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Everything posted by Tirisilex

  1. Ever since the day Krishna appeared to me in my mind I have felt like I have been in his mercy.. I've never felt so much love than in being in the presence of Krishna.. The more I learn the more it's like drinking the nectar of the gods. I try to show mercy to all living things.. Like when I walk in the woods I prefer to blow them off me than slapping them (All though I ask for Krishnas forgiveness because I cant stand them and slap em..)
  2. I had a dream last night where the was 2 crescent moons and a solar eclipse at the same time. I am curious if such a thing is symbolic and or means something.
  3. I'm asking because of this book.. It looks interesting but I think it's Buddhist. http://www.amazon.com/o/ASIN/1559392541/ref=s9_asin_title_2/002-3983267-0384069?pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_s=center-4&pf_rd_r=050SYEE99KPF7G8M1ER1&pf_rd_t=101&pf_rd_p=291314301&pf_rd_i=507846
  4. http://www.swaminarayan.org/ Check this addy out.
  5. Is there a practice that cleanses karmic impressions in the subconscious mind?
  6. What does being devoid of material desires actualy mean??
  7. My Brother used to have Eczema.. He got it from the Detergent he used for his clothes.. Maybe try using a different Clothes Detergent would help. It could be the soap you use to wash yourself as well..
  8. Early Christians had to go through similar and even worse things as you but they didnt give up. I would say to just try to be more patient and peaceful. Dont give up because of this organization.
  9. You gave up your "faith" because this small group doesnt support Krishna? Are you being serious?
  10. maybe they arent aliens at all.. Maybe they are Humans from a future earth whos gene pool has failed so they come back in time to harvest new DNA.
  11. I didnt know where else to post this.. My Uncle has Cancer and is in real rough shape. They removed the right side of his bottom jaw and half his tongue. They arent sure if this is going to help and he may not make it. So your prayers would be thankful. Also is there a mantra or practice I can use to heal him?
  12. I drew a large picture of Krishna playing the flute.. I mounted it into a Wooden display box and dressed it with flowers.. but now I dont know what I should do with it.. any help here?
  13. Well, I have had past life regression done on me.. the last 2 lives before this one I was a girl.. this life Im a guy.. Does my soul favor a certain gender? I'm no expert so I cant say for sure.. Maybe it depends on who you are when you go back to Godhead?
  14. Are you saying that if your Guru asks you to go up unto a table to be sacrificed.. one should do it?
  15. I would die for anyone who needs it.. why only for Guru?
  16. What do you do on Janmashtami?
  17. A friend gave me this book "The Love-Ananda Gita: The Wisdom-Song of Non-Separateness" by Da Kalki Anyone know anything about this book? I'm just looking for opinions about it before I decide to read it.
  18. Do they have a web site? Where are they?
  19. Does anyone know of any groups in New Hampshire? The closest place I have found is in Boston Mass. Thats 2 hours away from me and I am terrified of driving on the Highway and in the city. There has got to be a group here in New Hampshire. Any info would be greatly appreciated.
  20. Actually its a Synthpop Influence.. Like "The Cure" and "Depeche Mode" (Some of the more recognizable groups) But eyeliner is an ancient practice.. Egyptians wore eyeliner.. Sumerians as well..
  21. I dress with dark clothes.. I wear a top hat and a little bit of eyeliner and yes I'm a guy.. Can I still be Krishna Conscious if I appear this way??
  22. What are the principles of devotional service?
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