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Everything posted by Sephiroth

  1. Perhaps the jews knew this was coming for their own doing. The jews should own the problem and address the problem without the help of US and without sympathy from their II-Word War situation. And in what did Jews had it (Holocaust) coming? Mind enlightnment me a bit to some unknown cause (Karma) to extend that nearly 3 million Jews have to die in hands of animals during World War 2. At least Japan suffering from the two nuclear bombs is acceptable because of their violent attitude during the War and many Japanese today accepted it. But what did the Jews do? While you at it, mind explaining why Muslims should be pitied after they invaded countries all the way to India and resulted in millions of death? The jews need to fix it, and they should become an example to the rest of the world for peace & tolerance. The jews can live well in this world without the victim-image of the World-war II. This may be an opportunity to shed that by helping the muslims with their basic human/family needs for their children to grow. Explain to me why I (presenting Jews here, since my nickname comes from Jewish origin), MUST be bothered with the needs of Muslims?
  2. His comments on looking for happiness within is what so many religious teachers have said, including Buddha and you disparage that by saying that foolishness,pride etc are all aso within. Hmph ... first of all, do you know Buddha? How familiar are you about Buddhism? Unlike your Krishnamoorti friend, Buddha did emphasize a purpose and meaning in life - to find enlightnment and to end the Cycle of Rebirth. Buddha didn't say there is no purpose in life. I believe such attitude belongs to Atheism, rather than spiritualism, which is why I suggested those who follow such beliefs should commit suicide. And also, unlike your Krishnamoorthi friend, Buddha didn't just say Peace is within alone, he also said Ego, Self, Pride, Arrogance and all those things are in there as well, so the purpose in life is to eliminate all other false notions and find the truth. Tell me..How pride and foolishness is within ?? If it is NOT a person, then where did Pride and Foolishness of a person comes from?
  3. The attitude of some Indians in face of their fellow Indians suffering in their own city is very disappointing and some what disturbing. Source : http://news./s/ap/20050803/ap_on_re_as/bombay_mixed_fortunes [Qoute] Majid Memon, a lawyer for a group of prominent residents of Bombay : "Last week's disaster has exposed the city's inability to cope with such crisis," Memon said. "It is a manifestation of a larger problem — the manner in which we have ignored the basic interests of the people of Mumbai. If we can develop the technology to make nuclear bombs and launch satellites, why can't we build better drains, better roads, give our citizens better amenities?" [/Qoute] What he said is true ... if India can boost its pride in front of US, stating its an economical and nuclear superpower, then it should at least take care its own people. [Qoute] "It's a little unfair to attribute the problem to lack of disaster management," said Abheek Barua, chief economist at ABN Amro India. "If Singapore or London faced a downpour like what Bombay had last week, I would imagine the situation won't be much different. Those cities also would have been shut." [/Qoute] I don't think this person have ever been in London or Singapore before. If people died for some preventable situation, the political leaders will be held responsible, like the shooting of the African in confusion a few weeks before. Who answered it? Blair himself, depended the Police actions for shooting (A SINGLE) Muslim for fearing he may had bomb on him. In Singapore, if same situation occured, again, someone WILL be held responsible for it, and many times before, politicians have forced to resign from posts for failing in their duties. In Japan, its even worse ... if a preventable accidence occured, the minister of that department IS required to step down in disgrace for not fullfilling their social duties. Yet, over 1,000 people died and some people talk as if it is something common and politicians boost India's economic and military powers.
  4. Please read the articles by David Frawley shattering the myth of Aryan Invasion ... Did I said that Aryans (Hebrews) invaded India ANYWHERE in this forum? The antiquity of Vedic culture is discussed in 27 articles proving it to be indegenous and as mother of all civilisations of the world. Did I say that Vedic culture is NOT "mother" to all civilizations of the world? Get the points straight. Point no. 1 - Aryans didn't invade India, they came and settled in the North section because of natural disaster in Mesotamphia region. Point no. 2 - Aryans didn't bring the Vedas (like what some may believe), they brought Writing skills to India. This writing skills were used by Hindus at that time to write down their beliefs which were passed down by oral before. Point no. 3 - Vedic civilization IS mother of ALL civilizations because they come from the 1st group of people who settled in India 180,000 years ago. Branch from this people went and settled in Malaya, China, Japan and across the Bering Straits to America where they become Red Indians. That is the only Upanishad which is repeatedly identifying Rudra as Brahman, while the other Upanishads identify Narayana as Brahman. And in the Gita, it is said that both Narayana AND Rudra IS the Brahman. Case closed, I know which to believe. It is possible that in future, some future guru may even bring out a much simpler route depending on the needs / demands of the time. Such gurus as you refer to them are people who do not remember that the gravest sin in Hindusm is the one where a person modify the Vedas. Right now, we see Hindus trying to misinterprete their religions in attempt to bring in Christians and entertain Muslims. Muslims and Christians themselves attempt to modify Vedas and misinterprete the Gita to fit their religion. And many of Hindus already gave up reading their books and live sinful life.
  5. Only registered members should be allowed to create threads at least, since this will prevent Christians and Muslims to use "hit and run" tactics. I don't see what is wrong with them to do posting, since half the problem rises from guests allowing to create threads which many times repeats the same problem over and over again, like authenicity of the Gita, Sri Rama's actions and such.
  6. << Also, what is an illusion? >> it is when you accept something as truth, and it is not the truth. And who decides what is Truth and what is False? By what standards and means? << Just because I see something which you couldn't see, it means I'm having an illusion? >> no. both could be illusioned. a test of a truth is to live per the truth, and see if it yields good/happy result. You have avoided my question. My question was - IF I see something which you couldn't see, does it mean that I'm having an illusion? << Is my brain same as yours? >> yes, as far as from what material it is made. no, as far as what memory, transmission speed, nodes and interconnections it has. So the answer is NO ... my brain, except for its make-over, is NOT same as yours. << Is my mentality same as yours? >> less likely. << My achievements and intelligence? >> different. it all depenss on past karma and experiences, and other things, we call sanskaras. the culture one grows in also plays a big part. If there is so many difference between two individuals, much less an entire society, then how can you say the sensation which felt by a drug addict is SAME as what felt by Yogis? I feel it is an ignorant statement.
  7. Exactly what do you mean by extraterrestial intelligence? Hindusm full of stories on how Man interacted with other beings - Gods/Goddesses, Apsaras, Gandhavas, Elements, Asurans and such. Cannot diffentiate which is aliens and which is not because Hindusm kind of look at the Universe as a large mansion with everyone in one family-kind of situation.
  8. Apart from mobilizing votes for BJP and posting in such forums I dont see that I can do anything. My family has done its bit to further our cause by building a small vishnu temple in my native place in India.Except efforts like this I am unable to do much. Are all Hindus like you also? Easy to give up saying they cannot overcome adharma? No wonder India in the dumpsters. /images/graemlins/wink.gif What can you do? You can pray to the Divine for His help, can't you? That is one way. Every try fasting and doing penance for merits which then give it to the Lord to be used for the benefits of the nation? Buddhist calls it "Merit Donations" and they take the concept from ... believe it or not, Hindusm. You may not know this, but some Buddhist monks in Tibet, Nepals and probably Thailand as well, actually pray, fast and do penance for the world's benefits. And don't say it is not according to Hindusm either. Many times when adharma rear its ugly head, Sages and many times, Gods and Goddesses perform penance and prayers for the Divine to assist and save them. So, those who wish the condition could improve, instead of wishing for it, put a day aside for fasting and doing good deeds, give the merits to the Lord and pray for the beneficts of the World.
  9. I think this Krishnamurthi person is someone who do not know anything about Life or Living it. His qoute is his own personal views and it doesn't work for others (as what Maadhav pointed out also). "When belief is not producing the results you expect of that, you introduce what is called faith. That means hope." Nope ... in most cases, when beliefs do not produce results, it is because of two reasons - either the person who believes do not do their research properly OR they are believing in lies. To assume that a belief is true and it is not producing result, thus needs to compensate it with hope (of something) is like saying you are a God who make something absolute which do not work thus need to create something to compensate for it. It is foolishness. "Anything you do to escape from the reality of the world will make it difficult for you to live in harmony with the things around you." And what is reality? If you see a group of thieves stealing from each other, are you going to say Stealing is acceptable reality and therefore, in order to be harmony with other (theives), you too must be theif as well? "All I can guarantee you is that as long as you are searching for happiness, you will remain unhappy." Agree with what Maadhav said ... stay in Hell and be happy. /images/graemlins/wink.gif "Why should life have any meaning? Why should there be any purpose to living? Living itself is all that is there. Your search for meaning has made a problem out of living." Why don't you just kill yourself, instead of bothering about living, if living has no purpose or meaning? "All I am saying is that the peace you are seeking is already inside you..." So is foolishness, illusional thoughts, Ego, Pride and so much inside of you as well. /images/graemlins/wink.gif "Only if you reject all the other paths can you discover your own path." Like Science, sometimes, you MUST learn common mistakes others have made in order to understand about life and to avoid repeating the same mistake. If you go around thinking, others' path unrelated to mine, that will only make you repeat the same mistake you have repeated before and again.
  10. But according to historians Gita is only 300BC old not 3000BC as some believe, so it can't be the literal word of Sri Krishna, rather is was written by a Vyasa who lived in this time. Like I said many times before ... Writing skills not so advanced in India around the time Kaliyuga began (3100 BC according to Mahabratha). Aryans (Hebrews from Mesotampia Regions) came to India around 4,600 B.C (some went to Egypt at the same time and began Egyptian dynasties) and brought together with them the skills of writing (as found in Mesotamphia by archeologists) to India. From this writing, Sanksrit began and flourished and puranas and the Gita were written down in the form you see today. The form which existed from 3,100 B.C is in form verbal instructions and Brahmins were responsible of memorising and passing down this instructions from one generation after another. Also Gita has taken alot from the Upanishads which pre-date it and especially the Sveteshwara Upanishad which scholars say it substituted Rudra with Krishna as the Supreme God. Gita didn't take anything, it composed of elements which existed in Vedas before it in a uniformed form for easier understanding in Kali yuga times. Instead of requiring to read 4 books (the Vedas), now, people just required to read one and follow it accordingly. As for Sveteshwara Upanishads and your claims, I have not heard anything of such.
  11. ok agreed that they can't perform some rituals that is for goodness sake. but mentally also its taken that they are not fit for spirituality. I think only time women cannot perform rituals are when they are undergoing their periods. But that is physical reason, which doesn't make them spiritually unclean or something. Frankly, I'm quite surprise at this sort of attitude. Vaishnavits who take Sri Krishna as God don't seems to know much about Sri Krishna at all. Who are Sri Krishna's main devotees? Yogis? Men? Swamis? Nope, those Gopis who never read (or understood Vedas) yet capable of Loving Him the best. Frankly speaking again, Men should understand that when comes to competition of devotion to God between sexes, Men are at disadvantage. Women has ONE thing which Men do not have - strong emotions. By using this emotions, Women can love God like lovers, love of daughter to her Father, love of a mother to a Son and so on. Men, despite of whatever they do, can only follow strict rules and guidelines because their Ego is more than womens (women have pride but they willing to let go of Ego and lower themselves to God easily). But then comes one question ... if Men have so much disadvantage, why put them as leaders? Again, the answer is same as above ... by giving them responsibility to weight them down, they are required to approach God by doing their duties and fullfill their burdens.
  12. Just remember ... Physics ain't my strong point, either is Maths. I speak from what I know, and I do know a bit on Theory of Relativity. but the string also vibrates between other dimensions. Yeah, heard of it also. Matter a fact, in one of shows in Astro Channels (our version of Cable Network), there had this show called "Freethinkers" (if not mistaken). One of this professor-type was speaking about String Theory (and no, didn't understand him either). From what I could catch (and I speak based on my own understanding here), he seems to potray that space is actually a large net. Planets are like a tennis ball, dropped onto this net in one section and sank into the place due to its own weight. The Planets do not go outside their position same way tennis ball do not go outside their place. So sun, moon, planets and such are revolving around their own paths. Now, if you look at the space (or reality if you will), each portion of them consists of energy in form of dark matter which like the net, holds everything together. And same way as a single strain of net cannot hold a ball, string inside of an atom cannot hold matter together by the size of a Planet, BUT combination of a large amount of strings could tied down a Planet and revolve it around its path. Those "strings" are what exists within Quarks in atoms. Anyways, AUM is considered to be the vibration spoken by the lord, which created our universe. Similarly, the string theory says that the universe may have been started by a single vibration. And the entire universe lies on the brane of this string. I remember the Creation Myth from Hindusm. According to it, when the Universe was about to be born, the Lord blew His cronch shell and the 1st sound was OUM. Now, if we have a large amount of matter and also a large amount of energy in a condensed form, we could apply the energy to the matter and spread it thin. The original energy which descend from Him could be in form of Aum and this will make forms from matter as He adjust the frequency and amount of energy given. Question will rise - CAN Sound effect Matter? I say Yes ... Sounds which has right pitch could crack Crystal glasses, deliver messages, cause vibrations and so many more in matters. So why not form, maintain and destroy Planets?
  13. Hello sir, i presume u stay in India and yet you don't realise the difference between races and religion. There is no such race as Muslim. I will persume you have never spoke to a Muslim before. /images/graemlins/wink.gif When a person become a Muslim (assuming he is something else before), what he MUST do scrap off his old habit and follow what Muhammad doing. To become a Muslim is to successfully mimic Muhammad in life, thus, they try to become one by mimic Muhammad. This mimicry give rise to a single race - Muslims. A Chinese or Japanese can become a Hindu (by following the Gita) and he doesn't have to change his wardrobe, eating habits (much) and daily routines (much). Same goes for Buddhist and Christians. BUT when a person become a Muslim, no matter what background he came from, he MUST adapt new culture, dress-codes, eating habits, praying and all the way to making love AND using the loo. In that context, Muslims are a race which gave rise from their religion. Know the difference.
  14. Those who do not have ability to speak do so with sign language. Those who do not have sight, "see" with their smell, hearing and touch. Those who do not want any attachments will give and do not take. There is always ways, it just sometimes, people don't see it and think there is none.
  15. vaishavites... doesn't include women in their growth of spiritualism they don't lead but just keep them dasi's as also God lakshmi ,andal is always a dasi under narayanas feet.but very well protected by the lord. Vaishavites think Woman have no capability to be spiritual and should remain as servant to Man?
  16. Interpreting in a similar way, we can say that Mars is the son of earth if it had detached from the earth sometime in the past. If science can confirm this, what our texts have described is truly cosmological!! ONLY possibility for this to happen could be during cooling period some ... 4 billion years ago, I think. As the core of the Planet (with others) circle around the centre of graviti (known as the Sun), it become colder and formed out-layers. During this cooling period, massive amount of meteors struck the planet as well. IF Mars and Earth was to come from a single body, it could have happened during this cooling period. The two bodies could split itself (probably due to their weight increasing more than what their fragile magnetic field could withstand) and drift apart. To picture this, imagine a single fertilized ovum spliting itself into two column, thus forming twins of identical genetics. In order to confirm this, Scientists must examine Mars' oldest geological sample with Earth's.
  17. Was Taj Mahal built in a different way? No coercion come on. Yeah, Taj Mahal is built in the same way ... but ignorant Hindus think it as symbol of "Love". Only difference between Chinese and Hindus are, at least Chinese brave enough to call their 1st Emperor a cruel person, while Hindus STILL refering to Taj Mahal as symbol of Love and Shah Jahan as a great leader. For present day, one only needs to look at skyscapers in Shanghai to see whether chinese are lazy. You are totally ignorant and racist. China is the factory of the world.Look at how fast their GDP has grown. Wrong ... China is market for the world products ... its 1 billion people are used by the rest of the world as dumping grounds for their products - US, UK, most Europe countries and even Malaysia. They all wants Chinese market. Historically speaking, China didn't change AT ALL since the last 150 years. In 1870s, in the same situation as now, China's market were forced to open by foreigners by using government officials, a few shady characters and such. Same thing happening now YET Chinese never learn anything new. /images/graemlins/smirk.gif Hello ,, what abt Indians who are avid followers of astrology, Vastyua d so forth. In fact vedic astrology is supposed to be a divine science. Divine or not depends on people who use them. And remember, Gita did say following foolish beliefs like this is for sake of material gains. Like as if Vishnu can't bear for anyone to be proud....come on your concept of God is so narrow and is a disservice to hinduism as we know it. It is not narrow-sighteness. In Ramayana, Lord Shiva himself had informed Narada not to boost his defeat of Kama Dewa to Lord Vishnu, knowing well that Lord Vishnu do not like boosting devotees. Ask any Hindus for confirmation. Furthermore, go and read the Gita. There is a verse saying "A devotee must be as humble as a grass when seeking his Lord". Another example of pure racism and yet you claim to worship Vishnu...this is what sectaranism does.! Call it whatever you like. My belief is simple - Evolution of Man is what God is after, forcing Man to come outside his animalistic coccoon and use more and more of the Soul's unlimited abilities. In that context, I see people as unmature, matured, overripen or simply rotten seeds within physical bodies. You can call it rascism for all I care. /images/graemlins/wink.gif
  18. You like to make your own assumptions, do you? /images/graemlins/smirk.gif You make wrong assumptions by : 1. Think God and religion is related. It is not. 2. Think God favours one race over another. He does not. 3. Think God has limitations. He does not. Fact : 1. Humans are limited to approach God by their religion. God has no such limitations. Therefore, best religion is given to the most appropriate race. Hindusm to Hindus. Christianity to Europeans. Islam to Muslims. Buddhism to Atheist. and so on. 2. Avatars are Hindus' concept and God did promise them first, that He will come as Kalki. However, He never said Kalki will be born in India or as a Hindu.
  19. Your story reminds me of a driver. He was driving along a road which fork into two separate paths ahead. He saw a sign stating the left side is faster path (to his destination) but not advicable to follow while the right side is long and hard but more accessible. Being human, he wanted to reach his destination faster so he took the short one. A few miles inside, he caught up in a traffic jam and cannot back up due to others (who like him also) blocking all paths for a retreat. Now, while driving in the slowed lane, he is cursing the sign board for not being big, flashy and didn't bang his car to stop him from making the choice. /images/graemlins/smirk.gif The choice to make the decision is yours, the action was yours and the result was yours as well ... stop blaming God. Some people don't even have signs to tell him not to make mistakes, so you should be glad God is looking after for you, despite of the fact whether you deserve it or not.
  20. You can also go and inform the Police to be sure that the bracelet is not stolen property. They should have lists of all stolen properties in the Station. Frankly speaking, I believe what meant to be yours will become yours in the end. I remember meeting a Christian lady friend at school and we always chat about religion. A few weeks after meeting her, I was clearing my backyard when something like a necklace caught my plow. I lifted it up and found a Cruifix with one of those rosary hanging there. I guess it was meant for my friend and I gave her.
  21. Once it told me the iron was on and I drove back 5 miles. It was off and was the kind that shuts off by itself anyway. I think you have too much fear in your mind and kept thinking it's prophetic gift. /images/graemlins/smile.gif Should learn to relax ... try meditating.
  22. This is racist and ignorant. And God isnt either. Do lazy people build the "Great Wall of China"? Did you know HOW the Great Wall of China was built? By sacrifice of lives of over 20,000 people who were yanked out of their villages and forced to work in the middle of the burning desert for years ... some of them NEVER saw their homes again. Furthermore, you can see many of Chinese today who are good in business but very materialistic. God gave them Buddhism but they failed to follow properly, still holding onto things like fortune telling and Feng Shui based predictions. In such way, Chinese are failures. What's wrong with having pride? IF you know characteristics of Lord Vishnu, you could know that Lord Vishnu do not condone prideful people. Falling of Jaya and Vijaya and Narada's cursing Lord Vishnu to suffer a "love lost" as a mortal at beginning of Ramayana all due to pride. You can say Lord Shiva can overlook His devotees' pride a bit but not Lord Vishnu. How many japanese people do you personally know to determine this conclusion? How many? Let's see ... about a dozen or so. I work with Japanese bosses and some staffs from overseas who comes to my company to do all sort of things like auditing etc. They are hardworking people but they have too much pride. But at least, unlike some people, the Japanese were taught that having pride is a bad thing so they do tune down a bit, which is good. There are materialistic people through out the world. Even some indian people are materialistic. You cannot differentiate between Europeans' materialistism and Indians' materialism? Indians ... despite of whatever materialistic approach they have, will always know in the back of their mind that there is God/s and there is Karma. Europeans have been (for nearly 1,500 years) were taught that the life they live is just once, so they do their level best to enjoy themselves in this life while, at same time, try to obtain spiritualism which is opposite to each other. Europeans will not give up a chance to live a life in materialistic ways (self-indulging) for an afterlife which they do not know whether exist or not. It is in their mentality as an European ... almost genetically.
  23. If this is true then isn't god a liar for making different religions and then having different teachings??? WHO said God is the one who is responsible for bring in different teachings? When Adolf Hitler brought in Nazism, did he do so with approval of God? When British started Apartheid system in Africa, did they do with approval of God? Don't mistake false associations between false religions and teachings with God. Man makes all sort of "evil" due to his own ego, false teachings are just one of such inventions. Why blame God when it is you who were fooled by such inventions?
  24. ONLY Gita is Holy. Jews have their unwritten, oral Laws and Buddhist have their Scriptures (which was NOT written by Gautama Buddha but collective students after Buddha's departure from the World). So, in that context, Yes ... ONLY Gita which came straight from God's mouth is holy, simply because it has collection of ALL other Vedas within it. Vedas which was given to Manu comes from God's mouth to Manu's ears (same as what happened between God and Moses). Therefore, it is verbal instruction. Writing it down (as Veda and Torah which exist today) doesn't make it holy, FOLLOWING the instruction is what will make it Holy. Know the difference ... Holy books do not become Holy because some Swami or Prophet brought it in and give it to people, it is Holy because God has given it and Man required to follow. If you say a Book is Holy because this person or that person brought it, it is equal to saying that person is God. In same way, Moses is NOT a God ... he is a Deliver of Message of God. Torah is NOT holy because Moses brought it, it is Holy because God have gave it to Hebrews to follow and ONLY by following it, they (Hebrews) will make it Holy.
  25. I believe in String Theory, it is state that when a person breaks deep into Atoms to its lowest structure (I believe its called Quark), they will find energy in form of "string", similar to DNA strains which makes up our body. Not sure ... it has been a long time since I have read about them and Physics ain't my best subject (either is Maths for that matter). Anyway, "energy strings" within the Quarks which makes up the Atoms is very much similar to DNA strains within our body, that much I could say.
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