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Posts posted by Avinash

  1. Kimiflex,

    I agree that a teacher is required. But I want a book because I learnt Sanskrit from a very good teacher in my student life. In fact, I was considered the best student in Sanskrit by the teacher from whom I got tutuins and also by Sanskrit teachers in my school. But I have forgotten some of things because I am not in touch with Sanskrit as much as I was earlier. If I find a good book, then I will be able to remember many things.

    I am not looking for any Primer book. I want some book, which explains even the advanced concepts in detail.


    Furthermore, 'Narayano Jayate Rudrah' here is in plural, which means, 'Narayana created Rudras'. So, all 11 Rudras are accounted for.


    Is the 'a' in Rudrah short a or long a? If it is short a (like second a of Rama), then it is singular and if it is long a (like first a of Rama), then it is plular.

  3. Please suggest me some really good book, which teaches Sanskrit. The book should be such that after learning Sanskrit from it, one should be able to understand the meanings of verses in our scriptures like Ramayan, Mahabharat, Puranas.

    I will prefer if the book is in Hindi. This is because if it is in English, then I will have to keep in mind lots of transliteration rules. But if it is in Hindi, then the book will use Devanagari script, which is also used in the scriptures. Moreover, Sanskrit is much closer to Hindi than to English. For these reasons, I prefer the book to be in Hindi.

    Any suggestions?


    Here is my experience as a person who has had an NDE (near death experience).quote]

    I wish I also could get NDE. But do not want to try that. May be it will result into actual death.:(




    Do you want to say that you were very afraid? Afraid of what?



    What made you scared? Was it because you knew that you had left your gross body? Or some other reason?



    Did you first feel bliss and then remembered God? Or did you first remember God and then feel bliss?



    Did you remember God in any specific form like Krishna playing flute?



    You felt bliss. After that you had to come back. Do you feel hurt that you had to come back?



    Did you taste development of bliss while in this body? If yes, then how do you compare it with the bliss you felt in your NDE?

  5. I am quoting verses to show Shiva's supremacy because you are claiming that Vishnu is greater than Shiva.

    If somebody claims that Shiva is greater than Vishnu, then I will quote verses to show Vishnu's supremacy.;)


    You have quoted from Mahabharat. Does it mean that you consider it authentic? Do you treat whole of Mahabharat as authentic or some parts?


    Srimad Ramayana says:


    'The Devas pray to Shiva. Shiva prays to Brahma. Brahma prays to Me (Vasudeva). I need no protection, for I am the refuge of all'.


    What do you mean by Srimad Ramayana? Is it Valmiki Ramayana? If so, can you tell me the context in which the above verse is spoken?


    And going by the same method, one can say with conviction that the verses praising Shiva in the Bhagavatam are indeed directed to Vishnu only. In fact, Lord confirms this in Santi Parva of Mahabharata. Therefore, stop quoting random Bhagavatam verses out of context.


    The context is that deadly poison came out during churning of ocean. Therefore, gods went to Lord Shiv and prayed to him. You are saying that the prayers are indeed directed to Vishnu. But Lord Vishnu was present nearby. Then, why did gods not go directly to Lord Vishnu?

  8. Bhaktajan,

    First you substituted demigods in place of soul. Next you substitutedFamily Tree of the personalities of The Srimad Bhagavatam. What next? If you can do this, then I can also do the following substitution: -


    Some look on the soul [software developed by me] as amazing,

    some describe him [software developed by me] as amazing, and some hear of him [software developed by me] as amazing,

    while others,

    even after hearing about him [software developed by me],

    cannot understand him [software developed by me] at all.


    So, you agree that the above is correct?:deal:


    Some look on the soul [the Demigods] as amazing,


    some describe him [the Demigods] as amazing,

    and some hear of him [the Demigods] as amazing,

    while others,

    even after hearing about him [the Demigods],

    cannot understand him [the Demigods] at all.


    Are you preaching your own Bhagavad Gita?:pray:

  10. All the best for your future life. You are far more intelligent than I was at the age of 14. I also at that time liked reading spiritual books, but only as stories.;) Of course, I also liked spiderman, superman etc. But now that I have become old:( , comics do not interest me.

    Wish you success in life. You are very much interested in spirituality. That is good. But since you are on this Earth, it is highly important to make full use of it. For that, having good health is essential. Therefore, please do not neglect your health. From your posts I have come to know that you have often felt weak. It is not good to be so weak in such an young age. Therefore, please take care of your health.

    And all the best for your studies.


    No thank you, I see no contradiction to say so would be to insult Veda Vyas who apparently gives contradictions according to you.

    This could only happen when one start with a notion what Brahman is and then anything else that don’t fit with our ideology we need interpretation, to the extent we will kill off Vedic gods just to prove our point.

    So I will use my brain and accept what Sri Vyasdev says literally, I see no contradiction in his writing I don’t reject Shiv Puran for that matter other purans based on anyone’s assertion, to do so would be to accuse Vyasdeva that he did not know srutis.

    I wish I also could see no contradiction. But some Puranas call Vishnu as supreme and some call Shiv as supreme. Don't you think there is contradiction? How can both be supreme?


    tasminhi pUjyamAne vai devadeve maheshvare

    sampUjito bhavetpArtha devo nArAyaNaH prabhuH

    It is the Lord, the prabhu, the Narayana *IN* Maheshvara (the worshippable, the lord of the devas), who is actually worshipped.



    I will be grateful if you tell me the verse number.



    Stop quoting Tamasic Puranas.

    Please give a list of what Puranas you consider as Sattvik. And what about Mahabharata and Ramayana? Do you consider those as authentic?



    Rig, Sama, Yajur, Atharva, the Samhitas, Aranyakas, Brahmanas, Upanishads and also the Sattvik Puranas, Gita, Ithihasas, Sahasranama and Vedanta Sutras.


    Need a list?

    Yes, I have read Vishnu being called as Supreme in many verses in Vedas. But I have seen other verses in the Vedas calling other gods as supreme as well.


    Now, Upanishads suggest Brahma Vidyas where Indra is meditated upon as the object of deliverance. But it is to be understood that the meditator focuses not on the Jiva named Indra, but on the indweller, who is Vishnu.

    What is the proof that the mediator focusses on the indweller and not on Indra? And if he really focusses on the indweller, then what is the proof that this indweller is Vishnu?



    Therfore, the Devas address Shiva as 'Bhuta Atman' meaning, All-Pervading'. This is nothing more than an addressal to Vishnu, who is the indweller of the Jiva named Shiva.

    Why can't it mean that devas call Shiva as all-pervading?



    - In Bhagavatam 8.12.4 (so kindly provided by cBrahma earlier on), Shiva prays to Vishnu and calls Him Lord of the Worlds. Hence, you cannot have two supreme Lords. From Vedic Sastra, it is abundantly clear that Rudra is a Jiva.

    And in Shiv Purana, Vishnu prays to Shiva.



    - Sri Rudram Chamakam clearly says that Vishnu is the indweller of Rudra. Only Jivas have the Lord as indweller. If Rudra was an avatar of the Lord, why would he have Vishnu as his indweller? Hence, Rudra is a Jiva.

    Thanks for mentioning this. I am not aware of Rudram Chamakam. But I will read it if I can lay my hand upon it.



    - Srimad Bhagavatam verifies that Narayana is the absolute reality in various instances.

    Yes, but some Puranas call Shiva as the absolute truth and Devi Bhagavatam calls Durga as the highest. Which one to believe?



    If Shiva is the one being prayed to by the Devas, then why is this verse being addressed to the One Being who manifests as Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva?


    Because, this prayer is directed to the indweller of Shiva, and not to Shiva. That is why Shiva's name is also mentioned in this verse.

    You are saying that Shiva's name is mentioned in the verse. Therefore, according to you, the prayer is not directed to Shiva. But note that the verse always mentions Vishnu. Using the same logic, can we not say that the prayer is not directed to Vishnu?



    In reality, Vedas confirm that only Vishnu is the avatar of Sriman Narayana, with 100% attributes, who resides on the Ocean of Milk. The Vedas however, confirm that both Brahma and Rudra are jivas. Aniruddha and Sankarshana provide the powers of creation and destruction to them.

    Which Vedas say it?

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