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Everything posted by Baobabtree

  1. Haribol Krsna! The lila Suchandra mentioned seems like a fair explenation to me, however I think another reason Krishna loves flowers so much, is because of what they mean to us. Flowers are hailed amongst us, for their beautiful appearance, and the beautiful smell they produce. They have become an object which one usually gives as a gift to a loved one, and are the subject of many poems in which they are compared to other objects in order to highlight the beauty of these objects they are being compared to. So, as one can see flowers are a sign of beauty, and love. So, when we offer flowers to Lord Sri Krishna and his eternal consort Radha (or any of their inumberable manifestations) we are telling Lord Krishna we want to give him something that is pleasantly appealing to his lotus eyes, that gives him something pleasent to smell, we are telling him that he is the utlimate object of our love and affection, and we want to show him this.
  2. Though I'm not a follower of Prabhupada, and I do disagree with some of his theological stances I can't help but have a smile appear upon my face when I here things like or Now this was a man who knew and loved God.
  3. I had thought it was someone who believes God is without any sort of qaulities, and is but cosmic energy devoid of any sort of human or personal characteristics. If this is wrong, would you be able to tell me what your guru and his sampraday call an impersonalits?
  4. This is a qoute taken from Yogananda's book "Man's Eternal Quest". Doesn't sound much like an impersonalist to me.
  5. Well, I certainly don't think a Vaishnava necessarily needs to follow or study the Bible, but like the Srimad Bhagavatam, and the Bhagavad Gita many of the New testament's teachings are of great importance to the spiritual growth of men.
  6. This topic isn't about you, or your guru's criticism of Yogananda. If you want to start another thread to do such, go ahead but do not derail this thread.
  7. Jesus is not directly opposed to Krishna in his teachings per se, but rather his teachings (or atleast what these gospels say were his teachings) seem to contradict some of what Krishna has taught. Like I have said there is the incidence with the pigs, and when he feeds some of his followers fish. However, his theological and moral teachings seem to sing in complete harmony with Vaishnavism
  8. Jesus was not a Vaishnava, but a preacher of a religion which taught many of the same moral principles as Vaishnavism, and like Vaishnavism had a clear understanding of God, that has led millions of people to Moksha.
  9. Namaste Theist If you don't mind me asking, what is your objection to this person identifying themselves as Hindu? To be fair, modern Christianity, both contains the basic teachings and spirit of Jesus, and contains a very strong moral message which has influenced mos of the world.
  10. But, that's the thing. I read of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, Buddha and various other incarnations and followers of Krishna preachings vegetarianism, and non-harm to animals, yet a whole herd of pigs are driven off a cliff by Jesus, according to this gospel.
  11. Namaste Theist. There's a tale in Gospel of Mark, and Luke of how several demons had possessed a man, and Jesus drives them out. However, he allows the demons to possess a herd of pigs, who then go mad and jump off a cliff. I've always found this particular tale has bothered me.
  12. Certainly a fact overlooked by most modern Hindus, and Gaudiya Vaishnavas (some of whom wish to be differentiated from Hindus), but what I think we also need to understand is that this doesn't neccesarily prove Jesus or Muhammad were avatars. Now personally I am leaning towards the idea that the first of the two was an avatar, but we have to understand some of the Biblical gospels do present some rather un-Vedic ideas, which I myself have a hard time reconciling with the teachings of Krishna.
  13. Well, the thing is that in this day age what we feel spiritually, is placed behind what we physically see. Many people need these kind of things to reafirm that God exists. I see what you mean though, and I humbly thank you for opening my eyes here.
  14. If this is indeed a serious question, I would think that having the lord physically consume what you offer to him through a murti, would be even better then enjoying the glories of consuming food which he has blessed for you as prasad. That being said having tried this myself, and having spoken with others who've done the same, it doesn't seem like this is another one of the occurances that happened in 1995 and 2006. Edit: Looks like it's still happening to the fellow who posted the video yesterday http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=eashvar
  15. Namaste my troubled brother. I'm surprised at the cold reception you've gotten so far for your post. Now to an extent I do think most people here have a point. Things like this (eg: seeking help or forgiveness from God) are a very personal matter. So though I will indeed pray that the Lord will watch out for you, and protect you from any harm or troubles, I think the most important thing for you to do, is to do this yourself. Also remember not all times of hardship are completely negative in the end. Some bad things happen to us, that will eventually lead us to real happiness or to better ourselves in the end. Jai Shree Krishna! Jai Shree Radha!
  16. Many of you may remember the milk miracles that occured back in 2006 and 1995, well apparently it might be happening again This just happened yesterday so it might still be occuring if anyone has murtis in their house I advice them to try feeding them milk!
  17. Namaste Pujari. I can't reply to your private message yet (due to my lack of posts), but I would like to say the site you linked me to (templenet.com) has a very nice history of the temple and information on Kalikambal on their site (who appears to be a murti form of Kamakshi after all) . Jai Shree Krishna! Jai Shree Radha!
  18. Namaste krsna. Honestly can't see it as being anything other than coincidental, but I certainly like the message you're propogating here. Jai Shree Krishna! Jai Shree Radha!
  19. Wow, amazing post there, and quiet the amazing experience you've had the fortune of going through. God has certainly blessed you on your path of devotion and love, may you never forget him, and always remember him. Jai Shree Krishna! Jai Shree Radha!
  20. Namaste Mahak. Thnak you so much for the links and this information you've shared with me Bhakta. I'm already doing puja as prescribed in this way (eg: chanting, Jap, remembering Gods leelas, form and associates) so I'm very glad to ehar that Chaitanya was not a big ritualist and such things are excepted themselves as being the very core of devotion. I would however like to know how the more complex forms of worship (such as preforming worship to a murti, or preforming yagnas etc.) are carried out in the Gaudiya Vaishnava tradition. Indeed its certainly a beautiful form of life, I've always been awe struck by the kinfd of beauty it manages to convey despite being almost leafless and without any sort of plants or fruits growing off of it. Again thank you for giving me a link to the divine nectar that is the Chaitanya Charitamrita and for taking the time to reply to my thread. Jai Shree Krishna! Jai Shree Radha!
  21. Namaste all. Does anyone have an outline of how to preform puja according to the Gaudiya Vaishnava tradition. I used to consider myself Shaiva, but I'm becoming more and more attracted to Vaishnavism and Krishna. In particular I have become interested with Gaudiya Vaishnavism and I'd like to know if any one could tell me where I could find an online puja outline, or where to find the Chaitanya Charitamrita. Jai Shree Krishna!
  22. What I think we have to understand is that in Lord Ram's time things were a bit different. Food was much scarcer to come by, and thus the consumption of animal flesh (horse in particular) was soemtimes necesarry to survive, hence why such types of yagnas were acceptable back then. Now a days we have the ability to gain enough food that there is no need for such practices. Infact if I remember correctly there was a Smirti (forget what it was called) that states sacrificing horses (which is the one type of sacrifice condoned in the Vedas and Ramayana) is a sin in the age of Kali.
  23. Now those are some true Bhaktas right there. It really brings tears to my eyes to see soemthing so heart warming and thoughtful done for these children. A thousand blessings upon all of the devottes who helped buy and distribute the goods to these children here. I'm especially amazed by the caucasian devotee in the picture. I can recall him protesting over the fact that non-Indian and so-called "lower caste" Hindus couldn't enter the temple, now that's really someone you've got to respect. Jai Shree Krishna! Jai Shree Radha!
  24. Namaste all. There's something that I've wondered about for awhile. Whilest reading through the Rigveda I've come across this famous verse (This is Rigveda 1:164:46). To me this verse seems to indicate that Indra, Garuda, Agni etc. are all but facets of the supreme God. Here's the thing though, according to most Vaishnavas Indra Agni, Garuda and a fair bit of the other Vedic devas, are but mortal souls who have been elevated to the status of a demi-god by the supreme God Krishna, which would contradict this interpretation. Is there a standard Vaishnava interpretation of this verse?
  25. Perhaps because Rig Veda 1:164:46 declares
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