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Everything posted by Priitaa

  1. because prabhupada had to preach in . world mostly, some times he has spoken much favorably about jesus than he should have truthfully. I recently discussed with my godsister whether or not Prabhupada spoke so highly of Jesus and so often because many of us were Christians before we joined, (as is the world), to which she pointed out that Jesus was satktyavesa avatara. Add to that, the Bhagavatam will go on for the next 10,000 yaers and Prabhupada would not put in there something that may fizzle out in time just to please our sentimental attachments. No, Jesus is in there because he is deserving of it. Well, this made sense to me. Jesus worshipped Lord Jagannatha and was a Vaisnava. IMHO we tend to think of the Christains & their religion when we speak of Jesus, but really we should remember and point out that Jesus was an especially empowered soul, a devotee of Lord Jagannatha/Krishna -- A satktyavesa avatara Vaisnava. YS, Prtha dd
  2. Here's my two cents about what devotees believe regarding Christ and Krishna: http://www.geocities.com/priitaa/christ_and_krishna This has info on Jesus as a vegetarian, The "Lost Years," correct Biblical translations, chant Christ or Krishna - either is beneficial, etc. Next, I recently started a second one due to finding out some interesting facts that Jesus worshipped Lord Jagannatha and attended Ratha Yatra, etc., all to be found in the Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ. Not into debates here, take what you like, leave what you dont. /images/graemlins/smile.gif http://www.geocities.com/priitaa108/christ_and_krishna_pt2.htm YS, Prtha dd
  3. This article brought memories and feelings to myself as well. Actually, I had to skim it so I would not cry. I remember all too well the day Srila Prabhupada left this planet, and all too well the various problems that followed. I don't want to get into it at the moment, but I seriously believe we can not sit back but must preach, preach, preach the glories of Srila Prabhupada. I see many of the new generation/s don't have a proper understanding of who he is and have classified him as a 'quaint' or 'antiquish' little old 'man,' etc. We must reveal to them his transcendetal qualities! Jai Prabhupada! YS, Prtha dd
  4. I believe it (the sun theory), but to a degree. He may be exploiting it. I once read in a health care newsletter, that to relieve red eyes, to lay in the sun about 15 minutes with the eyelids shut, as the light of the sun still gets thru. At first I thought this is what causes red eyes, but then the author pointed out this was from too much sun exposure and if you ever went to the beach you may recall getting very clear eyes after being out in the sun. I recalled that, so for me, I find 'some' validity for what this man says, but he may be milking it. YS, Prtha dd
  5. I only have a few minutes and therefore can only give a short reply, but just wanted to make it clear I never said Prabhupada was against Jesus, or anyone for that matter, or that he never made quotes about him. Only that he came here to spread Krishna consciousness. I remember reading how Allen Ginsberg suggested to Prabhuapda to call his (SP's) society the International Society for God Consciousness, but Prabhupada refused, pointing out how he wanted it to be specific about Krishna. I dont have the quote on hand but can find it if anyone wants me to. Gotta run. Thanks! /images/graemlins/smile.gif YS, Prtha dd
  6. I find this to be an inappropriate comment, especially use of the word "disgusting." Its ok to have different opinions and try to come full circle thru discussion, politely. And the facts can be presented more clearly than in your last confusing post. It's hard to tell if you are speaking to others or chastizing the devotees of the Lord. Incidentally, none of what you used were quotes from Prabhupada. If you are going to straighten us out regarding what is concoction and what his real teaching are, then it should be from his works. While Srila Prabhupada respected all paths, he did not practice "inter-faith." Only full Krishna, bas. Anyhow, to honestly understand what Prabhupada preached, each day we must read his books, listen to him speak (which can be done at home), follow all 4 of the regs and not 3 1/2, attend morning and evening program (which can also be done at home), chant 16 rounds, fully surrender to what Srila Prabhupada has to say cent per cent, & engage in regular devotional service. One who is not there should not criticize others. (Nor do I know, or judge, who is following and who isn't.) The next road block to understaing going btg is when someone is attached to a specific opinion. Then ya can show them all the Prabhupada quotes in the 3 worlds which reveal that anyone can go back to Godhead in this one life, especially if they are fortunate to chant or hear the Maha Mantra at the time of death (no matter how fallen they were in life!), and STILL such a person will not accept. Why? Because it is their belief "system" one is up against, and not facts. But no offense intended, just trying to make a point. YS, Prtha dd
  7. And I wonder why Satyaraja says the Lord was "born," etc. We all know that when God comes here, He "appears." Maybe it was just a slip up, I hope. - YS, Prtha dd
  8. Hi Debbie, I only just now saw this. True, it's not always the same, but there is always some taste, something that none of us want to let go of! :-) And from time to time, we tend to get a bit of those special or spiriutal feelings once again, as we become purified or we luck out and get some mercy. Don't worry, Krishna is always there, whether we feel His presence or not. Its just a matter of sensitizing ourselves to His presence as well as purifiying ourselves so we become qualified. He is nondifferent from His Name, dancing on your tongue as you chant - Prabhupada has said this. So He is there, know it or not know it. :-) At first Krishna gives us a taste, then we have to endeavor for it. But it is always available. Keep up the good work! /images/graemlins/smile.gif YS, Prtha dd
  9. Please forgive me but I have lived at Bhaktipada farm twice and he is a cult leader as well as very good at getting folks to fall under his spell, or control. Please do not underestimate him! Besides, I don't consider murder or child molestation mere mistakes. Yes, anyone can chagne, but they have to prove it first. Trust must be earned back. YS, Prtha dd
  10. Just wanted to say, good point! Thank you. It reminds me of raising my children. Sometimes I would question their choices. Matter of fact, some of them downright got to me! But then it turned out to be a good choice, not bad. So here I was, the all knowing parent, not knowing. Of course God always knows. However the example is still there, since He is our loving parent, that He gives ---- GIVES us freewill. We may not karmically have it, we may not deserve it, but He can grant it when He wants. In addition, it is through following Prabhupada's program that we achieve genuine freedom. And gHari, lovely post! I am in agreement and lilke the way you presented it. Thank you. YS, Prtha dd
  11. Just wanted to say, good point! Thank you. It reminds me of raising my children. Sometimes I would question their choices. Matter of fact, some of them downright got to me! But then it turned out to be a good choice, not bad. So here I was, the all knowing parent, not knowing. Of course God always knows. However the example is still there, since He is our loving parent, that He gives ---- GIVES us freewill. We may not karmically have it, we may not deserve it, but He can grant it when He wants. In addition, it is through following Prabhupada's program that we achieve genuine freedom. And gHari, lovely post! I am in agreement and lilke the way you presented it. Thank you. YS, Prtha dd
  12. It is a mind boggler - to understand how, if someone knows all that will happen, that we still have freewill. Of course I must clarify, I am not speaking of the nondeovtee who is living a karmic life, but of the initiated (or serious) devotee who is chanting 16 rounds daily, following the 4 regs, rising early for Mongala and the whole morning program, spending their entire day serving and preaching somehow or other, winding it up with evening arotika and Krishna Book. /images/graemlins/smile.gif How many of us are doing that? My guess is we are all struggling. Those who are not doing it are, to various degrees, under karmic laws. However, let's say everyone is doing all of this. In which case, how can such a person/devotee have freewill if Krishna knows their future? First I want to recap that we always have freewill to chose betewen Krishna or Maya, then add that we are also always under the illusion of MayaMaya or YogaMaya. Secondly, with our mundane minds we can never understand fully how the Lord works. He can know things, and simultaneously not know them. For example. I remember a story Acutyananda once told. He said in India the question was asked by Mayavadi's, "If Krishna is God, and God can do anything, then if He chose NOT to lift Goverdhana Hill, could He make it heavier than Himself? Could He NOT lift it?" The Vaisnava's replied, "Yes." To which the Mayavadi happily jumped all over that one and said, "Uh huh! Your God can no longer lift Goverdhana Hill, so He is no longer God!" Then the Vaisnava's casually replied, "But then, He will lift it." /images/graemlins/smile.gif Confusing? To try to understand God with our pea brain IS confusinng. /images/graemlins/smile.gif Your fallen servant, Prtha dd
  13. It is a mind boggler - to understand how, if someone knows all that will happen, that we still have freewill. Of course I must clarify, I am not speaking of the nondeovtee who is living a karmic life, but of the initiated (or serious) devotee who is chanting 16 rounds daily, following the 4 regs, rising early for Mongala and the whole morning program, spending their entire day serving and preaching somehow or other, winding it up with evening arotika and Krishna Book. /images/graemlins/smile.gif How many of us are doing that? My guess is we are all struggling. Those who are not doing it are, to various degrees, under karmic laws. However, let's say everyone is doing all of this. In which case, how can such a person/devotee have freewill if Krishna knows their future? First I want to recap that we always have freewill to chose betewen Krishna or Maya, then add that we are also always under the illusion of MayaMaya or YogaMaya. Secondly, with our mundane minds we can never understand fully how the Lord works. He can know things, and simultaneously not know them. For example. I remember a story Acutyananda once told. He said in India the question was asked by Mayavadi's, "If Krishna is God, and God can do anything, then if He chose NOT to lift Goverdhana Hill, could He make it heavier than Himself? Could He NOT lift it?" The Vaisnava's replied, "Yes." To which the Mayavadi happily jumped all over that one and said, "Uh huh! Your God can no longer lift Goverdhana Hill, so He is no longer God!" Then the Vaisnava's casually replied, "But then, He will lift it." /images/graemlins/smile.gif Confusing? To try to understand God with our pea brain IS confusinng. /images/graemlins/smile.gif Your fallen servant, Prtha dd
  14. Someone just sent this to me in an email and I thought it related to the topic here regarding how choices, karma, and especially Krishna karma, is trying to show us various life lessons and spiriutal lessons in order to advance. While it may not be perfect as a representation of Krishna consciousness, it runs a close second. Hope the devotees on this forum like it. YS, Prtha dd ---- BEAUTIFUL PRAYER I asked God to take away my habit. God said, No. It is not for me to take away, but for you to give it up. I asked God to make my handicapped child whole. God said, No. His spirit is whole, his body is only temporary I asked God to grant me patience. God said, No. Patience is a byproduct of tribulations; it isn't granted, it is learned. I asked God to give me happiness. God said, No. I give you blessings; Happiness is up to you. I asked God to spare me pain. God said, No. Suffering draws you apart from worldly cares and brings you closer to Me. I asked God to make my spirit grow. God said, No. You must grow on your own!, but I will prune you to make you fruitful. I ask God to help me LOVE others, as much as He loves me. God said...Ahhhh, finally you have the idea. May God Bless You.
  15. Someone just sent this to me in an email and I thought it related to the topic here regarding how choices, karma, and especially Krishna karma, is trying to show us various life lessons and spiriutal lessons in order to advance. While it may not be perfect as a representation of Krishna consciousness, it runs a close second. Hope the devotees on this forum like it. YS, Prtha dd ---- BEAUTIFUL PRAYER I asked God to take away my habit. God said, No. It is not for me to take away, but for you to give it up. I asked God to make my handicapped child whole. God said, No. His spirit is whole, his body is only temporary I asked God to grant me patience. God said, No. Patience is a byproduct of tribulations; it isn't granted, it is learned. I asked God to give me happiness. God said, No. I give you blessings; Happiness is up to you. I asked God to spare me pain. God said, No. Suffering draws you apart from worldly cares and brings you closer to Me. I asked God to make my spirit grow. God said, No. You must grow on your own!, but I will prune you to make you fruitful. I ask God to help me LOVE others, as much as He loves me. God said...Ahhhh, finally you have the idea. May God Bless You.
  16. I don't know that anything "has" to happen, because Krishna does give freewill. Unless you are speaking about karma. Though as devotees of Krishna, if we are following, Prabhupada explained we have unplugged the karmic fan and it is merely winding down. This isn't even regular karma, it is called "Krishna Karma." /images/graemlins/smile.gif So we get a little slap on the hand when we should have had our hand cut off, had it been our full or regular karma in action. As devotees not only is our karma drastically decreased, but we are more attentive and knowledgeable about the lessons it is trying to show us. Anyway, we always get to choose between Maya and Krishna. This is my understanding, for what its worth. Haribol. YS, Prtha dd
  17. I don't know that anything "has" to happen, because Krishna does give freewill. Unless you are speaking about karma. Though as devotees of Krishna, if we are following, Prabhupada explained we have unplugged the karmic fan and it is merely winding down. This isn't even regular karma, it is called "Krishna Karma." /images/graemlins/smile.gif So we get a little slap on the hand when we should have had our hand cut off, had it been our full or regular karma in action. As devotees not only is our karma drastically decreased, but we are more attentive and knowledgeable about the lessons it is trying to show us. Anyway, we always get to choose between Maya and Krishna. This is my understanding, for what its worth. Haribol. YS, Prtha dd
  18. I know nothing about a web site. Matter of fact, even if they did have one, I doubt such info would be on it. The only reason I know what I know is because my kid made friends with the owner. He (owner) is a regular, nonvegetarian person trying to figure out life and mostly caught up in its entrapments. Some might call him a 'hick,' and maybe he is, but he is a hick with some intelligence on this particular topic, tho it took time. It was quite interesting really, to hear about his journey, initially not understanding or relating to the way his father loved the cows - to one where he himself eventually got to that place. Now he loves and takes good care of his cows. I dont know about all the other concerns previously mentioned, just this. YS, Prtha dd
  19. Haribol Theist, The milk company, "United," is not devotee owned. I was not posting it as a first class choice, only for those who buy regular brands of milk anyway. Maybe they would want to switch over to this one if they see it in the stores. It is a good sized company on the east cost, but I am not sure how far it reaches. Still, it reaches more than one state. I do not know how they treat the bulls. Good question. Still, Prabhupada pointed to milk as liquid religiousity and stressed that we drink it in order to properly understand transcendetnal matters. If we offer to Krishna, all karma is taken away. I am not saying this to mimimize any genuine problems with the milk industry, only that the humanitarian issue is not always the same as the religious one. Not to misunderstand. I am all for being humane, I am simply concerned with the importance of keeping brain cells alive to understand Prabhupada and Krishna. /images/graemlins/smile.gif Also, even the cow gets some benefit if it was her milk that was offered. I also realize how the calves are taken away from the mothers (I lived on a couple of devotee farms, which dont do that but spoke about others doing so). Certainly this is awful. I don't know the details regarding what "United" does here, but I think they leave them with their mothers a 'little' longer. Again, I only mentioned this company for those who buy regular brands of milk anyway. If we can't stop the nonsense at least we can decrease it. Best we have our own cows, but so many years have passed and that has yet to happen. I'm a realist. Yes, I know how veal is made too. This whole thing is demoniac but as of yet, so few devotee communities have been able to do something about it. Maybe a couple. That's good, but we are far away from doing so on a larger scale. Buying milk or anything from the nondevotee store will support their many nondevotee activities, from slaighterhouses to alcohol to strange magazines, etc. But Prabhupada was never against purchasing from them, as there is a way to dovetail it. Actually he was asked this question before about milk, cows and mistreatment by the nondevotees, but pointed out how, if we simply offer all our food to Lord Sri Krishna, we are freed from that karmic reaction. Of course, he also wanted us to start our own farm communities, but as I touched on, that's not happening. Anyway, Krishna likes milk, so we are not buying the milk for ourself but for "Him," and we are offering the milk to "Him." We only get the left overs. /images/graemlins/smile.gif Lactose intollerance and allergies are another topic. And a health topic. It needs to be dealt with accordingly. I can drink milk but am a little sensitive to it. Cold -- forget it. I can only disgest hot. Which makes sense anyway as it's the Ayurvedic method. This is also why I buy organic, as the other milk is generally full of hormones and other nonsense. I often wonder if the toxins, chemicals or hormones they add to milk is the larger cause of the allergies and lactose intollerance many are getting in this age of kali, over a food that Srila Sukadeva referred to as "perfect." Many dont know it but even plastic contains hormones, as well as many chemicals from nail polish remover to paint thinner, pesticides, etc. It's a form of estrogen (toxic type), so we have many diseases out there today which are the result of toxic forms of estrogen. (There is healthy estrogen too -- another topic.) These disease effect everyone, so organic milkis the lesser of the evils. And you can read the backs of those cartons to often find out how they treat their cows, bulls, etc. When devotees get it together and start selling their cows milk, let me know. /images/graemlins/smile.gif YS, Prtha dd
  20. Freewill is always part of the decision making process IMHO. We can't blame Krsihna if we make a poor choice, even if He has the ability to know ahead of time which way we shall go. If Krishna didn't want us to have freewill, He would have kept us, by force, in the Spiritual world. Who would want to live in a word devoid of genuine freedom in the first place? Lack of freedom is not really spiriutal. Therefore we are given opportunity to learn how to correctly utilize that freedom, getting repeated chances to choose between Krishna or Maya -- with what appears as some grey area's in between, tho ultimately they are not. I agree the mind plays a role in this too, but even that boils down to freewill. Krishna could force our mind to make a certain choice, but He lets us grow, as we let our children grow up. Thru our successes and mistakes we learn, we get purified, we make better spiriutal choices next time and maintain the good ones. This is my understanding, anyway. Thanks for loaning an ear. YS, Prtha dd
  21. Freewill is always part of the decision making process IMHO. We can't blame Krsihna if we make a poor choice, even if He has the ability to know ahead of time which way we shall go. If Krishna didn't want us to have freewill, He would have kept us, by force, in the Spiritual world. Who would want to live in a word devoid of genuine freedom in the first place? Lack of freedom is not really spiriutal. Therefore we are given opportunity to learn how to correctly utilize that freedom, getting repeated chances to choose between Krishna or Maya -- with what appears as some grey area's in between, tho ultimately they are not. I agree the mind plays a role in this too, but even that boils down to freewill. Krishna could force our mind to make a certain choice, but He lets us grow, as we let our children grow up. Thru our successes and mistakes we learn, we get purified, we make better spiriutal choices next time and maintain the good ones. This is my understanding, anyway. Thanks for loaning an ear. YS, Prtha dd
  22. Be careful about soy milk. Its not the health food it appears to be. Soy in general is not as good for you as previously thought, and I admit to being attached to such products myself. However, my health forced me to surrender to accepting the truth about it. I'm not into debates so if you want to read about soy and the little known harm it can also do, here is a url. http://www.soyonlineservice.co.nz/ If we drink milk according to the Ayurvedic method, the way Prabhupada taught us to, it won't be mucous forming or harmful. Even, it can be healing. Many Ayurvedic formula's include milk as a carrier. For those who have an intolleance, that is a medical condition and something different. Try yogurt. I know a woman who was pregnant, lactose intollerant, but had no problem with (plain, unsweetened) yogurt. Use it as a salad dressing, etc. This may not work for all, but probably for a lot, since yogurt contains digestive enzymes and other benefits. Just ideas. /images/graemlins/smile.gif Thanks for loaning an ear. Haribol! YS, Prtha dd
  23. The milk company called "United" does not feed their cows chemically tainted foods and I am almost sure they do not kill them either. Its best if we have our own cows. When we can't, its best we buy organic milk by those who protect their cows. However, sometimes we can't do even this, so its good to know there is a nondevotee milk compnay out there that is more humane than others. The owner loves his cows, as did his father before him. YS, Prtha dd
  24. >>>Bras are also dangerous in that they support the illusion.They prop it up.Make that fat and water look more attractive then it really is.<<< I am surprised to read that some men are still blaming their attractions on woman, or thinking the women are out to get them. <sigh> While I will agree there is some validity to the cancer concern, it is not the bottom line on this. I have read contrary info as well. Also, as many men may not be aware of, some women with large breasts can end up with serious back problems if they don't wear a bra. It can requiring chiropractic treatment and sometimes... worse. I doubt any women will be denied going back to Home because she wore a bra. No one asks the men if they keep their boys in brahmana underwear or karmi underwear. /images/graemlins/smile.gif Let's not do similar over women's breasts. Hope this helps explain things a little. Back to meditating on more transcendental matters ........ YS, Prtha dd
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