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Everything posted by seamusjcarroll

  1. ecstatic arousal eternal presence non comprehension no doubt , i believe we are in a race to come back to the present , while remembering krishna , forgetfullness is fall down , this world is a dim reflection , of the spiritual , and that which is jiva atma is eternally atached to paramatma , the rest material time and space
  2. read prabhupadas books , start chanting , krishna will protect you , take care off your body ,mind and emotions , best wishes , jai radhe
  3. DEAR PRABHU the thought of joining any of the present movements , does not appeal to my heart or intelligience ,prabhupada does not disturb me , it is the rest of us , being forced to bow and swollow , would be a lie , this situation is not favourable , due to lack of good association , but what to do , only pray for mercy , and continue serving some how , question , what does prabhupada say about the future reality of iskon , what about the 10,000 years he spoke of , are we all not engaging in our own idividual process , no guru no process , if that is the case , then my guru is prabhupada by the fact i take instruction , while instruction is also everywhere , if i choose to open my heart and mind to the world with spiritual love , if we all fight for change , intelligently , that change will take place , if we do not believe this , then we are all wasting our time , if the pure are there then they are going to have to get brave , our job is to help elevate each other by speaking the truth , silence is useless, and blah blah no use , we must open up to positive dialogue, that points us all to krishna , chaitanya's message ,bhakti can not fail ,
  4. dear prabhu my view is that the seed of love for prabhupada present in iskon will blosom , and then chaitanyas message of bhakti will truly be released from its cage , those who are puffed up will decline , and a new burst of bhakti will accur, and the pure will rise , as yet i wait , but i believe krishna love is speeding into all of us because of prabhupada, his movment is success, because of krishna
  5. when i read prabhupadas work my first reaction was this is to strict and seemed forcfull, but intelligience told me that authority is instruction , as time has passed i have learnt about objection, but in your second translation , the authority has been removed from the instrution , and for me this softening up to make it more pallitable , is misleading , if i want intruction i allways go to the most high authority , prabhupada 's AS IT IS is such authority , because he is so clear , and uncompromising, prabhupadas words are a promise , the other is not , if i were to release my ego , my top choice would be prabhupada, and while i wait for mercy about such thoughts i try to do my best , when i was in india having a very wonderful expirience , it came to me that prabhupada was the corner stone to all my valued sources of instruction, prabhupada saved my life factualy , for without GITA as it is , everything else i came into contact with was either indulgent or inpersonel , prabhupada is strictly personel , he introduced me to KRISHNA , now i can dream of syam sunder and gopal as my own personel friend ,while i look at the world i live , prabhupadas mercy is his authority jai radhe
  6. dear prabhu , prabhupada movement is pure because he offers the remedy , but like all the institutions on this planet , not one has risen out of political and mental war ,children were abused , women were , new members ill treated , bogus interpretations, misleading many people, when i work at the temple in soho , helping with building work , my main focus was to serve krishna , but there was so much presure to become initiated, that there was a kind of frenzy , and a lot of defending of so called gurus , to say i do not feel inspired by such gurus , people would shout aparadh, all discusions were stifled , and now after all this time , so many still saying my guru is best , i believe prabhupada wanted us all to become guru in our own right , instructing only according to realisation not above position , our duty is to always protect the devotees with trancendental knowledge, cheaters are cheated ei if i am cheated it is because my heart is not clean i can not blame others , the service i render has to come from my heart , not because i belong to an organization , and then blind myself to the faults that exist , as a builder if i were only arrogant , i would never accept fault , and in the end no one will be satisfied, iskon is pure at heart because of prabhupada not because of us we are all patients praying to be healed, and as we heal we aquire the skills to help others heal , if reults are authentic they become self evident , there is no way to hide the truth , all the devotees that have come into contact with prabhupada are part of prabhupada family , less or more is not the question for me , sincerity and a true desire to serve , high or low all service done with love is accepted, love of krishna , see in all , ie service to all , high or low , iskon is a branch of a much greater tree , if we do not as individuals water the root we as individuals leaves on that branch will not flourish , who to blame , forget blame , if something is not useful why force ourselves , krishna means the all atracting , and you can not force any one to love , all process done without love or devotion is futile, when i was in radhakund , there was so much resistance and not much freindship , if you do not fit you are nothing , so much for love , this is pure neophyte stage , a vaisnava is a friend to all , by always assisting with trancendental love , if we all begin to speak love the truth of that love will surface no matter where we are , this necter is always present , when we acting for love, with prabhupada instrutions , jai radhe ,
  7. my thoughts , judge and critic , yet using intelligience, a fine line between thinking and feeling , the emmoinal content being fully cognant in the thinking , spiritual principles can only be practiced , to acknowledge the devine within all theorecticaly has no woth without the emoitnal being , mercy starts with hearing but mercy manifest with doing thinking and feeling all combined , into one eternal momemt where you become unchanging in memory ie that you aquire the abillity to remember the truth , spiritual truth, without principles we can not unravel , this mercy for me started while i was greatly disturbed, mercy was question , prabhupada was is answer and direction to evoke memory that fixs you into a perpective , and practice the key, if you do not love me now then when , individual eternal soul , atma paramatma is the only logical way to engage,otherwise we stumble on difference, and then our minds dictate our lives , and then where is love
  8. im looking after a squat gallery in london , and have this time to use the net and write , i can not know the outcome off these post , but i refuse to try and be clever , and only seek to engage , people here are kind , but they have little interest , but i remain peacful , and live simple , my dream is to go back to radhakund and create gardens and plant trees and assist the local people,i dont like big temples , i prefer nature , to not protect the nature around radha s lake , by creating a mood off love and co,operation, would be a great shame , the people ie locals are very suspicious of western devotees, they see us as foolish and competitive, while trying to engage us in helping them , mix massala , blah blah . no time for something new
  9. my own expirience of comming into contact with prabhupada mercy was initialy terror , how will i one so perverse ,approach this man ,let alone krishna , and then words like "i have come for the most fallen" to , neither accept or reject but use your intelligence, god gave you " for me this was enough, my words are you wake up in hell not heaven , 23 years later , i would not wish the strugle on any one, but the result so far, i weep with gratitude for prabhupada, and i still think of my self so low , as wish these sins to be cleansed from my heart,
  10. dear prabhu your response is welcome ,i want to look under and over this situation , my recent time in radhakund , made me feel concerned , so much division , all claiming top dog , i have been a builder all this time ,this makes me practical , i believe we must show an example , the boss for me is ultimatly chaitanya, via prabhupada , where are the fearless ones , whatever we all may think prabhupada movement is perfect , because his message is pure , do the work and success is garanteed, this promise is not empty, my own life is proof , this is surely the case for many , when will it be our day, after all off prabhupadas direct deciples are dead , like vetrans of some lost cause , some must have advanced, they must show themselves now , no more high or low
  11. dear prabhu . this curent situation and questions about prabhupada , are to me mis information , prabhupada is eternally present , his books proove this , we would not be talking without them , we are most fortunate to have such a direct link to chaitanya , devotional love ,not deviation
  12. the conditioned soul , falsly identified, must first take to the process, to hear krishna name , this mercy came from prabhupada, a determind aproach is required , even if you want material success, we all need help , especialy with spiritual life , prabhupada is that help , and we as his deciples must support each other as friends , i would say sin is hard to avoid , but avoid it we must , using god given intelligence, there is no benifit to beat oneself for failiure, Krishna's love is eternal
  13. when i first came into contact with devotees , i felt that we were all in hospital , i liked and did not like , rejecting or accepting seemed futile , i only new i needed a cure , now after 23 years of accosiating , i keep asking who has mutured, for myself many things have changed , if it were not for prabhupada and his mercy i would not of survived ,but now i am as a child ,like beeing born again , ie i feel more human , but behind me is the broken wreckage off what use to be my life , for whicth i suffer less and less, but what now , i pray for service , for association , to be engaged , but i also look for afermation of process , so as to confirm progress, not competition , i dream of the great good we can achieve in prabhupada's name , if we come togeather ,this posting is to probe into this possibility, i have my thoughts ,and dreams, radhe shyam
  14. aparahda means no rahda in translation it means no love
  15. please some one explain actual meaning
  16. all glories to the devotees.thank you prabhu. perfect instruction .
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