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Mantra to help with Schizophrenia

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Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare


this way i loosed my psychological problems!

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Sri Krsna Caitanya Prabhu Nityananda Sri Advaita Gadadhara Srivasadi Gaura-bhakta-vrinda

A wonderful healing balm. Daily practice of devotion to these wonderful Lord's will result in much peace.

Meditating on Sri Krsna Caitanya and Prabhu Nityananda in this mantra and then chanting Krsna's names in the form of Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare, would be very beneficial.

The conception of Godhead contained in these two mantra's is very sweet and merciful.

Also by reading about Prabhu Nityananda, Krsna Caitanya, and Krsna; combined with these mantras; an enlightenment into the pervading presence of a fully loving God will gradually manifest. But the key is daily practice. Just as medicines are used for treatment of the symptoms of schizophrenia and benefits can develop over time, similarly the yoga practice needs to be taken up on a daily basis.


I do not know your views on the use of medication for the treatment of schizophrenia. Some religionists have the view that medicine is not necessary. Personally I do not agree with this view. I would say that medicine is very beneficial, but, with regular, determined practice of yoga, gradually over years the need for higher doses of medicine may not be as essential. The medicine may be able to be gradually decreased, as the realisations from the yoga practice begin to heal the persons psyche. But saying this, each person is an individual and much care needs to be taken.


Reading on the Bhakti-yoga process I am practicing can be found at www.vedabase.net.

Bhakti-yoga is a yoga based on devotion and love. And because of its central focus on Divine Love, I recommend it. As the soul gradually become enveloped in this Divine Love, many material impediments begin to diminish. But once again I would like to say, in most cases this is no quick fix. Sincere, determined daily practice is the key.


Om Shanti.....sincerely, Bija.

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I have personally seen people with mental illness be helped greatly by the chanting of the Hare Krishna Mantra. One should take the medicine that is given to them by the Doctor but at the same time take shelter in hearing the holy names with faith and concentration.

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Hare Krsna Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna Hare Hare

Hare Rama Hare Rama, Rama Rama Hare Hare


and be happy....

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sometimes a kundalini raise could look like schizophrenia. There a many pacients in mental hospital who definatly don`t belong there. Japa will help when practiced whith devotion.

I was diagnosed as schizophrenic and I don´t take medication but practice the japa nearly the whole day. I have learned to drown the harmful voices and listen only to the helpful ones. I use the Shiva-Mantra, which includes a very powerful energy.


om shanti

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The best antidote is the maha mantra Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare.


I have a friend that claims to have said sickness, hopefully one day she would like to learn and practice Krishna Consciousness. Hare Krishna.

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sometimes a kundalini raise could look like schizophrenia. There a many pacients in mental hospital who definatly don`t belong there. Japa will help when practiced whith devotion.

I was diagnosed as schizophrenic and I don´t take medication but practice the japa nearly the whole day. I have learned to drown the harmful voices and listen only to the helpful ones. I use the Shiva-Mantra, which includes a very powerful energy.


om shanti quote by guest.

I reckon there is a heap of misdiagnosis of schizophrenia. The concept of "spiritual emergence crisis" would probably relate in many cases. I have not read so much on this. Due to minimal time. But the psychiatrists Grof & Grof coined the phrase "spiritual emergence crisis". There is some interesting stuff on the internet about it and support services. Kundalini rising can be very intense.

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There are many insights in the writings of the above website. But please be cautious and wise, and do not hastily go against the psychiatrists treatment without professional assistance.

Unfortunately mainstream psychiatry may not be open to many things Spiritual Emergence Networks talk about. But personally what is written in the above site makes alot of sense to me. And can be very beneficial for spiritual wholeness and growth. And surely would be complimentary with mainstream treatment.

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I have personally seen people with mental illness be helped greatly by the chanting of the Hare Krishna Mantra. One should take the medicine that is given to them by the Doctor but at the same time take shelter in hearing the holy names with faith and concentration.


I'm a paranoid schizophrenic, and for a long time I was only on medication. It helped, but I felt like it didn't help enough.


Ever since I started chanting, I've really noticed the difference :)

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  • 1 month later...

Man you are so right about this.

Iam just another paranoid schizophrenic

been trying to use " New Age" music to get rid of the voices

for 12 years with no luck. voices ruining my life.

then 2 weeks ago, i started playing Deva Prima CD: Embrace.

I played it all day on Sunday, and i swear something changed.

the voices started to drown out, and the god voice was hear-able.

I sorted through Amazon.com for this type of music.

At this point i recommend consideration of

Deva Prima, Thomas Ashley-Farrand

Mantra meditations. I've order Russil Paul and Krishna Das

who are high ranked. check it out!

May your horrible voices be drown out.

Those empty lies, we are free!

what other way is there?

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I am going with the mantra music.

yea i ve had a dramatic change , drowning out the

voices over the past 2 weeks with some Mantra music

I recommend Deva Prema. embrace. amazon.com.

it specifically worked with me and its fun to listen to

relative to some of the non-studio non-polished

abbrasive or preachy chants/music.

I tried Russil Paul CDs and didnt get the same effect.

Anyway you got to play it all day to get the effect.

you've been sulking in those voices so long a 1 hour

CD "massage" wont do it. hit the replay button!

its got to be hammered and imprinted into your consciouness.

after a day or two you get a glimpse of Heavens

voice. some thoughts will be incredible good and

you will know it!

stop terrorizing yourself with your own voices.

And it has to alot to do with with how you feel

in the silence after the mantra, or mantra song stops.

That too should make you feel special.

Anytime you need a friend God will be there.

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I've been searching for a system for Schizphrenic therapy that all can practice regardless of race or religious choice. I find most of these posts for help helpful but only within the belief structure of this religion at hand. I know of lots of Schizophrenics who are devote Christians and would just as soon as spit in your face than accept practices of other religions. Hence my post "Selfish??" I have read doing Meditations with visualizations are not good for a Schizophrenic but I cant see why.. I do find that meditating on the idea that the "delusions" and "hallucinations" symptoms all together are but mere illusions springing forth from the unconscious mind much like a dream is assembled at night. Reminding myself constantly that it is illusion. Ive learned over the years to never trust a "voice" because they lead to bad things even if they seem authentic at first. I usualy turn to trusted people to help me discern what is authentic and what is not. I have also found that they cannot be reasoned with.. Ive tried to turn my voices around by discussing with them but they always go back to their former tactics of "torture"..


I hope this helps..

Beleive me when I say.. Your not alone.. There are many who suffer as you do. I guess I'm just saying.. Dont give up your searching.. Seek and you will find.. (But when?? Be patient) You can learn alot from this disease.. It gives you a unique perspective.

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My experience with christians as well as me being one. I have found that they will reject any kind of chant and tend to quote the Bible about "Praying in vain repetitions."


(I havent been a christian since 1998)



if what they are repeating has meaning for them, it is not in vain. such as when they chant hail marys on the rosary

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Schizophrenia is actually the presence of multiple souls in one body (pretas or ghosts). In the west they are misdiagnosed as mental problems. Spiritual practices will help in removing all of these influences. Chanting Hare Krishna is the place to start.

I don't necessarily agree with that.


Schizophrenia is many times and most usually caused by the toxic condition of the body, due to constipation, excess sugar intake, lake of bathing and other problems that cause the body to become toxic.


I read some years ago that some doctors and scientists found that during chronic constipation that the body will produce a toxic chemical that is very akin to PCP (Phencyclidine).(angel dust)


The body produces this powerful and dangerous chemical in very small trace amounts during toxic conditions.


However, it only takes about one drop of Phencyclidine to induce horrific hallucinations, hearing of voices and madness.


Though most religions, including the Hindu religion, like to pass off madness as being possessed by spirits or ghosts, I have to disagree with that old superstition.


Most madness and schizophrenia has a scientific explanation.


It is caused by a toxic condition of the body effecting the brain.


Back in the early seventies, I tried the chemical PCP a couple of times.

It was a living nightmare. I have never had such horrific terror in my life.


I saw others who took larger does than me become vegetables for about 8 hours.


I know the power of dangerous drugs.


Schizophrenia is caused by a poisoning of the body due to unclean habits, constipation and eating the wrong things.


One small drop of PCP produced in the body from a toxic condition, that can have many environmental influences, is enough to create intense hallucinations, hearing of voices and the madness that comes with that.


It's not really about superstition and religious beliefs.

It's about cleanliness, hygiene and environmental poisons that build up in the body without such.


I had to care for two guys at a temple one time who had overdosed on PCP.

These guys were mad and seeing all kinds of ghosts and hearing voices.


It was an amazing experience.


They just came in off the street seeking help with the PCP nightmare and I cared for them till they came down.

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Schizophrenia is in no way related to how clean one is. Schizophrenia has been seen to be caused by genetics.. and drug abuse.. I could be as clean as a boy in a bubble and I still would have ended up with the disease.


Trying to metaphysicaly explain the disease I find can be a nightmare in itself.. I've been a Schizophrenic since 1992 and I have had so many different experiences from religious experience to down right strange and unusual. Trying to put a metaphysical label unto it could just end up confusing the person who suffers from the disease which may cause them to seek for help outside the mental health field.. I've seen it happen.. They think they are helping but in reality they are just reinforcing the delusions the person may be having.

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Schizophrenia is in no way related to how clean one is. .


Sorry, I know for sure that toxins build up in the skin and get reabsorbed into the body of unclean persons.


That is not to say that clean persons cannot be schizophrenic.


Sometimes, due to a disorder of the brain, the part of the brain that governs sleep starts to work during wakefulness.

This is when there are visions and voices during wakefulness.


There are metaphysical as well as physical causes to schizophrenia.


Shock treatment has helped some people with the problem.


The brain can get imbalanced and all sorts of bizarre things can happen then.

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Schizophrenia is in no way related to how clean one is. Schizophrenia has been seen to be caused by genetics.. and drug abuse.. I could be as clean as a boy in a bubble and I still would have ended up with the disease.


Trying to metaphysicaly explain the disease I find can be a nightmare in itself.. I've been a Schizophrenic since 1992 and I have had so many different experiences from religious experience to down right strange and unusual. Trying to put a metaphysical label unto it could just end up confusing the person who suffers from the disease which may cause them to seek for help outside the mental health field.. I've seen it happen.. They think they are helping but in reality they are just reinforcing the delusions the person may be having.


There are so many environmental poisons in today's world.


The chemicals in new carpeting are very dangerous.


Most homes nowadays are built with materials that are known carcinogens and deadly poisons.


New mobile homes nowadays have a sign on the door that says that there are some 200 known dangerous chemicals used the the production of the home.


It is not uncommon for someone to buy a new home, move in and come up with cancer in a matter of months.


There are so many dangerous chemicals all around us nowdays.


Examine your environment and see if there is not some dangerous chemical that you have been exposed to.


Poisons are everywhere today.


People are dropping off like flies from the poisons that are so common in our modern world.


Even pesticides and herbicides etc. etc.


Even the animals in the north and south poles have been found to have these toxins in their bodies.


We are all in the middle of it.


What hope is there for us?

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