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I'm looking for a little spiritual direction and would appreciate any advice people have...


I'm 28, living in London and having travelled for a couple of years am now settling for a while; my problem is, however, that i feel deeply unhappy in my present situation and that there is something missing from my life (also i find life and work in London majorly stressful, which i am very vocal about, adding to my unhappiness).


Now while i have read various spiritual books (Buddhism, Hare Krishna etc) I havent found anything that rings true to me, despite constantly being drawn back to these topics; it's like i get so far with them and then suddenly think "no, these stories about Kirshna cant be literal" (i could see the logic of it if the stories were used as lessions to understand God and not the literal truth) and turn away for a while (also, i know my g/f wouldnt be impressed if i suddenly became a Hare Krishna, for example).


I consider myself an open and spritual person, but i am confused about 'my path' and am unsure about how i find that path and not just some New Age idea that has been cobbled together from various religions.


Basically, i want peace. i want to be a better person, not so angry (something that didnt arrise while i was travelling). I want to contribute something positive to this World, without being caught up in the material. I dont want this sense of pride and being better than the people around me that i have developed of late. I want to be rid of my manic depression, which i have always had, but seems to have come back with force of late.


I hope this makes sense, its hard to express something that i never talk about to others.


If others have been in this situation i would like to hear from you or if you have any recommendations for books etc.


Thanks for your time. J

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That place which is devoid of all misiries of life, or heaven, (Vaikuntha) is in the ashrama where you can inquire submissively and render the devotional service towards all of the living entities. I am also seeking that place, so please let me know when you find it. Krishna is your ONLY well wisher.

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...I should clarify, im not looking for a perfect life, just some way to express my spiritual urge that puts deeper meaning into my existence. I think im just finding it hard to be spiritual within the 'normal', 9 to 5, World.


I'm thinking about heading to the Ashram is town (its been a while) and see if it reenergises me.


Your comments are appreciated...



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If you're looking for answers in Hinduism or the Vedic teachings, then the best place to turn is the Bhagavad Gita. If the Bhagavad Gita doesn't provide any type of illumination or satisfaction for you, then I don't think you will find anything in these paths that will satisfy you. Maybe try giving the Bhagavad Gita one more reading and see if there is anything that inspires you.

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Sometimes reading books and trying to learn philosophies does not give a direct experience that really opens your mind.


If you aren't ready for Hare Krishna and are suffering from depression, then I would recommend trying to learn hatha-yoga.

Breathing excercises and the postures of the yoga system might help you relieve your depression.

Also, along with that you should try chanting the maha-mantra 16 rounds a day for a few days and see if that doesn't give you a sense of spiritual improvement.


Yoga is a process of becoming spiritually blissful.

Philosophizing with books doesn't mean much if you don't feel the bliss of the yoga system.

Bhakti-yoga is the graduate level of yoga practice.

Maybe you need to climb the ladder a step at a time to get there.

Start with hatha-yoga.


You need something more than just a faith to buy into.

You need to feel scientifically the benefits of mantra-yoga and hatha-yoga.


Also, the vaidhi-sadhana of Bhakti-yoga is required to actually have an existential experience that religion is not a matter of blind faith and philosophy, but is a spiritual science of becoming free from material suffering and feeling spiritual growth and bliss.

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I'm looking for a little spiritual direction and would appreciate any advice people have...


I'm 28, living in London and having travelled for a couple of years am now settling for a while; my problem is, however, that i feel deeply unhappy in my present situation and that there is something missing from my life (also i find life and work in London majorly stressful, which i am very vocal about, adding to my unhappiness).


That is understandable. Our modern societies have been arranged without consideration of the higher qualities that human beings are meant to develop. Intelligent people such as yourself acutely feel this lack and it is frustrating.



Now while i have read various spiritual books (Buddhism, Hare Krishna etc) I havent found anything that rings true to me, despite constantly being drawn back to these topics; it's like i get so far with them and then suddenly think "no, these stories about Kirshna cant be literal" (i could see the logic of it if the stories were used as lessions to understand God and not the literal truth) and turn away for a while (also, i know my g/f wouldnt be impressed if i suddenly became a Hare Krishna, for example).


There are a couple of ways of looking at the "literal truth" idea. Before I go farther I should say that my thoughts are not supported by orthodox Hare Krishna viewpoint. If nothing else though it is usefully for me as a way to comfortably see the whole doubt thing aside and get on with seeking divine knowledge from the Krishna body of literature.


I don't believe in the literalness of all that I read in the normal 3D way. I do however accept that the Bhagavad-gita and the Srimad Bhagavatam are literary incarnations of God. Literature need not be 100% accurate as far as being able to fit into the ordinary workings of this 3D plane that we all are used to and take so seriously as the "true reality".


Still having said this I can honestly say that I also consider the pastimes of Krishna as written in these books to be the literal truth. This is a very important point. My dissent is not based on if Krishna's pastimes are literal or not but rather on the definition of literal.


I accept Krishna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead and therefore wherever He appears that is the literal truth and wherever He is not recognized is our own temporary illusory version of reality.


But there lies a very grave danger here. Our minds like to speculate. So we may find ourselves trying to figure out "hidden meanings" in Krsna's pastimes considering it all an elaborate peotic way of expressing sme truth other than what is being clearly stated. Taking this approach we will surely miss the Real Krishna.


Krsna is the Real Literal Truth. There is no truth beyond beyond His transcendental form. God is the Supreme Person.


But what I say need not nor should be accepted by you without careful consideration. Like a say I am the ugly duckling of the group and hold a minority opinion of only one that I know of. lol Srila Prabhupad wrote in his commentary to Bhagavad-gita that "blind following is condemned." Not that it is not recommended but it "is condemned." Condemend is a very strong word. Srila Prabhupada want us all to see and understand not to be a blind believer.


Take your time and investigate the eternal truths that his books have to offer. If doubt come that is natural. The way that works for me is I ask krsna to please clear them for me in His own time and then I file them into the doubt folder and move on to some eternal truth that is easier for me to handle.



I consider myself an open and spritual person, but i am confused about 'my path' and am unsure about how i find that path and not just some New Age idea that has been cobbled together from various religions.


Wise choice.



Basically, i want peace. i want to be a better person, not so angry (something that didnt arrise while i was travelling). I want to contribute something positive to this World, without being caught up in the material. I dont want this sense of pride and being better than the people around me that i have developed of late. I want to be rid of my manic depression, which i have always had, but seems to have come back with force of late.


I hope this makes sense, its hard to express something that i never talk about to others.


If others have been in this situation i would like to hear from you or if you have any recommendations for books etc.


It makes a lot of sense. I am sure everyone here feels or has felt the very same thing. It is obvious that you were a seeker in the past life(lives) and are trying to get reinstated back on that path. Once you get a little steady chanting of Hare Krsna going things will smooth out.


As for books try the vedabase link at the end of my post. You can read the main works of Srila Prabhupada there.


Please check in here often and join the discussions. We are all beginners just trying to grow.


Hare Krsna

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Not all people who follow Vedic traditions take the puranas literally. Do not get hungup on whether they are literal or metaphysical. Meditate on the Upanishads and the Bhagavad Gita. Focus on Self-Realization and God-Realization.


Do not forsake the spiritual path, because of some nagging doubts in your mind. Worry about what you can know and discover. The Kingdom of Light is within you. Explore this realm in meditation, and the important questions will be answered. Peace is found within, not without.

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Thank you for your replies.


I think that my problem is that i have become caught up in the material world, something that was easier to avoid when i was away from old influences. I found that while i was attending yoga classes (and occasional chanting), at the Hare Krishna run, Loft in Auckland, NZ, i was far happier, but since returning to London i have lost that feeling. I guess that part of the problem is that my usual sceptical mind just gets to a point where it thinks 'hey, are you crazy getting into this stuff!' and then i turn away (for a while). Ive never been brought up religious, so i guess i find believing in God something outside of my usual mode of thought difficult.


Reading your posts i think that i will revisit the temple here in London and just meditate for a while, start chanting a few rounds a day and just let go of worrying about my job etc. I'll definately be getting out my copy of the Gita and spend some time reading. Stressing and getting wound up is getting me nowhere, while i could be using my energy in more constructive ways.


I hope my posts have been clear, like i say i do find expressing these thoughts rather difficult, so please bear with me.


If anyone else has any ideas/experiences then id be interested to read them. In the mean time ill keep checking out the forum and making the occasional post. If anyone would like to mail me then let me know as id be quite interested in corresponding with people.


Once again, many thanks, yours, Jaime (UK)

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The sacred wisdom which is not within the reach of a normal Human Being as one is not able to comprehend the same. And why most people are unable to comprehend the deeper meaning is illustrated in this fact ... Similarly as no two students get the same marks in an examination in spite of having studied in the same class, the teacher being the same, same knowledge was imparted to both of them yet, both students obtained different marks.


Even if the teacher desires the whole class coming first the same never happens ... it is not the teaching prowess of the teacher which comes into play but the willingness on the part of the student ... the inherent capability of a student which gets him the desired numbers.


Does it mean one who gets lower marks pity himself? Before the wisdom of Bhagvad Gita can be imparted to one ... the cosmic system of God ensures that the candidate is suitable and receptive to comprehend the inner meaning of the most complex sacred scripture ever written. The dross having removed completely one elevates himself mentally to a level so that the frequency of both matches ...


Every Human Being is always a student of the cosmic system. The evolution process makes it so. We always tend to keep on learning irrespective of the age, cast or the system. In the domain of God all are equal ... everyone has equal rights in respect of Spiritual wisdom. Age is not of concern in the Spiritual hierarchy.


One may be 90 years of age yet unable to grasp the inner meanings of the sacred texts. In contrast, one younger by many years may grasp the inner meanings more easily. Whoever wants to proceed on the Spiritual journey at any given moment of his Life can do so freely.


The prime and sublime knowledge contained in the various sacred Scriptures of the World is not meant for the everyone. It can be confusing ...


Spiritual masters wanting liberation cannot be wrong ... there must be some Essence in their sayings. After all one is not always happy ... even the richest sometimes have to swallow the bitter pill of Life, as circumstances sometimes do not remain in our control. Why not attempt completing the journey of Life at the earliest and try to follow the same path the Spiritual Masters have followed from Times Immemorial.

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I'm looking for a little spiritual direction and would appreciate any advice people have...


I'm 28, living in London and having travelled for a couple of years am now settling for a while; my problem is, however, that i feel deeply unhappy in my present situation and that there is something missing from my life (also i find life and work in London majorly stressful, which i am very vocal about, adding to my unhappiness).


Now while i have read various spiritual books (Buddhism, Hare Krishna etc) I havent found anything that rings true to me, despite constantly being drawn back to these topics; it's like i get so far with them and then suddenly think "no, these stories about Kirshna cant be literal" (i could see the logic of it if the stories were used as lessions to understand God and not the literal truth) and turn away for a while (also, i know my g/f wouldnt be impressed if i suddenly became a Hare Krishna, for example).


I consider myself an open and spritual person, but i am confused about 'my path' and am unsure about how i find that path and not just some New Age idea that has been cobbled together from various religions.


Basically, i want peace. i want to be a better person, not so angry (something that didnt arrise while i was travelling). I want to contribute something positive to this World, without being caught up in the material. I dont want this sense of pride and being better than the people around me that i have developed of late. I want to be rid of my manic depression, which i have always had, but seems to have come back with force of late.


I hope this makes sense, its hard to express something that i never talk about to others.


If others have been in this situation i would like to hear from you or if you have any recommendations for books etc.


Thanks for your time. J

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Constant Seeker. That is a good name. We are all Constant Seekers in that because God is unlimited even after we are whole heartedly Krishna Conscious there are always unlimited aspets of Krishna's personality yet to experience.


"Seek and you will find.Ask and you shall receive.Knock and the door shall be opened for you."


There is a common problem that befalls most of us on the path. We become complacent. We feel that we already know what it is all about. We stop fervently seeking. When we lose that freshness of Krishna consciousness we know we are no longer caught in the flow of the River of Life and have becomed beached on the side line.


Somehow we must enter and stay in this mood;


"Blessed are those that hunger and thirst after righteousness for they shall be filled".

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Go the slow and steady path, do what you can. Some may say to give it all up and become a monk if you like a few kirtans, but there is a burnout potential. Read Bhagavad Gita first, and move on to other texts, and hear from devotees. The pastimes of Sri Caitanya are sweet to read, as well, once you have some rudimentary knowledge of Gaudiya Vaishnavism.

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Thank you all for your supportive and interesting posts. I'll be making a visit to the Soho Temple this weekend and will try and get to Bhaktivendta manor in the coming weeks.


I'll certainly be taking things steady and have started meditating, chanting and have pulled out my copy of the Gita.


I'll keep you informed!


Best Wishes, J

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