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End of the world in 2012

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POINT SURF c-1994-mahaksadasa


Racing through the tunnel, all behind me pops.

I like to ride big waves to take the endless drop.

It's smoking at the top, nevah evah stop.

See all those cheering up there on the rocks.


I need to have Pure Love that nevah go away,

Even if they shoot me and throw me in the bay.

I know you'll be there by my side just like you are today.

Together we sing Harinama, Hizwilldeonlyway.


I do not want to die, or leave you with my corpse.

But the world is As It Is, Babylon uses force.

Just another wave to ride, a big one, of course.

This life must be spent to seek and praise the Source.


We have emeralds, why play with broken glass?

Educated acting fools do not show much class.

Who promised that from birth to death was anything but fast?

Hold on! Be rock-steady! Hear Radha Ramana! At last!


I like to sing Harinama and play music with His Own.

I know they nevah hate me, leave me weary to the bone.

Offensive and indifferent, I truely must atone.

For Sri Govinda Love, we give Govinda Love alone.



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According to Vedmurty, Taponistha Pt.Shriram Sharma Acharya, the world is not going to end. India has a very bright future. By 2011 India will be leading the entire world just like it did in olden times. If you want you can find out yourself in the book, "Glimpses of Golden Future" at

www awgp . org / books / english / glimpse_of_golden_future . pdf




Wish that cud happen! well lets see if krishna wills then sure!!!! not bad to dream about good:) isnt it?

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  • 3 weeks later...


from krishnadasa

Honestly , i totally disagree with whatsoever theory the modern science brings out about the civilisation. On the otherhand, i firmly belive our scriptures, they dont change with time do they, but these science is very imperfect and cant see anything in the future.

Everybody can see if humble without selfish intent and just because that one sect you pursue stands as a rock be humble to the brethren all over the globe and see through their eyes.

As for the sciences; they are universal and theology are renditions of men based from knowing but without the ability to articulate for example a 6 armed Shiva or Ganasha; a man with an elephants head; the son of Shiva who is of Vishnu the supreme, some blue guy!

And you represent what?


Science is very imperfect, it cant even see the presence of supreme lord and his manifestation!! Maya is heavily fooling the modern scientist.... God save modern scientists......

God is the total and it is only because of honoring him does man even learn the sciences. We pursue to understand as God intended. Are you on a computer? That book didn’t make it. Learn with questions versus putting the ‘old’ foot in the ……



Thats kinda sad. I was really looking forward to the end of the world. Then

everyone can be liberated from suffering, rich or poor black or white.

The 21st century is an evil period which has seen a phenomeneal rise in all

kinds of miseries like terrorism, climatic changes, increasing hostility between

various groups, perversion, complete indifference to humanity and a ludicrous

rat race for economic supremacy among nations and people alike.Truly ,this is the WORST century!!!

Kali is over!


What is to cure the ills of man will be knowledge, nothing supernatural no God like intervention; just a commitment by another to step over all lines for one purpose; to know and then share. Then to understanding the environment will offer a setting to prepare and continue but God is not going to stop a polar reversal even if you beg.


The primary cause of the dinosaur extinctions was a solar flare from the sun during one of the earth’s magnetic field reversals, (the earth had no shield) and was not caused by an asteroid as Luis Alvarez and his son suggested. The iridium came from volcanoes; the reversal cause increased tectonics, very similar to what is being recognized now.


Yes, we are going through another and it is the primary cause of the global warming, currently. As our magnetosphere goes through the anomalies increased solar radiation is being captured. Do a little homework and then ask as you wish. Start with the sun as it’s reversals occur every 11 years or so to get a feel for what is occurring. I said back in 82’ that the northern lights were of these solar winds and solar flares and these ions are reacting with the diatomic molecules in the atmosphere.


Man is going to do the most damage to his own species on this globe and it is why the idea that God will be doing it since we are the only thing that ‘knows’ it exists. God is the total, associated, a part of everything but never has or ever will be a separate thing sitting on some thrown, that is man again making renditions because to him that is where God should be.

Almost like kids strapping bombs to themselves for 72 virgin maidens. I would go with the maidens myself as my instinct is still quite the beast but some blue guy or another that suggests ‘he’ crucified his child to show us he cares.


The key is that what the most ‘humble’ wrote did have basis and of prophetic abilities but maybe not of true descriptions. I personally enjoy reading these and try with all humility to comprehend and have come to a conclusion; they have merit. The shit will hit the fan but not quite as some suggest. (seven headed dragon eating seals or is that opening seals, oh well I forget) but in the end the truth will rein and it will be based from the sciences offering the single unifying framework for all to know and be of this singularity; God!


From the lions mouth, nothing other then true compassion and care for others to learn

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Well, what I would like to know is what is going to neutralize all these thousands of tons of radioactive waste that is stored around the planet as waste from nuclear power plants?

They say it takes millions of years for nuclear radioactivity from this waste to stop.

As well, if we have the great nuclear war that Srila Prabhupada has even mentioned in his books and the world becomes a radioactive wasteland, then how can the be any "Golden Age" for 10,000 years if the world is a radioactive nightmare?

I don't see how the Earth can have any "golden age" if a big portion of the planet is a radioactive Hell.


If another Satya-Yuga starts after Lord Kalki comes at the end of Kali-Yuga and kills as the demoniac people of the world, there is still going to be millions of tons of radioactive waste stored all over the world in bunkers and mountain caves.


I don't see how there can be any great Satya-Yuga if there are millions of tons af radiocative waste all over the planet leaking out and contaminating the whole planet.


I guess somebody is going to say that there is a partial dissolution of the universe at the end of Kali-Yuga and the Earth with be cleansed by a fire that comes out of the mouth of Anantadeva who is floating in the Garbha Ocean that fills the bottom half of the Universe?:deal:

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Everybody can see if humble without selfish intent and just because that one sect you pursue stands as a rock be humble to the brethren all over the globe and see through their eyes.


No clue what ya trying to say! use formal english

As for the sciences; they are universal and theology are renditions of men based from knowing but without the ability to articulate for example a 6 armed Shiva or Ganasha; a man with an elephants head; the son of Shiva who is of Vishnu the supreme, some blue guy!<?xml:namespace prefix = o />

And you represent what?


As you mentioned it as theology ( I never say them theology, its coined by modern day fools and rascals), its science , the science of soul. Well everything has got PERFECT meaning, but the basic requirement to learn in the spiritual science is the humblenes and surrender, well the proud people have no place here.Be happy with your material science. If you wish you can see and talk to the four handed Shiva and elephen headed Ganesh or for that matter with much of austerity blusih Lord Visnu... You see as your sceince books, there are certain books, which asks you to follow certain rules and following them in that way, u can even talk to any of the gods, or perhaps ask them why they have four hands and elephant head or bluish color:) . Why do ya think you have got two legs and 2 hands, why cant ya have four legs like animals or whay cant animlas walk like you, hope you got the answer. It makes no sence to citique without having the tiniest knowledge about spirit and its significance..just blabbering wont do:smash:


God is the total and it is only because of honoring him does man even learn the sciences. We pursue to understand as God intended. Are you on a computer? That book didn’t make it. Learn with questions versus putting the ‘old’ foot in the ……



Greatest comp your mind; when the mind is Kaput u need a comp, see books its writen duriong the age of kali, the mind cant remember things , so needs a comp .. U see again the books have taken its part, afterall they are written by supreme he he


hari hari bol

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Well, what I would like to know is what is going to neutralize all these thousands of tons of radioactive waste that is stored around the planet as waste from nuclear power plants? They say it takes millions of years for nuclear radioactivity from this waste to stop. As well, if we have the great nuclear war that Srila Prabhupada has even mentioned in his books and the world becomes a radioactive wasteland, then how can the be any "Golden Age" for 10,000 years if the world is a radioactive nightmare? I don't see how the Earth can have any "golden age" if a big portion of the planet is a radioactive Hell.

Can’t share much since the story is of belief but I can state there have been over 2000 above ground nuclear detonation thus far and we are still associating.


If another Satya-Yuga starts after Lord Kalki comes at the end of Kali-Yuga and kills as the demoniac people of the world, there is still going to be millions of tons of radioactive waste stored all over the world in bunkers and mountain caves.
Lord who? Just a guy like you and I or who ever you may wish to point out who has given to this existence with pure intent. A Lord; NO! Otherwise I should call you Lord and it is rightful to anything you create and sustain of good and quality; you are the Lord of that chain!

Yes, everyone knows that damage has been done to the environment but that is nothing compared to ‘life’ as it will continue.


I don't see how there can be any great Satya-Yuga if there are millions of tons af radiocative waste all over the planet leaking out and contaminating the whole planet.


I guess somebody is going to say that there is a partial dissolution of the universe at the end of Kali-Yuga and the Earth with be cleansed by a fire that comes out of the mouth of Anantadeva who is floating in the Garbha Ocean that fills the bottom half of the Universe?:deal:

that comes out of the mouth of Anantadeva who is floating in the Garbha Ocean’ sounds like a nuclear submarine maybe an ancient seer viewed and I never said these things don’t or will not occur but what is said is what ‘is’ the article or setting that will bring man together; knowledge.

Only in understanding do any of us have a chance and that understanding will and does maintain with both the sciences and theology, vindicating the old as well as establishing responsibility to the new all to be known and realized in a real existence and not in some fairy tale renditions.

In other word; not as the seers are ‘quoted’ but as it can be further described and understood!

The planets were considered roaming the night sky but now we know differently, right?

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<?xml:namespace prefix = o />

Everybody can see if humble without selfish intent and just because that one sect you pursue stands as a rock be humble to the brethren all over the globe and see through their eyes.

No clue what ya trying to say! use formal English


we are all equal to know the total ‘we are conscious’ and until any is humble to learn from all man does the real scope of understanding our existence become real.


As you mentioned it as theology ( I never say them theology, its coined by modern day fools and rascals), its science , the science of soul.

What ever floats your boat but without the sciences we would never have had this conversation. So get real with living instead of dreaming with theology.


Well everything has got PERFECT meaning, but the basic requirement to learn in the spiritual science is the humblenes and surrender, well the proud people have no place here.
I disagree! Most are here to learn and no where does this forum suggest; ‘the truth is left outside.’


Be happy with your material science.
Never was, nor am now. Go onto the physics sites throughout the world, see me telling them they are wrong.

There is no such thing as Dark Matter or Dark Energy and energy is not a difference of potentials. I have been a physics nut since a boy and have been debating this since I was rudely rejected and then left all established learning for one purpose; the truth. I quit learning on there time and have given everything to learn because of care and compassion and a promise was made to finish the final chapter.

Many pursue based on gains, money and recognition; not this one. There is only one purpose; honesty and to give the next generations the chance we did not have. To have the ability to understand how and why we even exist.

God is the total and it is only because of honoring him does man even learn the sciences. We pursue to understand as God intended. Are you on a computer? That book didn’t make it. Learn with questions versus putting the ‘old’ foot in the ……

Greatest comp your mind; when the mind is Kaput u need a comp, see books its writen duriong the age of kali, the mind cant remember things , so needs a comp .. U see again the books have taken its part,
Do you suggest not honoring the works of our fathers?


afterall they are written by supreme he he
Show me one book ever in the existence of any period on this globe where God wrote something! Ever!

So now my question to you; show me one fib I wrote! And be careful, you know who, is with you and the only thing that can come from you on this will either be of selfish preservation or you show you reduced learning or exposure but if you must, try…. Read everything you can google up on Bishadi and see.

No science is immune nor any sect all over this globe; I say either print the truth or go lay by your dish because the next generation is coming into this world and finally the one single set of understanding is to be known. The majority want the truth and who cares for the BS theology has imposed. “

Who is the most renowned leader in this sect, alive? Bring him into a discussion and let’s see if I can hold true.


It makes no sence to citique without having the tiniest knowledge about spirit and its significance..just blabbering wont do
First, in spirit is where this was born and where I reside in absolution; I know I am a part of this existence and it is only by knowing both does it become real! [
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I don't see how the Earth can have any "golden age" if a big portion of the planet is a radioactive Hell.


In case the question was pointed to me:


Hari OM:


1) Earth is still not a radioactive Hell, as far as I know


2) Some people may have intention to turn it like that, but intention does not immediately turns into reality, it would also need the capacity, if our Old Rishis had said that for 10000 years Kali Yuga will remain a "Golden Age" for all aspiring spirtualist then it will remain so, how much ever effort against it will not materialize (remember the multiple failed bombs over Ayodhya? )



If another Satya-Yuga starts after Lord Kalki comes at the end of Kali-Yuga and kills as the demoniac people of the world, there is still going to be millions of tons of radioactive waste stored all over the world in bunkers and mountain caves.


I don't see how there can be any great Satya-Yuga if there are millions of tons af radiocative waste all over the planet leaking out and contaminating the whole planet.



Since because you don't know at the current point of time the technology means that would counteract radioactive waste it does not mean Lord Kalki , or even a man in future point of time will not also would never knew it. It may even be possible that the radioactive waste becomes a source of cleaning other pollutants , no idea. Anyhow that is a point much ahead in future instead of speculating there, it is better to accept what Chaitnya Mahaprabhu says and do the best possible to your capacity "NOW"

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In case the question was pointed to me:


Hari OM:


1) Earth is still not a radioactive Hell, as far as I know

Good but do the Vedic scripts say, "radioactive Hell' ?



2) Some people may have intention to turn it like that, but intention does not immediately turns into reality, it would also need the capacity, if our Old Rishis had said that for 10000 years Kali Yuga will remain a "Golden Age" for all aspiring spirtualist then it will remain so, how much ever effort against it will not materialize (remember the multiple failed bombs over Ayodhya? )
Take the BS out and ask yourself; if everybody was aware of theri responsibility to life like the Bee is to the hive. What would we have here amongst the people of this globe?




Since because you don't know at the current point of time the technology means that would counteract radioactive waste it does not mean Lord Kalki , or even a man in future point of time will not also would never knew it. It may even be possible that the radioactive waste becomes a source of cleaning other pollutants , no idea. Anyhow that is a point much ahead in future instead of speculating there, it is better to accept what Chaitnya Mahaprabhu says and do the best possible to your capacity "NOW"


First, you like you radioactivity as something to be affraid of yet you have never once experienced it yourself as an ailment? Am I correct? Just media and the hype of what it can do, correct?


Second, if you know much about this Kalki dude; tell me what his main purpose or duty outside of killing people is.


The killing I see is that once people are aware of the full scope of understanding a relavance to what is occuring now in politics and capitalism will be made open and the people will condem the oppressors and corrupt as they will become the last in line.


Try the thought but read a little on this Kalki and tell us what is his mission.

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First, you like you radioactivity as something to be affraid of yet you have never once experienced it yourself as an ailment? Am I correct? Just media and the hype of what it can do, correct?


Hari OM:


i think radioactivity is also used in medicine to cure cancer etc., so it was my postulate that no need to worry too much about radioactivity as to worry about Adharma



Second, if you know much about this Kalki dude; tell me what his main purpose or duty outside of killing people is.



The killing I see is that once people are aware of the full scope of understanding a relavance to what is occuring now in politics and capitalism will be made open and the people will condem the oppressors and corrupt as they will become the last in line.


Try the thought but read a little on this Kalki and tell us what is his mission.


i dont know much about the Kalki dude or can't say exactly what is His mission, only He knows fully.


But He says in BG that whenever the cycle of Karma and Dharma is affected severly in this Earth, He manisfets Himself, get rid of evil people, protects the good people and re-establishes Dharma back.


His arrival is belived to be atleast 400,000 years later, by that time people would have won over Death, would have become very intelligent but cruel.


As a general rule He is not against Asuras (because they are also of Him only), but when a Asura breaks his limits and tries to win over other planents like Heaven and all and when those people become powerless to help themselves and pray to Him, then He intervenes to Help restore the order back. So all those things would happen in Earth before His arrival.


Whatever you have belief on this, but please just stop believing the rubbish "Judgement Day". That seems to be completely illogical to me


1) God does not Know but has to judge His own creation


2) How would children born one or two day before Judgement be judged? and if they are given direct Paradise then it means once paradise/Hell depends on his time of birth on which nobody has any control/choice. So you are rewarded/punished for an action for which you were not responsible


There are so many other in the list, but the main reason for people believing in "Judgement Day" is pure laziness, they don't want to do their Karma, but expect someone to finish this earth and relieve them. It is as stupid as somebody wishing their city to be drowned in a flood without realizing that will not end their woes but just will force them to live in another city as refugee with reduced standard of living.


At the least the "Judgement Day" is a waste of time and spraining of neck (looking above for the messiah) at the worst it is a major Sin, since expecting Earth (which has feed you and your so many other generations) to be destoryed.


So forgot about when Kalki will come what would be his mission, whether He will be riding white horse or black horse, whether His sword can take over the necular missile, etc., start chanting the Gods name (whatever name you like), stop the Hatred towards other living beings.


In that way you will be increasing your virtues and progress spiritually and, God Forbid!!!, even if the so called "Judgement day" happens still you have nothing to loose


Remember the End time prophecy, from the first documented at 996 AD to the last famous at 12th Septemeber 2006 (by some Yisral Hawkins) has failed to materialize, so there is every possibility all future prophecies will meet the same fate. So instead of wasting your time and energy in the illusionary "Judgement Day" and "end of times" use it wisely by chanting and praying.

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i dont know much about the Kalki dude or can't say exactly what is His mission, only He knows fully.

But He says in BG that whenever the cycle of Karma and Dharma is affected severly in this Earth, He manisfets Himself, get rid of evil people, protects the good people and re-establishes Dharma back.


1) God does not Know but has to judge His own creation

Sound familiar.

Whatever you have belief on this, but please just stop believing the rubbish "Judgement Day". That seems to be completely illogical to me


At the least the "Judgement Day" is a waste of time and spraining of neck (looking above for the messiah) at the worst it is a major Sin, since expecting Earth (which has feed you and your so many other generations) to be destoryed.

So forgot about when Kalki will come what would be his mission, whether He will be riding white horse or black horse, whether His sword can take over the necular missile, etc., start chanting the Gods name (whatever name you like), stop the Hatred towards other living beings.

Never could I harm.

See how even one sect in a sense is sharing a similar story but please don’t put me in any pigeon hole. I represent no sect other then to say I have learned a bit from all of them.

Take a shot at reading a few line from a multitude of representations you might learn something yourself. Maybe you will find, as many suggest, return to teach the children and teach the new generations about what really is, versus what some say is real.

The only thing I could say about some judgment day is when the masses of people, are aware of what damage has been done, then people will do the punishment. Man will push the buttons.

As for me, I just tell it like it is and you should find, I won’t lie to you, ever! Bead around the bush to avoid certain items; absolutely! But nothing here in on any thread anywhere, nope, won’t be fibbing maybe rude, maybe crude, but not lies!


Can’t! Me, myself and I won’t let us.

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.... on a plane to San Diego, when I read verse 2.2.5 from Srimad-Bhagavatam:


<B>Are there no torn clothes lying on the common road? Do the trees, which exist for maintaining others, no longer give alms in charity? Do the rivers, being dried up, no longer supply water to the thirsty? Are the caves of the mountains now closed, or, above all, does the Almighty Lord not protect the fully surrendered souls? Why then do the learned sages go to flatter those who are intoxicated by hard-earned wealth?</B>

Right between the eyes. That computer salesman died. That world ended. Thank God.


Many years later, the earth and stars fell away, and now it is only Sri Krsna that is real. The world has ended. The dream is gone, the fever finished.


Now I am simply,



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The Mayan calendar ends on the day the 26,000 year cycle of the Earth's rotation on it's axis is complete. On that day a new cycle of "wobble" of the Earth on it's axis will begin again.

The Sun will be in the center of the Milky Way which only occurs once every 26,000 years.

Experts disagree on whether this is a "end of the world" incident or simply the begining of a new cycle of rotation of the Earth on it's axis.


Some scholars think that this day simply heralds the begining of a new cycle that occurs every 26,000 years.

Some researchers think that this day is "the end of the world".


Astrologically speaking, December 21st of 2012 is simply the end of the 26,000 year cycle of the Earth rotation of it's axis. It would be quite the coincidence that the world ended on this day.


One thing we can bank on is that puny Earthlings that study the astrological events of the planet cannot predict the mind of God.


Srila Prabhupada said that "destiny can be changed with Krishna consciousness", so destiny is not written in stone but can be altered with spiritual efforts.


Nobody can predict the end of the world no more than they can predict the mind of God.

Srila Prabhupada has compared the Sudarshan Chakra with an "inauspicous comet", so there is the possiblity that the Lord can send his Sudharshan Chakra to alter the face of the Earth any time his chooses.

Astrologers cannot predict that event.

It all depends on the sweet will of God - Lord Vishnu.

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Like I have always said. The only thing more scary than the end of the world is business as usual.


the 09-11 terrorist attack on the WTC will be a minor event compared to the Tsunami wave that will level the entire east coast megalopolis from Boston to New York.

Some obscure island in the east Atlantic will collapse and create a Tsunami capable of leveling all of New YorK to Boston.


You can bank on it, that the time factor WILL level this BOIL on the face of the Earth and alter the thinking of the whole world.


This "capitol of sin" New York City will become the largest rubbish heap in the history of mankind after the Earth exacts her vengeance and sends a tidal wave big enough to put a stop to all the demoniac activities of the materialistic society.

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The Mayan calendar ends on the day the 26,000 year cycle of the Earth's rotation on it's axis is complete. On that day a new cycle of "wobble" of the Earth on it's axis will begin again.


Hari OM:


What is the basis of your statements


There is no cycle of "wobble", Earth continouously wobbles (similar to a top) at the rate of approx 0.000000001 degrees per day as per the scientists based on the radiotelescope measurements



The Sun will be in the center of the Milky Way which only occurs once every 26,000 years.



Again what is the basis?


AS per scientist the center of the Milky way galaxy is a Black Hole and as per Hinduism it is a 1000-peaked Golden mountain called Sumeru the resting place for Siddhas and rishis , How can Sun become the center of the Milky way.


Also to add credence to 2012 there is a theory going around in some sites that the orbit of the Sun would "cut" the milky way (the band of white light that appears in the night sky), if you had refered this, then this also is not a scientifically proven event and not expected in 2012. But scientist think that this event can happen in about another 1000 years, and when that happens earth will enter into Ice Age due to the scaterring of heat and light from Sun



Experts disagree on whether this is a "end of the world" incident or simply the begining of a new cycle of rotation of the Earth on it's axis.


Some scholars think that this day simply heralds the begining of a new cycle that occurs every 26,000 years.

Some researchers think that this day is "the end of the world".


Astrologically speaking, December 21st of 2012 is simply the end of the 26,000 year cycle of the Earth rotation of it's axis. It would be quite the coincidence that the world ended on this day.


One thing we can bank on is that puny Earthlings that study the astrological events of the planet cannot predict the mind of God.



Almost every body thinks that other than himself all others are "puny earthlings"




Can you please provide a quote for that since i am not familiar with all Srila Prabhupada's works.


However i had never had the theory of Sudharshan Chakra as an comet and that too an "inauspicous comet" Bhaktas consider Sudharshan as one of the great devotees of Lord while Yogis consider Sudharshan as an extermly powerful energy center

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You said it :[we are all equal to know the total ‘we are conscious’ and until any is humble to learn from all man does the real scope of understanding our existence become real.]<?xml:namespace prefix = o />


You dwindle your words very well, but honestly that doesnt send any messages. Arguments cant be won by that. Clarity and simplicity is required. Simplicity is another name of the God...

You said it :[What ever floats your boat but without the sciences we would never have had this conversation. So get real with living instead of dreaming with theology]


Honestly, if i were given a choice to go back to the vedic times , perhaps 10,000 or more years ao, to live in Bharathvarhsa (you might call it India). I would happily go back. You see what I mean, away from all the chaotic science findings. Such useless discussions on the furums are the result of tumultous mind. Mind which is taken over by the so called science....


You said it :[[i disagree! Most are here to learn and no where does this forum suggest; ‘the truth is left outside.]


First of all i didnt mean you to go way from this forum,. This is open to all. Basically , the westeners take any kind of teaching as the teaching at western schools and unis, wherein one is supposed to read some bunch of books and make some dirty experiments. There actually no idea of Guru and Desciple. But holdon, spirituality cant be gained by reading books, nor did anybody get it in any past. It needs a authorised Guru and the desciple has to humbly seve the guru. In this way when desciple satisfies the guru, would guru transfer the knowledfge, the truth and with the final transcendental spiritual realisation of one being a spirit soul....


You said it:[YouNever was, nor am now. Go onto the physics sites throughout the world, see me telling them they are wrong.

There is no such thing as Dark Matter or Dark Energy and energy is not a difference of potentials. I have been a physics nut since a boy and have been debating this since I was rudely rejected and then left all established learning for one purpose; the truth. I quit learning on there time and have given everything to learn because of care and compassion and a promise was made to finish the final chapter.

Many pursue based on gains, money and recognition; not this one. There is only one purpose; honesty and to give the next generations the chance we did not have. To have the ability to understand how and why we even exist.]


I dun need to search your name in anything whatsoever. I see the passion in you, and that is not congenial for spriritual realisation (if you are interested ). You have to be in the mode of goodness


You said it:[Do you suggest not honoring the works of our fathers?]


What works? which forefathers? if you are talking about those scientists, then i would say the works which gave nothing but destruction and an extra amount of material comfort. The more material comfort comeforth, the more materialistic you become. An the more materialistic you become, ther is a tiniest chance that you would ever go near the absoulte truth, Coz absoulte truth is completely spiritual. Completely teranscendental from the material


You said it: [show me one book ever in the existence of any period on this globe where God wrote something! Ever]


Read Srimad Bhagavadgita, Written by Lord Sri Krishna, I bet you will know once you read it


You said it:[so now my question to you; show me one fib I wrote! And be careful, you know who, is with you and the only thing that can come from you on this will either be of selfish preservation or you show you reduced learning or exposure but if you must, try…. Read everything you can google up on Bishadi and see.

No science is immune nor any sect all over this globe; I say either print the truth or go lay by your dish because the next generation is coming into this world and finally the one single set of understanding is to be known. The majority want the truth and who cares for the BS theology has imposed. “

Who is the most renowned leader in this sect, alive? Bring him into a discussion and let’s see if I can hold true.]


Again word juglary, i cant understand a bit from it. This isnt any selfish preservation. Honestly I do not understand it. Well Its like if use some heavy sankrtih here would you ever be bale to ake any sense of it . But thats not important here. We are not here to show out linguistic superiority. Use simple langauge and you will ge the answers


You said it:[

First, in spirit is where this was born and where I reside in absolution; I know I am a part of this existence and it is only by knowing both does it become real! ]


Spirit is unborn and eternal. Its the part and the parcel of supreme lord. Its transcendental, cant be understoo d by mental speculation. Nor do any of the seses can percieve it . TO know about it, the only way is surrender unto the supreme lord. I did that I understood what am I, the spirit soul and how am I eternal. If you wish to u need to do that, withiout that u can never ever , I bet ......Spiriit (you and I) is existing from the time immemorial , and we will exist for ever. What we change is our body. To come out of this cycel of changin bodies is what wise call as salvation or mukthi. Belive , the sceince or any confort of science cant bring this, indeed can be a hurdle in the the path to that ....


You said it:[Who is the most renowned leader in this sect, alive? Bring him into a discussion and let’s see if I can hold true]


If you want to see the truth, start searching for it like an honest seeker. Nobody is going to bring a spiritual master for you over here in this forum. Stop this bla bla mental speculations. The first step is to search for an authorised spiritaul master ans surrender. Then starts your new life as a Spiritual Scientist......


Hope that brought some light in clear and simple words:)


Hari hari bol











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Simplicity is another name of the God...
What? and your point?<?xml:namespace prefix = o />


Mind which is taken over by the so called science....
and without the computer you could not be reading this. The art of sharing compassion could never be realized ‘10k year ago’ nor is there much to mention about a 25 -35 year average life’s span.

I stand with 2 feet on the ground.


I dun need to search your name in anything whatsoever. I see the passion in you, and that is not congenial for spriritual realisation (if you are interested ). You have to be in the mode of goodness
To go back a paragraph, sometimes I believe a Guru would have made my path easy but for some reason it appears that this was not supposed to be.

I can agree I may not fit a mold, that is possible to a given circle (like most circles on the globe) and I know I can be as a bull in a china cabinet but the scars across my back show a life able to observe from many points of view. As for goodness, please slap me when I am mean, I deserve it. Tell me a time I was. But I sleep very well and not because of calluses but because the life is lived always with the total in mind; living with reckless abandonment.

Passion is a gift, enjoy the feelings that we can know. Who said, ‘be an introvert?’ Balance has nothing to do with not laughing or experiencing, that; is another line.


What works? which forefathers
The ones you want. Do you feel better? What a question. Do you brush your teeth? Who started that in your whole family tree?


if you are talking about those scientists, then i would say the works which gave nothing but destruction and an extra amount of material comfort.
Have you had a tetanus shot or who delivered your child? You?


you would ever go near the absoulte truth, Coz absoulte truth is completely spiritual. Completely teranscendental from the material
come on! The complete truth?

Did the complete truth teach you how to do dental work?


You said it: [show me one book ever in the existence of any period on this globe where God wrote something! Ever]

Read Srimad Bhagavadgita, Written by Lord Sri Krishna, I bet you will know once you read it

And the 10 commandments were done by God through a burning bush. Got it!

The rest just tells me I need to think the way you suggest which is basically from another Guru’s point of view. No!

I will try and be clear.

How many Guru’s on the planet? How many people? Look at the ratio. Then note why.

How will all the people of the globe know what the Guru knows? The physical world has always been with the spiritual but men have misinterpreted what is being presented on both fronts. The sciences will share how we exist and theology has been telling us throughout the world an almost exact framework.

The real debate between the 2 is what has been answered. That is it!

I know we evolved and God, and can prove both, ‘bout you? The end is not in 2012, maybe a bunch of fireworks but just think if someone would listen maybe responsibility can begin.

You should ask what you feel you need to know.

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What? and your point?<?xml:namespace prefix = o />

and without the computer you could not be reading this. The art of sharing compassion could never be realized ‘10k year ago’ nor is there much to mention about a 25 -35 year average life’s span.

I stand with 2 feet on the ground..


You jumped to conclusion without actally knowing what existed 10K years back didnt you? this is the problem with the people in the western world. they think their development is something which the earth has seen for the first time. When we start to talk abou the civilisation existed 10K years back in India they don even bother to listen. Just like you . But that doesnt change the history does it. Ofcousre there wudnt have been any development in the western world during this time. Eg. when the people in the western world were living in caves and forests with the leaves coverd their bodies, India was flourihsing with the rich civilisation , and 10K years back. Now you can see how MY forefathers lived life without in need of toothplaste to brush their teeth. Open your mind, let the thoughts come in and only then would there be a logical argument



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You jumped to conclusion without actally knowing what existed 10K years back didnt you?
And you do O’ wise one?


Now you can see how MY forefathers lived life without in need of toothplaste to brush their teeth.
But still you and the rest of the globe do, now. Guess that magic was not strong enough to evolve forward.


Open your mind, let the thoughts come in and only then would there be a logical argument
2 feet on ground!

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Brother our passion is what makes for good honest debate. Words are not to harm anyone but how they are understood begets the feelings. Do you ever cry in a play or stage act? Please be honest with yourself and nothing you ever read from me will hurt.

Look for purpose as if a bird was chirping in the tree. Look for the beauty of the cockroach; note the skill of its survival and not the fallacy taught by the exterminator.

Or clearly said: see what is, versus what man believes.


perhaps I am not able to read your mind... I dunno, neverthless I continue let see where it ends....
Passion… my friend. Curious, if another subject but this is not another subject, this is what your core is seeking.


Goodness is always congenial
To a point but to overcome the corruption, arrogant truth is born to protect the meek and the children. To birth the new will take a beast with passion to convey the truth and be governed by this is how to withstand capitalistic assimilation.


No, I am not married yet so have no experience with that. But even now in many places deliveries take palce without the so called immunisation or whatsoever. They use the traditional techniques.. Trust this science was forced upon in the begining to make it a necessity, otherwise if poeple lived before without it, whay cant they now? Now you answer this question
Just like needing passion to over come the corruption of today; the ill left upon this society by man’s rudeness needs the additions of many to overcome the virus.

So in answering the truth; many of mans works must be understood.

IN answering the illnesses; we need the medicine of the brethren to combat the diseases shared of the variant lands.

That which cant be cut by sword, cant be burnt by the fire, can never be withred by the wind or cant be wet by the water is what you are, the Soul...
It is why I Love this sect a such …. Spiritual instead of too physical … I agree … I am with you 100 and 10 plus 5 % …. My hair then and before to my toe nails, now and forever……

Yo …. But … that is not going to cross the boarders. It is where physics will. This is my story.

To combine the 2. Vindicate the past (guru/prophets) and offer a described future for every single person to understand. There is no debate, there is only one way it all works.

Nobody takes American culture to get peace
This is an error and I can suggest why; an American knows the freedom of choice as was intended by God and within this arena each has a choice to pursue any direction of life they wish. Read as they want, be as they want, believe as they want. Where data and information of the world and its cultures are at the fingertips.

So to have persons with every choice that can be possessed, one day someone who cares not of himself but of others can be born; to live only under the eyes of knowing able only to learn for the total, having the ills ever present to learn from, to be just as a part of both Love and Hate during the course of life, but chooses to share the ground covered with the next generations, so that the straight path is easy to find.

To lay concrete down for tomorrow that cannot be chipped away ever again.

Please if I lie, slap me, if I help, please believe, as I could never harm all I am doing is still learning while dropping bricks all the while seeking masons to help build a road.

Friends I assure you, just trust a weee little bit. Ask me anything you like as they are things others may want to know, AND I LEARN WITHIN THE FRAMEWORK “understanding.”

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