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Everything posted by Priitaa

  1. So, are there any natural solutions, like herbs or especially essential oils? Since those who use these take shelter more-so of healing methods the allopathics often won't even look at, I have been wondering for a whlie actually, if there has been any discovery that essential oils, which are powerful dealing with viruses, have been discovered to work with this flu as well. And what oils that would be.
  2. Have you had your thyroid tested? Hypothyroidism can cause major fatigue! A person with this can sleep 13 hours and upon awakening, still feel they have not had enough rest! Its easy to get tested tho. Just a blood test. Thats not the problem. Treatment is the problem. Tho also has a solution and to start with, the basic treatment doctors give are needed and even required. But after that, well, do a net search and you can find "additional" natural help. But the medication usually needs to be continued. There is no replacement for that. However, before getting worried about all this stuff, first get your thyroid tested! And by the way, many docs say its normal if its even up to a 5.0, but it should be close to 2.0 or less for a true healthy thyroid. With this information on hand..... now its your turn. /images/graemlins/smile.gif Check it out and I do hope you DON'T have this. Simply, rule it out by testing.
  3. WOAH There's a lot going on here. And a medical doctor (who is favorable toward vegetarianism) is needed. With that said..... have you added complimentary medicine? And what about pranayama? Or healing with pranayama? When we serve others it often heals us. I didn't come here to post about my group, but since you sound in need of health help.... there is a free pranic healing course in the files section there and it includes breath work. Sometimes I wonder if many of today's diseases are related to pollution and oxygen deprivation! Anyway, try eating high veggie protein, and if you wish to use the breath to help heal (via reiki or pranic healing) others it will give automatic self healing. Krishnas_Distance_Healers Wishing you well.
  4. Yes! I think that's it! Thank you prabhu, as this is something I did not want to loose. Nice to have it back. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
  5. Haribol Everyone! I use to have on my comp something I found on the net then posted here, years ago. It was really cool. Written by Bhaktivinode Thakura and it included Christianity or Jesus. From memory: I think he spoke of 5 levels of advancement, where Christ taught the first 4 but it was not until one comes to Vaisnavism that one gets the highest 5th one. Does this ring a bell with anyone?
  6. I realize that many here are not into ISKCON, but may we please put aside all politics in order to help women (and therefore children) in general? I humble request folks to please, PLEASE, P-L-E-A-S-E sign the following petition, in order to stop something bad before it starts. This email was forwarded to me: Dear vaisnavis and vaisnavas, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. Kindly take a moment to go to this address: www.dharmacoalition.com to sign and then send the petition about women in ISKCON before March 27th, time of the GBC meetings in Mayapur. A proposal is being made this year by Vasu Ghosh to reduce the role of women in ISKCON and to suspend the 2000 resolutions which were passed after more than 25 years of overlooking the inequitable situation of women in ISKCON. 1000 names are needed (We already have 500), so if you would kindly take a few more minutes to send the above web address to others in your address book, that would help too. Thank you. your servant, Gaurangi dasi PS: It is very important to get these signatures and express our disaproval, whether we are in men or women's bodies. --- [Date Correction] Dear Prabhu, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. I sent you a petition about women a few says ago. But I was informed that there was a mistake: the date is before February 24th . The GBC deputies meetings begin on the 24th, 3 days before the GBC meetings. Of course the petition will reach the GBCs, but since matters are usually discussed by the deputies first it may be helpful for their deliberations to know of the petition so they can take it into account. Your servant, Gaurangi dasi --- Therefore please take a moment to visit: www.dharmacoalition.com and sign, then send the petition about women in ISKCON now. I did it and it is VERY easy and quick. Thanks. All glories to Prabhupada's REAL teachings (which do NOT include woman abuse, nor 'disguised' woman abuse such as oppression, etc!)
  7. Tea Tree oil. Look it up on the net and you will see how good it is! Couple it with eating good diet, as sugar, white flour, chemicals, and of course flesh foods, contribute to blemishes.
  8. Have you considered dust mites? I know this sounds like one in a million, but fact is, many people who get diagonsed with respiratory problems often have high count of dust mites in their house. They are tiny, microscopic. You can't see them. A lot of people keep old pillows, etc., and very soon these get taken over by dust mites. Rugs, dreapes, even bed sheets, can be loaded with dust mites. Anywhere you see a dust bunny may also have dust mites not only in it, but in the corner or area the dust bunny was found. There are things you can do if thats the problem. Starting with throwing out old pillows! /images/graemlins/smile.gif I forget how long its safe to keep pillows but it's no where near as long as most folks keep them for. Can also get allergenic sheets, pillow cases, and special sprays to clean rugs. A little hand held vacum can be used to vacum furniture - oh yes, they hold tons of dust mites too, etc. Throw towels in dryer on hot tho I dont know how long. (Do a net search for details if you think these things apply to you.) These little critters cause more harm then many know, as even the doctor generally only takes note of a respiraatory problem and not its cause, such as a dust mite in the home, errrr at this point tho - in the lungs. -- Not everyone has this problem, but more than know it. Mold is another topic. Hows your basement? The bathroom? Attic? Even bedroom walls have been known to have mold that isn't always seen immediately since it may start inside sometimes. (Considering you have insomnia you may want to consider investigating anything in your bedroom that may be contributory. From mold to dust mites to tv sending out negative electrical energy and effect your sleep patterns.) But this is too much to get into here. Gonna keep you busy with a net search. /images/graemlins/smile.gif Good luck.
  9. Arjuna herb is reputed as being very good for the heart. I dont have the list of its benefits in front of me, but do a net search. Good luck!
  10. OMGosh! LOL What devotees can come up with! LOL
  11. WyattEarp - that was interesting. Yes, I have also heard of this particular type of flax seed oil treatment for cancer. Its incredible something as simple as flax can do this. The pharmecutical companies probably don't like it. $$$ loss. You mention that you "added" salt. Maybe thats what raised your bp. I mean, cottage cheese is all ready pretty salty, than to add salt to that might have finished the job. Just a thought.
  12. [qoute]Never heard that one and rather doubt it. I would be careful of the source. Do a google search. I remember this one brahmacai who was carrying around a quarter pound of butter and eating it all day long because "Prabhupada said" dairy would build a strong brain. I hope he quit or he probably had a heart attack or stroke by now.
  13. WyattEarp, I dont mean to harp on this. I just need to figure it out for my own health. ......... I looked up flax oil benefits and it even included lowering blood pressure! So your mention of high blood pressure came to mind again, and I now wonder if maybe it wasn't the calcium but the SALT that is in cottage cheese! My mother had bad high blood pressure and she could not eat salt. Wasn't suppose to eat any really. Anyhow, this makes sense to me. Now I wonder if there is such a thing as low sodium cottage cheese. Never saw it - but it could be out there.
  14. Oh if testing were reliable than the allopathic meds, which are under laws that are much more strict, would not have legal vioxx (etc.) class action law suits. ha Now, regarding produts sold in health food stores, these fit under the category of "food." Therefore they undergo less scrutiny. I've been reading up on this & mercury toxin are one of the main complaints about fish omega vs flax omega. The fish has mercury in it, the flax does not. Sorry Rob. Anyway, its not hard to switch over, just make sure you maintain the same dose is all. But get that mercury out of your system. That too can cause mental imbalances.
  15. With some thought I realized that I had read articles about mental health (not cancer) which stated in order for flax oil (Omega 3's) to sufficiently work, they worked best on an EMPTY stomach. This therefore makes me wonder if the cottage cheese mixture maybe isn't the best approach in thesse cases. (Tho to add it as a food during the day, specifically as an 'extra' seems would be ok and even helpful.) Also, calcium blocks the uptake of many things. Don't get me wrong, as I understand we need calcium in our bodies. Simply am wondering, if one is taking omega for headaches, alertness, depression, etc., if maybe the cottage cheese / sulfer idea could be replaced with MSM.
  16. Am gonna be getting myself some cottage cheese real soon! /images/graemlins/smile.gif Regarding the heart and blood pressure thing, I dont know much about how flax effects blood pressure, but heart - it is suppose to be especially good for. Tho if it effected you, than your choice of action makes complete sense. If and when I get time, I'd like to figure that out, cuz I am now taking a strong dose of flax oil and so far have noticed only the best of effects! Yet want to be knowledgeable to prepare for, or ward off, and complication. Thanks! Will check out the link.
  17. WOW! The more I learn about this stuff, the more I like it! I have migraines, and they are not the normal type. Long story short, what works for most doesn't usually work for mine. Today after reading your post, I uped my dose of flax oil and maybe its coincidence as its relativly soon, but my daily eye pain/migraine is hardly present! A little, but barely! Tomorrow I plan on increasing by one G and will see what happens. Thanks! When you said omega 3, I assumed you meant flax. Tho you make a good point, as some omega 3 is fish, and some is from flax. Its important for devotees to become label readers to make sure they are getting the vegetarian flax version. Regarding adding flax oil to your diet, I'm no doctor but see no harm in that. If anything, its beneficial. Its good in general to take an occasional break from the flax as it is an oil which therefore is not water soluble but is fat soluble - meaning the liver needs a little rest from time to time. (This would apply to the fish oil too tho, which adds the complicaiton of mercury toxins, what to speak of karma.) We use to add flax oil to our salad dressing. It was a way to get it down. Tho some don't mind the taste of it. Funny, cuz it actually tastes like fish oil even tho its flax! But we found mixing it with another oil, say olive, for salad dressing, made it more tolerable. My husband kinda liked it (the mixture) if I recall. But that was a long time ago, so I have forgotten the details. I did read you can get some omega 3 from cooking / baking with flax meal and flours. Altho its important to find out how much because that can have a laxative effect and to the oil doesn't. Also, unlike the flour, etc., the oil can never be heated. That would destroy its medicinal properties.
  18. Thiest, This is fascinating stuff! It treats bipolar, Schizophrenia, Depression and so on. I too did not know it was good for all these things. Its more powerful than I realized. Here is a little something I posted (either today or last week) to my distant healers egroup: "Brain cell integrity must be addressed in medical practice to avoid regression of brain tissue. This is important because damaged brain cells cannot be repaired. (ME: Not true!) Essential fatty acid studies (described herein) have yielded supportive evidence for their role in keeping neuron degeneration at bay and reducing psychotic symptoms." --- "EFA’s, including omega-3 and omega-6, are good fats, not saturated with hydrogen, and unfortunately, not readily provided in the American diet. 60 % of the dry weight of the brain is fat (Horrobin, 2000). William Walsh reports an integral need for appropriate EFA supplementation in schizophrenia, ADHD, and depression (Walsh, PTC- Ref.B). EFA’s are important components of nerve cell walls and are involved in neurotransmitter electrical activity and post-receptor phospholipid mediated signal transduction. Neuronal degeneration is found commonly among people with chronic schizophrenia as they have apparent increased phospholipid neuron membrane breakdown which concentrates in the frontal cortex and other areas of the brain (Gattaz et al, 1995). EFA’s offer a means of maintaining brain membrane structure and avoiding brain mass loss (Horrobin, 2000).Some specific EFA supplements are useful in schizophrenia and help to keep neuron degeneration at bay." --- "The latest psychiatry journals have finally published info about EFAs (essential fatty acids) and how patients taking those have relieved their symptoms of depression and Bipolar Disorder, and many of these patients have stopped using meds completely. So are these people still Bipolar?" [NOTE: I am not promoting going off meds at all! Simply those who have done it, have done it WITH the help of their doctors, as its tricky. Also pointing out that omega 3 is scientific too. Powerful stuff. Am claiming all disclaimers here.] No, I haven't. Sounds interesting! Maybe when I have the time, I'll do a google search. Kinda can't now, but anything you find, feel free to let me know. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
  19. I studied Pranic Healing, and have Reiki level III - tho I do not teach it BUT I have a free "Course" where you can teach yourself. Now if you are looking for typical reiki, this isn't it. I dont even believe reiki came from Japan or Buddhism, but from Prana and India. I could go on and on about my various opinions of all the MISinformation out there on this topic, and the various ways they have ripped us off, ha, so I better not! /images/graemlins/smile.gif All I can say is, if you are willing to self-discipline, I have a mini course which is not so mini, available to all members. You will need to be willing, or have the time and pencil it in your schedule, to study and practice it - both. All I ask is that you (or anyone) pay it back, more specifically to my group. Even, a person only needs to know how to pray to do that, so its not limited to those who wish to use reiki, or don't know how to 'yet.' Its for anyone, and has "perks" in the files section on mantra healing/sound vibration - scientific, Pranic Healing/Reiki Course, and more. WOW I had no idea I would be posting all this when I first logged in today. /images/graemlins/smile.gif Time for me to go. Here's the link: Krishnas_Distance_Healers (I can't help you with Vaastu. Maybe someday tho.)
  20. Just realized the link was on another thread, not this one. (Sorry) Here it is: Krishnas_Distance_Healers
  21. I've been reading your very interesting posts on calmus root and depression. I just posted a bunch of stuff on my Krishnas Distance Healers egroup covering various types of mental imbalance and balance via vits, minerals, and omegas. This has all been scientificly proven and not something airy fairy (for lack of a better word). Flax oil especially, works for depression, some forms of mania, & in many ways actually but one being serotonin! Anyhow I just today put some stuff there. (Have recently discovered someone close to me has or had a mental imbalance.) If you want to check it out, there is a link to my egroup above. And addmittedly, I hope you folks, and others, will join! /images/graemlins/smile.gif Or come and go, but this stuff I just now put up there is fascinating! Incredible to read stories too, of people who healed or significantly improved their depression, bipolar, etc., with these very simple things.
  22. Too many new devotees get lost in worrying about total fasting, etc. If we are thinking about how hungry we are, then the goal of fasting is defeated. The idea is to be more faciliated to think/meditate on Krishna more, chant japa more, read more, etc. But if our consciousness is one of food, or lack of food (same thing really) then its not serving the purpose. If one can fast and NOT think of food, great. If one's mind is drifting too much in the direction of hunger and eating, then eat and go chant, read, serve, etc. (By the way, Prabhupada made it easy for us by making acceptable things like peanuts, tapioca, and other nongrain filling foods.)
  23. I have seen too many undergo false renunciation, only to later want to marry a new partner. Not saying you are doing this at all. Matter of fact most are very sincere in their various neophyte endeavors. Simply over time, once the newness of it wears off and one must get that spiritual 'high' from their own endeavor rather than initial mercy the Lord often gives the new devotee - we often see some degree of desire for a spouce return or other things they thought they could give up, they later wanted back. Why not practice Krishna consciousness at home and take patience with your wife? I have also seen this work, when one doesn't shove it down her throat (for lack of a better term -sorry), and is patient, leaves small books lying around for her to read according to her convenience/desire, just allows it to 'unfold' at its own pace and in its own way (women often practice Krishna consciousness in different ways than men who want to become brahmacari-like), show by mellow example how blissful it is to be Krisna conscious, exhibit compassion and understanding, etc., it usually turns out better for everyone. Yes, God comes first, but there need not be competition in Krishna Consciousness. Prabhupada did not set it up that way. Actually, we are one of the few religions that dont require one to give up wife and life and become a monk. Rather, one can still be a fully recognized devotee while remaining in the Grhasta Ashrama. Vedically it is a husbands responsibility to facilitate the spiriutal advancement of the wife, at least as much as possible. Yours is willing to let you go tho, and that makes me wonder how the relationship is doing anyway. Well, I have said enough. Do whatever seems right for you. Good luck and Hare Krishna! /images/graemlins/smile.gif
  24. Yes, I WAS going to take rest, but ya know how it is that you think "I will read my post one last time and see if anyone replied?" Well, I fell for it, ha, but saw your wonderful post which inspired me to add this. First, exactly. Thank you for what you have said. Here are just a few quotes by Prabhuapda. To clarify, tho they can be for anyone, it is those of us that 'joined' the Hare Krishna 'movement' who accept him as a pure authority on spiriutal topics. "God is neither Christian nor Hindu nor Muslim. God is God. There may be angles of vision to approach God, but God is one. Therefore our attempt is that you become God conscious. Don't be limited by Christianism or Hinduism or Muhammadanism. So our formula is explained in the Srimad Bhagavatam. We have got the copies there. Sa vai pumsam paro dharmo yato bhaktir adhoksaje: "That is first-class religious system by which the followers become a lover of God." This is the, our formula." ~ Srila Prabhupada speaks to La Trobe University, Melbourne , July 1, 74 --- "So Krsna said that dharma-samsthapanarthaya sambhavami yuge yuge. Then what is that dharma? He did not come here to reestablish Hinduism or Muslimism or Christianism. No. He came to give you real dharma. What is that? Sarva-dharman parityajya mam ekam saranam vraja. That is dharma, to surrender unto Krsna: "Krsna, I am eternally Your servant. I forgot You. Now I come to my senses. I surrender unto You." This is dharma. Bahunam janmanam ante jnanavan mam prapadyate. This sense, real sense, comes when after struggling, struggling for many, many births, one becomes wise. Bahunam janmanam ante jnanavan. Jnanavan means wise.Srila Prabhupada lecture, Bhagavad Gita 13.13, Bombay India, Oct 6, 73 --- "Therefore Sanatana dharma does not refer to any sectarian process or religion. It is the eternal function of the eternal living entities in relationship with the Supreme Lord. Sanatana dharma refers, as stated previously, to the eternal occupation of the living entity. Sripada Ramanujacarya has explained the word sanatana as "that which has neither beginning nor end' so when we speak of sanatana dharma we must take it for granted, on the authority of Sripada Ramanujacarya that it has neither beginning nor end." BG Intro --- "Bhakti, devotional service, is paro dharma, transcendental dharma, it is not material dharma." SB 6. 2. 26 --- "And what is dharma? What is religion? Perhaps you'll remember that the translation in the English language, dharma is a description of certain kind of faith, but according to Vedic literature, dharma is not a kind of faith. Faith can be changed but dharma cannot be changed." SP, BG, 1966 --- "Yet man professes to belong to a particular type of faith with reference to particular time and circumstance and thus claims to be a Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Buddhist or any other sect. Such designations are non-sanatana-dharma. A Hindu may change his faith to become a Muslim, or a Muslim may change his faith to become a Hindu, or a Christian may change his faith and so on. But in all circumstances the change of religious faith does not affect the eternal occupation of rendering service to others. The Hindu, Muslim or Christian in all circumstances is servant of someone. Thus, to profess a particular type of sect is not to profess one's sanatana-dharma. The rendering of service is sanatana-dharma. Factually we are related to the Supreme Lord in service. The Supreme Lord is the supreme enjoyer, and we living entities are His servitors. We are created for His enjoyment, and if we participate in that eternal enjoyment with the Supreme Personality of Godhead, we become happy. We cannot become happy otherwise. It is not possible to be happy independently, just as no one part of the body can be happy without cooperating with the stomach. It is not possible for the living entity to be happy without rendering transcendental loving service unto the Supreme Lord." Introduction to Bhagavad-gita.
  25. Shiva, I always enjoy your posts, tho I dont always agree with them. /images/graemlins/smile.gif I am fully aware there are other Vaisnava's on this planet, and that there are followers of other Gaudiya Vaisnava guru's on this forum. Sectarianism was not an issue, and one I get tired of proving my innocense over. Anyway, my understanding, according to what the original poster wrote or accused us of, was that he was speaking in reference to those of us who joined *the movement,* therefore my understanding includes that regardless of guru, all Hare Krishna devotees who joined are simultaneously followers of Prabhupada. (The movement is not sectarian, but I digress.) Otherwise they would be against him, and they don't post against Prabhupada or his teachings. My reference to him was because as founder acaraya it was Prabhupada who started this movement with inclusion of the point we are not Hindus and not practicing Hinduism from day one. That is all. Regarding the reasons you give Prabhupada did so, I am not so quick to go along with that, or as the only or main reason anyhow. After all, his view and consciousness were 100% transcendental and not on the bodily platform from any perspective. Prabhuapda always believed he, and later we, do not practice Hinduism. But you and I can go at it for many posts ha, as we have done in the past, so let us just agree to disagree. /images/graemlins/smile.gif Tho Siva, you shouldn't get all huffy over small misunderstandings. /images/graemlins/smile.gif /images/graemlins/smile.gif I'm sure you will respond with a debate, so I'm going to take rest now. hehe Goodnight.
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