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Sahajanad swami (Nilkanth) went on a all-India pilgrimage and went to Bengal. Did He go to The brithplace of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu (Navadwip). Also what did Swaminarayan have to say about the Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and Gaudiya Vaishnavism? I know in the shikshapatri and Vanchamrutam he has made comments on Ramanuja, Pushti and Shankara sampradayas.

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he is not a guru he is a god and do not read the shikshapatri blindly. I have this book about why certain things are written in the shikshapatri and it mentions why it says to worship krishna and the TRUTH behind it. But it is in gujurati and i cant read or write so ill ask my dad to tell me why later then i shall disclose the TRUTH

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oh and by the way i do not know if nilkanth varni went to navadwip or not ill try and find out. I do not know many different races so far but i know of one black person who comes to my temple who goes by the name of kenny. Even tony blair comes to our temple but thats because hes a loser who wants labour to win. You dont hvae to believe swaminarayan is god but saints at my temple have experienced him literally with physical contact. Type in Yoghiji Maharaj on google or some kind of search engine and then type sahamdi

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oh and by the way i do not know if nilkanth varni went to navadwip or not ill try and find out. I do not know many different races so far but i know of one black person who comes to my temple who goes by the name of kenny. Even tony blair comes to our temple but thats because hes a loser who wants labour to win. You dont hvae to believe swaminarayan is god but saints at my temple have experienced him literally with physical contact. Type in Yoghiji Maharaj on google or some kind of search engine and then type sahamdi


i take it that your from London...who are you...i am also a kishore from London

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<TABLE id=HB_Mail_Container height="100%" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0 UNSELECTABLE="on"><TBODY><TR height="100%" UNSELECTABLE="on" width="100%"><TD id=HB_Focus_Element vAlign=top width="100%" background="" height=250 UNSELECTABLE="off">neasden temple balika</TD></TR><TR UNSELECTABLE="on" hb_tag="1"><TD style="FONT-SIZE: 1pt" height=1 UNSELECTABLE="on">


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i have been there. Inside there are Laxmi-Narayan,Sita-Ram,Umapati-Mahadev,Sahajanand Swami and the guru parampara. It is a temple not an amusement park. Through this mandir people have realised the true greatness of bharat desh. The president and many important people came. Abdul kallam, the president, even composed a poem about akshardham reciting the greatness. BAPS is not wrong. Just because you don't believe in the akshar-purshottam doctrine you think we are wrong. You can never call youselves swaminaraans until you believe in akshaar purshottam and the full guru parampara. Akshardham is a landmark of this planet and even sheshnaga moved around causing a very small earthquake through an important phase of akshardham building to test it's power. It's built to last a thousand years.http://www.akshardham.com

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i do not know where akshardham is actually situated but it is higher then vaikunth as in greatness not position.


where can I read more about akshardham in english?

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http://www.swaminarayan.org<TABLE id=HB_Mail_Container height="100%" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0 UNSELECTABLE="on"><TBODY><TR height="100%" width="100%" UNSELECTABLE="on"><TD id=HB_Focus_Element vAlign=top width="100%" background="" height=250 UNSELECTABLE="off"></TD></TR><TR UNSELECTABLE="on" hb_tag="1"><TD style="FONT-SIZE: 1pt" height=1 UNSELECTABLE="on">



where can I read more about akshardham in english?



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<TABLE id=HB_Mail_Container height="100%" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0 UNSELECTABLE="on"><TBODY><TR height="100%" width="100%" UNSELECTABLE="on"><TD id=HB_Focus_Element vAlign=top width="100%" background="" height=250 UNSELECTABLE="off">just so ya'll know the reason in the shikshapatri it says worship krishna as parmatma is because when sahajanand swami(swaminarayan)was being named he had to senior names ghanshyam and krishna. That will answer your question. It is a vedic tradition to worship guru as a god.</TD></TR><TR UNSELECTABLE="on" hb_tag="1"><TD style="FONT-SIZE: 1pt" height=1 UNSELECTABLE="on">


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Hey akshar,


does the Swaminarayan have a message board? as big as your sect is, I would think you'd have an online discussion board?

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There are currently 10 threads open about swaminarayan. Please make inquires and discussion about this subject within this swaminarayan thread. The other threads will be closed (but can be linked to) and new threads started will be removed.

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Hey akshar,


does the Swaminarayan have a message board? as big as your sect is, I would think you'd have an online discussion board?


I have not been able to find one. I can't believe a movement with this many members has not been able to put together an online discussion board. That's pretty poor e-organization. The Hare Krishnas have several forums. And every other Hindu sect has a least one forum. The Swaminarayan need to get their act together with their e-community. (unless of course there is forum I am unaware of. But google searches have proved futile).

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just so ya'll know the reason in the shikshapatri it says worship krishna as parmatma is because when sahajanand swami(swaminarayan)was being named he had to senior names ghanshyam and krishna. That will answer your question. It is a vedic tradition to worship guru as a god.


That is completely false, where are the sources. Swaminarayan said to worship Krishna, because he knew Krishna was god and supreme. Swaminarayan was Guru not god! STOP KIDDING YOURSELF!

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for the people who currently do not believe that Swaminarayan is bhagwan, or that Pramukh Swami Maharaj is a true guru, i recommend that you go and visit Pramukh Swami Maharaj in India and just by watching one of his pujas in the morning, you will realise he is god himself.


In addition to this, just take a step back that look at Shri Swaminarayan Bhagwan's teachings in his life. Everything that he preached was pure and divine. he taught the devotees to repect other religions, and not cause anyone any harm whatsoever.


last point, all avatars came down onto earth for a purpose [usually to kill something or someone]; but the purpose of Lord Swaminarayan's incarnation on the Earth was to establish Bhakti, Gnayan, Vairagya, and Dharma which in turn releases our souls from the cycles of births and deaths.


my advice is dont waste this human lifeform, you will realise when you pass away who the true God really is. however, then it is too late. my recommendation is to visit Guru Hari Pramukh Swami Maharaj (who is currently in India) and at least watch him in his puja. If you get the chance, ask to see him personally and you life will change.


there are about 700-800 santos in the BAPS Swaminaryan Sanstha as well as countless haribhaktos who each of them aspire to be like Pramukh Swami Maharaj. All of these people can't worship a "bogus" guru can they? Many of the Santos are trained doctors, accountants, engineers etc. however, they have decided to give up their worldly life as they knew it to become a sandhu, live with God, and reach Akshardham [heaven]. IF BAPS was a moneymaking organisation, would Pramukh Swami Maharaj tell them to stay as doctors and ask them for their money?


this post is just to advise you about BAPS, not to pursuade you that BAPS is the true religion; you will realise that in time (whether in this life, or the next life, or the next life etc.)


Jai Swaminaryan

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It's true what guest above said. The reason it says in the shikshapatri to worship krishna as parmatma is because when he was named he was given a few names, two of his senior names were krishna and ghanshyam, the bit at the beginning about the meditating thing is out of love for radha-krishna. The creators of the swaminarayan website are clever because they know what you lot (you lot being anti-swaminarayans) would say about god. By that you are contaminating the whole website dishonouring swaminarayan. I'd rather trust a anti-swaminarayans sources then a swaminarayan's being one myself. Krishna was an incarnation of Vishnu and Vishnu is not parmatma, not even brahman. The two who live above maya are parabrahma and brahma. Vishnu is close to brahma but is ishwar (ishwar is a much more spiritual form of jiva(us)). Sorry if that text is a little too confusing. You just read the shikshapatri so blindly you believe every word but you don't try and work out why he said that. Do or don't it's not important.


Also keep in mind that not evryone on this website is a hare krishna follower. Just saying it after some needless comments i have read.


Jay swaminarayan

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by the way the guest who wrote some day you'll learn was me i forgot to log in lol


are you talking about the one posted at Today, 07:35 AM. (15th May). beacuse that was me. remember, bhagwan knows everything you do, you think and you type.


Jai Swaminarayan

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Well, It doesn't taken 5 yrs to build an online forum ;) every other sect has thought to create an online message board for their devotees. At least the Hare Krishna's have created forums for their devotees.

Just to remind you, BAPS is primarily a religion. it is not a firm, it is not a message board. any questions that you may have, can be discussed either privately with a santo, or during the goshti sessions such as the ones that london have. :deal:


if there was a message board, you can imagine how many posts around the world would be posted. who would moderate it?


and if there was a message board, most of the posts would probably be from anti-BAPS Swaminarayans just attempting to dissuade people from the true religion path.

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Gaudiya Vaishnavism is also a religion. And as you can see they have forums. Shaivism is also a religion, and Saivites have forums. Christianity is certainly a religion, and they have hundreds of forums. Likewise, Islam, etc, etc, etc...


And if you don't believe in religious message boards, what the heck are you doing here? it's obvious that because Swaminarayan devotees don't have their own forums, they must come to other religious forums to discuss their issues. ;)




I'm sure there would be qualified Swaminarayan devotees willing to moderate it.




moderation could easily take care of that. They could for example create a simple sub-section for anti-Swaminarayans, while keeping the main forum for devotees and genuine seekers.


It's not as hard as you make it to have a forum. All large religious movements provide forums for their devotees to have e-satsangs and fellowship.


If you want to attract people to your community, you would have a better internet presence. The internet is a powerful medium to share ideas and interact in serious religious discussion and inquiry.


You qutod a part of my one, but forgot to mention the regular Gosthi sessions that the BAPS mandirs have. much better than any messaage board

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Gaudiya Vaishnavism is also a religion. And as you can see they have forums. Shaivism is also a religion, and Saivites have forums. Christianity is certainly a religion, and they have hundreds of forums. Likewise, Islam, etc, etc, etc...




And if you don't believe in religious message boards, what the heck are you doing here? it's obvious that because Swaminarayan devotees don't have their own forums, they must come to other religious forums to discuss their issues. ;)




I'm sure there would be qualified Swaminarayan devotees willing to moderate it.




moderation could easily take care of that. They could for example create a simple sub-section for anti-Swaminarayans, while keeping the main forum for devotees and genuine seekers.


It's not as hard as you make it to have a forum. All large religious movements provide forums for their devotees to have e-satsangs and fellowship.


If you want to attract people to your community, you would have a better internet presence. The internet is a powerful medium to share ideas and interact in serious religious discussion and inquiry.




Unless you havn't noticed, there are many forums on hinduism on the internet. There is no need to make one for evryone is there? I know you don't care whether the swaminarayan website has a forum or not, your just looking for things to say about us. It's a fact. Don't try and deny it like most of you do.

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