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Everything posted by Airicky

  1. Airicky

    IQ Test

    good description. That's why I kept walking away and then coming back. You have to get the second battery and watch a short movie to get the last item to get out of the room. However, without your clue all would have been lost.
  2. Enjoying his music! Nice that he put on his biography and pics also.
  3. Airicky

    IQ Test

    Krishna is everywhere and is everything. Patience.
  4. Airicky

    IQ Test

    I re read your original message and finally got the 13th item and I am out of the room. Thank ghari for the nice diversion! I will send in my name as proof!
  5. Airicky

    IQ Test

    been coming back to the game in between doing other stuff and I am still stuck on 12 items and trying to get the safe open. UNCLE!
  6. Airicky

    IQ Test

    I have found 12 items and I know the last item is in the safe but i can't figur out the combo to get into it.
  7. Airicky

    IQ Test

    Ok, found 11 items and got the red box open! But it tells me in order for this red box to work I have to find another item.
  8. Airicky

    IQ Test

    so i decided to give it a try. So far I have nine items and know I could get more if I can figure out how to open the red box. Also, discovered a url but I can't read Japanese!!! But I did find the list of escapees: http://www.fasco-csc.com/guestbook/index_e.php?id=crimson
  9. Yes, it is the same. Kanthi mala is a neck mala made of Tulsi wood just as japa mala is a chanting mala made of Tulsi wood. In either case what is truly important is that we should offer the Tulasi mala whether it is Kanthi or japa to Lord Krsna before we use it ourselves.
  10. Hari-bhakti-vilasa: haraye nArpayed yas tu tulasI-kASTha-sambhavAm | mAlAM dhatte svayaM mUDhaH sa yAti narakaM dhruvam || 4.310 || "That fool, who takes a mAlA of tulasI-wood for himself without offering it to Hari, will go to hell to stay for good." We are supposed to offered everything to the Supreme Lord.
  11. George Carlin said it best about Martha Stewart .. Boy, I feel a lot safer now that she's behind bars. O.J. Simpson and Kobe Bryant are still walking around; Osama Bin Laden too, but they take the one woman in America willing to cook, clean, and work in the yard, and haul her butt off to jail "
  12. I saw this article on another site and felt it relevant for all of us here. Thank you Vishoka dasa for this information.
  13. Then it is time for change which appears to be in the works. I pray for all the devotees that have spent their lives and energy in Iskcon that this works out. Hare Krsna prabhu.
  14. Yes, I understand what you are saying. However, there are many devotees who entered Iskcon as teenagers and were for the most part raised by Iskcon. Iskcon has been their guardian, family, teacher, and basically their employer for the whole of their adult lives. They know nothing else but life in Iskcon. Living such regulated lifes, since such a young age, they did not have the chance to develope the "common sense" that comes with experience and mistakes. It is a learning process. Also, being sheltered within the temples away from the hard knocks of working and living in the outside would tend to keep one a bit on the naive side. These devotees gave their youth, energy, everything to Iskcon and Iskcon became everything to these devotees. Are they now to be shown the door as their elderly age, disease and fast approaching deaths render them useless and a burden in the eyes of the management?
  15. How far does Iskcon's responsibility go in the care of it's aging family? "Hard Landing"
  16. The Departure of HH Bhakti Tirtha Swami Provided by His disciples and caretakers. As you can see from the pics and description He is surrounded by loving disciples!
  17. Would you shop at these stores after they rip your home out from under you? Court's ruling OKed land grab for business like Target, Home Depot, CostCo, Bed Bath & Beyond
  18. Do you think the lawmakers will ever be the ones tossed out of their homes against their will? High court OKs personal property seizures
  19. Yes, Narayana Maharaj's translation of Bhagavad Gita is on that download page of books.
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