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The Da Vinci Code

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By Henry Makow Ph.D. – May 13, 2006





"The Da Vinci Code"



When an innocuous cartoon of the Prophet Mohamed was published, Muslims rioted and burned down embassies. But next week, a major Hollywood movie will challenge the veracity of Jesus Christ and Christians are sitting on their hands.


I have not read "The Da Vinci Code" but I understand it asserts that Christ married Mary Magdalene and had children. His descendants are still alive. Essentially it challenges the Bible story and the Christian belief that Christ was the Son of God. It transfers Christ's prestige to an Illuminati-like secret society that is protecting Christ's descendants against the Catholic Church.

The book and movie are yet another blasphemous assault on Christianity trumpeted by the full force of the Illuminati-owned mass media.


Recently Carolyn, a Christian reader from Maine, expressed her frustration in this email.


"Next week with 'the Da Vinci code,' "They" are going to call Jesus a liar as far as His Death and resurrection are concerned. Then they are going to claim his blue blood line. This would make Jesus a liar... wouldn't it? It is so twisted what they are selling and i count myself lucky to have a least read The Scriptures. 'My Feet Are Fitted With Readiness.' (Corinthians 6:15) What is going to be said about Jesus next week is apostasy."


I replied: "People like you should show their outrage publicly."


She replied: "HOW??? With Whom??? Where is the Remnant???"


I shrugged my shoulders. To change the metaphor, why are Christians such lambs? Why do they always need a shepherd to lead them and a flock to be part of? Isn't Christ a personal matter? Can't they act as individuals? Can't they take initiative? Organize a picket or protest in some other imaginative way?


When Muslims in Afghanistan heard that the Koran was being flushed down the toilet in far away Guantanamo Bay, they rioted. For them the battle against Satan is very real, and they are willing to sacrifice their lives. This is why they pose the last remaining religious obstacle to the Satanic New World Order.


Similarly, question the details of the Holocaust, and Jews will cite "hate crimes" and put you in jail.


But do the same thing with the central fact of Christianity and there is a call for a boycott from the Catholic Church. Well, dah. That's not very scary.


Why are Christians such pussies? They sat idly by while Christ was crucified! Their reaction wasn't even a factor in that decision.


I have heard various explanations. Christ said, "Turn the other cheek" and "Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's."


On the other hand, there is the example of Christ turning over the tables of the moneychangers in the temple. Let's follow Christ's example.


What good are Christian beliefs if you don’t stand up for them? Where is the self-respect of Christians if they allow their beliefs to be trampled on?


But it gets worse. Some so-called Christians like George W. Bush actually serve Satan. He is a member of a satanic secret society, the Christian chaplains serve with the American army in Iraq and minister to soldiers. Everyone should know Sept. 11 was a hoax designed to justify imperialist wars and domestic repression. It was perpetrated by the Illuminati bankers in London with the help of their puppets in the US government. You just have to look at who bought the Put Options on the airline stock to know the true perpetrators. (Of course this info has been suppressed.)


Christians should file "hate crime" law suits against the makers of the "Da Vinci Code." On the Judgment Day we will be graded NOT by what we believed but by what we did. It's time Christians stood up for Christ.







Related: Jacob Rothschild marries a "descendant" of Jesus. "The Rothschilds and the Grail Bloodline" by David Livingstone.




Henry Makow Ph.D. is the inventor of the game Scruples and author of "A Long Way to go for a Date." His articles exposing fe-manism and the New World Order can be found at his web site

www.savethemales.ca He enjoys receiving comments, some of which he posts on his site using first names only. hmakow@gmail.com


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Oh here is this Makow creep again - he mentions Satan and a so-called new world order - well Mr. "Ph.D." - there is no Satan.


He wrote:


For them [Muslims] the battle against Satan is very real, and they are willing to sacrifice their lives. This is why they pose the last remaining religious obstacle to the Satanic New World Order.


So what is that - an excuse for the Islamic revolution - a.k.a. - the terrorists? To write: they pose the last remaining religious obstacle to the Satanic New World Order is quite specious indeed.


If there is a new world order it most certainly is not 'satanic'.


If the truth be told - the Islamic Revolution is about as satanic in expression as one might find in today's world.


The davinci code is trash just see how easy it is to befool people!

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Watch out bhakta Don Quichote, dont be anti-Semite and get your fingers burned - Henry is a genuine Rabbi! What are your references to judge upon a Rabbi?


"Da Vinci" unites Indian Muslims and Christians

Krittivas Mukherjee – Reuters May 15, 2006


A powerful organisation of Indian Islamic clerics promised on Monday to help Christian groups launch protests if the authorities did not ban the screening of the controversial film, "The Da Vinci Code".


Protest in India against the film have so far been low key, but several Catholic groups have threatened to stage street demonstrations and even to shut down cinema halls screening it.


Now, powerful Islamic clerics have joined issue with Christians, saying "The Da Vinci Code" is blasphemous as it spreads lies about Jesus Christ.


"The Holy Koran recognises Jesus as a prophet. What the book says is an insult to both Christians and Muslims," Maulana Mansoor Ali Khan, general secretary of the All-India Sunni Jamiyat-ul-Ulema, an umbrella organisation of clerics, told Reuters.


"Muslims in India will help their Christian brothers protest this attack on our common religious belief."


"The Da Vinci code" is an adaptation of author Dan Brown's bestseller by the same name that suggests that Jesus married his female disciple Mary Magdalene and had a child with her. The film is slated for release worldwide at the end of this week.


The Vatican condemns the book and the film, and has asked Christians worldwide to boycott "The Da Vinci Code".


In India, leaders of the two communities met politicians and police in the western city of Mumbai on Saturday, urging the authorities to stop the screening of the film.


"If the government doesn't do anything, we will try our own ways of stopping the film from being shown," said Syed Noori, president of Mumbai-based Raza Academy, a Muslim cultural organisation that often organises protests on issues concerning Islam. "We are prepared for violent protests in India if needed."


Several Indian Christian groups have said they would protest against the film, with one little known Catholic organisation even calling on Christians to begin a fast until death.


Last week, small groups of protesters marched in Mumbai and burnt a copy of the book.


"We will picket in front of cinema halls that show the film. We are very hurt and very angry," said Dolphy D'Souza, spokesman of Bombay Catholic Sabha, which has 40,000 registered members.


Christians form about one percent of Hindu-majority India's 1.3-billion population, while Muslims make up around 13 percent.

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This article was written by a born again Christian fanatic. This same dude no doubt considers Hare Krishnas pagans who worship a false god called Krishna. And he believes that you HK's will be cast into a lake of fire and brimstone on the Judgment Day he speaks of.


How come some HK's are so naive? as to actually align themselves with people that believe they are eternally damned. Christian fundamentalism has nothing to do with any indian religion, including Gaudiya Vaishnavism.

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Watch out bhakta Don Quichote, dont be anti-Semite and get your fingers burned - Henry is a genuine Rabbi! What are your references to judge upon a Rabbi?


Wrong! Where at his website [or anywhere] does it say he is a Rabbi?


He is Jewish - but that doesn't make him an expert on anything in and of itself - right?


He makes alot of seeming 'anti-Semite' like assertions in his writings - from what I can see - the question is why? His website writings are curious in this regard.


But I assure you he isn't a Rabbi - so why assert that he is?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Some good points by the Maharaja for people who plan to go to the cinema and watch The Da Vinci Code, by now banned in religious countries like Pakistan.

<!-- begin content -->The Da Vinci Code: Can God Marry?



I have just read that The Da Vinci Code has been banned in Pakistan at the request of both Christians and Muslims. The million-seller book and the movie made from it tell the story of a Harvard professor who teams up with a beautiful woman cryptologist in Paris to solve a murder and stumbles upon a secret the Roman Catholic Church has hid for 2,000 years: that Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene and they had a daughter whose descendants are now living somewhere in a French château.

The story seems convincing enough, but it is a work of fiction, and many of its premises are false or at best inaccurate. The biggest mistake of all, however, is not in The Da Vinci Code but in the minds of the Christians.

Clerics, both Catholic and Protestant, fear that people may believe the story and lose faith. If Jesus married and gave in to the desires of the flesh, they argue, then he could not be divine and the very foundation of Christianity would be shaken.

Now I have always understood that the foundation of Christianity was the Resurrection of Jesus, not his marital status. I have no reason to believe The Da Vinci Code, but neither is there any reason to believe that a divine incarnation, or avatar, cannot marry. If Jesus stayed single, that was his choice, but a choice nonetheless.

The Bible speaks of only one avatar—Lord Jesus Christ—but the Vedic scriptures speak of many, both single and married. Marriage and sex, say the Vedas, are not lowly or bad in themselves even though people may make bad use of them. Lord Krishna even says that He is present in sex that follows religious principles:

"I am the strength of the strong, devoid of passion and desire. I am sex life which is not contrary to religious principles, O lord of the Bharatas [Arjuna]." —Bhagavad-gita As It Is, 7.11

Sri Nityananda Prabhu and Sri Advaita Acarya both married and had children. Sri Vishnu is married to Srimati Laksmi. Lord Caitanya was married but had no children. Lord Krishna married 16,108 women and fathered ten sons and some daughters with each of them, something only God could manage.

Banning the movie will not stop people from finding out what is in it, but a little Vedic knowledge would solve the whole problem. "So you think Jesus was married, do you? So what?"

By the way, if you want a little laugh, check out some of the errors in The Da Vinci Code at this site: http://entertainment.howstuffworks.com/davinci-code.htm

©Umapati Swami

June 4, 2006


» Umapati Swami's blog


On the Web Again



Welcome to my new blog site. I hope to be posting every few days, but I won't be accepting comments. Otherwise, I'll get into the same time crunch I had with Dipika. I'm working on a book about my memories of Srila Prabhupada, so I'll need plenty of time for that.

Hope to see you here.

Umapati Swami


» Umapati Swami's blog


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There is no Satan and do we really know if God is Jesus or not? no. Do we know if he was married or not? no. But it is likely and plausible that he was married. Really Satan was made up to control people and as a tool to get people to convert. If the Christians are right then heaven is full of hypocrisy. If a serial killer accepts Jesus and asks for forgiveness then he is forgiven and is allowed in to heaven vs. a Hare Krishna who chanted Krishna's name and wouldn't even harm a fly goes straight to hell. Wow, so logical. Such a primitive understanding of God. I'll stick with Vishnu thank you very much. I will never become a Christian again.

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There is no such thing as christianity, because the Emporer Constantine, a worshipper of the Sol Invictus, the deity of the Sun, in cahoots with Pope Sylvester I, created the doctrine at the Council of Nicea in 325 CE. Massive documents were destroyed, including thousands of writings by female disciples of Lord Jesus Christ. The very reason for holding this council was that a great theologian named Arius, Presbyter of Alexandria proved by scripture that Lord Jesus Christ was not the Father who had Sent Him. The Council of Nicea had to have unity if Christianity could be used to govern and control the people. So the writings of scholars like Arius, Origin (who had proved the reincarnation doctrine from the teachings of LJC), Mary of Magdalia (who was entrusted with authority not given to even the likes of St Peter), Salome the midwife who was the thorough biographer of LJC and chronicaled the life of Jesus from birth to his missionary success, all were destroyed to create the unified church of Emporer Constantine. Later, the HRE, at the point of the sword, crushed the likes of the Cathars, Gnostics, and others who followed Lord Jesus Christ in opposition of HRE.


As far as marriage, ask any Jewish person. The passover is presided over by an authentic Rabbi, children are present, along with the wife of the rabbi. The compelling thing about the DaVinci Code is the picture of the Last Supper, where mARY of Magdalia is shown. Consider that Judas left prior to the actual feast.


Anyway, Christianity and the teachings of Lord Jesus Christ are not one and the same. Christianity is a creation of political nature for the purpose of controlling populations. Consider the acts of war in the name of Christ, then consider His actual teachings, which are available, but only when taught by a devotee of the Supreme Lord.


Hare Krsna, ys, mahaksadasa

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That's right, the Christianity we have today is really the Christianity of Constantine and St. Paul. The Gnostics and other early christian sects were destroyed or died out. History has always been written by the winners.


What is most damaging to the church is not so much whether Da Vinci code is fact or fiction, but that it brings out certain facts the church has tried to hide for a long time. It stimilates debates on the origins of christianity and brings into focus the fact that many christian practices, beliefs and rituals are not unique to christianity, but taken from numerous earlier cultures and modifed (such as virgin Mary being originated from the Egyptian/Roman goddess Isis).

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I just saw DaVinci Code, and like the book, found it quite compelling. Breathtaking may be a better word. When I read the book, the best part was at the end when the main character paid quiet and sincere obiesancies to the memory of the queen of Magdalia, Mary. The movie carried this out as well, thus I was greatly moved.


She is my hero, my Goddess, and I speculate here that she is like Queen Arci, the eternal associate of the saktivesa avatar, King Prthu, who is, for all intents and purposes, the creator of this world as we know it (see wonderful pastimes of Sri Sri Prthu and Arci in Srimad Bhagavatam.) This transcendental couple, shakti representatives of Sri Sri Radha Krsna, also were conceived immaculately. I somehow have always thought of Jesus and Mary as quite similar in many ways. The DaVinci Code has one very important and TRUE point, that Mary of Magdalia is SANG REAL, meaning possessing royal blood. She was queen, not the very demoniac and false representation of a reformed whore made up by the constantinians.


Another compelling point made in the DaVinci Code is the similarity of Pax Romanus and Pax Americanus, the marriage of false religiosity with governments bent on world control, how false doctrine MUST be upheld at all costs to ensure power.


Hare Krsna, ys, mahaksadasa


I also like the movie because the anti-christs are so eager to condemn it, even though it is clearly an entertainment fiction.

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[...] ... she is like Queen Arci, the eternal associate of the saktivesa avatar, King Prthu, who is, for all intents and purposes, the creator of this world as we know it (see wonderful pastimes of Sri Sri Prthu and Arci in Srimad Bhagavatam.) This transcendental couple, shakti representatives of Sri Sri Radha Krsna, also were conceived immaculately. [...]

Now there is some magic worth exploring.

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Srimad Bhagavatam 4.15


The great sage Maitreya continued:


"My dear Vidura, thus the brahmanas and the great sages again churned the two arms of King Vena's dead body. As a result a male and female couple came out of his arms. The great sages were highly learned in Vedic knowledge. When they saw the male and female born of the arms of Vena's body, they were very pleased, for they could understand that the couple was an expansion of a plenary portion of Vishnu, the Supreme Personality of Godhead."


The great sages said: "The male is a plenary expansion of the power of Lord Vishnu, who maintains the entire universe, and the female is a plenary expansion of the goddess of fortune, who is never separated from the Lord.

Of the two, the male will be able to expand his reputation throughout the world. His name will be Prithu. Indeed, he will be the first among kings. The female has such beautiful teeth and beautiful qualities that she will actually beautify the ornaments she wears. Her name will be Arci. In the future she will accept King Prithu as her husband. In the form of King Prithu, the Supreme Personality of Godhead has appeared through a part of His potency to protect the people of the world. The goddess of fortune is the constant companion of the Lord, and therefore she has incarnated partially as Arci to become King Prithu's queen."

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