chief Weeawa was crying into the river. As his tears fell, they cleansed the river one by one until it was pristine again. The same night a Native American had the same dream; he happened to know Marion and it galvanized them into action.


As a result of Marion's work and inspiring countless others: in 1965 the Clean Water Act was made law; in 1970 the EPA was established. "...The vision of Nature thriving and restored can become a reality..." [John Berger "Restoring the Earth"].




I suppose that we can all pray and hope. After all, in the leelas of Radha and Krsna, the only thing that kept the Radhika alive was Hope: "Maybe Krsna will need me...." And Hope was the only thing that did not escape from Pandora's box.




Many interesting things happened in this last US election. The first socialist was elected to US Congress. The first woman Speaker of the House. The first Muslim elected to Congress. The first lawyer to successfully prosecute complex white collar crime case and environmental crimes by corporations was elected Governor of New Hampshire. And much much more...


On the devotee front, on "ISKCON Internal" there is an inspiring story of a college educated second generation devotee who started an NGO in the Congo that is utilizing all of the wonderful principles of Gandhi, EF Schumacher, ecology, and sustainability and combining it with Krsna Consciousness to assist war victims in Africa. http working villages dot org


On the world front, on the Corruption Index, India went from a ranking of 88 to 70, thanks to a new law the Right to Info Act made law on 12 Oct 2005. Using this same index, Finland is the least corrupt country with a ranking of 9.

[The higher the number, the more corrupt the country is, using various data].



So if Chief Weeawa's tears can purify a river in a dream, imagine what Mahaprabhu's tears can do!

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You may have already heard this extra ordinary account of tears that can drown the whole world in an ocean of suddhamrita. If there is such a word.


This experience was once related to a few of us over our dinner table whilst accomodating Maharaj in our home down in Oz. We were as dumbstruck as he explains his own condition after receiving from SSM, when it was related to us, just to give an example of the potency of revelation being transmitted soul to soul, just how such katha has the capacity to illuminate.


Inspiring story guest, if only we would all wake up and have the braveheart to do what we should whilst passing thru this world.

May all obstacles be removed from the path.


"So if Chief Weeawa's tears can purify a river in a dream, imagine what Mahaprabhu's tears can do!"


Whoehhh!!!!! beware you are entering sacred waters!



Lotus Eyes — Lotus Tears

Gadadhar — Mahaprabhu's Ecstatic Correlative

By Bhakti Sudhir Goswami

...as Gadadhar sings the songs of the Bhagwat, tears cascade from his eyes like a shower of flower offerings, washing the words from its pages...


Srimad Bhagavatam is God — in book form, cherished as the crème de la crème of Veda, extracted by spiritual intelligentsia (sarva vedanta saram yad). The introduction includes a solemn yet optimistic declaration: Krishna has returned to his domain along with Dharma, spiritual knowledge et al. Under the influence of the modern age that ensues, Kali Yuga, all spiritual insight will be lost. But now the brilliant sun of this Purana has risen illuminating the path back to Godhead (with eighteen thousand rays, verses).

Preparing his own dazzling garland of Bhagwat sun rays (Bhagavata Arka Maricimala), Bhaktivinode Thakur concludes with an astonishing revelation: "While I fear it may be viewed as conceit, I must reveal how this compilation came about. Once while I was in deep meditation upon the Bhagavatam I beheld a divine vision. Mahaprabhu's second self, Swarup Damodar Goswami, appeared and empowered me: ‘Compile one thousand verses of the Bhagavatam, distill the essence — the cream of the cream of the cream.' Providing a theme, he delivered a lucid explanation of the first three verses according to Vaishnava theology (sambandha, abhhideya, and prayojana tattva)."

Srila Sridhar Maharaja contemplated a similar compilation proposing to further condense the nectar into three hundred verses. To understand his intent, and qualification to realize the same, some background is necessary. In this connection I once asked Srila Guru Maharaja about a famous conversation of Srila Prabhupada and Acyutananda.

When His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada returned to India from his successful preaching campaign, establishing the worldwide Krishna consciousness movement, surprisingly some Godbrothers were not eager to receive him. He was however, enthusiastically received with a grand reception organized by Srila Sridhar Maharaja and his Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math along with one other math. With kirtan the math members escorted Srila Prabhupada and disciples to Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math from the Nabadwip Dham train station stopping at the other temple along the way.

They held a grand celebration full with pomp and circumstance. All the sannyasis and brahmacharis looked beautiful swaying to the kirtan in unison, uniformly marching like a band of saffron warriors. Prabhupada's senior disciple Acyutananda noticed the mood after arriving at Chaitanya Saraswat Math was by contrast toned down and intimate. Formality was minimal, favoring affectionate dealings. Acyutananda wondered whether his perception was one of style or substance. He asked Prabhupada who clarified: "The first math's emphasis is on quantity, whereas Sridhar Maharaja emphasizes quality. I want that our society will have both — the superior quality of Sridhar Maharaja, in quantity."

Beyond the public lectures, Acyutananda inquired further about Srila Prabhupada's private Bengali talks with Srila Sridhar Maharaja. Prabhupada revealed, "I offered him the presidency of ISKCON. He declined — he is keeping things within. He has very high realizations about Krishna and Mahaprabhu. They are so deep, if I were to tell, you would faint!" What he meant is worth clarifying. Srila Sridhar Maharaja offers his own explanation: "By 'faint' he means, we will be unable to maintain consciousness in that plane (ya nisa sarva bhutanam tasyam jagarti samyami)."

Alternately, we will disconnect from the world around us. Mahaprabhu's ecstatic trance was so deep, his existence was barely traceable in the physical plane. At last it was not discernible at all, completely vanishing into higher reality. Invisible — except for souls of the stature of Bhaktivinode Thakur. Srila Sridhar Maharaja gives the example of tossing a flower into the current of the Ganges. The flower disappears, carried away by the current. But if we run along the bank, moving at the speed of flow, we can keep pace. Such souls as Bhaktivinode Thakur, through deep penetration (internal heart flow), enter a current of Lila achieving immediate experience: the spiritual equivalent of space time continuum (kabe gauravane suradhuni tate 'ha radhe ha krsna' bole).

Additionally, when it is said "devotee's faint" it does not mean they become unconscious in the ordinary sense. Rather the intensity of awareness of the higher plane causes a perceptual disconnect from this plane resulting in fainting. Higher substance descends, according to its own necessity, eclipsing lower experience (adhoksaja). This is the preferred method of descent of revealed truth (tasyaisa atma vivrnute tanum svam).

Mahaprabhu's physician associate Mukunda entered a trance while offering medical advice to a Muslim king. As they sat on a veranda, a servant shaded the king with a peacock-feathered fan. Enthralled by the peacock feathers, Mukunda's remembrance of Krishna produced a deep state of ecstasy. Increasingly oblivious to surroundings he fainted. Returning to external consciousness, he attempted to conceal his devotion, saying he suffered from epilepsy. Srila Sridhar Maharaja's answer includes the inverse: it is so high and deep one can only penetrate according to capacity, but a glimpse of the Infinite is so intense, one will be unable to maintain consciousness and be forced to return to this plane (yanra yata sakti tata pathare santare).

Once, late in the afternoon in Nabadwip, at Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math, I approached Srila Sridhar Maharaja with an unusual request. In a relaxed atmosphere, amid hearing mail and news, with Srila Govinda Maharaja by his side, I referenced his talks with Srila Swami Maharaja. "What is it about those talks that would make one faint?" Srila Govinda Maharaja laughed.

Hearing Srila Govinda Maharaja laughing, Srila Guru Maharaja inquired why. Govinda Maharaja explained, "Goswami Maharaja wants to hear something that will make him faint!" He then explained in Bengali. Srila Guru Maharaja laughed. Srila Govinda Maharaja surveyed the catalog of things that make one faint, suggesting Guru Maharaja recite his sloka about Gadadhar Pundit. The one he intended for the introduction to establish the theme of his Bhagwat verse compilation. The mood shifted dramatically — Srila Sridhar Maharaja intoned:

nilambhodi tate sada sva viraha ksepanvitam bandhavam

srimad bhagavati katha madiraya sañjivayan bhati yah

srimad bhagavatam sada sva nayanasru payanaih pujayan

goswami prabaro gadadhara vibhur bhuyat mad eka gatih



On the sands of the blue ocean in Puri, feeling deep separation from himself (Krishna), Mahaprabhu is consoled by his friend Gadadhar (Radharani).

As one nears death, suffering the loss of a beloved, Gadadhar tries to resuscitate Mahaprabhu by supplying the intoxicating wine of
to drown the agony of separation plaguing his heart.

As Gadadhar sings the songs of the Bhagwat, tears cascade from his eyes, like a shower of flower offerings, washing the words from its pages.

My only goal is to enter that current of devotion flowing from the divine heart of that best of Goswamis — Gadadhar.

Doing my best to offer dandabat, I staggered off the veranda. Descending a few stairs, I stepped out of view, my head pressed against a stone wall for support. Eyes closed, I tried desperately to hold remembrance of that glimpse of higher reality. Suddenly sounds of the environment intruded. Again I was engulfed by the world of sense experience ("Till human voices wake us, and we drown.")

By the divine grace of Srila Sridhar Maharaja, such an astonishing conception was projected on the mirror of my conscious self — so beautiful, luminous — it penetrated the layers of dust and ego, covering my heart, providing a momentary glimpse into his conceptual domain.

I returned to find Srila Sridhar Maharaja and Srila Govinda Maharaja sitting peacefully, engaged in light conversation. This was not a memorable experience for either of them. Apparently they had been doing this together for the last forty years!

As Srila Govinda Maharaja recalls, "Sometimes Srila Guru Maharaja would share a sloka jewel the way a boy tosses you one of his favorite marbles." Only these gems are consciousness embodied (cintamanis carana bhusanam angananam). Srila Sridhar Maharaja: "The scriptures (slokas) are an objective posing of the subjective. Actually they want to be preached. We shall offer ourselves as carriers to become their instruments (hrdaye pravesa)."

Srila Sridhar Maharaja would jest that he couldn't complete the work because he was an "ease lover" (ananda lilamaya vigrahaya). He later revealed the only person he felt qualified to complete this task, in terms of spiritual heart and depth, is Srila Govinda Maharaja:




Srila Sridhara Maharaj likens it to lava overflowing from the heart in molten erruptions of divine love, luvvva as he would play on his own words jokingly

Prema dhama devam eva nami Gaura sundaram

cascading from his lotus eyes burning the imprints of his feet in the stone offering a gift of mercy and rememberance for all posterity


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....suddhamrita. If there is such a word. quote by sridas


My old car died a year and a half ago (not such a bad thing), if by chance wheels come this way again, I will call it....


the suddhamrita!:cool:

the above post is another great story....when is the nectar pot going to run dry...Prabhu...or maybe it is infinite!.

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