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Karma is useless.....(from past lives)

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ok so Narayana covers us with the Mahamaya right? That is why we are not allowed to remember.


but when did I have the free will, and hence the option to choose to be covered?


If I was left uncovered, and could remember the past lives then I would realize that I have been making mistakes and could learn to change for the better.


thank you for your KIND, NONjudgmental response to my question. If you could please give me more detail of this topic.


-Hare Krishna

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ok so Narayana covers us with the Mahamaya right? That is why we are not allowed to remember.


but when did I have the free will, and hence the option to choose to be covered?


If I was left uncovered, and could remember the past lives then I would realize that I have been making mistakes and could learn to change for the better.


thank you for your KIND, NONjudgmental response to my question. If you could please give me more detail of this topic.


-Hare Krishna


Hari OM:


You wanted a shastric proof and it was given.


It is your freewill, to believe in the shastric proof and start working towards liberation, you can choose any path (Karma, Jnana, Bhakti, Tapa, Dhana..) all paths will ultimately lead to the final path with a difference of +/- few births, if and only IF you start trying that path in all sincerity from now (this birth).


The main point of exit where you can execrise your freewill is at the time of death, if you practise with full faith and sincerely you may be able to execrise that freewill correctly and get liberated.


However if you want to really Know all your previous births first and then start your efforts, i regret that i am powerless to help you. Either the Lord himself or any great sages who can show you all your previous berths only can help you

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...Either the Lord himself or any great sages who can show you all your previous berths only can help you


Thank you, but this is exactly what I would like to know.... If the Lord is the only one who can help with this, then he is also the only one who can allow us to remember.


There has to be an answer in the shastras some place.... everything can be found there so why not this also?


-Hare Krishna

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In my horoscope it is said that i will be extremely devoted to Lord kRSNA But Lord Krsna has put me in such awkwards situations that still today i am asking Krsna why i was put into embrassing situations. Was it my destiny or free will or krsna's chice .Can anyone explain to me why i was in such a situation.Does a human being makes his own destiny or it is God's choice?

Help me Krsna.It is tearing my heart.

Hare Krsna

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Thank you, but this is exactly what I would like to know.... If the Lord is the only one who can help with this, then he is also the only one who can allow us to remember.


There has to be an answer in the shastras some place.... everything can be found there so why not this also?


-Hare Krishna


Hari OM:


The question leads to what is the purpose of life and ultimately to "what is the purpose of this creation"


i had studied (or read atleast) all major scriptures of current times and to be honest enough, this question is not answered (atleast to my satisifaction)


The scriptures seems to be completely skip this question or if answer then the answer is confusing, funny or outright bizzare (like in Abhramic scriptures)


In my understanding the following are the possible answers given for the "Purpose of Creation" by various schools of thoughts


1) There is no purpose, whatsoever, the whole creation is a drama acted and enjoyed by Himself (Advaitha , Jnana margs)


2) There is no specific purpose, the creation is a random occurence and each individual can set his own purpose according to his wish and capacity (Sankya, Buddhist)


3) The creation is a play, where the God pushes everybody outside his home and commands all to come back, just to make the game interesting creates Takshesi's castle type of obstacles in the return path (Bhakti, Karma margs)


4) This creation is a preverse play, where God creates a group of frighetend people who always shouts his name out of fear. He also creates another group (either directly or through outsourcing to satan/lucifer) which refuses to shout his name. He doubly enjoys by sorching this group in eternal Hell (almost all Abhramic margs)



Only Advaitha and Vaishnavism makes complete sense to me.


Advaitha says Parabrahamam is the ultimate destination while Vaikuntha is ultimate-1 destination (the support for this is the vedic statement "In the beginning there was nothing" which means Vaikuntha was not eternal, and another statement, the life time of Vishnu is 288 Brahmans and 24 Shivas)


While Vaishnavism says Vaikuntha is eternal and Brahamjyothi (they dont call it as parabrahmam) is utlimate-1 (since Jiva can fall back)


Either way i think Vaishnavism is the best possible path, which is both easy to practice and attain.


So you have a freewill to set the purpose of YOUR life.


The purpose can be as


Significant as to attain Gold medal in the olympics


As esoteric as to watch Hollywood movies from Neptune


Or as mundane as to buy that 30*40 House


Whatever be the purpose you work in one or multiple births to attain that purpose and after attaining set the next one.


So if you have the luxury to set the purpose of your life (i.e., if you don't live in a theocratic or capatlistic society where the purpose is set by the Government or your boss), i would recommend that set the purpose to reach Vaikuntha, that by itself is a success since you have set the purpose outside the material elements. And if you are sincere you will surely reach that Goal as promised by Bhagavan in Gita


Of course you can also try the Jnana marg of living life without purpose, but i tried and failed, it is too much tormenting and confusing. Probably the only way of trying that is to retreat into a forest and live solitarily (provided you are not arrested by the forest officials for entering the forest in first place)


So considering the given situation and environment , reaching vaikuntha is the best possible purpose one can set for himself, bhakti is the best possible marg for that purpose (dont use bhakti to buy that 30*40 site), and Srila Prabupada is the best possible guide for that marg (even though joining or not joining iskcon would be your individual decision)

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What makes us so sure that karma does exist?


The universe we live in is definitely NOT a universe of compassion, but a universe of power. The strong will survive, the weak will die out... Simple as that..


It is our egoism (the very thing that ur probably trying to eliminate) that wants us to have past and future lives and wants us to have 'a purpose' to 'feel important'.


Who cares really if the whole planet is destroyed? Do you think anything at all will change in the universe? Nothing will change, the universe won't even notice. All these years of 'civilization' and 'progress' can be turned to ashes in seconds and no Lord and no universe will give a damn about it.


The illusion of safety...Only power matters an here I dont mean money etc. I mean power as a way towards freedom. Only the strong are truly free

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What makes us so sure that karma does exist?


The universe we live in is definitely NOT a universe of compassion, but a universe of power. The strong will survive, the weak will die out... Simple as that..


It is our egoism (the very thing that ur probably trying to eliminate) that wants us to have past and future lives and wants us to have 'a purpose' to 'feel important'.


Who cares really if the whole planet is destroyed? Do you think anything at all will change in the universe? Nothing will change, the universe won't even notice. All these years of 'civilization' and 'progress' can be turned to ashes in seconds and no Lord and no universe will give a damn about it.


The illusion of safety...Only power matters an here I dont mean money etc. I mean power as a way towards freedom. Only the strong are truly free


From The Search For Sri Krishna, Reality The Beautiful by Srila B.R. Sridhar Maharaj, Chapter One:


jnanam te' ham sa-vijnanam

idam vaksyamy aesatah

yaj jnatva neha bhuyo 'nyaj

jnatavyam avasisyate


In the Bhagavad-gita (7.2) Krsna says, "Arjuna, now I shall explain to you scientific knowledge not only about the soul, but also about its potency. The mind, the senses, and the modes of nature are all non-atma, or material. There is a direct and indirect approach towards reality which I shall now explain to you. Please listen attentively to Me: jnanam te 'ham sa vijnanam. What is this? There is Myself and My potency, and the jiva, the living entity, is the marginal potency which is filling up all these material worlds." If the jiva-sakti, the spiritual potency, were withdrawn, then everything would be stone, and who would care for exploitation? All this fighting tendency, this tendency for exploitation would stop if the marginal potency, the jiva, were withdrawn from matter. Everything would be dead. The soul has entered into this material consciousness and has made it a moving thing. You should understand this properly, in a scientific way. We are not lacking in our ability to give you a scientific explanation.

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If the jiva-sakti, the spiritual potency, were withdrawn, then everything would be stone, and who would care for exploitation? All this fighting tendency, this tendency for exploitation would stop if the marginal potency, the jiva, were withdrawn from matter. Everything would be dead. The soul has entered into this material consciousness and has made it a moving thing. You should understand this properly, in a scientific way. We are not lacking in our ability to give you a scientific explanation.

How can you know all these? What do you seek? Union with the Absolute? Elimination of duality principles? What? Freed from what?

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The subject of the Bhagavad-gītā entails the comprehension of five basic truths. First of all, the science of God is explained and then the constitutional position of the living entities, jīvas. There is īśvara, which means the controller, and there are jīvas, the living entities which are controlled. If a living entity says that he is not controlled but that he is free, then he is insane. The living being is controlled in every respect, at least in his conditioned life. So in the Bhagavad-gītā the subject matter deals with the īśvara, the supreme controller, and the jīvas, the controlled living entities. Prakṛti (material nature) and time (the duration of existence of the whole universe or the manifestation of material nature) and karma (activity) are also discussed. The cosmic manifestation is full of different activities. All living entities are engaged in different activities. From Bhagavad-gītā we must learn what God is, what the living entities are, what prakṛti is, what the cosmic manifestation is, how it is controlled by time, and what the activities of the living entities are.

Out of these five basic subject matters in Bhagavad-gītā it is established that the Supreme Godhead, or Kṛṣṇa, or Brahman, or the supreme controller, or Paramātmā — you may use whatever name you like — is the greatest of all. The living beings are in quality like the supreme controller. For instance, the Lord has control over the universal affairs of material nature, as will be explained in the later chapters of Bhagavad-gītā. Material nature is not independent. She is acting under the directions of the Supreme Lord. As Lord Kṛṣṇa says, mayādhyakṣeṇa prakṛtiḥ sūyate sa-carācaram: "This material nature is working under My direction." When we see wonderful things happening in the cosmic nature, we should know that behind this cosmic manifestation there is a controller. Nothing could be manifested without being controlled. It is childish not to consider the controller. For instance, a child may think that an automobile is quite wonderful to be able to run without a horse or other animal pulling it, but a sane man knows the nature of the automobile's engineering arrangement. He always knows that behind the machinery there is a man, a driver. Similarly, the Supreme Lord is the driver under whose direction everything is working. Now the jīvas, or the living entities, have been accepted by the Lord, as we will note in the later chapters, as His parts and parcels. A particle of gold is also gold, a drop of water from the ocean is also salty, and similarly we the living entities, being part and parcel of the supreme controller, īśvara, or Bhagavān, Lord Śrī Kṛṣṇa, have all the qualities of the Supreme Lord in minute quantity because we are minute īśvaras, subordinate īśvaras. We are trying to control nature, as presently we are trying to control space or planets, and this tendency to control is there because it is in Kṛṣṇa. But although we have a tendency to lord it over material nature, we should know that we are not the supreme controller. This is explained in Bhagavad-gītā.

What is material nature? This is also explained in Gītā as inferior prakṛti, inferior nature. The living entity is explained as the superior prakṛti. Prakṛti is always under control, whether inferior or superior. Prakṛti is female, and she is controlled by the Lord just as the activities of a wife are controlled by the husband. Prakṛti is always subordinate, predominated by the Lord, who is the predominator. The living entities and material nature are both predominated, controlled by the Supreme Lord. According to the Gītā, the living entities, although parts and parcels of the Supreme Lord, are to be considered prakṛti. This is clearly mentioned in the Seventh Chapter of Bhagavad-gītā. Apareyam itas tv anyāḿ prakṛtiḿ viddhi me parām/ jīva-bhūtām: "This material nature is My inferior prakṛti, but beyond this is another prakṛtijīva-bhūtām, the living entity."

Material nature itself is constituted by three qualities: the mode of goodness, the mode of passion and the mode of ignorance. Above these modes there is eternal time, and by a combination of these modes of nature and under the control and purview of eternal time there are activities, which are called karma. These activities are being carried out from time immemorial, and we are suffering or enjoying the fruits of our activities. For instance, suppose I am a businessman and have worked very hard with intelligence and have amassed a great bank balance. Then I am an enjoyer. But then say I have lost all my money in business; then I am a sufferer. Similarly, in every field of life we enjoy the results of our work, or we suffer the results. This is called karma.

Īśvara (the Supreme Lord), jīva (the living entity), prakṛti (nature), kāla (eternal time) and karma (activity) are all explained in the Bhagavad-gītā. Out of these five, the Lord, the living entities, material nature and time are eternal. The manifestation of prakṛti may be temporary, but it is not false. Some philosophers say that the manifestation of material nature is false, but according to the philosophy of Bhagavad-gītā or according to the philosophy of the Vaiṣṇavas, this is not so. The manifestation of the world is not accepted as false; it is accepted as real, but temporary. It is likened unto a cloud which moves across the sky, or the coming of the rainy season, which nourishes grains. As soon as the rainy season is over and as soon as the cloud goes away, all the crops which were nourished by the rain dry up. Similarly, this material manifestation takes place at a certain interval, stays for a while and then disappears. Such are the workings of prakṛti. But this cycle is working eternally. Therefore prakṛti is eternal; it is not false. The Lord refers to this as "My prakṛti." This material nature is the separated energy of the Supreme Lord, and similarly the living entities are also the energy of the Supreme Lord, although they are not separated but eternally related. So the Lord, the living entity, material nature and time are all interrelated and are all eternal. However, the other item, karma, is not eternal. The effects of karma may be very old indeed. We are suffering or enjoying the results of our activities from time immemorial, but we can change the results of our karma, or our activity, and this change depends on the perfection of our knowledge. We are engaged in various activities. Undoubtedly we do not know what sort of activities we should adopt to gain relief from the actions and reactions of all these activities, but this is also explained in the Bhagavad-gītā.

The position of īśvara, the Supreme Lord, is that of supreme consciousness.

Bhagavad-gītā As It Is

The Introduction

Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

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All these things are quotations written by someone else. They are only beliefs (which are certainly respected as such), but do not really have any practical significance. What is important are practices and the experiences that derive from them.


Any kind of belief is useless, it can only temporarily alleviate the pain, but does not treat the disease. Its like having a brain tumor and instead of having surgery we take pain killers. How can all these be usefull to anyone.


Therefore the mere believing in something (karma, god, deities etc etc) does not really help in anything.


I would like you are own opinions on the subject and not quotations from books and other 'enlightened' people (who in most cases only care about money or fame. And im not referring to the particular quotation). What are some techniques or practices THAT YOU HAVE TRIED and know for sure that they work, and what experiences did you have?

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Some faith is always required. When you lay down in bed at night you have faith that you will wake up. Otherwise if you thought that by going to sleep you would die then you would try to stay up all night. I know I would. In another vein, suppose two persons had the exact same divine vision. Perhaps they would experience some kind of divine rapture. The next day one person might decide to dedicate their life to God and the other person might conclude that the vision was merely an hallucination, a function of some kind of change in brain chemistry. So faith is there everywhere. We have been told by our teachers that in this Age the effective way to realise God is to chant His Holy Names. Here is a simple explanation by my spiritual master:

... the Supreme Lord can be appreciated only by devotional service. Therefore, one should be fully devoted. One should fix his mind fully on Kṛṣṇa in order to achieve Him. One should work only for Kṛṣṇa. It does not matter in what kind of work one engages, but that work should be done only for Kṛṣṇa. That is the standard of devotional service. The devotee does not desire any achievement other than pleasing the Supreme Personality of Godhead. His life's mission is to please Kṛṣṇa, and he can sacrifice everything for Kṛṣṇa's satisfaction, just as Arjuna did in the Battle of Kurukṣetra. The process is very simple: one can devote himself in his occupation and engage at the same time in chanting Hare Kṛṣṇa, Hare Kṛṣṇa, Kṛṣṇa Kṛṣṇa, Hare Hare/ Hare Rāma, Hare Rāma, Rāma Rāma, Hare Hare. Such transcendental chanting attracts the devotee to the Personality of Godhead.

Bhagavad-gītā As It Is 12.6-7 (excerpt from the Bhaktivedanta Purport)

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Why do we have to blindly follow some self-proclaimed masters? How do we know that the person we have next to us is a 'master' (whatever the word 'master' might mean)? There are some good chances that he/she is a charlatan. What then? We devote ourselves in a way/path that might not work and its effects on us merely placebo effects.


Did following this particular path give you something? I mean any practical outcome? Its convenient for some to say "Do this and that and follow my way blindly/faithfully and you will receive whatever gift at some other life" It is exactly the same thing when the Christian priests demand devotion and faith and they promise some 'afterlife' rewards.


I think the important is the here and now and what can I do (and see/feel/live the results now) now and strengthen myself to face this unknown universe.


Again I stress personal experience and practices and not theoretical knowledge, which leads nowhere. What practical results did this devotion your teacher told you had for you? This is the vital question...

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  • 3 weeks later...

Original Poster here...bringing this thread back once again.


So has anyone found DIRECT proof, straight from Lord Krishna Himself that says why we are not allowed to remember past deeds?


so far all I have seen is speculation and a complete divergence from the original topic.


I don't care about the universe and faith...just want to know what mistakes I made in the past to ensure I don't make them again.


Hare Krishna

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BG 4.3: That very ancient science of the relationship with the Supreme is today told by Me to you because you are My devotee as well as My friend and can therefore understand the transcendental mystery of this science.

BG 4.4: Arjuna said: The sun-god Vivasvān is senior by birth to You. How am I to understand that in the beginning You instructed this science to him?

BG 4.5: The Personality of Godhead said: Many, many births both you and I have passed. I can remember all of them, but you cannot, O subduer of the enemy!

BG 15.15: I am seated in everyone's heart, and from Me come remembrance, knowledge and forgetfulness. By all the Vedas, I am to be known. Indeed, I am the compiler of Vedānta, and I am the knower of the Vedas.

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The Personality of Godhead said: Many, many births both you and I have passed. I can remember all of them, but you cannot, O subduer of the enemy!

-I am seated in everyone's heart, and from Me come remembrance, knowledge and forgetfulness....


So you are proving my point...thank you for that, but where is the answer to my question.


remembrance, knowledge and forgetfulness comes from Krishna...He can remember all, but we are not allowed to.


Why?....good job finding the verses that say who is in control, but now find why He controls our remembrance if we are given free will.


Hare Krishna

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So you are proving my point...thank you for that, but where is the answer to my question.


remembrance, knowledge and forgetfulness comes from Krishna...He can remember all, but we are not allowed to.


Why?....good job finding the verses that say who is in control, but now find why He controls our remembrance if we are given free will.


Hare Krishna


Excerpt from an interview with


Srila Bhakti Rakshak

Sridhar Dev Goswami Maharaja


Autocrat, Despot, and Liar

The Krishna Conception of Divinity

God is not a constitutional king, but He is an autocrat. To work for an autocrat is the highest conception of sacrifice. What degree of selflessness and courage is required to work for an autocrat, a despot, a liar who is up to anything? Not only that, His normal position is such. It is not a temporary temperament, but His eternal inner nature. Krishna is an autocrat because law emanates from Him. An autocrat is above law. When there are many, there is a need for law; when there is only one, there is no need for law. Krishna is a despot, but He is absolute good. If there is any check in His despotism, the world will be the loser. Goodness must have its full flow. Is that bad? Can there be any objection to this? Goodness must have its freedom to flow anywhere and everywhere. If we say that God is absolute good, then what do we lose by giving Him autocracy? Should autocracy be with the ignorant and the fools? No. The absolute good must have full autocracy. Not that law will go to bind His hands. Then we will be losers. And Krishna is a liar, to entice us, because we cannot understand the whole truth. So to entice us to gradually come to the truth, He has become a liar.

The first thing to understand is that He is all goodness, so everything emanating from Him cannot but be good. Any defect is on our side. We are encroachers. He is not an encroacher. But He shows this as His play, Lila. Everything belongs to Him, so there is no lying. When He says, "Let there be light," there was light: "Let there be water," there was water. If He has such potential power, can there be any lying there? We have to sacrifice ourselves for Krishna, because He is the absolute good, beauty, and love. Faith and selflessness are required to such a high degree. If we accept Krishna consciousness as our highest ideal, then so much sacrifice is necessary, but sacrifice means life: "Die to live." There is no loss by sacrifice. We can only gain by giving ourselves.

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So you are proving my point...thank you for that, but where is the answer to my question... remembrance, knowledge and forgetfulness comes from Krishna...He can remember all.... now find why He controls our remembrance if we are given free will.


I see you haven't lost the 'tude, despite thinking of yourself as being much maligned. I was going to look up the same quotes Shakti-Fan did, but I figured it wouldn't do any good. Turns out I was right.


Why don't YOU find the quotes. They're all over the place. You are here in this material world (as are the rest of us) because we wanted to enjoy. Ahankara. "I am the enjoyer." This is your desire. Do you agree or disagree? That being the case, Krsna makes arrangements so that you may forget your constitutional position as His infinitesimal servant, and allows you to enjoy His material energy. If you are serious about wishing that ahankara removed, then you need to adopt a spiritual process by which your heart will be purified of all these unwanted things. In the meantime, despite all your protests, Krsna is actually fulfilling your desires, and one of the means in which He accomplishes this is by making you forgetful of who you are. Hence, as Shakti-Fan quoted: "I am seated in everyone's heart, and from Me come remembrance, knowledge and forgetfulness. By all the Vedas, I am to be known." BG 15.15

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I don't care about the universe and faith...just want to know what mistakes I made in the past to ensure I don't make them again.

Hare Krishna

Face it Krsna Consciousness is a religious philosophy. Within that philosophy the goal is not liberation from material suffering which is what you are looking for. This is my speculation but I think the real reason that we are not allowed to remember our past lives is that it would make our evolution too easy. And besides it must be part of our imprisonment that we have no memory of our past lives. Sometimes there is some kind of memory but its below the surface, maybe similar to a deja vu experience. I don't really believe you are looking for an answer, you just seem to be angry about how you are suffering in this world. Buddha said that suffering comes from attachment. All who even have a slight touch of experience in Krsna Consciousness know this. But still most of us, including myself, are still attached. So we have no one to blame but ourselves. Of course I'm just faking it, deep down I'm just like you. Please dear Lord Krsna save me I am a hopeless case!

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There is no need for us to remember our past mistakes in order to be good now. Suppose I do not remember if I ever committed burglary in the past (this life or some previous life). Does it mean I can commit burglary now? Of course not. I know it is bad and, therefore, I should not do it irrespective of whether I did it in past or not.

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There is no need for us to remember our past mistakes in order to be good now. Suppose I do not remember if I ever committed burglary in the past (this life or some previous life). Does it mean I can commit burglary now? Of course not. I know it is bad and, therefore, I should not do it irrespective of whether I did it in past or not.
According to Vedic Vedantic philosophy if you had committed a burglary in your last life then you would have a tendency to repeat that action in this life because of the samskaras that you carry from lifetime to lifetime in your subtle body. In a sense you DO remember your past lifetime experience in your subconscious mind. But the memory is subconcious and "underground".
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Hello mr. guest. well well. you have really challenged us all. but i found this answer to be one of the most convincing:


**I think the law of Karma is very mechanical and exact to the point. If we remember our past mistakes becasue of which we are suffering, then it will reduce our suffering by way of some kind of solace that the suffering is not unwarranted. But since the law of Karma gives a 9 for a 9, it wants you to suffer exactly as the suffering you gave - to cause the exact impression which you might have caused - as a learning experience. The only other way out is to seek help from someone who has power over Karma.**


What have you got to say for this now? Is your qs abt past life memory answered with this one? is this answer not logical enough?

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sorry for the late reply Mugen...


However, the question still remains.... Why? If karma means an-eye-for-an-eye, the we should be allowed to remember the "eye" so to speak...


so if we have a tendency to carry over our samskaras, then there will never be an end to the cycle of mistakes....murderers will murder and thieves will steal....


Now....If we were allowed to remember the actual act that caused someone else to suffer, then we would know that, "okay...i see now...I did such and such, so I have to pay for it...now I know for sure that this is a bad deed, and I will stop myself from doing such again...instead I will continue on the path to Krishna..."


but NO...this is not the case...we are left in the dark and expected to go to Krishna without the slightest idea as to why we suffer...


it's a simple request....many want gold, money, various riches etc...however many devotees just want to know their source of suffering so that they can learn and move on in their bhakti.


again, I admit....I am the most fallen, ignorant fool...so please assist me in finding the sastric evidence which shows why the memory of past deeds is erased.


-Hare Krishna

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but NO...this is not the case...we are left in the dark and expected to go to Krishna without the slightest idea as to why we suffer...


That is truly amazing that you can still make this claim, despite all the detailed replies you have received since this thread began many months ago.

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