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Everything posted by Nicolas_Bhai
Why do we offer food/arati to Srila Prabhupada's statue
Nicolas_Bhai replied to a topic in The Hare Krishna Forum
I said, "I heard Prabhupada's voice, yes, it was so real. Tell me, was he here?" He said, "Yes. He just walked through this hall, opened the door, stepped down the doorsteps, opened the gate and went out turning left."....... ... /images/graemlins/crazy.gif Swamiji said, "Prabhupada looked like he knew this place very well." ---- . All right. *I saw Hare Krishna swamiji there facing the front hall, in front of his room, with his eyes filled with tears and his face so bright than ever. thank you anand it will bear plain, to see it. -
Why do we offer food/arati to Srila Prabhupada's statue
Nicolas_Bhai replied to a topic in The Hare Krishna Forum
also have heard about Srila Prabhupada crying and so forth and also i have heard his murthi laughing at devotees. I have read a devotee see Srila Prabhupada after he left the planet in spiritual form! Haribol! ___ and so How it could be.. Can You tell us all? I´ll love to lsten... -
Why do we offer food/arati to Srila Prabhupada's statue
Nicolas_Bhai replied to a topic in The Hare Krishna Forum
i have seen... tears fell off to his chick in some temples. that devotees have seen so; out of extasy about the krtan. -
excuse me. I have been entagling much my self out of fancy topics.. I recognise my fault and to the feet of the vaishnavas i shall beg pardon. i have been comiting aparadhas-- so i humbly request to the forum readders and mercifulll vaisnavas to forgive my fault to forgive my offences... to the feet of the vedanta philosofy, to the feets of Guru maharaja.. to the lotus feet of the ABsolut truth that cleanses all; -- Then Parik§it Mahäraja described how Närada, from his own experience, showed the glories of Bhagavän by revealing the glories of His dhama and the glories of His eternal associates.. " --Bhagavan and the sastra. !! Plz, forgive Me cos i have not known what me be doing. I shall beg pardon to the lotus feeet of Guru maharaja, i have yet loose time tuVbling arrownd the vedanta and speculating about the sastras.. But As he has said everything is as it has to be, and that so being lickin the honny.bottle from an exterior have make of me a dull headded, as if it was notknown that for drinkin a most excelent wine one has to de-corch it bottle then the honny is requested to be drinked from my revealed Guru hand and i have become a sinner out of tryin to benefit my self out of a closen bottle.. Srila has apeared to opend it, and now is the time when i see it. Plz, to the guide of the vaisnavas, to the mercyfull devoteees of the ultimate absolut truth Supreme GodHead Bhagavan Sri Krsna i shall beg pardon at His lottus feet, because of the face that ignorance has taken over me i shall not put my drishti onto yours, am an offender. I continue to beg pardon from my offences, Really that was not my sincere intention behind my dull acts. hare krsna !
excuse me. I have been entagling much my self out of fancy topics.. I recognise my fault and to the feet of the vaishnavas i shall beg pardon. i have been comiting aparadhas-- so i humbly request to the forum readders and mercifulll vaisnavas to forgive my fault to forgive my offences... to the feet of the vedanta philosofy, to the feets of Guru maharaja.. to the lotus feet ;-- Then Parik§it Mahäraja described how Narada, from his own experience, showed the glories of Bhagavän by revealing the glories of His dhama and the glories of His eternal associates.. " Bhagavan and the sastra. !! Plz, forgive Me cos i have not known what me be doing.
Why do we offer food/arati to Srila Prabhupada's statue
Nicolas_Bhai replied to a topic in The Hare Krishna Forum
First-class devotee * Mahabhagavata, uttama-adhikari. does NOT fall down. You are correct when you say that when the Spiritual Master speaks it should be taken that Krishna is speaking. That is a fact. A Spiritual Master must be liberated -
Why do we offer food/arati to Srila Prabhupada's statue
Nicolas_Bhai replied to a topic in The Hare Krishna Forum
Bogg sometimes comes to the disciple as a offering and to respect the Guru that´s all.- and to us to take a part in His devotional service. Madhya 22.71 It should be understood that a madhyama-adhikari, a second-class devotee, is fully convinced of Krsna consciousness but cannot support his convictions with sastric reference. A neophyte may fall down by associating with nondevotees because he is not firmly convinced and strongly situated. The second-class devotee, even though he cannot support his position with sastric reference, can gradually become a first-class devotee by studying the sastras and associating with a first-class devotee. However, if the second-class devotee does not advance himself by associating with a first-class devotee, he makes no progress. THERE IS NO POSSIBILITY THAT A FIRST-CLASS DEVOTEE WILL FALL DOWN, EVEN THOUGH HE MAY MIX WITH NONDEVOTEES TO PREACH. Conviction and faith gradually increase to make one an uttama-adhikari, a first-class devotee. By asociating i think bOGG IS NOT NEEDED INDEED BUT IT WILL TAKES ITS PART, THAT WAY. aS PRASADAM. HARI BOL ! -
Prabhupäda´s disciples being pure disciples of the Supreme, shal take one to His will directly... www.backtohome.com --Sankarshan Das aDhikari is doing & guiding an e-mail self realization course.. so maybe for you to take advantage of his mercy also. I think this KCP is Krsna Conciouss People--- maybe for u to sign up ! ok Hari BOl & Hare Krsna, Prabhujis !
Yoga Nidra is said to be however respectin a sleeping state.. out of Yoga. i figured out this by other senior devotees they didn´t recomend The Maharäja books that i have found to be something controversial.. anyway i think don´t mind you boys cos that was out of dreams. Maybe among the siddhanta is much many things out of a name, and the right woman to ask maybe Durga Devi, My Guru says that for these things there is no argument.. as far as the sleep is saying something or so.. i think to reconsider shall it be reconsidered the Durguns.. out of wich the sleepy athmosphere came as ignorance.
mind it. it may be positive I don´t know. I think is the mother of Maharaja Pariksit, so that how can be considered because of the dream codition... ¿?. I have read a little yet about a book -Going Beyond Vaikuntha. ...After the Srimad-Bhägavatam was spoken in seven days, the mother of Parik§it Mahäräja, Uttara, said to her son, Because what Sukadeva Gosvämi explained was so philosophical and full of siddhanta, I was not able to experience it in my heart due to being a woman. Therefore you please explain the essence of it in a simple fashion, in a few words only, so that I may understand it well. Then Parik§it Mahäraja described how Narada, from his own experience, showed the glories of Bhagavän by revealing the glories of His dhama and the glories of His eternal associates.. The Brahmana Meets Gopa-kumära - First Chapter. Hari bol !
yes it is, Nice rendered. Right.. I thougth by means that --how could be the management someway or the other when filosofy started to link with the art and crafts.. Today, I started my basic studies about grafic design that as you could see this has much more to do when a production is in between manipulation etc.. those plain drawings are just yet done.. as i tell U what about creation? I know evething is made in the service of the Supreme Personality. But it has many features than just responsanbilty. Would you Mind? I think the must is Prabhupäda´s drawin ofering at the Lottus feet, and that because is the basics ! hari bol !
i have seen some digital works out of sadhu-sangam festivities, and temple work from devotees etc.. Few vedic aproaches to this art and creation, maybe u can go on chekin Ideas, for you to be doin so... * http://www.consciousart.de/artists/catalina.php * http://www.consciousart.de/artists/sabdabrahma.php This are devotees in my country. I find it usefull, but more out of it to seee squeches of about things one can be doin so.. maybe make drawings for my spiritual master and so on, thats all He is the one consolidating the Idea.
Hare Krsna It is said remercably i think thought cos a pure devotee or call it aspirant is being prepared to get a new body as a pure devotee allways is living in that sanatan Dham, that supreme dhama... The human birth is that special. I have heard much of it, Obviously one has to get a boddy throughout a father & a Mother, but in the spiritual world i think this is consived by Yoga, and so simple nature is allways servant to the master´s Will. Hare Krsna.
i´ve never been in there but just a few minute ago i vamped onto this Gopa Kumars web video page it´s been done such this a nice work, by a devotee. thanx i leve here the link also. http://vaisnavi.net/videos_gopakumar/index.html
nice so like to sit on floor maybe, i didn´t know that was it, it really part of Indian culture? to seat directly to eat then how is the way, it will let go off the ego feature from the self? Is it? If it is an Indian mean for this it maybe some mean as if seatted on the bench or a simple chair. Or is it @ the temple that it is done just when eatting.?
Yes, i prefer the asociation of a pure devotee as Prabhupäda that know the complete process and cience from a point in phsycology I have heard that, he studied phsycology is it right anyways, in India? He Master is the spititual cientists.
all that comes out of the nine door made of the body, the nine door house, a bag of matter. All that posibly can go out from the boddy is excrement, from the eyes from out the mouth.. I dont know why the woman is sight as at that kind of sight, maybe for passing stool like cows, but is nattural, that is done for a natural equilibrium i think to be found. think the man is also a bag of matter in other way, simple but complementary. maybe in school one learn, or that is thought to talk to much.
Mahabharata is coming to Bollywood with a big bang.
Nicolas_Bhai replied to a topic in The Hare Krishna Forum
even i have sincerelly hinkin about the production though for the great people will be great to be found of good knowledge.. could you imagine the greattest cause are greattest epics not jus t imagintion or someething carved out of mind.. but real true human history and composition. It would be so nice if can be made some six seven movies as the Lord of the Rings or harry potter production carve also for shocking the audience with nice technology and cash. I think if this is possible not for bollywood maybe "Holy-wood" jaja.. i think it would be at last the final trompet for the massess in the material world of things. -
because i think it really was Adam and Eve, or Adam and hawa or shankar-parvaty, or the first Laxshmi and Näräyan seence destruction comes to be like - preparing the kingdom for new descendats, in where we humans tek inheritance number-wise, when you chek there is sastric relation about the first human couple as for the sikhs shankar is remembered naked as Adam, i don´t know how exactly they call Him and Hawwa as Durga-Parvaty, or Eva. There is relation of it in all sastric religions as in the Vedas itself, "The poet only or the sun of knowledge can give the correct clarification of a ´poem´". This secret is to be understood. Then from that point it would be the CORPOREAL Father and Mother (pita-mata) the creator of the hole human desendants population for a new cycle Even time is relative though. - haribol.
Even then for oneself how do you think you carrie you personal resolves.. life after life.. and then plaight to understand if it is or not. I think anyway man that we have a huge burden of sins steel from previews boddies and so on...
there is a nice mention in the sastras about the horse sacrifice as it is said when arjuna is being depicted in his kshatriya chariot exactly as if he´s the soul know now that Krsna is the Auriga of the planny horses. thats my interpretation in the case when there is some sacrifice in there involved on the sastra is in that order mentioned that for doing this or that ekadasi vrat one gain as if sacrificing a horse, a horse sacrifice is meant i think though for the mind encourage. like the horse became your mind or something, when u mind u ride yah horse even if you are seatted confortably behind the auriga.
i mean, that all i see when i sat at the TV eye is a rainbow-pixel screen.. !